She Agrees To Carry Best Friend’s Baby, Then This Happens

Published on 06/10/2018

Many married couples want to start a family, and Kevin Barattini and wife Nicole were no exception. It was their dream, but after failing many times at trying to get pregnant, they knew there was something wrong. After visiting a doctor, everything changed.

Married Life

Nicole and Kevin Barrattini tied the knot in 2010 and shortly after decided to begin creating their family. Although they had two dogs this just wasn’t enough and they were ready to have children together.

Married Life

Married Life

The Struggle

Following years of attempting to conceive, the couple still had difficulty getting pregnant. Without any positive results, it seemed as if their dream would never become a reality. It appeared as if they would never be able to start a family together. That was up until something absolutely unexpected happened. It changed their lives forever.

Still Room For Optimism

The Struggle

By The Numbers

Shaun and Lianna live together with their five kids in East Moriches in New York State. They are 40 and 37 years old respectively and they grew their family early on in their marriage. They always knew that a large brood was what they were meant to have.

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By The Numbers

This Was Different

When Lianna got pregnant one more time, she was not really planning to add a sixth child to their family. As a matter of fact, this pregnancy would be completely different as the baby she was carrying wasn’t hers in any way.

This Was Different

This Was Different

Good Deed

When Lianna found out about her friends, Kevin and Nicole Barttini, being unable to get pregnant, she offered to be their surrogate. Lianna made up her mind to do such a selfless act because she wanted to help her friends realize their dream of growing their family.

Good Deed

Good Deed

Best Friends

Finding a third-party surrogate would be much different because that would mean being far from each other up until the baby’s birth. However, in the case of Lianna being the surrogate, with the couples’ close relationship, it would be possible to inform Kevin and Nicole about everything and they could be there throughout the entire process.

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Best Friends

Exciting Visits

Through regular contact, the couples were able to go together to all the doctor visits as well as check up on the pregnancy’s developments. Their obstetrician Dr. Richard Klein even grew fond of the check-ups, saying they were “so much fun.”

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Exciting Visits

Big Moment

Instead of just having a pair of parents excited about the newborn, four people were there sharing their joy as well as prayers for the baby to be healthy. In July of 2016, the two couples came in for the most significant appointment, the one which would give confirmation whether the embryo was planted successfully.

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Big Moment

The Suspense

While on the way to hearing the news, both couples’ felt the experience was most definitely a nerve-wracking one, especially for Kevin and Nicole who had been praying for a baby. With regard to the Fives, regular visits to the doctor were not new to them.

The Suspense

The Suspense

Not Their First Round

Having been through the process several times already when they were pregnant with their five children, they generally knew what to expect. Nevertheless, they still prayed for their friends to have a good outcome. All they wanted was to help their friends out at this time.

Curious Symptoms

Not Their First Round


The Barattinis got married in the year 2010. They settled in Smithton in New York, where they had hoped they would be able to live with their own family. After getting married, they tried their hardest for many years to get pregnant but they weren’t so lucky.



Finding Answers

After going to specialists to find out what the issue was, the couple was told that it was due to issues regarding Nicole’s health which were keeping her from getting pregnant. They initially hoped that this wouldn’t hurt their chances, but they eventually got a prognosis that shattered all the dreams they had of raising a family together.

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Finding Answers

Lifelong Sickness

The health concerns that Nicole has started at the time she was 16 years old. She began noticing some small bumps on her skin. As the bumps covered her entire body, Nicole’s eyes also became jaundiced. She also had a fever and fatigue.

Lifelong Sickness

Lifelong Sickness

Trying To Stay Calm

Having realized that she had to get medical attention, Nicole went to see a doctor. Her blood was taken and it was found that there were just 8,000 platelets in one microliter of her blood. The average person has between 150,000 and 400,000, meaning there was a reason to worry.

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Trying To Stay Calm


Pediatricians gave Nicole the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), a disease that is autoimmune and causes deadly blood clots in the body. During that time, Nicole was told that her condition was so severe that it was potentially life-threatening.



A Rare Blood Disorder

Blood clots that are caused by TTTP have a 95% mortality rate if not treated immediately. This rare disorder attacks by increasing blood glycoprotein in hemostasis which then causes the rest of the body to experience blood clots. Nicoles experiences symptoms of fatigue, fever, and bruises that resemble TTTP. Nicole is part of the 10% of people who’s cases begin prior to adulthood.

