Now, that former NFL cheerleaders have come forward with claims of abuse in their working conditions, the league is under scrutiny. There’s a lot the public never knew about the life of an NFL cheerleader. It’s not all fun and rah-rah. Actually, one cheerleader named Bailey Davis, who was fired from the New Orleans Saints and another former NFL cheerleader from the Miami Dolphins are suing.
These two women and others have come forward to share the intense and discriminating rules that the cheerleaders and not the players must follow in the league. You will not believe how controlling and oppressive these rules are! Davis and others spoke with The New York Times and have made the real rules NFL cheerleaders must follow public. From maintaining a certain weight to following specific hygiene and dating guidelines, there is no area of their lives that is untouched. So, if you ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional cheerleader, look no further. Although, you might not be pleased with what you find.
No Negative Facial Expressions
You always see cheerleaders when they’re smiling and positive right? Well, that’s because teams like the Raiders have it specifically listed in their cheerleaders’ handbook that they cannot show negative facial expressions. The Raiderettes’ rule book states, “Crude language, innuendos, slang and negative facial expressions are strictly VERBOTEN!” While the Ben-Gals, cheerleaders for the Cincinnati Bengals, have this listed in theirs…“Do not be overly opinionated about anything. Do not complain about anything- ever hang out with a whiner? It’s exhausting and boring.”

No Negative Facial Expressions