TikTok has become a go-to source for short-form video, and it’s become a hugely popular method to obtain entertainment in bite-sized chunks. However, don’t assume that just because the concept is easy, the app will be as well.
Under the hood of everyone’s favorite social media video platform, there are a surprising number of capabilities. Here are seven TikTok features you may or may not be aware of, but which can help you tailor your experience on the platform and refresh your admiration for the app.

The Best TikTok Features To Personalize Your Experience In-App
Seeing Following Vs. For You Videos
If you’re a regular TikTok user, you’re probably already familiar with one of the app’s most powerful customizing tools. You may toggle between seeing videos from users you follow at the top of the TikTok Home screen and films handpicked by TikTok’s algorithm, which tries to predict which videos you’ll like based on your viewing patterns. To move between the two viewing modes, simply tap Following or For You.
Find Other Videos That Use The Same Effect
From green screens to dynamic backgrounds to facial masks, TikTok features hundreds of visual effects. When you see a video with a cool effect, it’s easy to find other videos with the same effect. The effect’s name displays in the video’s lower left corner; press it to see search results for that effect.
Use A Song From Another Video In Your Own TikTok
Because TikTok is all about remixing other people’s work, you can utilize noises and music from other videos in your own. Tap the spinning disc in the lower right if you see a video with music you’d want to utilize in your own. You’ll find a list of videos that use the same audio in this section. Tap Use this sound at the bottom of the page to add it to your own video.
Create A Duet Or Stitch Video
If you’ve spent any time on TikTok, you’ve probably seen videos where users appear side-by-side with other videos or comment on the original video. They’re simple to manufacture. Tap the Share button to make a Duet or Stitch video (the right arrow). You’ll see a Duet or Stitch button in the bottom row of the pop-up if the video’s producer allows it. Record your video as usual by tapping Duet or Stitch.
Control Your Privacy
Not everyone aspires to be a TikTok celebrity. You can limit who can see your account if you only want to make movies for friends and family. At the bottom right, tap Profile, then the three-line menu at the top right. Select Settings and privacy from the pop-up menu. Select Privacy. Two key controls can be found here:
– Create a private account. Swipe the button to the right to enable Private Account. You’ll have to approve any new followers now, or else people will be able to watch your movies without your consent.
– Make sure your account isn’t showing up in search results. You don’t need to make your account private to have some privacy control; simply tap. Suggest your account to others, then use the buttons to control how much TikTok recommends your account to your friends and contacts.
Tell TikTok Which Videos You Don’t Like
The majority of users feel that TikTok does an excellent job at figuring out what kinds of videos you like and then feeding you more of them. You can, however, take matters into your own hands, especially if you’re creating an account for a younger user and want to be selective about which videos display.
To begin, long touch on any TikTok video that displays on the app’s For You Page and pick Not interested from the resulting menu to “dislike” it. When you dislike a video, you’re telling the app that you don’t want to see more like it, which can help the app adapt the feed to your preferences.
Restricted Mode is another tool for more control, as it limits the feed from proposing videos that are potentially improper. At the bottom right, tap Profile, then the three-line menu at the top right. Select Settings and privacy from the pop-up menu. Go to Digital Wellbeing and select it. Turn on Restricted Mode by tapping Restricted Mode. To use this function, you’ll need to enter a passcode.
Get Analytics About Your Videos
You don’t have to be a social media influencer to want to know how many people are watching your videos, and TikTok makes analytic information available for free. It’s concealed beneath the Business Account function, which may have piqued your interest because it sounds like a paid subscription service. It’s not the case.
Tap Profile at the bottom right, then the three-line menu at the top right, to switch it on and see data about the popularity of your videos. Tap Settings and privacy in the pop-up menu. Tap Manage Account, then Switch to Business Account in the Account Control section.