Some of the Most Fascinating and Unique Things You’ll Find in Alaska That You Won’t Believe Existed

Published on 11/30/2023

Some of the Most Fascinating and Unique Things You’ll Find in Alaska That You Won’t Believe Existed

Alaska is undeniably one of the most captivating and distinctive locations in the United States. Its culture, way of life, and breathtaking landscapes are absolutely captivating. If you have a passion for skiing and mountain biking, this might be just the place to inspire you to settle down and embark on new adventures. Alaska derives its name from the Aleut term “Alyeska,” which translates to “mainland.” As the 49th state of America, it stands out with its impressive array of over a hundred volcanoes and more than 3 million natural lakes that remain nameless. Here’s a compilation of some fascinating facts about Alaska.

0° is the new summertime

Most people enjoy beach time, but for Alaskans, it’s quite unfamiliar. This amusing sign reminds everyone that summer has arrived, urging them to make the most of the beach and remember their sunscreen.

0° is the new summertime

Is it possible for people to have fun at the beach in freezing temperatures of 0°C with icy waters? Regrettably, Alaska is not the ideal destination for beach outings since it is considered the coldest state in the United States. Its average temperature is -2.7 °C and can drop as low as -34 °C during the winter season.

Donkey watches a crew or wants to order some Mcdonald’s?

It’s enjoyable to work at McDonald’s because you witness the enthusiasm when customers make their orders. It brings satisfaction when you have a craving for nuggets. Amidst the hustle of order preparation, unexpected situations may arise.

Donkey watches a crew or wants to order some Mcdonald’s

It’s unexpected to witness a donkey inspecting the McDonald’s service counter. Is it in need of some French fries, or simply intrigued by the buzz? We can’t discern. Perhaps this inquisitive creature simply desires to sample a big mac and fries.

There’s nothing that can shake us

It is crucial to possess the ability to repair the destruction caused by earthquakes in Alaska, as there is a constant need to mend road fissures. Fortunately, the state is blessed with skilled professionals who excel in their respective fields.

There’s nothing that can shake us

In 2018, a powerful 7.1 earthquake hit the state, causing significant damage to various roadways. Repair crews quickly mobilized and efficiently restored the roads, as depicted in the accompanying image. Unfortunately, Alaska is susceptible to earthquakes due to the annual pressure exerted by the Pacific Plate.

Living here is so taxing

If you believed that living in Alaska was inexpensive compared to residing on the mainland, you are mistaken. Interestingly, acquiring a mansion on the mainland is priced at approximately $200,000, whereas a house in Alaska comes with a price tag of around $330,000.

Living here is so taxing

The reason behind the high cost of most products, including labor and building materials, is the necessity of hiring professionals to remove moose and bear from the land before starting any work. Therefore, if you are considering moving to the area, it is advisable to be financially prepared.

Mosquitoes are the size of an elephant

Once you’ve crossed the Delta Junction Highway, concerns about encountering moose and bears should fade away. Instead, be prepared to encounter these enormous mosquitoes. Just imagine the havoc these gigantic skeeters could wreak if not for their blood-sucking tendencies, leaving you instantly drained.

Mosquitoes are the size of an elephant

Putting jokes aside, the creatures in the photo are merely sculptures. However, dealing with mosquitoes in Alaska poses a significant challenge, particularly during the warmer months of June and July. It is crucial to always have an ample supply of mosquito repellent with you.

Blackout Curtains in Bulk for Sale, Anyone?

Are you interested in purchasing bulk quantities of blackout curtains? Well, due to Alaska’s unique geographical position, the higher north you travel, the greater the amount of daylight you experience. Therefore, finding ways to cope with over 20 hours of intense sunlight daily requires some improvisation.

Blackout Curtains in Bulk for Sale, Anyone?

Looking to get some rest around 9 p.m.? Unable to doze off due to the bright light? That’s why this Alaska-based Costco offers wholesale blackout curtains for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Meet The Alaskan Athletes

Contrary to the belief that living in Alaska would simply freeze you, there are unique activities that take place in this region. One such event involves an outdoor race where an individual sits inside a portable restroom while two others push it through the muddy trails.

