Cheerleaders Reveal The Strict Rules They Must Follow In The NFL

Published on 06/11/2018
Cheerleaders Reveal The Strict Rules They Must Follow In The NFL

Cheerleaders Reveal The Strict Rules They Must Follow In The NFL

Now, that former NFL cheerleaders have come forward with claims of abuse in their working conditions, the league is under scrutiny. There’s a lot the public never knew about the life of an NFL cheerleader. It’s not all fun and rah-rah. Actually, one cheerleader named Bailey Davis, who was fired from the New Orleans Saints and another former NFL cheerleader from the Miami Dolphins are suing. If you haven’t heard, Bailey Davis actually got fired for posted an Instagram photo on her personal account wearing a one-piece swimsuit. Apparently, this violated rules her team had of not appearing semi-nude or in lingerie and in addition, they claimed she had attended a party that a Saints player was at. Despite having an alibi, they let her. Yes, her team was not allowed to even be at the same restaurant or party as any football player from the Saints. These two women and others have come forward to share the intense and discriminating rules that the cheerleaders and not the players must follow in the league. You will not believe how controlling and oppressive these rules are! Davis and others spoke with The New York Times and have made the real rules NFL cheerleaders must follow public.

Slideshow Cheerleaders


From maintaining a certain weight to following specific hygiene and dating guidelines, there is no area of their lives that is untouched. The Times covered teams like the Oakland Raiders, the San Francisco 49ers, Baltimore Ravens, New Orleans Saints, Cincinnati Bengals and Carolina Panthers as NFL teams with strict rules for cheerleaders, but the problem is much more pervasive that even just those teams. However, these rules and regulations will give you a good idea of the cheerleaders’ lives. So, if you ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional cheerleader, look no further. Although, you might not be pleased with what you find. In America, football is the most watched sport, but not many viewers know the insane rules that all the NFL cheerleaders abide by. After reading this, you will have a totally different view of the NFL. Also you will completely empathize with cheerleaders like Bailey Davis who are seeking justice for their horrible treatment. So, read on and decide what you think of these strict rules and regulations for NFL cheerleaders.

No Negative Facial Expressions

You always see cheerleaders when they’re smiling and positive right? Well, that’s because teams like the Raiders have it specifically listed in their cheerleaders’ handbook that they cannot show negative facial expressions.

No Negative Facial Expressions

No Negative Facial Expressions

The Raiderettes’ rule book states, “Crude language, innuendos, slang and negative facial expressions are strictly VERBOTEN!” While the Ben-Gals, cheerleaders for the Cincinnati Bengals, have this listed in theirs…“Do not be overly opinionated about anything. Do not complain about anything- ever hang out with a whiner? It’s exhausting and boring.”

How To Speak

According to their handbook, the Buffalo Jills, cheerleaders for the Buffalo Bills, must only speak about certain topics and cannot say specific things. Apparently, they cannot use words and phrases such as, ‘ain’t,’ ‘pee,’ ‘them guys,’ ‘you’s guys,’ or ‘dude.’


How To Speak

How To Speak

Additionally, they are not permitted to speak of the previous night, sexual references, anything political, or religion. Oh and they must only use ‘oh my goodness’ and not ‘oh my god.’ Also the handbook says, “Always say ‘excuse me’ when you burp, sneeze or cough. Even if you think there isn’t anyone around.”

Dress Code

Even when off the field, all cheerleaders must follow a very strict dress code. Take for example Bailey Davis who posted that photo of herself wearing a lacey bodysuit.


Dress Code

Dress Code

The New Orleans Saints let her go after claiming it fell under the categories of “nude, semi-nude, or lingerie,” which they forbid in their handbook. Other teams prohibit the types of piercings and even nail polish.

Always On The Clock

NFL cheerleaders are never technically off the clock. As one handbook states, “Even when you are not working in your capacity as a Raiderette, you are still representing the Oakland Raiders.


Always On The Clock

Always On The Clock

It is imperative that whenever you leave your home you look ‘put-together’ so when someone recognizes you (and they will) they can say, ‘Raiderettes always look fabulous.’ We’ve all seen the stars in the tabloids that don’t look their best. Cell phone cameras are everywhere — be camera-ready!”

