Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are a fantastic source of protein, as they contain all nine amino acids to help the body absorb it properly. One of those amino acids, arginine, is beneficial for heart health. Also, hemp seeds have omega 3 fatty acids which aid heart health. These seeds also have no saturated fats, they only contain unsaturated fats with are healthy for the body. Finally, hemp seeds are rich with fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6.
A fat-free veggie, mushrooms make a delicious addition to many savory dishes. Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, they’re perfect for any healthy diet. They have antioxidants, potassium, B vitamins, and copper. As we’ve mentioned, potassium is essential for heart health and general health as well, making this superfood a must-have in any diet.