Meet The Alaskan Athletes

Typically, the one who emerges as the quickest emerges victorious and earns a monetary reward. Good luck; you wouldn’t want to stumble after an avalanche or find yourself near an unpleasant portable restroom.

Your Vacation Is Over, It’s Our Turn to Party

Tourism is the primary revenue generator in Alaska. In the summer, numerous visitors and their cruise ships inundate the coastal ports to experience nature and their vacations. Conversely, Alaskans warmly welcome and display kindness to their guests.

Your Vacation Is Over, It’s Our Turn to Party

Have you ever experienced having a guest who overstays their welcome? How do you feel when they finally depart? Alaskans share a similar sentiment when it’s time for tourists to return home. It’s not that they dislike them, but rather because they long for their regular lives to resume. You understand, right?

Gigantic Fish is no Big Deal

Approximately 40% of Alaska is encompassed by water, resulting in a significant reliance on fishing. This is unsurprising, considering the absence of water pollution that could potentially harm fish populations.

Gigantic Fish is no Big Deal

If you’re looking to enhance your fishing adventure, consider adding Alaska to your list of must-visit destinations. Don’t forget to bring your closest friends and plenty of strength to reel in those massive catches! And when you’re done, get ready to indulge in an abundance of delicious fish fillets.

4th of July and New Year in one

The two images depict firework shows in Alaska during Independence Day and New Year’s Eve. During July, the nights in Alaska are typically illuminated, making it difficult to distinguish individual fireworks from the smokey bursts.

4th of July and New Year in one

During December, the daylight hours become shorter. If a firework is set off at 3 p.m., it can be seen clearly. Fortunately, residents of Alaska have stunning natural landscapes that can surpass the splendor of a fireworks show, providing them with an equally joyful celebration.

You can have pumpkin soup for a month in Alaska

Considering the challenging weather conditions in Alaska, you might assume that agriculture and crops cannot thrive there. Excavating frozen soil presents a significant obstacle. However, during certain seasons, the state enjoys over 20 hours of sunlight, providing a unique opportunity for successful farming.

You can have pumpkin soup for a month in Alaska

Alaskan farms yield exceptionally large crops. The image depicts two oversized pumpkins displayed on a farm, with people amazed by the abundance and the young woman’s bravery in preventing a moose from consuming them.

People can’t get enough of moose

In the past, during the start of the Alaskan summer in July, locals engaged in moose-dropping festivals. Surprisingly, individuals would venture out to search for moose feces, which they utilized to create ornamental items and beauty accessories.

People can’t get enough of moose

After the unfortunate loss of some residents due to the strong current in 2009, the government implemented a ban on the festivals. However, the festival still continues in part, with the use of tree bark to create different objects. As shown in the image, they have crafted a wooden prototype of a moose.

Reindeer without a sleigh

Did you know that reindeer are the sole species of deer that can be tamed? While some individuals employ these creatures for agriculture and others keep them as companions, there are also those who view them as a valuable source of sustenance, providing milk and meat.

Reindeer without a sleigh

Check out this skillfully trained reindeer, effortlessly socializing with people without causing any fear. It makes us wonder why a moose can’t be equally as impressive. In Alaska, the opportunity to interact with a reindeer isn’t limited to just Christmas.

Fish Can Keep People and Bears Together

It is truly admirable how humans and bears peacefully coexist in Alaska. Being a resident of Alaska often means embracing fishing as a way of life, considering fish is a staple food. Instead of instilling fear, the bear in the image is merely attempting to request a share of food from people before they depart, rather than hunting them.

Fish Can Keep People and Bears Together

Many bears, including the largest one in the world named Kodiak, inhabit Alaska. Despite their strength and intimidating nature, residents of Alaska have adapted to coexist with these majestic creatures.

Home For Captains and Pilots

Alaska has a smaller population compared to states like Manhattan, with an estimated 730,000 permanent residents in 2020. Interestingly, approximately 2% of these residents possess a valid airplane license and are legally able to fly.

Home For Captains and Pilots

When you do the calculations, it indicates that approximately 14,600 individuals in Alaska have the ability to pilot an aircraft. This means that out of the 580,000 pilots in the United States, around 2.5% are Alaskans. This explains why they rely more on air transportation rather than roads.