Time to talk about Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld’s masterpiece, the comedy of comedies, Seinfeld! We are here to dish the scoop on what really happened behind the scenes. From the real inspirations of characters to strange coincidences we cannot ignore, here’s everything fans must hear about the hit sitcom.
Goodbye Mr. Tierney
Initially, they wanted Lawrence Tierney to play Elaine’s father for the entire series. However, the cast was alarmed when Tierney took a knife from the set and hid it in his coat pocket. Once Jerry Seinfeld confronted the actor, Tierney tried to play it off as a joke and began acting out the famous Psycho scene. Jason Alexander commented on the incident saying, “I remember looking at Tom [Cherones], I remember looking at Julia [Louis-Dreyfus], and just going, this is, we’re in the land of the sick now. We’re in really scary territory.” Louis-Dreyfus said, “I’ll tell you something about Lawrence Tierney. He was a total nutjob.”

Goodbye Mr. Tierney
From Kessler To Kramer
During the pilot, Kramer was known as Kessler. In real life, Larry David’s former neighbor was named Kenny Kramer. Thus, David was nervous to use his actual name, but the actual Kramer relented. He agreed to $1,000 for the show to use his name in the series.

From Kessler To Kramer