These Guilty Dogs Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Out Loud

Published on 09/12/2018
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Hilarious Guilty Dog Pics Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

We all love dogs, and many of us are happy dog owners, at least most of the time. While they have the cutest puppy dog faces when they do wrong, it’s probably because they’ve gotten into some things they shouldn’t have when we were away. Who’s ever found their four-legged friend sitting completely still with that “it wasn’t me” face when all you wanted to do was make dinner and lay on the couch for an evening? Regardless of how angry you are at the moment, there’s always some part of us that forgives man’s best friend. We’ve put together some of the funniest guilty dog photos that you just have to see. If you’ve ever been in this situation, keep reading!

Some of the dogs in these photos have turned into professional hoarders, ripped socks apart, eaten garbage, torn through walls, and even eaten the Thanksgiving turkey or the raw barbecue for the evening! But none of the things in this list are really all that surprising since dogs have been getting into some “creative” antics for ages. Do you think they do it out of boredom, or are they really trying to help their owners with some remodeling around the house? Imagine being a dog and waiting for your owner to come home from work five days a week, eight or more hours a day… and then you’ll see that sometimes, a dog’s just gotta do what a dog’s gotta do. Plus, while we’re all able to verbalize our problems and issues, a dog can’t do that, so they take out their feelings on the stuff around the house like the pillow, the sofa, and the wall to your bedroom. They might be bored, or they might be little demons who are out to make your life miserable, depending on who you ask. Maybe they did intend to annihilate all the magazines and newspapers in the house with no remorse, or maybe they didn’t. It’s easy to tell when you see the look on these dogs faces. Sometimes they show intense remorse, and other times they avoid the truth that’s staring them blankly in the face! Either way, those puppy dog eyes are sure to make you forgive them for whatever shenanigans they’ve gotten into.

These pictures are some of the most hilarious situations that our best friends have gotten themselves into! They’re guaranteed to make you laugh out loud and many will remind you of the things that your dog has gotten into. Let’s get started!

Party Pups

Who are you inviting to your next party? These two dogs, of course! Silly string included with attendance. Clean up is not.

Silly Pups

Party Pups

Just Act Like Nothing Happened

The best thing to do when you have a sign on your neck explaining what you did wrong is to look as cute as possible and act like nothing happened, just like this dog here. The sign might be a little too detailed for our taste, but there are exceptions to every rule when explosive diarrhea is involved.

Nothing Happened

Act Like Nothing Happened

Doggie Paddle

Why do they call it the doggie paddle? Probably after this little guy right here! Can you tell he’s trying with all his might to stay above the water? He should be the leader of a swim class because that class would fill up quickly!

Look Ma Im Swimmin

Doggie Paddle

Stephen With A “Ph”

You’re in Starbucks getting your first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season when she asks your name, and you say Stephen with a “ph.” Yet, this time, like all the times, he spells it wrong and you can’t take that #PSL pic for Instagram. New gram post ruined, but at least the coffee is good.

Stephen With A Ph

Stephen With A “Ph”

Puppy Eyes

I’m guessing this dog now knows she was not supposed to pee all over the rug in the living room… just look at those precious doggie eyes! We’re ready to forgive her already.

Look Deep Into My Eyes

Puppy Eyes

I’m A Husky, Hear Me Roar

“So how did that new bark sound? Was it like a roar? It was like a roar, right? Because I’ve been practicing all night while you sleep. I’m sure you didn’t hear, since you were sleeping and all.”


I’m A Husky, Hear Me Roar

Toast Master

You’re toast!” This joke never gets old with all of the endless condiments we could add to this slice of bread. Peanut butter and jelly, cheese, maybe a dog biscuit or two… the possibilities are endless!

I Like Toast

Toast Master

Spish Splash

This dog has surely taken some swimming lessons, for better or for worse. This doggo is having a great time splashing in the waters, and that precious smile is one that we’re thankful to see today.

Spish Splash

Spish Splash

Hey Girl Hey!

Sun’s out! That means it’s time to get in that best lighting for a selfie! This adorable pic has us wishing we had a dog as cute as this one.

Oh. Heeeeey.

Hey Girl Hey

Shh… I’m Hiding

“You can’t see me if I can’t see you…” That’s how logic works, right? Sorry friend, but this game of hide and seek doesn’t work because somebody’s a little too big for their hiding spot.

Shhhh Im Hiding

Shhhh Im Hiding

Pizza Pizza!

Yum! We’re getting hungry just looking at this picture! Also, let’s look at that dog’s face staring at the pizza. It’s completely hilarious! Do you think he wants a slice of pizza too? That’s a definite yes.

