If you’ve spent some time in Pennsylvania, chances are you’ve seen the Amish people. Maybe you’ve see them with their horse and buggy or selling items in a local market. There’s a lot to be curious about since they lead such different lives than most of American society. Overall, people only seem to know that they’re friendly, very religious and unique. There’s only about 318,400 living in America and Canada. We’re hear to tell you about everything from misconceptions about their religious views and technology-free lives to the Rumaspringa years and perspective on outsiders.
Electricity And The Amish
First let’s talk about their relationship with electricity. It’s not that every Amish person avoids ALL forms of electricity. You can find different Amish communities that are more conservative and others that have decided to use some electricity. Regardless, most Amish will agree to use electricity in emergency scenarios or even work and whatever they determine is necessary. Now, to the reasoning behind their refusal to use electricity and technology. Due to “Gelassenheit,” which is German for ‘letting be,’ they believe the Earth must stay as God intended. Thus, they created a philosophy that avoids modern innovations.

Electricity And The Amish