Do we even need to tell you who Oscar winner Marisa Tomei is? She’s starred in countless films and even made appearances on shows like Seinfeld. This is not just her secret weigh loss program, but everything from her big break to marriage preferences. We have gathered all the crucial info on Marisa Tomei including her start and most talked about romances. This Brooklyn native, born December 4, 1964 grew up surrounded by Broadway shows and high-profile actors. So let’s hear what this artistic atmosphere inspired in Marisa Tomei!
Humble Upbringing
With a name like that, you could probably guess she comes from an Italian family. Her loving grandparents helped raise her alongside her parents. Her parents are Gary and Addie Tomei. Gary Tomei’s family came from Calabria, Tuscany and Campania, while her mother’s family was from Tuscany and Sicily. Her father practiced law as a trial attorney, and her mother taught English. Marisa even explored her ancestry on a television show, but we’ll get to that later, along with her take on a weight loss program.

Humble Upbringing
Runs in the Family
Marisa and her brother, Adam, got along famously as children. Even though Adam acts as well, there is no competitiveness between them. The two remain close as they continue to pursue their mutual passion. Since 1994, Adam starred in many movies such as Independence Day, The Truman Show, Lovelace and Fight. Sister Marisa beams with pride when reflecting on Adam’s accomplishments. So did this very talented family breed actors from day one? That’s not quite the case actually.

Runs in the Family