I May Have A Slight Pizza Obsession

Pizza Pizza!

Dogs. Vs. Cats

Here we go again, the endless debate over cats and dogs. In this case, we’re giving the medal to the dog for his creative lie and for sticking to his guns. Nevermind the dirtied black paws. It was definitely the cat who dug up the garden.

It Was The Cat

Dogs Vs. Cats

I Regret Nothing!

We’re not exactly sure what’s on that doggo’s face, but it’s still probably the cutest thing we’ve seen in a while. And his smile after doing the dirty deed? That’s priceless!

I Regret Nothing

I Regret Nothing!


“Have you seen your bedroom yet? I left you some presents there too! I hope you’re not upset, I was just bored waiting for you to come home for ten hours and I needed something something to do to keep myself occupied.”

Proud So Proud


Pickpocket Doggie

That dog’s face looks like he knew what we was doing was wrong! And it’s just hilarious to see that he was trying to pickpocket on purpose. Whether or not he was going to take the $5 or borrow it, we’ll never know. That’s a smart dog, though!

Pickpocket Doggie

Pickpocket Doggie

I Want A Lawyer

“It was really cold when you left the house and I couldn’t adjust the thermostat with my paws so I made myself comfortable in this pillow. What, is something wrong?”

I Want A Lawyer

I Want A Lawyer

Mini Tornado

There’s always something our dogs get into when we’re away — even if we’ve made sure the doggie door is closed tight, they’ll always find a way out into the real world, pretending their a weatherman or heading straight for the toilet or garbage can. Dogs just always find a way.

Mini Tornado

Mini Tornado


“What? That? No, I didn’t do that? That was there when I got here. See! I’m innocent. Look at these eyes. They say innocent. I did nothing wrong. Why would I lie to you?”

Say What Now



“It was my favorite pillow and I wanted to show it some extra special luv by shredding it to pieces! Isn’t that how we always show our love? No?” This dog made a major mistake. Time to head to the pet store for a new pillow!

I Wov You


What Bed?

Next time you get that impulse to buy a new bed, definitely don’t do it. Your doggo might shred it to bits and give you a look that says, “What did I do wrong?” Maybe he was just trying to adjust the softness of the bed with a little nibble.

What Bed

What Bed

The Leftie

This must be the smartest dog on the planet! He knows to eat only the left shoe… of all the shoes! That way her owner could never leave the house! Can you imagine a pet this smart?


The Leftie

Say It Ain’t So

There’s one thing we can all agree is disgusting, and it’s that yellowish gunk that comes out of our ears. Leave it up to the canine species to want to eat them! Is there anything more disgusting he could be eating? Probably, but few things come as close as this.

You Dont

That’s Gross


Drinking 12 candy liquor bottles is never a good idea, no matter if you’re a human or a dog. Well, looks like it was this little friend’s first time trying the drink that we all love, and he’s not loving that hangover. Hang in there bud, and grab some Gatorade.



But Look How Cute I Am

It’s too bad we don’t know what got this doggie to show us his long face, but no matter what it was, we’re certain that he’s showing his remorse with this cute little precious face!

Sowwwy Mama

But Look How Cute I Am

Panda Bear Cuteness

Looks like this doggie knew exactly what he wanted to be for Halloween! A panda! He’s been eyeing that panda on the top shift and thinking of ways to get to it until he chomped off its face so perfectly that his own fit. This is literally too cute for words.

Panda Bear

Panda Bear

A Not So Thankful Thanksgiving

When the entire family is sitting around with their amazing Thanksgiving feast and the only thing the dogs get are some measly nibbles and treats, of course they’re going to grab those leftovers in the trash! Looks like they need a lesson in being thankful before going for the trash.



Two Peas In A Pod

These two dogs are best friends, or maybe they don’t get along too well. Either way, they have a certain way of doing things around here, and that involves some wrestling and some peeing. Typical dog stuff.

Solid Teamwork

Two Peas In A Pod


He knows it, and even the baby knows it. We’re thinking this cute duo should have stuck together and split the profits, but whatever the dog got into, the baby wants no part of. Poor doggo!



What Magazine?

“I was so nervous when you were gone that I started trying to read the newspaper! Then it looked really yummy, so I ate that, and the magazine, too. Come home early next time!”

Magazine What Magazine.

Magazine What Magazine.


“Nope, I was not rifling through the garbage can. I don’t know why you keep accusing me of that! This old thing? It’s my necklace. I found it in out back.”

Nope Wasnt Me.


