Why did Jaws give us all the same eerie feeling about the ocean? It was our fears of those unimaginable creatures lurking below the surface that fuel our curiosity more. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite strange creatures of the deep that will seem as if they came out of your nightmares and have you scratching your head in disbelief.
Our first creature looks as if the imagination of a science fiction writer came to life. One would have to take numerous charter services to maybe catch a glimpse of this guy once in their lifetime. If you tried to hide from this fish when you found it, well you can’t. The Barreleye gets its name from its ability to see in almost any direction as its eyes can move 360 degrees. Its fair to say if you’re caught by a Barreleye he’ll find a way to swallow you up. Ya, they consume their pray in one massive gulp, whole. Now you’re thinking, next flight out of here I’m on it.

Giant Isopod
If you start sweating and getting uncomfortable when you see big insects like centipedes and roaches, run. The Giant Isopod is every creepy crawly combined into one…and giant. Although it’s habitat is far below our accessible depths and far from our shores in the waters of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Circle, it still gives us the shivers. They are bottom feeders and due to the extreme pressure difference that far down, these creatures suffer from a form of ‘gigantism’ whereas near our level they would much smaller than the 2.5 foot recorded ones. Just reeling one of these in on a deep sea fishing trip would still horrify anyone.

Giant Isopod