A Rare Disorder

A Rare Blood

Not Looking Good

Acting on this new diagnosis quickly by doctors was absolutely life-threateningly necessary. For the following few days, she needed to stay in the hospital for children due to her prognosis. Her plasma needed changing to keep Nicole’s condition from getting worse.

Not Looking Good

Not Looking Good

Going Backwards

Fortunately, the doctors managed to find an appropriate medication that could help make Nicole’s condition stable and the disease controllable. This enabled the teenager to live a normal life in the few years that followed.

Going Backwards

Going Backwards

Big Health Risks

It was at the time she got married and tried to get pregnant when the doctors told the Barattinis about how the TTP medication Nicole was taking would harm the baby if she got pregnant. However, the doctors also warned the couple that Nicole’s own health would be harmed if she opted to stop taking the medication.

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Big Health Risks

The News

Even though it was devastating news to hear for Nicole, the moment that was heartbreaking came during the time she had to reveal the results to her husband. “I got home from work and Nicole had that look on her face like something was wrong.”

The News

The News

The Hardest Moment For Both Of Them

I’m never going to forget it, I said, ‘What’s wrong?’ and she said, ‘The doctor doesn’t think we can have children.’ And, you know, nobody wants to hear that,” her loving husband explained as he recalled that moment.

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The Hardest Moment For Both Of Them

Devastating News

Doctors said it was possible for Nicole to fall pregnant, but they also explained to her about what could happen should she decide to get pregnant. She said to reporters, “I was able to conceive, but I wouldn’t be able to have a healthy pregnancy, and it would result in the death of myself or the baby.” Despite the fact that the outcome wasn’t very clear, the risk was still very big to take, and the news left Nicole devastated.

Devastating News

Devastating News

Making A Decision

Needless to say, the couple was heartbroken by the news. The fact that carrying her baby was something she couldn’t do devastated Nicole. She felt disappointed with her body, as well as extremely frustrated and didn’t know what she should do.

Making A Decision

Making A Decision

The Risk

She suggested to Kevin that they should just take the risk. However, her husband wasn’t keen on the idea, shutting down its very notion. Kevin did not want to put his wife’s life on the line just so they could grow their family.


The Risk

The Risk


The couple finally decided that they would stop trying to conceive and look into other available options at having a child. Fertility specialists gave the couple good news that Nicole’s condition was not genetic and she could produce a healthy baby.



Trying To Stay Safe

Through the whole process, their emotions were up and down and they decided to face the facts. They began considering all options but first, they needed to calm to their hearts and listen to their heads. They had a serious decision to make.


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Trying To Stay Safe

Trying To Be Positive

Hoping to produce their own baby, Nicole decided she would freeze her eggs and began researching surrogacy options. Just as the Barattinis decided this would be their best option, and they were finally making progress, yet another hurdle got in their way.

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Trying To Be Positive

Pros And Cons

Nicole along with Kevin was very much open to ideas as far as growing their own family was concerned, including adoption. Nevertheless, this too appeared as if it holds some concern for them owing to its significant expense.

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Pros And Cons


After calculating the sum of everything, and hoping to have a child, it quickly became clear that the couple couldn’t afford the whole thing. This led to adoption being ruled out as an option altogether, and they set their sights mainly on surrogacy.



Quite Pricey

In spite of many children around the world in desperate need of a home, there a lot of reasons why adopting a child is so expensive. In 2016, there was an article that revealed the reason behind the hefty price tag – legal fees included in the adoption process.

Quite Pricy

Quite Pricey

Can They Afford It?

Although private adoptions that are domestic can set a possible adoptive parent back several thousand dollars, the fees for international adoptions are much higher. This is due to the fact that the process of adoption also includes travel and legal expenses, in addition to agency fees.

Can They Afford It

Can They Afford It?

Financial Woes

Opting for surrogacy as their final choice, the couple found out that the cost would go higher than $75,000. Kevin and Nicole knew it was too costly for them and needed to start thinking about possible people who could maybe carry their baby, but the couple didn’t have much luck.

Financial Woes

Financial Woes

Slim Options

Nicole said, “We had heard stories that sisters carried and mothers carried [eggs for women who could not carry], but I don’t have a sister, and my mother is over the age [to be able to be a carrier].”

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Slim Options


The next obstacle that came in their way was where they lived. Because of the couple living in the state of New York, the surrogacy cost wasn’t their main problem. The law prohibits paying someone within the state to be a surrogate.



