Services Any and Everywhere
As we were saying, church service can take place anywhere for the Amish. Whether it’s inside someone’s house or right outside on the beautiful green grass, a service can be held there! At the services, you won’t find candles, organs or even altars. Although those things are typically found in other churches, the Amish keep things very simple.

Services Any And Everywhere
View On Other Religions
Although the Amish are very different in their practice of religion, they do not look down upon other religions. Since arrogance is a sin to them, it’s very important they do not feel boastful about their church. Though they are a bit skeptical of other religions, but they make sure to try to respect other religions and especially different types of Christianity. Also criticizing other religions would be calling theirs superior and for them that would be a sin of presuming to understand God’s will.

View On Other Religions