Kevin Costner Talks About Finding True Love After A Decade of Being A Bachelor

Published on 10/29/2018

To say that Kevin Costner has had quite the life is an understatement. After enduring a difficult divorce at the time that he was shooting to fame, the Dances With Wolves star has spent many years looking for the one. Rumor has it that the actor employed a trial and error method when it comes to romance. After going through several ups and downs in his personal life, has the actor finally found that special someone?

His First Love

Kevin Costner first met Cindy Silva when they were both attending college at the California State University at Fullerton. “She was beautiful, she was sweet, she was smarter than me. She represented everything about women that I like,” the actor explained back in 1989. The couple decided to walk down the aisle in 1978. The two were happily married for several years and they even welcomed three kids into the family: Annie, Lily, and Joe. Sadly, their relationship would not remain this blissful for a very long time.

His First Love

His First Love


Savoring The Single Life

During the 90’s, Costner spent most of his time as a single man who dated one girl after the other. It did not long before he earned a reputation for being an A-list ladies’ man. However, it seems like the Hollywood star has since changed. Did he finally find a woman to spend the rest of his life with?

Savoring The Single Life

Savoring The Single Life