The Funniest Animal Photobombs You Have Ever Seen

Published on 03/03/2017

First of all, it makes no difference if it’s cats, dogs, turtles, horses, or hippos – the photos we’ve complied are proof that any animal species is the King or Queen of photobombs. Get ready, from spoiled wedding pictures to animals photobombing animals, this assortment is guaranteed to have you laughing out loud.

Ah, Nuts

It’s only the beginning and we have not only a hilarious photobomb, but a seriously cute one too! Although we’re not entirely sure who is photobombing who. Is it the squirrel? Or the humans in the background? That is yet to be determined!

Ah Nuts

Ah Nuts

Bad Day

Trust us, you haven’t had a bad day until a horse decides to stick his head inside of your car…uninvited of course. Just take this kid for example! Although we’re pretty sure he’s not so happy with this turn of events.

Bad Day

Bad Day


Okay, okay. THIS has got to be the cutest, most wonderful animal photobomb we have ever laid eyes on! And we’re only just getting started, folks. But don’t fool yourself, this is picture perfect in every definition of the word.



Car Rides Are Fun

Make the most out of every car ride, like this guy and the moose photobombing his what-would-have-been a bland photo. Guys, are we the only ones to notice that their smiles match? Like really match!

Car Rides Are Fun

Car Rides Are Fun

Car Selfie

No car selfie will ever be complete without your four legged best friend butting into the picture. And if you have never had a doggie to do this, well it looks something similar to the photo below. Classic!

Car Selfie

Car Selfie


Not only did this camel photobomb this lady’s selfie but he also decided to bite her head. For whatever reason! There could be a number of reasons, ones that we won’t spend time uncovering either. Just let your imagination run wild.



Cow Bomb

Yes, that is a cow photobombing the picture of a horse stuck in a fence. Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say, or in this case, write. However there is a first time for everything, now isn’t there?

Cow Bomb

Cow Bomb

Dat View

When all you want is to take a photo of the view but your dog has other plans. ~Sigh.~ Well it could have been much worse, your dog could have pulled some ridiculous face.

Dat View

Dat View

Don’t Forget To Smile

Welp, we can clearly see who is the more photogenic of these two. Although we’re still trying to figure out how the hamster got onto the camera – it doesn’t make sense but we won’t get hung up on figuring it all out. Let the magic live!

Dont Forget To Smile

Don’t Forget To Smile

Family Photo

What? You didn’t really think that you could snap the perfect family photo without the family dog, now did you? If so, you’re in deep trouble, mister!

Family Photo

Family Photo


Err, we assume that the dog in the background is just getting ready to catch a Frisbee or something. Let’s not make it something it isn’t! You know, like a crazy flying dog. What? Was I the only one to think of such madness? Whoops.



Finding Dory 2

Forget Finding Nemo, this is part two! The search for Dory is over. And yes, before you ask, Dory really is smiling. No really, look closely!

Finding Dory 2

Finding Dory 2

Good One

Yup, even dogs get jealous. The corgi was just showing his pearly whites for the photo but the pug had other ideas. Ahh, nothing like sibling rivalry.

Good One

Good One

Group Hug

Come on, ladies. When you show up to swimming lessons or whatever at the beach, the animals who call the area home are going to pop in and say hello. Especially for the perfect photo op.

Group Hug

Group Hug

Happy VS Not Happy

Has anyone ever pointed out how evil cats can get? Just use this photo as reference that dogs are so much better – but don’t tell you where you go it from. I don’t need anymore hate mail!

Happy VS Not Happy

Happy VS Not Happy

Hear Me Roar

HA! That camel has quite the sense of humor. What? He does. And it perfectly completes the photo!

Hear Me Roar

Hear Me Roar

Hey Buddy

Pretty sure this guy just wanted a normal photo but what he got is just GOLD. Way better than what he originally intended.

Hey Buddy

Hey Buddy

I Do Too

Wedding photographers have something called a “BOOM” shoot – basically, it’s the perfect photo that has all the pizzazz the newlyweds could have ever hoped for. This photo however…is not such a photo. This is more of a blooper.

I Do Too

I Do Too

I Spy Dinner

Oh man! The look on that dog’s face is comical. So completely comical that my sides are actually hurting from how long and hard I just laughed.