Late Night Munchies

“Hey, those leftovers weren’t about to eat themselves! Besides, it’s really hot outside and I was just trying to cool off with a snack… So what if it’s the middle of the night!”

Uhh You Want Something From The Fridge

Late Night Munchies

Van Goughlden

Who ever said dogs can’t do art! Clearly, that person needs to see this wonderful pup’s paw-work, because it’s an absolute masterpiece! Or, it’s an absolute mess, depending on who’s cleaning up.

There Looks Better Now

Van Golden

I Was Just Trying To Help

When it’s construction season, who can blame the dog for trying to be a good helper! Good boy! Oops, was this the wrong door? Ruh-roh, me thinks this doggo made a mistake.

The Look Of Pride

Just Trying To Help

Me Love You Long Time

Well, with a face like this, whatever happened upstairs can’t really be that bad, right? I mean, let’s just make sure that this dog’s punishment for whatever happened up there isn’t too severe…

I Wuv You

Me Love You Long Time

Santa’s Little Helper

This is not the scene you want to wake up to on Christmas Day! Was it possible that there was an intruder that stole Christmas sugar cookies and  milk and knocked over the tree, or was it perhaps the guilty-looking dog? We’ll never know.

Oh Christmas Tree

Santa’s Little Helper

Sorry, Not Sorry

So the first part of his apology, we accept. The second part, we’re not as fond of. This dog is so cute, though… can we let it slide this time? Since people say this phrase so often, let’s let this cute little doggo get his chance to try it out, too.

Sorry Not Sorry

Sorry Not Sorry

Oh No You Didn’t!

Woah, Jerry needs to back off before he starts saying something he regrets! We did that expect that kind of attitude from a dog, but we’re gonna say Jerry deserved this one.

Uh Oh

Oh No You Didn’t!

How’s It Look?

It looks like this dog was absolutely not a fan of the wallpaper on the walls. The peach colored walls Underneath were a much better choice. Unfortunately, he didn’t finish the job, so it looks like he needs go get back to work! Out with the old, win with the new!

A Bit Of Redecorating

A Bit Of Redecorating

For Shame Sir

We’re not sure what sort of trouble this little guy got into, but he looks like he’s really sad about it… let’s forgive him anyways! With a cute little face like that smooshed up against the couch… how could you not?

For Shame Sir

For Shame Sir

Ahh, You’re Home Earlier Then I Thought

We know all this dog is thinking is, “Oops… I thought you would come home later…” At least this dog was able to lounge in the pillow for a while before he got in trouble.

Ahh Youre Home Earlier Then I Thought

Ahh, You’re Home Earlier Then I Thought


With a dog as cute as this, of course you have to let him on the couch! She’s looking up at the camera with her puppy dog eyes that get her anything she wants… and we’re sure if she was our dog we would give in too.




These two dogs have been through everything — coming home together, that first torn up pillow, chasing the first squirrel up a tree, and now, banding together to make sure that their best friend doesn’t get caught in the crime. That’s what best friends do, stick by your mate’s side against all odds.



Hard To Tell

Wow, this is a hilarious one. Dog on the left, ears perked and terse mouth. Likelihood of being guilty? Probably lower than the guy on the right, whose ears are slung back, eyes glistening, and a big frown. We’re gonna say this is a easy crime to solve.

Hard To Tell

Hard To Tell

Hedgehog Killer

“Why is this a problem? She sews them back on every time! That means I’m allowed to rip them off again, right? I’m just making sure Mama has a steady supply of toys to sew! I know she loves to do that, so I’m just helping out!”

Hedgehog Killer

Hedgehog Killer

Every. Morning.

If you think you don’t look exactly like this dog in the morning, then you’re lying to yourself. While some of us might assert that we wake up flawless, we really wake up looking lawless.

Every. Morning.

Every. Morning.


Aww… this poor dog is so ashamed of hoarding his dad’s sock that he won’t even look at his mom in the eye! We’re not crying, you’re crying. No, we’re crying too — from laughter.



I Didn’t See A Thing

Did you know that if you don’t look at the thing that makes you guilty, you’re innocent? That’s what this dog’s strategy, but we’re not sure if it would hold up in the hooman court of law.

I Didnt See A Thing

I Didn’t See A Thing


Can you see it? This dog is really smiling! After tearing up a flour bag! I’ve personally never tasted raw flour but I don’t imagine it tastes that great, so we’re not sure what he’s smiling about, but I suppose we’ll find out soon.




