NBC’s hit Western, Bonanza is one of the greatest shows in television history. After fourteen seasons, audiences parted ways with the Cartwrights and the rest of the crew in 1973. Of course, most know that this 1860s Western gained critical acclaim. So, we’re here to share the crucial stuff: all of the behind the scenes Bonanza tidbits and tension you had no idea about…
The Meaning Behind The Name
Perhaps, you never knew but “Bonanza” is miners slang for ore or just a large mineral deposit. Basically, Bonanza means jackpot. Thus, the show is named after the Comstock Lode the Cartwrights lived adjacent to. Therefore, the jackpot was all that silver was conveniently next to their ranch. In real-life, a bonanza was found very close to the actual location of the Cartwright’s ranch! What a weird coincidence.

The Meaning Behind The Name
Cartwright Curse
No female character survived beyond a few episodes! Female characters left town or died shortly after being introduced. We never even met any of the three wives Pa, Ben Cartwright, had prior to the show’s start! Actor Michael Landon (Little Joe) loved this bizarre tradition, claiming the family was cursed. At least someone found character deaths entertaining!

Cartwright Curse