Physical Appearance Must Follow Handbook

Each handbook has very explicit details on physical appearance. The Ben-Gals’ handbook says, “Stay away from frosted lipsticks and eye shadows. Management will determine your proper color analysis…Glamour is a priority!” While the Buffalo Jills’ handbook says of that the cheerleaders’ nails “must be maintained with a French manicure or natural polish…


Physical Appearance Must Follow Handbook

Physical Appearance Must Follow Handbook

A full curled or slightly bent, free-flowing style is required. Short hair must be worn full and fabulous!” While the Ravens’ cheerleaders “must have a warm skin color tone for every gameday.” However, they only have a limited number of tanning vouchers for senior cheerleaders, meaning most have to pay for tanning and teeth whitening themselves.


Many NFL cheerleaders need to weigh-in twice a week, like the Ben-Gals. Ben-Gals are given a three pound leniency that means they can be three pounds more than their “goal weight,” but any more means staying after practice for more conditioning or worse…suspension or being let go.


Weigh Ins


One cheerleader from the Ravens recalled that a senior cheerleader weighed five pounds lighter than usual at the start of the season, but gained weight during the season. Even though she was still lighter than she had been in previous seasons, she got benched and couldn’t cheer at the Super Bowl due to “a little bit of a weight gain.”

Must Buy And Sell Team Calendar

Maybe you didn’t know, but the Ravens have the only co-ed cheerleading team in the NFL.


Must Buy And Sell Team Calendar

Must Buy And Sell Team Calendar

Anyway, only the females are featured in the team calendar. (Yes a swimsuit one!) Thus, the team requires that cheerleaders buy 100 and sell them for $15 a piece, but the males only need to buy 20. Oh and the cheerleaders buy them at $12 each.

Jiggle Test

Before games, the Buffalo Jills need to do a weekly ‘jiggle test.’ This is to determine their physique and if they are fit enough to cheer at the game.


Jiggle Test

Jiggle Test

Apparently, the cheerleaders must do jumping jacks for their coaches who watch how much their limbs, butts and stomachs jiggle. If they jiggle too much and fail, they could be benched, suspended or dismissed from the team.

Feminine Products

Now, this seems overly personal, but hey, I guess there are no boundaries when it comes to dictating rules for NFL cheerleaders. Yes, the Buffalo Jills are actually instructed on how to handle their monthly menstruation. Their handbook states, “When menstruating, use a product that is right for your menstrual flow.


Feminine Products

Feminine Products

A tampon too big can irritate and develop fungus. A product left in too long can cause bacteria or fungus build up. Products can be changed at least every four hours. Except when sleeping, they can be left in for the night.” In addition, the book tells them to wash their feet everyday and other hygienic rules making them official work policies.

Undergarments Dictated

Believe it or not, the Cincinnati Bengals cheerleaders are told, “No panties are to be worn under practice clothes or uniform, not even thong panties.” A very intrusive rule indeed, but that isn’t all. It also says, “No slouching breasts. Support as needed.


Undergarments Dictated

Undergarments Dictated

Black or nude seamless bra mandatory for games. No lace.” Basically, everything is dictated to them down to their undergarments. When former Bengals cheerleader Alexa Brenneman sued the franchise, these rules became public.

No Sweats

Among their strict rules for attire, are some intense rules about what they can and cannot wear off the field and in public.


No Sweats

No Sweats

Even when they’re not in uniform or working, they need to abide by these rules. One such rule many NFL cheerleader handbooks include is that “wearing sweatpants in public is forbidden.” The Times reported this absurd rule.

Cannot Post Photos In Uniform

Even though pictures are taken of them on the field all the time, the cheerleaders themselves are prohibited from posting “pictures of themselves in uniform,” as The New York Times reported.


Cannot Post Photos In Uniform

Cannot Post Photos In Uniform

Not really sure what the point of that is…wouldn’t they want their cheerleaders promoting the team?

Fines For Not Being Fully Prepared

Another penalty the cheerleaders could face if they do not bide by the strict rules is being fined.


