The Unbelievable Happened To This Woman Who Walked 12 Miles To And From Work

Published on 03/05/2019

For this woman, it was just another regular day that involved going to work. She had been walking on the sidewalk when she saw a car slowing down near her in her peripheral vision. She tried to ignore it and kept on walking, eyes fixed on the pavement. Despite this, the car appeared persistent until it got closer and closer to the curb.

The Unbelievable Happened To This Woman Who Walked 12 Miles To And From Work

The Unbelievable Happened To This Woman Who Walked 12 Miles To And From Work

A Small Prayer

She prayed in silence and prayed that her day was not going to take a turn for the worse. She took a quick glance and noticed the red and blue lights that signaled the vehicle was actually a cop car. The woman continued to pray for her safety but things changed the moment the driver pressed the horn.

A Small Prayer

A Small Prayer

Unclear Reasons

Clearly, the driver was trying to get the attention of this woman. By then, it halted completely and now the person inside was honking his horn. She was in awe at what was happening as she could not remember doing anything illegal.

Unclear Reasons

Unclear Reasons


After all, she is a simple woman who always greets her neighbors before she headed to work every morning. Regardless of whether she was at work or at home, she never lost control of her temper and emotions. What reason did this cop have to order her to stop?



Someone Familiar

On that day, Sgt. Scott Bass was driving around in his cruiser. He was headed for the Nash Country Sherriff’s Office to report for duty as usual. As he was nearing the Stone Gate Mobile Home Community, he was distracted by a familiar figure.

Someone Familiar

Someone Familiar

Unfinished Business

It has been several days since he started hoping to spot this woman in question. Let us just say that he had some unfinished business with her. Now that fate brought them together, he was not going to waste his opportunity.

Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

Caught In The Downpour

The woman is none other than Jaylesya Corbett, and she was walking to Bojangles. She was already used to the trek, so she found it doable. On that day, however, rain started pouring and made the walk a more difficult task than usual. She carried an umbrella with her, though a strong gust of wind blew it out of her hands.

Caught In The Downpour

Caught In The Downpour

Just Keep Walking

Although she was still far from her destination, she continued to walk. She was already soaking wet from the rain, but she continued to keep an eye out for pools of water on the pavement. Without a doubt, she was already going through a lot of things even without the appearance of the cop approaching her.

Just Keep Walking

Just Keep Walking

Could Have Done Without It

Even when the weather was good, it is hard to call her daily walk to work ideal. Clearly, she could have done without the bad weather that descended upon her. Considering the intensity of the rain and wind, she thought there might have been a category 5 hurricane.

Could Have Done Without It

Could Have Done Without It

The Worst Luck

There is no doubt in our minds that Jaylesya felt like she had the worst luck that day. However, she was not the type of person to give up no matter what. She decided to handle the cards dealt to her and make her way to Bojangles. Unfortunately, the cop situation must have put a damper on her mood.

The Worst Luck

The Worst Luck

Every Single Day

Jaylesya Corbett tried everything in her power to make the daily routine easier for her. She invested in the most comfortable pair of sneakers she could afford at the time. Unfortunately, these shoes could not do anything to prevent the rainwater from coming in. Her feet were wet by then, and she was already in pain from the blisters that were forming down there. It might not have been her first time to make the long journey to Bojangles, but her feet were begging for mercy already.

Every Single Day

Every Single Day

12 Miles

She always walks from her home to Bojangles and then back after her shift. Overall, the journey covered 12 miles! We know it sounds rather unbelievable, but this daily sacrifice allowed her to spend more money on the rest of the family. Nobody, the cop included, can make her stop from doing this.

12 Miles

12 Miles

The Moment That Changed Her Life

The long walk by foot did not compare to the determination this woman had. Jaylesya was willing to do anything for her family, and the 12-mile journey seemed like such a little thing to her. She did not want to let them down, and this served as her motivation to do it every day.

The Moment That Changed Her Life

The Moment That Changed Her Life


The cop asking her to stop made her reconsider her choices. She walked along the highway each passing day, risking her safety in the process. Could she be a hassle to motorists? Was this the reason the cop was stopping her? Why now?



