Kelly Stables (Melissa)
Do you remember Alan’s old secretary who was dating Charlie for some time before dating Alan? Before playing Melissa, Kelly voiced Will Vandom in W.I.T.C.H. She played Rachel in Horrible Bosses 2, alongside Charlie Day and Jason Bateman, Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis. Oh and she played Eden in The Exes show for four years. Now, she plays Kate Marshall in the comedy show Malibu Dan the Family Man.

Kelly Stables (Melissa)
Jenny McCarthy (Courtney Leopold)
Perhaps, you remember when Jenny McCarthy played the con-artist ‘Courtney’ who was dating Alan. She even conned Charlie after being released from prison. Anyway, this ex-playboy bunny was widely known before her guest role on the show. Actually, you probably know that she had her own show during the 90’s. Anyway, she played her self in Return of the Mac, a show about Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block. Obviously, she starred alongside her husband Donnie Wahlbery in the show, since he is the founding member. Besides her acting career, many know her for speaking out against vaccinations.

Jenny McCarthy (Courtney Leopold)