Their Final Resort

The couple had the option to pay someone outside the state, yet this too would create more difficulties and the cost would be way more than they had imagined. The single option that was available to Kevin and Nicole was paying a person they knew sans compensation.

Their Last Option

Their Last Option


Gestational surrogacy is shown to be the method of choice by women who decide to carry someone else’s baby. Here, IVF creates the embryo which is then implanted into a surrogate. This means that the father’s sperm and mother’s egg create the embryo, thus making the baby theirs biologically.



Found The Best Solution

Many opt for surrogacy as the best way for them to have their own child due to different reasons, such as the inability to carry a baby themselves owing to health reasons, which was what happened to Nicole.

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Found The Best Solution


When Kevin and Nicole told their family and friends that they were looking for a surrogate, the outpouring of support they got was overwhelming and so many people offered themselves to carry the couple’s embryo



Stepping Up

Nicole verbalized, “It was crazy to see how many people stepped up to the plate.” However, after much hope, the early excitement wore off before long when tests showed that not one of their friends was healthy enough to be able to carry the couple’s baby.

How Does It Work

Stepping Up

Bad Timing

At this time, the couple’s friend Lianna, who not so long ago was on her second pregnancy, learned of the Barratinis’ difficulties through a common friend. During that time, Lianna was aware that she wasn’t done growing her family.

Bad Timing

Bad Timing

Weighing Her Options

It crossed her mind to help another person have a child. Although in private she decided she wouldn’t be a baby carrier for someone else until she finished having children of her own, Lianna wasn’t absolutely against the idea.


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Weighing Her Options

There Is Hope

Lianna and her husband Shaun are the parents of five children and have known Nicole and Kevin for 20 years now. Lianna loves being a mother more than anything and was so empathetic for Nicole’s situation. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to carry another child but she wanted to help.


There Is Hope

There Is Hope


The entire process involved in choosing gestational carriers proves to be incredibly thorough. All hopefuls need to undergo certain medical exams to know if her health, as well as her fitness, are at their absolute best, which are needed in carrying a baby.




While they were feeling down, the couple did everything so they could keep high spirits. One December evening in 2015, Kevin and Nicole went out to have dinner with close friends since they discovered hanging out with friends helped in lifting their spirits.



The Fives

The couple met with Shaun and Lianna Fives, who had been friends with them for more than 20 years. Having already had their own five children, the Fives sympathized with the Barattinis who were struggling with fertility issues. The Fives felt so fortunate to be able to have a big family, so they wished they could help out.

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The Fives

An Idea

When Nicole almost reached the point where she would give up, friend Lianna patiently listened to the concerns she had and thought up the idea which would help Nicole out. During this time, Lianna would be doing something incredible.

An Idea

An Idea

Their Angel

Recalling this moment, Kevin explains, “Lianna goes, ‘You know I have five children, Shawn, and I want to have maybe one or two more. And [Nicole and I] looked at each other with a puzzled look, like, ‘You have five kids, why would you want any more?’”

Their Angel

Their Angel

Best Gift Ever

Kevin went on, “And she goes, ‘No, not for me, for you guys – I’d like to carry a child.” At that moment, Kevin and Nicole were speechless. “The two of us, just forget about it. We just, we all started crying,” Kevin said.

Best Friends For Life

Best Gift Ever

Dreams To Reality

Since they have been friends with Lianna for so many years, they knew that she meant what she said. This moment was when the Barattinis came to realize that finally, the dreams they had of having their family could turn into a reality.


Dreams To Reality

Dreams To Reality

A Mom’s Love

On the subject of the generous decision she made to help friends, Lianna expressed, “I was blessed to have five kids, and they are all amazing, and I couldn’t picture my life without them. And to see this family so deserving, it broke my heart.”

A Moms Love

A Moms Love

What Are Friends For

Having realized how important it was to her to have had her children, and their significance in her life, she wanted friends to have the same kind of joy in their own lives. Lianna hoped her very close friends could have the same fulfillment she has.

What Are Friends For

What Are Friends For


Secretly, Lianna had been considering being a surrogate for quite some time. In 2015, after she gave birth to her and Shaun’s fifth child, she felt ready to provide help to another couple. Being a mother of five demanded so much time from Lianna.



