There are certain parts of life that we just don’t know anything about, so much so that not even the world’s greatest scientists can provide us with answers. From sleep to water to a cat’s purr to UFOs, the mysteries are endless. Take a look at the mysteries we rounded up that scientists have no answers for.
Why do we need sleep?
We know that we need between 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night in order to function like normal people and not zombies. But why? Well scientists don’t ~really~ know. The leading theory in the scientific community is that we sleep in order for ‘brain maintenance’ to occur.

Why Do We Need Sleep
The Act of Yawning
We know that the act of yawning symbolizes two things, fatigue and boredom, however, no one knows why we yawn. There are plenty of theories on the matter but no concrete answer. Some say it’s due to lack of oxygen flow but no one actually knows.

The Act Of Yawning