Cheerleaders Reveal The Strict Rules They Must Follow In The NFL

Published on 06/11/2018

Private Matter

Now, not only must cheerleaders constantly be perfectly presentable to the public, but they are not allowed to fix up any parts of themselves in public. Seriously, the Raiders’ cheerleaders must fully prepare themselves off the field, in private. The rules say, “Any primping or fussing with your uniform, make-up or hairstyle must be done only in a restroom — never in public. The client assumes you are professional and close to perfect. Be sure you are!”

Private Matter

Private Matter


How To Eat Soup

Ever seen Seinfeld? Well, this is a soup Nazi reference if we ever heard one! Telling the cheerleaders how to sit was not the most controlling part of the rules, Apparently, it’s perfectly acceptable to tell cheerleaders how they must eat soup! The handbook dictates, “Dip the spoon into the soup, moving it away from the body, until it is about two-thirds full, then sip the liquid, without slurping, from the side of the spoon without inserting the whole spoon into the mouth. This prevents soup from being spilled onto your clothes.”

How To Eat Soup

How To Eat Soup