I Spy Dinner

I Spy Dinner

Llama Bomb

Come on now, you didn’t that previous dog photobomb was the best we could do? This is a llama bomb – a brand new kind of take on the classic photobomb.

Ilama Bomb

Llama Bomb


Wait. What in the world are we looking at right now? Just a dog photobombing, and crashing into, another dog of course! Didn’t think such things could happen? Think again.



It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane…

Now here’s a cat that is clearly defying gravity! Watch out, Elphaba, your match has arrived. And this kitty doesn’t need a broomstick to fly, either.

Its A Bird Its A Plane...

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane…

Kit Kat

So it turns out that the dog totally missed the mark on the whole “look gracefully out into the distance.” But that’s exactly what makes this picture so much better.

Kit KAt

Kit Kat

Kitty Boom

Oh man, that cat was completely caught unawares when this photo was taken! Just look at the shock on his-her wittle face, it’s perfect. No really, it’s perfect!

Kitty Boom

Kitty Boom


The one word I think when I see this photo is “majestic.” That dog looks so graceful while the elephant appears wise. It’s that combination that makes this photo the essence of perfection.



Move Over, Girls

No more “hey is for horses” or “Mr. Ed” jokes, this horse is headed for greener pastures. Oh. See what we did there? Sorry, we just had to!

Move Over Girls

Move Over Girls

Nothing To See Here

Told you that cats were evil. Just look at this cat! He, or she, completely ruined the happy couple’s wedding photo. I just hope the wedding photographer noticed it quickly because if they all look like this, that photographer is done for.

Nothing To See Here

Nothing To See Here

Oh Hey

Not gonna lie, that has got to be the most photogenic ostrich we have ever laid eyes on. Right? Right.

Oh Hey

Oh Hey

Part Of The Fam

Well we can’t blame the horse for wanting to be a part of this fun family! He just fits in perfectly, now doesn’t he? Don’t pretend like you don’t see it too.

Part Of The Fam

Part Of The Fam


If you are ever unsure if your cat is plotting to kill you, just refer to this photo. He most definitely is and there is nothing purr-fect about that whatsoever. It’s actually pretty terrifying.



Scuba Fantastic

As if you needed more of a reason to try scuba diving! Let’s just hope that you only encounter cute little animals like the one in the photo below. And not, you know, sharks and such. Just sayin’.

Scuba Fantanstic

Scuba Fantastic


When you go to an aquatic park, don’t be surprised if events such as the following occur. Although not all hippos like this one are so open, bubbly, and ready for a photo opportunity.



Swimming Trip

That right there is probably the greatest turtle we have ever seen! He’s not only adorable, what with his photobomb and little smile, but no. Yeah that’s everything that is perfect about this photo.

Swimming Trip

Swimming Trip


Remember when we said how you can tell if your cat is plotting to kill you – yeah, use this photo as reference instead. And then, yah know, run for the hills!



The Favorite

We hate to assume this but it seems as though the dog is clearly the favorite in this photo? Unless that cat is just some random stranger walking by? Too much of a coincidence? Maybe.

The Favorite

The Favorite

Well Done

When not even the giraffe likes your boyfriend, then it’s time to ditch him and get a new one. Like yesterday. The signs are all there, girl, you need to accept them!

Well Done

Well Done

What About Me?

Aw, the dog just wanted to be included in the photo and who can blame him? He’s adorable! Although the cat doesn’t look impressed whatsoever. Whoops, can’t please everyone, now can you?

What About Me

What About Me?

You Think He Can See Me?

We’re gonna go out on a wild limb and answer that question with “No.” Looks like it’s not just the millennials who are obsessed with their phones, cameras, and photos captured.

You Think He Can See Me

You Think He Can See Me?


Well not only did this group shot not think about all the leaves everywhere but they clearly forgot about the sloths roaming about. Huh, talk about a photobomb.

Youuu Whooooo


Zooming In On Life Like…

If the wedding photographer didn’t zoom into this photo, one could have just assumed that the white in the background was just from the chairs at the ceremony. But they would have been so, so wrong.

Zooming In On Life Like...