Fines For Not Being Fully Prepared

Fines For Not Being Fully Prepared

For example, Oakland Raiders cheerleaders can face fines if they do not polish their boots or forget a part of their cheerleader uniform on a game day or have the wrong pompoms. Again, The Times helped expose this intense rule.

Water Breaks

Out of all the strict rules, this one seems just dangerous besides ridiculous.


Water Breaks

Water Breaks

The cheerleaders for the Caroline Panthers cannot take a water break until their team is on offense. This one is seriously just not safe. They’re busy dancing and jumping around and on a hot day, that cannot be good to hold off on a water break.


In addition, The New York Times, discovered that many of the NFL cheerleaders actually need to buy uniforms for themselves.




As for the Seattle Sea Hawks cheerleaders, they go get uniforms upon joining the team. However, they need to pay for mending and maintenance out of their own pockets.

Emphasis On Their Lack Of Value

These NFL cheerleader handbooks often emphasize to the cheerleaders how unimportant they are to the team, even if they demand unwavering loyalty and commitment. Thus, they hope to discourage them for demanding better conditions or taking any legal action. The one handbook says, “Remember, as important as you are to our organization, football is the name of the game. Fans would come to see the games whether or not we had cheerleaders.


Emphasis On Their Lack Of Value

Emphasis On Their Lack Of Value

There are some great teams who do not have cheerleaders, such as the 2010 Champion Green Bay Packers. They are sold out every Sunday. Some teams who previously had cheerleaders do not now have them (Chicago Bears). Because of morality problems with their squads they decided cheerleaders were too much trouble to deal with.”

Auctioned Off In Bikinis

One lawsuit against the Buffalo Bills involved forced inappropriate behavior at the Jills Annual Golf Tournament. Apparently, the cheerleaders needed to wear bikinis, where people could dunk them in a tank. Then some were actually auctioned off to bidders, with the winner getting them as an escort at the event.


Auctioned Off In Bikinis

Auctioned Off In Bikinis

Afterwards, the cheerleaders complained that these auction winners touched them inappropriately and also made explicit, sexual comments. Additionally, the cheerleaders were required to sit on the golfers’ laps.

Escort Behavior Required

After hearing all of this, are you really surprised that the Washington Redskins forced their cheerleaders to pose topless in front of sponsors during a calendar photoshoot in Costa Rica. Also, the officials collected the cheerleaders’ passports upon arrivla and told they needed to do a 14 hour calendar-shoot with mandatory nudity.


Escort Behavior Required

Escort Behavior Required

Afterwards, nine were assigned as escorts for the male sponsors to accompany them to a nightclub. Even though many of the nine started crying, they had to comply in order to keep their job despite feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Calendar Shoots

Yes, all calendar shoots are mandatory for the cheerleaders. Even though the cheerleaders get to go to an exotic place like Costa Rica, it’s clearly not all fun and games at the shoot.


Calendar Shoots

Calendar Shoots

They’re not made to feel comfortable or at ease due to a lack of privacy while shooting and other factors.

Education Requirements

Although they do not have specific weight or height requirements, they do make judgements about how the cheerleaders must look.


Education Requirements

Education Requirements

As the Dallas Cowboys’ cheerleader audition FAQ states, “you should look well proportioned in dancewear.” Additionally, all the cheerleading squads require that the women have graduated high school or have a GED.


Another odd rule involves chewing gum.




So apparently, they can enforce even the most trivial thing such as, chewing gum. On the Seahawks’ site, you can see their Sea Gals rule-book saying a director may use discretion to require that the cheerleaders chew gum.

Rehearsal Attire

While rehearsing, the cheerleaders often do not have much say in their attire.


Rehearsal Attire

Rehearsal Attire

As for the Ben-Gals of Cincinnati, they are required to wear just bras and spandex shorts during their rehearsals. No extra clothing is even allowed.

Perfect Tan

Personal maintenance becomes part of the cheerleaders’ work duties. So, yes, that flawless tan you always see on them…required by their strict rules.


Perfect Tan

Perfect Tan

Both the Ben-Gals and Buffalo Jills need to have what they deem a subtle tan that doesn’t appear too red or dark. They’re told to use regular tanning or even spray tanning.

