20+ Uses For WD-40 You’ve Never Thought To Try

Published on 12/12/2018

Removing Ink Stains

Yea, I’m that person who puts a pen in my pocket and then completely forgets about it. And just my luck, the pen leaks blue ink all over my new pair of jeans. Fret no, there’s something to be done. Spray WD-40 on the ink stain and wipe it away in circular motions.

Removing Ink Stains

Removing Ink Stains


Cleaning Dog Poop

Ugggh! Dog poop on your shoe is simply awful. There’s no easy way to get rid of it… or is there? Spraying WD-40 under your shoe will loosen the mess up and make it easier to wash off. My advice, just don’t step in dog poop.

Cleaning Dog Poop

Cleaning Dog Poop