Truth be told, no one sits around thinking about how their organs do what they do on a daily basis. Why would we when we have better things to do and fret over (like eating chocolate and watching Grey’s Anatomy). Thing is, there is one organ in particular that works overtime continuously and we don’t even think about it. Our eyes. The human eye is especially unique and very powerful, even if we don’t realize it. Click through for proof of just how powerful the human eye really is.
Brown Eyes are Blue Actually
Calling all brown eyed folk to kick start this list. Turns out that your brown eyes are technically blue because ~all~ brown eyes are blue underneath the pigment, weird but true. There is also a laser procedure that can permanently turn your brown eyes blue. Freaky.

Brown Eyes Are Blue Actually.
Those who have heterochromia are usually born with the disorder. Heterochromia is a mutation which changes the melanin level of each eye, giving you two different colored eyes. A few famous people who have such a mutation include David Bowie, Henry Cavill, Jane Seymour, Robert Downey, Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, and Kate Bosworth.

Look Deep into My Eyes
Yup, humans and dogs have this fact in common. We are the only species out there which seeks visual cues from another individual’s eyes. However dogs only do this with humans and no other creatures.

Look Deep Into My Eyes.
Always Active
Here’s the thing, other body parts do take time to technically “warm up” to their full potential. Whereas, your eyes are always, always active, that does mean 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Always Active.
World Traveler
Over the span of an average lifetime, the human eye will see over 24 million different images. Makes absolutely no difference if you have never left the city you were born in or travel frequently, your eyes see more than you’re able to fully register.

World Traveler.
A lifetime worth of eyelashes measures HOW MUCH?!
Here’s a very weird, kind of icky fact, if were you to collect a lifetime worth of eyelashes, it would actually measure a length of over 98 feet! And consider this, the average human eyelash only grows to a quarter long, like the length of the pinky finger.

A lifetime worth of eyelashes measures HOW MUCH?!
Backwards and Upside Down
The images of which our eyes send directly to our brains are actually sent in the way we don’t think. They are sent backwards and upside down. Although we see everything clearly and the right way up, our brain interprets it the opposite. Freaky.

Backwards And Upside Down
Your eye is the fastest muscle in your body
This fact is a take on the age old classic saying, “in the blink of an eye.” Basically, your eyes are actually ~the~ fastest muscle in your body. The blinking of an eye is known as a nimish and according to modern mathematical calculations, one nimish is 0.2133 seconds. Whoa.

Your Eye Is The Fastest Muscle In Your Body.
One Rule
You know the phrase, “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye”? That saying derives from Ancient Rome, which is something you probably knew but here’s the weird and ironic part. The ONE and only rule the Ancient Romans adhered to during any intense wrestling Gladiator fights was, “No eye gouging.” Go figure, eh?

One Rule.