Hair Guidelines

If they’re dictating everything from nails to off-duty clothes, what made you think hair isn’t included in the rulebook? According to the Buffalo Jills rules, they must have natural and subtle colors for their hair only. Also, they need to have their hair in soft waves.


Hair Guidelines

Hair Guidelines

Thus, the higher ups tell the women to get their hair done. Yet, the cheerleaders are responsible for paying for this on their own.

Social Media

Teams like the Cincinnati Bengals and Baltimore Ravens strictly monitor all of their cheerleaders on their social media accounts.


Social Media

Social Media

The women must add/friend their cheerleading directors and if they get a request to remove something, they need to comply.

Food On The Job

Unless they specifically had arrangements made in advance, the Buffalo Jills cheerleaders cannot eat while in their uniforms.


Food On The Job

Food On The Job

Even if offered food, the women must turn it down. However, they could never respond with something like, “Oh, we’re not allowed to eat.”


Back to those very specific hygiene guidelines and rules…the Buffalo Jills have been instructed on their showers.




They must shower, as stated in their contracts, after all workouts. In addition, they cannot use sponges or lufas, due to their association with harboring germs. Also, they cannot use wet washclothes that may have been sitting for a period of time.

Skin Concerns

It doesn’t stop with hair and showering…we can’t forget skincare! Apparently, the Baltimore Ravens emphasize that all the cheerleaders need a daily skin care regime to keep healthy skin.


Skin Concerns

Skin Concerns

However, if they encounter persistent breakouts, they need to advise a doctor before the problem becomes out of control. In addition, they are required to wash off makeup before going to bed. I mean yes, these are technically healthy skincare practices, but it seems a bit over the top and invasive that their job requires this.

Warns Them To Avoid Assault

Most NFL cheerleader handbooks simply tell cheerleaders not to fraternize with players. However, this is what is in the Raiderette’s handbook: “There have been a few relationships between the two groups that have resulted in a few happy marriages and lovely children. However, we have also had more situations where, quite frankly, the Raider organization and the Raiderettes narrowly escaped ruined reputations. One such example concerns a player who gave Halloween parties every year and many of the Raiderettes attended.


Warns Them To Avoid Assault

Warns Them To Avoid Assault

The same player was suspended from the team for drug use, but also arrested for date rape. For you on the squad who have attended those parties, just think how narrowly you missed having your photo in all the local papers and/or being assaulted!” These policies have been criticized for victim blaming and telling cheerleaders that they will ruin their reputation if assaulted or raped.

$5 An Hour

Back in 2014, the Raiderettes were sued for the extremely low wages the cheerleaders were paid. It actually came out in some cases to be only $5 an hour. The teams were paying per event, giving between $90 and $125 a game, but not compensated for other charity events or practices. Also they got fined for sexist policies. One team made something called “2 Piece Tuesdays” for Tuesday practices, stating, “You must wear a 2 piece outfit consisting of a sports bra-type top and shorts.


5 An Hour

$5 An Hour

The top must fit like a sports bra to reveal the body from under the bust line and form-fitting shorts (not jazz pants rolled up, basketball shorts, cutoff sweats or colored tights under the shorts) worn to reveal your belly button. Failure to do so results in a $10 fine.” Between the low pay and ridiculous fines, some were making just over $1,200 in a whole season, while mascots took home $25,000 to $60,000. Also cheerleaders bring in about $1 million for their teams.


Part of their hygiene guidelines include mouth care. Specifically, the Buffalo Jills must frequently replace their toothbrush and brush and floss at minimum, twice in a day.




The women are warned that things like garlic, dairy products, alcohol and coffee can result in bad breath.

Fraternization Forbidden

As we mentioned, some of the teams prohibit the cheerleaders from speaking with, let alone dating, the football players.


Fraternization Forbidden

Fraternization Forbidden

As for the Sea Gals of the Seahawks, they are discouraged from “fraternization, dating, cohabiting or marrying current Seahawks employees.” So that’s everyone from football players to their mascot.


Wait, showering frequency is not where the instructions stop with bath and shower routines.




The Buffalo Jills are told they need to rinse and clean their razors when they shower. Also they are told to change them often, especially if going to a “new” area.

