After Katie Page and her husband got a divorce when she was in her early thirties, she could not help but feel lost in life. She had always wanted a family of her own, but how was she going to go about this now? It was a good thing she was always a go-getter. She took a leap of faith and everything changed…

Her Two Foster Children Had A Lot Of Things In Common But What Did It Mean?
Lost In The World
Katie Page is a woman who split up with her ex-husband when she was in her thirties. As you can imagine, it is challenging to go through that when you want a family of your own. The Alabama woman felt unfulfilled in life and wanted to make things right. It was unfortunate that she had no choice but to postpone her plans of starting a family. She clearly needed a new start, which is the reason she wanted to make a drastic change. She could not stand the way things were.

Lost In The World