Wear Your Words: T-Shirts That Speak For Themselves
This collection of hilarious t-shirts are bound to have you laughing out loud. You’ll also probably be wondering where you can find some for yourself? We’re wondering the same thing and would love to know when you find out. While some t-shirts clearly make a fashion statement, others simply fail. Fashion is definitely something personal for everyone and should allow for creativity. Yet, some of these attempts at creativity ended in a bit of a failure.
We’ve all come across someone wearing a t-shirt with a hilarious saying. Whether it be at the beach, the convenience store, while on vacation, or in the mall; we’ve all giggled to ourselves at the outrageous slogans and messages some t-shirts display. Happening upon a shirt with butchered English, or seeing a child wearing a t-shirt with an inappropriate saying is most commonly seen abroad, in countries where English is not the native tongue. These designers are just trying to make a living, can we really blame them for making a few mistakes on their apparel? While some mess-ups deserve just a quick laugh, others are quite disturbing.
Many children attend schools that have banned shirts with words because of the distracting elements and appliques. I personally went to a school that instated this rule, no outrageous t-shirts worn in my daily routine! But, I’ll never forget when I visited my grandma one summer and she brought home a shirt for me that read “bite me”! My mom did not approve, the shock on her face was evident, and I never saw that shirt again.
We have all seen the ever-so-popular “sibling slogan t-shirts”, aka “I’m a big sister”, “The baby of the family”, etc. Who wouldn’t want to buy their 2 year old a shirt that says “I’m the big brother” and their newborn a matching one that reads “I’m the baby brother”? How cute is that! Or the older couple in their 80’s with shirts that say “Help me find Carl” and “I’m Carl”. Those passing by not only get a good laugh but they can also help the adorable couple find one another when dementia kicks in. Hilarious t-shirts are a fond memory in everyone’s life, the outrageous fails shocked and continue to shock us day-in and day-out.
Why The Stereotype?
All blonde jokes aside, this student’s pink tee still gets the point across. Replacing e with an a is still readable, but maybe she needs to a take a spelling course.

Why The Stereotype?