If They Date A Player, They Need To Find Out If He Is Married

So, even though fraternizing with players is forbidden, they have a strict policy for if it takes place. According to the Raiderette handbook, they discourage relations with players, saying, “At events where Raider players are present, NEVER go up and gush all over a player, ask for an autograph or hang on his arm for a photograph. You want to avoid putting yourself into an embarrassing situation or become an embarrassment to the squad because of inappropriate actions on your part.”


If They Date A Player They Need To Find Out If He Is Married

If They Date A Player They Need To Find Out If He Is Married

Yet, they add, if the player hits it off with a player, “Make a point to find out if a player is married. In most cases, he won’t tell you! You can call the Raider office with questions as to marital status and I encourage you to do so. Again, he will not tell you he’s married!” It’s completely up to the cheerleader to find out if the player is already married.

Eating Out

One of the bizarre rules about eating out came to light with the complaint was filed against the New Orleans Saints. Apparently, cheerleaders must avoid contact with players at all costs.


Eating Out

Eating Out

Thus, their rulebook states if they’re at a restaurants, but one of the players walks in, they need to leave ASAP. Also, the cheerleaders must not enter a restaurant they have plans to eat at if they see a player there. Again, all responsibility falls to the women.

Blocking All Players

Another rule that came to light was that cheerleaders need to block all players on social media. No, not just the New Orleans Saints players, but every single NFL player.


Blocking All Players

Blocking All Players

Firstly, there are around 2,000 NFL players. However, all cheerleaders are supposed to have blocked all of them, even those using different names. That’s not exactly logical or practical.

Unpaid Events

Many of those extra events the cheerleaders attend are NOT paid. However, they’re contractually obligated to attend all of these galas and charity parties.


Unpaid Events

Unpaid Events

Oh and if they’re selling raffle tickets at a game they aren’t cheering at, then they’re not even being paid. They only get paid if they cheer. Some of the cheerleading squads don’t get any of the proceeds from raffle tickets or calendars they sell.

Required Friend

So as we mentioned, their social media accounts are constantly monitored. That’s because every cheerleader needs to add their director.


Required Friend

Required Friend

Yes, they’re actually required to send their director a friend request. In addition, they needed to give any email addresses that they have connected to any of their social media profiles. Oh and if they’re interested in doing modeling work for anyone, they need the team’s permission first.

Proper Sitting Posture

Talk about intense rules that dictate every part of your life…the cheerleaders are even told how they’re allowed to sit.


Proper Sitting Posture

Proper Sitting Posture

For the Oakland Raiders, they tell their cheerleaders that they need to always “sit in a ladylike manner.” We kid you not.

Private Matter

Now, not only must cheerleaders constantly be perfectly presentable to the public, but they are not allowed to fix up any parts of themselves in public. Seriously, the Raiders’ cheerleaders must fully prepare themselves off the field, in private.


Private Matter

Private Matter

The rules say, “Any primping or fussing with your uniform, make-up or hairstyle must be done only in a restroom — never in public. The client assumes you are professional and close to perfect. Be sure you are!”

How To Eat Soup

Ever seen Seinfeld? Well, this is a soup Nazi reference if we ever heard one! Telling the cheerleaders how to sit was not the most controlling part of the rules, Apparently, it’s perfectly acceptable to tell cheerleaders how they must eat soup!


How To Eat Soup

How To Eat Soup

The handbook dictates, “Dip the spoon into the soup, moving it away from the body, until it is about two-thirds full, then sip the liquid, without slurping, from the side of the spoon without inserting the whole spoon into the mouth. This prevents soup from being spilled onto your clothes.”

For Meat

Let’s not forget that rule about eating meat since these adult women obviously don’t know how to do that already. The handbook says, “When cutting meat.


For Meat

For Meat

Never cut the full piece of meat all at once. Cut as you go, American style (cut and switch fork to right hand to eat) or European style (keeping fork in left hand to eat) eating is acceptable.” I think the NFL forgot they hired adult women, not toddlers.


Everything from head to toe must be in a certain way for these NFL cheerleaders. So yes nails are included.