Isn’t it strange how dogs can be so similar to humans? Just like the hoarders on television, this Labrador has been hoarding his toys under a couch for years… that takes dedication! I’m really surprised that his owner never noticed; I guess they’ll be looking under the couches more often in their new home.



Eye Brows On Fleek

This dog here was just scrolling through instagram when she saw all the models with their amazing eyebrows so she did what dogs did and stepped up her game. Her eyebrows look better than mine!

Eye Brows On Fleek

Eye Brows On Fleek


Where’d all the dog food go? Why is the chicken missing from the fridge? Who pooped on the carpet? Where is the cat? Don’t bother asking this doggie because he has no clue. We love this photo.




This little guy is probably giggling because of all the fun he’s been having shredding boxes to death. What a cutie! How could that look not make your heart smile.



I Do Not Care

This big pug isn’t the least bit remorseful about the things he’s done… rolling in the mud and then trying to share the fun with his dad by kicking him in the face…. that’s right… the new #thuglife is #puglife.

I Do Not Care

I Do Not Care

Chicken Thief

We’re glad dogs can’t talk because if they could, they would undoubtedly be the worst liars ever. We wonder how many times this family’s house has been “broke in.”

Chicken Thief

Chicken Thief

I Can Explain

By the looks of this situation, it seems that the dog is absolutely not the culprit. Right… so let’s just take the cat into another room to ask what ~really~ happened. And let’s keep these two separated from now on.

I Can Explain

I Can Explain

Cookie Dough Bandit

Raw yeast dough neither looks appealing or smells appealing, so we’re only guessing that this dog thought their owner was baking cookies and not a new loaf of bread. He probably learned his lesson from the the projectile diarrhea and explosive farts. Ouch.

Cookie Dough Bandit

Cookie Dough Bandit

Dora The Explorer

Dora can be pretty annoying at times, in this cute doggo’s defense. Thankfully, the clear tear from the head would be easy to sew back up if the owner wanted to… just saying…

Dora The Explorer

Dora The Explorer

Garbage Duty

We’re not sure if you know this, but garbage is for eating, especially if you’re a dog. When later questioned about his mistake, this dog said, “I was just trying to help clean up the garbage and the bag split open, so I had to eat it!”

Garbage Duty

Garbage Duty

I Don’t Know Nothin’

“There’s nothing to see here… just another day… yup… This mess was just here when I got here! I’m glad I got here just in time to show you!”

I Dont Know Nothin

I Don’t Know Nothin’

Don’t Care

If you’re a dog owner, you might know that it’s important to hide your fast food and take out… because your dog will find the food and will consume as much as possible, and more.

Dont Care

Don’t Care

Guilty As Charged

We’re guessing this dog had a bit of a phobia with the tool at hand, and thanks to some excellent nibbling skills, now we won’t have to worry about that pesky… whatever that was… again.

Guilty As Charged

Guilty As Charged

Locksmith Needed

“But I was just taking a taste to make sure it was safe for you to eat! It’s not important that it was all the food… and now you have half a pizza and a big bill from the locksmith to thank me for it!”

Locksmith Needed

Locksmith Needed

Pointing Paws

Who’s the real bad guy here? The dog who ate the sandwich, or the dog who tattled on the one who was just a little hungry? We’re guessing they split the profits, but it looks like they both ended up doing the time.

Pointing Paws

Pointing Paws

Dog Technician

“The dishwasher didn’t seem to be working as it normally does so I just hopped right in to sniff around. Nevermind that I liked the mac and cheese from dinner clean, that was just my payment for services rendered.”

Dog Technician

Dog Technician

He’s Not Hungry

“No, he didn’t say that I ate all his dog food. He’s not hungry at all. Don’t trust him. In fact, I’ll just make sure he can’t spread those pesky lies anymore.”

Hes Not Hungry

He’s Not Hungry

I Freed The Feathers

“I can’t believe you’ve had those feathers trapped in that pillow for all that time! They needed some air. Next is the couch.”

I Freed The Feathers

I Freed The Feathers

I Was Worried

“What do you mean I’m not supposed to go through the trash? There was something in there that smelled a little funky and I just wanted to protect you from it!

I Was Worried

I Was Worried

It Was A Bad Article

It was a really bad article, Dad; like, a really… really… bad article. I just didn’t want you to see it! That’s why I tore it all up for you on the floor so you’d see how much of a good boy I was for helping you!

It Was A Bad Article1

It Was A Bad Article

It’s Only 2pm!

We were playing cowboys and Indians, of course! This doesn’t look questionable at all!

Its Only 2pm

It’s Only 2pm!