Time To Face The Music

Jaylesya was aware that she could not simply ignore the cop approaching her because he kept honking his horn. Instead of exploring other equally foolish alternatives, she simply decided to stop and then wait for the cop to tell her. When the cop lowered the window of the car, she could hear the pounding of her heart.

Time To Face The Music

Time To Face The Music


To her, cops spelled trouble. Among other things, she was scared he would tell her terrible things. She knew it would make her late for work, but she had no other choice. If it was going to be her judgment day, she saw no point in delaying her fate.



Thinking Of The Worst

She was also aware of the fact that the cop would be able to catch up with her even if she did not stop walking. After all, she felt faint with fear already. It was simply all too much for a simple lady like her who only wanted to get to work and then return to her family.

Thinking Of The Worst

Thinking Of The Worst

Negative Thinking

Considering the situation, it is easy to see why she had so many negative thoughts. Could she have done something against the law without knowing it? Would the cop seize her and take her straight to jail? Will her family be okay?

Negative Thinking

Negative Thinking

Surprised But Pleased

Jaylesya tried to look calm as she approached the cop in the car. Although she was the face of composure, she approached the car with caution. Along its sides, the text read, “Sheriff, Nash County”. In her mind, she was already trying to find the words she needed to speak to him.

Surprised But Pleased

Surprised But Pleased

Another Surprise

However, the cop beat her to it. Jaylesya was flabbergasted when she heard his words. He spoke softly, but she still had a difficult time processing what he told her. When it finally dawned on her what was actually happening, her confusion and fear transformed into delight and surprise.

Another Surprise

Another Surprise

Obeying Authority

The cop introduced himself as Sgt. Bass. He told Jaylesya to get off the street. Although he delivered the words smoothly, she could still detect authority in his voice. The moment he told her to get in the car, she informed him that she needed to go to Bojangles. The officer must have detected the panic in her voice since she argued like her life was at stake.

Obeying Authority

Obeying Authority


Despite this, he only repeated his words. Defeated, Jaylesya Corbett slid into the car. She had no choice but to follow his orders since he would not leave her alone. She knew she was not going to win any arguments. She was now entirely under his control.



Keeping Fingers Crossed

Jaylesya felt hopeless as she remained seated inside the cop car. She could tell that she was not in any danger, but she still had no idea what fate had in store for her. Sgt. Bass continued driving but did not tell her anything else. Judging from his demeanor, she could tell he was not going to say anything else.

Keeping Fingers Crossed

Keeping Fingers Crossed

A Hard Time

Clearly, he already had his mind made up. Her mind was already spinning, but she could not think of anything other than her family and her job. She could not afford to get fired. As you can see, she was going through a hard time.

A Hard Time

A Hard Time

A Silent Drive

As Sgt. Bass kept driving, Jayleysa started to wonder about what will happen next. Will she be taken to the Sheriff’s Office for a round of questioning? The cop did not place handcuffs on her, though she could not help the nerves she was feeling. The silence was deafening inside the police cruiser.

A Silent Drive

A Silent Drive

Controlling Anxiety

The officer kept his eyes trained on the road ahead of them. Meanwhile, Jayleysa kept looking at him in the hopes of starting a conversation. Despite her attempts, he did not look at her and kept his mouth shut. Knowing that anything she says could be held against her, she stayed silent instead and tried to look less anxious.

Controlling Anxiety

Controlling Anxiety

Keeping Her Wits About Her

Outside, the city was still being assaulted by the rainstorm. The drive felt even slower for her as the officer slowed down for safety reasons. It was difficult to drive in bad weather, so she decided to keep her mouth shut. Deep inside, however, she was so scared she could pass out of fear.

Keeping Her Wits About Her

Keeping Her Wits About Her

Happy Thoughts

Jayleysa was a smart cookie so she focused on happy thoughts instead of making conversation that could possibly make him suspicious about her motivations. She might be poor, but Jayleysa has always been a woman who stood up when a challenge arises. She was well aware of the fact that she did not do anything illegal. In the meantime, she had no choice but to remain vigilant and go with the flow at the same time.

Happy Thoughts

Happy Thoughts

The Fog Has Cleared

It was not long before she regretted the decision. As her confusion cleared, some thoughts started to come to her. Jayleysa realized that, police or not, he had no right to simply stop her from walking without so much as telling her why. She was a respectful person, but it was still her right to know why she was being arrested.