They can only wear certain colors on their nails, but also they’re told to have nail polish pads in their car. Why? Oh just for emergencies. Apparently chipping your nail polish qualifies as such an emergency.


Hearing all of these awful rules, it’s easy to get upset and think why can’t the whole team just revolt? The issue is that if the cheerleaders came to together to stand up against their low wages and oppressive, sexist rules, there’s a high chance the team would be disbanded all together or the NFL team would just hire a new team of cheerleaders.




Speaking of their grievances, one Raiderette said it best, “I do love being a Raiderette, and I love cheering on a football team. I just want us to be compensated legally, and treated with respect.”

Driving Clothes

Another strange rule, specifically revealed as a requirement for Ben-Gals, was they cannot drive in their uniform.


Driving Clothes

Driving Clothes

Thus, they need to immediately change after all games. It’s a bit weird, but at least it’s not as absurd as some of the other rules like this next one…

No Questioning Authority

If these rules have been raising red flags, this one may really alarm you. Apparently, the Cincinnati Ben-Gals are told exactly what the word ‘insubordination’ means in their handbook.


No Questioning Authority

No Questioning Authority

It emphasizes that the women are not permitted to argue, let alone question any authority figures on any grounds. Talk about repressive!

Reporting Early

We’ve all heard about work environments where when you’re five minutes early, that’s on time.


Reporting Early

Reporting Early

Well, how about five hours early? Some cheerleading teams are required to arrive five hours before a game. Hey, not even those multi-million dollar players get there THAT early!

So Won’t The Real Cheerleaders Please Stand Up

Now, we know we spoke about sitting rules before, but now, here’s the funny things.


So Wont The Real Cheerleaders Please Stand Up

So Won’t The Real Cheerleaders Please Stand Up

Cheerleaders sometimes have policies about standing. Take the Buffalo Jills for example. They’re told to stay standing at all times and always move around unless their routine calls for sitting.


So we spoke about hair, makeup, and outfits, but we failed to mention eyewear.




So of course, any women that are near or far sighted cannot possibly wear glasses. Nope, according to teams like the Cincinnati Ben-Gals, they need to always wear contacts.

The Golf Tournament

Cheerleaders are required to attend events for free and are often asked to perform ridiculous stunts. For example, at a Golf Event, the Buffalo Jills were forced to perform backflips for tips, and they weren’t even allowed to keep the money from the tips!


The Golf Tournament

The Golf Tournament

They were also auctioned off to tournament participants. Many of them were reportedly “handsy” and “inappropriate.” They were also forced to fit on some participants laps as they drove in golf carts. Can you believe that? It ended with the Buffalo Jills filing a class-action lawsuit against the team.

All Information Is Overseen By The Directors

As we mentioned, cheerleaders are required to “friend request” their director on social media.


All Information Is Overseen By The Directors

All Information Is Overseen By The Directors

Part of the reason for this is so the director can check pictures to make sure they align with the team’s rules. But wait, there is more! Cheerleaders are also forced to give all associated email addresses with their social media profiles to the director.

Shiny Whites

Many members of various cheer squads have reported they are required to get their teeth whitened regularly.


Shiny Whites

Shiny Whites

The worst part is they have to pay for this out of their own pocket!

Etiquette Agreement

Many cheer squads enforce every single aspect of life, including how to be classy.


Etiquette Agreement

Etiquette Agreement

Based on an etiquette agreement, many cheerleaders are required to speak, sit, and present themselves in a “ladylike way.” Yes, the girls can’t even decide how to sit for themselves!

Don’t Forget The Pom Poms

Of course, cheerleaders need their pom poms! Some squads like the Raiderettes have a rule if the girls forget their prized pom poms they get heavily fined.


Dont Forget The Pom Poms

Dont Forget The Pom Poms

The girls must have their pom-poms with them at all time.

Stay Thin Or Sit In The Locker Room

One rule is if girls gain 5 pounds or look “too soft,” they forgo pay and have to spend the game inside the locker room. The Raiderettes, for example, have to pay $125 per game if they put on weight.


Stay Thin Or Sit In The Locker Room

Stay Thin Or Sit In The Locker Room

If you are Rave, you are “expected to maintain ideal body weight and physical look for the duration of your contract. Weigh-ins will be held at the discretion of the Ravens.” If someone refuses a weigh-in, they can be removed from the team permanently.