Taste The Rainbow

There’s a reason that humans are the alpha species in the world and dogs are our trusty side kicks: we know to not eat chalk or colored poop, and dogs like to remind us why.

Taste The Rainbow

Taste The Rainbow

Told You I Can’t Read

We’re guessing it wasn’t the officer who took this picture. Besides, it’s not like the dog can read or knew to not scratch the sign! Everyone is a little bit of a rule breaker at times.

Told You I Cant Read

Told You I Can’t Read

Blind Drunk

That looks like a good bottle of wine. Too bad the dog had too much of it to really appreciate the taste… he’s looking a little inebriated after that spill.

Blind Drunk

Blind Drunk

Tongue Test

Did you know a giraffe’s tongue is three feet long? Apparently, this dog’s tongue is also approximately three feet long whenever there’s peanut butter involved. That’s pretty impressive!

Tongue Test

Tongue Test

Cilantro Breath

We’re thinking this dog shaming moment is more about the humor than anything else. Eating stink bugs is a no-go in any dog owner’s book, but the breath smelling like cilantro isn’t such a bad thing. Besides, there are way worse things that a dog’s breath can smell like, and we’re grateful it’s none of those other other things.


Cilantro Breath

Cilantro Breath

I’m The Boss

This dog just wants everyone to know that no matter who is in the house, this dog’s always the boss — religious leader or not. More power to this dog for showing the priest whose house he was in!

Im The Boss

I’m The Boss

And It Was Delicious

Can you even eat six filet mignon steaks? Let’s be impressed with this dog before we reprimand this doggo for their bad behavior. Besides, I’m sure we would all jump at a chance to eat six filet mignon steaks if we had the opportunity!

And It Was Delicious

And It Was Delicious


It’s like they had a master plan to ruin the camping weekend. Dog 1 threw up on the doggie blanket, and Dog 2 rolled in some poop and jumped into the car. Let’s all be glad we didn’t go on that camping trip, too.



Perfect Work Record

There’s nothing like ruining your perfect work record with a dog that’s a little too friendly… with everything. Cleaning up after a skunk getting too close to our dog isn’t how we’d like to spend our first unexcused day off, but I guess we all have to start somewhere.


Perfect Work Record

Perfect Work Record

Nope, I Don’t Know A Thing

I’m not watching you, no; you’re watching you. Don’t give me that look! I haven’t done a thing! This dog’s face is absolutely priceless and we all now that there’s something they’re hiding behind that not-so-innocent look.

Nope I Dont Know A Thing

Nope, I Don’t Know A Thing


This dog is just ahead of the curve in making sure that her owner loves her poops just as much as she loves her! Could you imagine how much better scooping poop is when it sparkles? What? No?



Man, It Was Tasty

What are you talking about? Trash is delicious? Why do you humans keep calling it disgusting? You keep all the delicious extra foods in there that you won’t feed me anyway, what did you expect me to do?


Man It Was Tasty

Man It Was Tasty


This little one does look particularly sad about her mistake. I’m sure she was just trying to make sure the sheets smelled extra special good after they were taken out of the wash! We’re hoping this mistake doesn’t happen again.



Don’t Worry, I Fixed It

Mom, just look! I saw the monster approaching me, going in zig zags and all sorts of different odd directions and I attacked it! Aren’t you proud of me! No? What did I do wrong now?

Dont Worry I Fixed It

Don’t Worry, I Fixed It

Savage Dog

We’re guessing this little doggie did not like his aunt very much… or is eating your aunt a sign of really liking her? We’re not sure, but either way, this bad dog is really cute.

Savage Dog

Savage Dog

We Need New Walls

Wow, someone really needs to pay attention to this dog’s eating habits! Pro tip: if your dog isn’t eating, make sure you try different types of dog food before they start eating the wall. Bad dog, or bad owner?

We Need New Walls

We Need New Walls

Smooth, Dexter

What type of exorcism should we perform on a dog that decapitated the patron saint of animals? And how did he know to decapitate that saint, specifically? Something seems a little eerie in this dog’s eyes.

Smooth Dexter

Smooth Dexter


Wouldn’t it be nice if dogs could talk? That would have prevented this situation from happening. Imagine this little doggo coming up to you and politely asking for five dollars. Now in reality, instead what happened was he stole it and ate it. Because he’s a dog.



I’m Blue!

Oh no, looks like this fluffy dog was just trying to tell us he was feeling a bit blue. Though, we’re glad this one didn’t get their little mess on the furniture or all over the carpet. Still, we’ll have to wait and see if anything else comes out blue… ew!

Im Blue

I’m Blue!