The Fog Has Cleared

The Fog Has Cleared


He might have looked like a good man, but it did not mean it was right to simply order her to get in. Moreover, he kept her in the dark by not talking at all. Jayleysa was ready to go into a rant when she realized the officer was truly going to Bojangles, her workplace.



Her Reputation At Stake

When she realized they were en route to her workplace, she realized the precarious situation she was in. She was worried about what her manager and colleagues would think the moment they see her in the cop car. How would her boss react to a situation like this one? It was very easy to jump into conclusions. She was the breadwinner of the house, so she could not afford to lose her source of income. It could destroy her reputation and make it hard to look for a new job. She started to wish she ran earlier. Considering the weather conditions, the lone cop would probably have let her go anyway.

Her Reputation At Stake

Her Reputation At Stake

A Heart Of Gold

Sgt. Bass knew what the woman in the backseat was thinking. Nonetheless, he remained silent. He did not mean her any harm. Apparently, he became familiar with the woman who treks 12 miles on foot every single day after seeing her on his way to the Sheriff’s Office in Nash County. He also took note of her uniform, so he knew she is an employee at Bojangles. It does not take a genius to figure out that it must be hard to walk 12 miles even when the weather was good. He was heartbroken to see her out in the middle of the rainstorm. He knew no one deserved this, which is why he decided to help her out.

A Heart Of Gold

A Heart Of Gold

Back-Breaking Walk

This cop already feels tired after driving for a while, so he could not imagine how hard it must be to walk 12 miles day after day. He never heard of a story like this one and he felt terrible when he saw her at it in such bad weather. Sgt. Bass did not know anything else about her save for the fact that she is a mother who was dedicated to providing for her family. The cop knew mothers would go above and beyond for the sake of their kids, but he was incredibly moved by the story of this mother who sacrificed her health to do it. He might be a toughened police officer, but this woman managed to touch him.

Back-Breaking Walk

Back-Breaking Walk

A Moving Offer

At long last, Jayleysa Corbett figured out what the police officer was doing. He simply gave her a free ride to work! Every single day, she spent four hours going to and from Bojangles. This estimate is generous since it is only true during good weather. She could not believe the generosity of the cop. Sgt. Bass even offered to take her to work whenever the weather is bad. He assured her that it was not a problem since he will pass by the establishment anyway. He did not tell the hardworking mother how much she impressed him. However, Jayleysa appreciated his generosity very much. She was already incredibly grateful for his kindness, but this was actually just the start of a life-changing journey.

A Moving Offer

A Moving Offer

He Wanted To Help Some More

Sgt. Bass was impressed by her effort and willingness to walk such a distance to go to work every day in order to provide for her children. Although most women now work to help out with the family’s finances, Jayleysa is simply one-of-a-kind. As a police officer, he was aware that it was not part of his duty to offer free rides to women when it rains. But even though it was in the job description, he could not stop thinking of her daily sacrifice. He knew there was more he can do for the dedicated mother, but what else could he do?

He Wanted To Help Some More

He Wanted To Help Some More

An Invitation Without Explanation

Sgt. Bass kept true to his word and continued to take her to drive, but Jayleysa Corbett still felt nervous when he asked to meet up with her. After all, the weather was fine, and she had no idea why the police officer would want to see her. Regardless of how she felt, she complied and went to the Sheriff’s Office as requested. She did not know what was going on, but she was confident the cop would not put her in harm’s way. Upon seeing her, he went to his vehicle and retrieved something. It was a brand-new Schwinn Fairhaven Women’s Cruiser bike! Before she could even say anything, Sgt. Bass informed her that it was a gift for her.

An Invitation Without Explanation

An Invitation Without Explanation

A Display Of Generosity

When she was on her way to the Sheriff’s Office, she could not help but think she would be jailed. When the cop showed her the present, she felt very ashamed for jumping into conclusions. She found kindness from fellow adults to be so rare it is comparable to an eclipse. As she looked at the bike that was now hers, she was speechless. At that moment, she knew that her life was going to change. The simple act of kindness from the cop made her believe in humanity again.