Needs Help

However, she was set on helping Kevin and Nicole. When she discussed the idea with her husband Shawn, she made sure of the fulfillment of one condition. She would ensure Shawn’s readiness to provide more help in caring for all five children they had before she would commit to getting pregnant one more time.


Needs Help

Needs Help

Not A Second

Nicole, as well as Kevin, had been hoping for this special moment for a very long time, so they didn’t waste any time accepting the selfless offer from their friend. As they agreed to this idea, they also said yes to being with Liana throughout the entire process.

Not A Second

Not A Second


Fortunately, Lianna was able to pass all the medical tests. After several doctor visits, the time came for the embryos to be planted and to pray that they took. Nothing else could be done at this moment but pray.





All that was needed was a week to know if any of the embryos took, but Nicole, as well as Kevin, thought the waiting time felt like forever. After everything they had been through, the couple were remarkably optimistic but still nervous knowing that they’ve already had many setbacks.



Don’t Let It Get You Down

This chance would be the only one that can help them have a child who was their’s biologically, so they were desperately hoping all things would work out for them. One week later, they received the results – Lianna wasn’t pregnant.

Dont Let It Get You Down

Don’t Let It Get You Down

Moving On

The news was disappointing for everyone, but the doctors gave more hope. The doctors said they were planting more embryos because they knew the chances of the embryos taking were high. This helped keep everyone optimistic.

Moving On

Moving On

Awaiting Results

Nicole along with Kevin carried on praying for better results. After Lianna had gone through the necessary procedures again, it was time for the couple to once again wait for results to know the outcome. When the results were out, the impossible was revealed.

Awaiting Results

Awaiting Results


The time had come for both couples to find out the results when they visited the doctor. As the doctor said the embryo took successfully, both couples found out that Lianna had become pregnant. This was definitely good news.



Emotional Rollercoaster

The Barattinis became overwhelmed with different emotions but while they were still taking in the news, even more, was announced. It wasn’t only one embryo that took, but there were two! Kevin and Nicole were soon going to be parents to twins.

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Emotional Roller coaster

A Reason To Celebrate

The couples made a decision to tell their families the very good news on Labor Day Weekend. There were plans of one joint party for both couples and more than 60 guests came. There was definitely a reason to celebrate since things were beyond everyone’s expectations.

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A Reason To Celebrate


Facing the Fives’ children, the couples’ families, and their friends, they made the announcement. After they asked everyone to settle down a bit, they shared the wonderful news of Lianna carrying Nicole and Kevin’s twins.



It’s Happening

February 10th, 2017 was the big day everyone was waiting for – Kevin and Nicole’s beautiful twins were born. On this happy day, Lianna gave birth to twins Luciana and Dominic. The Barattinis felt so much love as well as pride.

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It’s Happening

One Of Each

Kevin said about their miracle, “It’s probably the most amazing thing because you think it’s the end of the road, now here we are with two beautiful children.” This moment was truly magical for these first-time parents.

One Of Each

One Of Each


Lianna and Shaun did an amazing thing for Nicole and Kevin, which will definitely keep them in the lives of each other forever. In order to show their gratefulness, Kevin and Nicole named Shaun and Lianna godparents to the twins.



Closer Than Friends

Nicole said about Lianna, “I don’t have a sister, but I’d consider her like that. We don’t hold back, we are open, honest, and I am constantly turning to her for guidance.” Nicole was able to still continue taking the TTP medication and also became a mother to newborn twins.

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Closer Than Friends

Giving Guidance

Since the Barattinis have been fortunate to experience something really amazing when they almost gave up, Kevin and Nicole wanted the same thing for the other parents who are facing similar difficulties they had in the past.

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Giving Guidance

Helping Out

Hoping to legalize surrogacy, Kevin posted on Facebook, “We have been working with local legislators and [infertility specialists] Reproductive Specialists of New York to make surrogacy recognized in New York State. That being said we are happy that our story went public to help others in the time of need.”

Helping Out

Helping Out

A Family

Following what her husband did, Nicole credited Lianna for everything Lianna has done to help out. Nicole said, “There are people out there, like Lianna, that will do it out of kindness – and it’s easier to find them than it seems. It’s never the end of the road.”

A Family

A Family

Don’t Lose Hope

She hoped to encourage women to believe that hope exists and that their day hasn’t just arrived yet. Kevin and Nicole have no plans of stopping fighting for the legalization of surrogacy so other parents hoping to have children will be given a chance like them.

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Don’t Lose Hope