Zooming In On Life Like…

Hay Is For Horses

All the horse wanted was to be a part of the picture and looking at those pearly whites, we can very clearly see why! It just completes the picture, don’t you think?

Hay Is For Horses

Hay Is For Horses

Now This Is How You Selfie

When your cat photobombs your selfie, you might want to rethink your whole photo taking game. No, really. Cats don’t do anything at random. They’re incredibly calculated little devils.

Now This Is How You Selfie

Now This Is How You Selfie


No wedding album is ever complete without a photobomb, right? Just take a look at this cat who decided to join the ladies! Purr-fect!

Purr Fect

Purr Fect

Duck Face

Hold up. How did that duck know just when to enter the picture? I mean, ducks are wickedly smart and I suppose I never stopped to think about just how smart they really are! Well done, little guy.

Duck Face

Duck Face


Uhh, that looks like one very hungry cat! And it’s just as hilarious as it is terrifying. Don’t let the claws win!



Not An Important Speech

Oh, were you saying something important? Cause I don’t think anyone noticed, actually. The only thing anyone cares about is the adorable whale behind you, sorry not sorry.

Not An Important Speech

Not An Important Speech

Fee Fi Fo Fom

Yup, the next time someone tells me that millennials are the only ones obsessed with taking photos and not just enjoying the moment – they’ll get shown THIS photo. Take that.

Fee Fi Fo Fom

Fee Fi Fo Fom

Okay Now Make A Silly Face

Out of all the poses that the cameraman asks, the “silly” is my absolute favorite. Looks like the little doggie agrees!

Okay Now Make A Silly Face

Okay Now Make A Silly Face

Look Up

So when you’re at the zoo, you should really pay attention to your surroundings. You just never know what you’re gonna miss. Take the gorilla in the background for instance. Yeah, those are the kinds of views you’ll miss!

Look Up

Look Up

Seal Yah

Are my eyes deceiving me or is that a seal photobombing a group of penguins? Oh man, now I really have seen it all! Or have I?

Seal Yah

Seal Yah


Pretty sure the horse in the front wishes the one in the back would stop [snicker, snicker] horsing around. HAHAAH. Sorry guys, but that joke was just meant to be.




Anyone looking for a new pose when taking a selfie? Take your cues from this adorable kangaroo and you’ll be just fine. Or don’t, that’s your preoperative.




First of all, Spikey, the pufferfish, really did just photobomb your underwater photo. Second, that has just got to be the ultimate animal burn, just has to be!



Big Smiles

Guess even the cat knew that if he wanted to be part of the photo, he had to smile. And big! CHEEEESSSSSEEEEE. 10/10 for cuteness.


Big Smiles

Forget The Selfie

You know what, don’t just forget the selfie but any photo taking you had planned. Cause it looks like nature is working against you! Literally.

Forget The Selfie

Forget The Selfie


Don’t just pay attention to the giraffes, be sure to notice the ostrich too. It’s working really hard to get your attention so yah know, give him a break.



Works Good Mom

Basically when your mom calls and asks how work is, just send her this photo. Nothing out of the ordinary here, folks. Just your typical office life.

Works Good Mom

Works Good Mom


What in the world is happening in this photo? No seriously. I just cannot accept that the horse is striking a silly pose right now. It’s just too much!



Wedding Pose

Meerkat? Ferret? Whatever the critter is, he just really wanted to wish the bride and groom the very best in their future! And of course, snapping a photo with the newlyweds is a given. Just not how they intended though.

Wedding Pose

Wedding Pose


If this isn’t photoshopped then we don’t know what to think. Like at all. A whale photobombing a bird, or seagull, is beyond even our wildest imagination.




Nothing to see here. Just a fish photobombing a fellow swimmer. Although this swimmer looks different than all the other fish in the sea.



I Do

Now this is the kind of photobomb that dog lovers live for. And on top of it all, he’s not even ruining the photo!

I Do

I Do

Typical Tourist

Just a tourist doing touristy things. Taking classic photos and chatting with the locals. Oh, the bird? That’s just part of the local charm.

Typical Tourist

Typical Tourist


That little lizard just has the most gorgeous smile! Until the cat turns around, then it all goes to h-e-double-l. Until next time, little guy! Don’t let the cat bully you around.