Keep Your Roots Colored!

If a cheerleader has color-treated hair, it is mandatory they maintain it.


Keep Your Roots Colored

Keep Your Roots Colored

Their hair must be done, “at least two weeks prior to every home game,” for Ravens. If a cheerleader’s roots aren’t up to par, they will be banned from performing at games.

No One-Piece Swimsuits

Not only are cheerleaders required to wear bikinis as they sell calendars, they are forced to never wear one-piece bathing suits! For example, Bailey Davis was fired days after she posted a picture of herself in a one-piece swimsuit.


No One Piece Swimsuits

No One Piece Swimsuits

The team said she violated the rules from “appearing nude, seminude, or in lingerie.” Interesting.

No Dancing Or Questionable Pics

Mant teams not only care about social media pictures but also cheerleaders are not to appear in nude or semi-nude photos for leisure or work.


No Dancing Or Questionable Pics

No Dancing Or Questionable Pics

They are also not allowed to do any exotic dancing or perform “in tasteless films, photos or bikini/swimwear contests.”

No GPS Allowed

Cheerleaders are required to turn off the GPS features on their phones! You might be wondering why.


No GPS Allowed

No GPS Allowed

Well, the purpose of this rule is so their friends and family don’t know their location during the games.

How To “Properly” Clean Your Lady Parts

One handbook rule that was revealed in 2014 instructed the Buffalo Bills cheerleaders on how to “properly” clean themselves. The rule stated girls are to, “Never use a deodorant or chemically enhanced product.


How To Properly Clean Your Lady Parts

How To Properly Clean Your Lady Parts

Simple, non-deodorant soap will help maintain the right PH balance. Clean/rinse razor often while shaving. Especially after going to a new ‘area.’ When menstruating, use a product that [sic] right for your menstrual flow.”


Yep! The handbook states cheerleaders are forbidden from talking about their social lives, politics, and religion.




Whatever happened to the first amendment?


Cheerleaders even have rules about how to properly introduce themselves.




They must greet people with “a smile, eye contact, and a handshake.” The handbook continues, “A handshake should last about three seconds, be firm, and be web to web.”

Self Expression?

Some squads, such as the Carolina Panthers require their cheerleaders to remove all body piercings and tattoos before each game.


Self Expression@

Self Expression@

They also can’t wear their own personal attire until they leave the stadium.

Age Requirements

In general, most squads require their cheerleaders to be between 18 and 42.


Age Requirements

Age Requirements

The average cheerleader is 25.

Must Be Willing To Relocate

Girls are allowed to try out for any squad no matter where they are from. There is a catch.


Must Be Willing To Relocate

Must Be Willing To Relocate

In general, you must be willing to relocate to the local area. The only exception is The Carolinas. They require their cheerleaders are locals.

Eating Rules

There are strict requirements about how cheerleaders must behave while they are at dinner. The rulebook says, “If you don’t like your meal, try a little of everything and strategically move the rest around your plate.” It continues, “Gently unfold your napkin and place it on your lap.


Eating Rules

Eating Rules

Fold it almost in half and place it with the fold side towards your body. If you need to leave the table, place the napkin on your chair, and don’t forget to say, ‘Excuse me.'”

No Complaining About The Rules!

Rules seem a little harsh? If the cheerleaders complain, they will probably be replaced.


No Complaining About The Rules

No Complaining About The Rules


Don’t Get Assaulted

Some handbooks, such as the Raider’s, suggests cheerleaders stay away from parties especially if they are hosted by a payer. Some players were suspended for drug use or rape are especially to be avoided.


Dont Get Assaulted

Don’t Get Assaulted

The Raider’s handbook says “For you on the squad who have attended those parties, just think how narrowly you missed having your photo in all the local papers and/or being assaulted.”

Be Tentative

Some cheerleaders, such as the TopCats, have to be at the stadium 5 hours before the game begins!


Be Tentative

Be Tentative

They are only allowed to take water breaks when the team is on the offense. They are required to stay in uniform the entire time and are only allowed to change their clothing once they leave the stadium.