JAG Stars
We all remember JAG, which came before the famous NCIS. So, if you’re missing Harm, Mac and the rest of the gang, you’ve come to the right place. Thanks to the show’s creator, Dan Bellisario, we enjoyed 10 lovely season, but it’s time to look back at this show, which was canceled in 2005. Let’s see where the stars ended up and who is dating who!
In case you need some background, the amazing show JAG aired from 1995 until 2005. It remains one of television’s most influential shows. So with plenty of time since that dramatic series finally with the coin flip determining where Harm and Mac would end up, we thought we would check back in with the stars. After their time on JAG, it’s time to see where they flew off to!
JAG stands for Judge Advocate General, which essentially tells you the essence of the show. Yes, it revolved around criminal activity and how the justice system handles it. Well, more specifically, JAG was about the judicial court in reference to America’s navy. We watched characters like Mac, or more formally, Sarah McKenzie (played by Catherine Bell) and Harmon Rabb or Harm (played by David James Elliott) as they worked their way up in the military legal system. Of course, Mac and Harm also had a steamy romance!
Between the writing and amazing cast, the show was destined for success. Perhaps, that’s why fans cannot stop talking about reboots and a possible film. While we cannot promise any new JAG productions, we are able to tell you where your favorite stars wound up. Of course, we need to catch you up on huge stars like Catherine Bell and David James Elliott and even Karri Turner. You may be surprised to hear who quit acting, who continued working in Hollywood and all those cast members you totally forgot got their big break on the show!
David James Elliot
From playing Captain Harmon, aka Harm, on JAG, Elliot then starred in The Man Who Lost Himself with wife and JAG costar, Nanci Chambers. Afterwards, this talented actor starred in Canadian shows like, Close to Home and The Guard. You can also find Elliot in CSI and Trumbo as John Wayne.

David James Elliott