Bridal Party

He’s just horsing around, no need to worry. Now if this is your favorite photo from the wedding, you can just photoshop him out! But, come on, it’s authentic and he’s even smiling! Why ruin the moment?

Bridal Party

Bridal Party

Under The Sea

We understand that this human does not actually have a fish head for its own head. However that does not make it any less…weird. You know?

Under The Sea

Under The Sea

The Perfect Swoop

Well, it could have been so much worse. The bird could have pooped on you, not just photobombed your photo. On your wedding. Just count your blessings!

The Perfect Swoop

The Perfect Swoop

Look At Me, Ma!

Don’t pay attention to my brother in the background, he’s just digging. It’s nothing special. Look at me, Ma! Look at me!

Look At Me Ma

Look At Me, Ma!

Hey Gurl

Now that’s a husky with character! And the Labrador hasn’t even noticed yet, give him a minute and maybe he will.

Hey Gurl

Hey Gurl

Dog-gone It

Hmm, in this case, we’d have to say that the human is photobombing the dog. He’s just sitting there, panting away, minding his own business when this lady comes out of nowhere! Rude.

Dog Gone It

Dog Gone It

Say Yes!

While the hippo may not look entirely thrilled about this guy’s proposal, we’re sure he’s thinking, “She best say yes!” And what a moment to have forever captured on camera too.

Say Yes

Say Yes

Kitty Kat

Not gonna lie, the cat in the background looks like a jerk. But then again, isn’t that all cats? [Now I’ll have all the cat lovers sending me hate mail, sorry guys but it’s true!]

Kitty Kat

Kitty Kat


One cat looks majestic as can be. Whereas the other cat looks, well, it definitely doesn’t look majestic. But what I really want to know is: why does it look the goofy cat is taking a selfie?!



Helicopters Aren’t Cool, But I Am

What could possibly be cooler than me? The helicopter? You’ve seen that many times in the movies, it’s no big deal. Me on the other hand, well I’m pretty darn special.

Helicopters Arent Cool But I Am

Helicopters Aren’t Cool, But I Am

Don’t Cry!

We’re not sure why she’s crying, that little fella just came over to say hello! Don’t even think about Steve Irwin, it’s irrelevant. Kind of.

Dont Cry

Don’t Cry!

Hey Kid

Now here is a beluga whale who can pretty much call himself the king of photobomb. He has executed this maneuver so well. And he looks good on camera. It’s a win-win all around.

Hey Kid

Hey Kid

Selfie? What Selfie?

Before taking a selfie, always make sure your cat is nowhere near you. They are known to be attention seekers sometimes. Usually when they want something from you.

Selfie@ What Selfie@

Selfie? What Selfie?

Nothing To See Here, Folks

No one cares about your PDA, guys. I have just made this picture ions better, no one needs another photo of you kissing. Trust me, you’ll thank me for this one day.

Nothing To See Here Folks

Nothing To See Here, Folks

Say Cheese!

Seems to me that this horse has had a lot of practice taking selfies. He’s either a millennial or just has extensive practice taking selfies. Either way, for shame!

Say Cheese

Say Cheese!

Beary Nice To Meet You

As usual, only the girl in this photo is aware of her surroundings. Way to pay attention, kid. Although you did kind of ruin the photo. Oh well. Could be worse.

Beary Nice To Meet You

Beary Nice To Meet You

Scary Movie 10

“It’s…it’s right behind me, isn’t me?” Man, that cat just won’t let up! This poop doggie probably has had enough of this four legged feline ruining his cute photos.

Scary Movie 10

Scary Movie 10

Self Timer

When you put the camera on the self timer, be prepared for instances like this one to occur. Especially if you have a pet in the house. They get jealous easily.

Self Timer

Self Timer

Web Camera

Thanks to the railway station in northwest Wales for capturing this photo! Although I don’t think that was their intention. In any case, the bird surely stole the show!

Web Camera

Web Camera

Hey! Look At Me!

Admit it, the dog totally made this picture 100 times better. However we’re sure those two ladies hadn’t meant for that to happen.

Hey Look At Me

Hey! Look At Me!


Photos like the one just prove that animals are way better at photobombing than anyone else. Humans included.