A Display Of Generosity

A Display Of Generosity

Lending Her A Hand

Sgt. Bass considered Jayleysa to be one of the people he admired the most. He was impressed by the fact that she did not care about getting blisters on her feet whenever she walked those 12 miles to and from her workplace. She did this for her family. Furthermore, her work demands her to stand the entire day! He wanted to grab the opportunity to make her life a little easier, so Sgt. Bass started to brainstorm about ways to alleviate her situation. There is no doubt in our minds that Jayleysa, a mother who faced any weather to provide for her kids, earned the admiration of this kind police officer.

Lending Her A Hand

Lending Her A Hand

Worthy Of This Gift And More

Nowadays, it is not rare to find people who prefer riding a bicycle even though they can afford to get their own car. Many people opt for this mode of transportation for its health benefits. For someone like Jayleysa, this bicycle will make a huge difference. No longer will her legs ache and her feet blister from walking 12 miles each day. The bike makes everything easier for her. She found it awkward to accept something like this from a cop she barely knows, but she could feel that Sgt. Bass was not only doing this out of charity. He made sure she feels like she was completely deserving of such a gift. It touched her to know that he appreciated the hard work she does.

Worthy Of This Gift And More

Worthy Of This Gift And More

Both Deserved Respect And Admiration

The meeting that took place was caught on tape by the other cops from the Sheriff’s Office in Nash County. After this, CBS17 then uploaded the video to YouTube. It only took several hours for the video to receive over 6,000 views. From the likes and comments, it was easy to see that the community was moved by the story. The Sheriff’s Office could not help but feel proud of their cop, and rightly so. On the other hand, they were also impressed by the hardworking woman. Everyone knew she deserved the gift Sgt. Bass gave her. Aside from that, they added a statement that recognized the admirable attitude displayed by Sgt. Bass.

Both Deserved Respect And Admiration

Both Deserved Respect And Admiration

Employee Of The Month

As we all know, more and more people are growing distrustful of the police force. Although there are bad apples in any profession, let us not forget the good ones exist as well. We bet no one ever thought that a man like this one would notice the silent struggle of such a woman. Hopefully, more cops will be inspired by Sgt. Bass and his generosity. The act of kindness is all the proof we need that generosity can go a long way. Perhaps the most important thing here is reaching out to someone in need. Even though it was in the job description, he still went out of his way to improve the life of a stranger.

Employee Of The Month

Employee Of The Month

A Dream Come True

After the video became viral, media outlets started seeking out Jayleysa Corbett, who agreed to be interviewed. When she was asked about her thoughts, she informed everyone she was very shocked. It felt like a dream come true. She had no idea that the police officer knew what she was dealing with. Whenever she embarked on the 12-mile journey, her thoughts revolved around getting to work on time. She did not have any clue someone was watching her struggle and admiring her determination from afar. These days, she no longer has to cross the distance on her own two feet!

A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

Not Easy To Ignore

Sgt. Bass could have simply ignored the woman as he made his way to work every single day. However, he could not stop thinking about the hardworking woman and her sacrifice. He realized he could no longer afford to be a bystander in her story when he saw her out in the rainstorm. He had to do something. After all, it was his mission to serve and protect. The officer knew he could improve her life after seeing how hard she works to provide for her family. We should all know that acts of kindness do not always have to involve expensive gifts. For the cop, the bike was a small thing when compared to the sacrifices she made.

Not Easy To Ignore

Not Easy To Ignore

A Mother’s Love Is Priceless

We do not know if you have children of your own, but it is true that being a mother is tough. Every mother out there has sacrificed a lot of her children. Some people would refrain from eating if it meant feeding their kids. They would always put their kids first and themselves last. Jayleysa Corbett is one such mother who did not mind taking on such burdens for her children. She was fine with spending four hours of her day walking to be able to provide for her children. It did not matter what challenges lie ahead of her because she was willing to face them as long as she was armed with her love for her family.

A Mother’s Love Is Priceless

A Mother’s Love Is Priceless

A Memory For A Lifetime

Corbett did not expect anyone to take note of her perseverance. She only wanted to have the ability to provide for her children and maintain her good work ethic. She became so lost in her thoughts that she was unaware of what was happening around her. His gift will forever remind her of all the good things that happen when you least expect them. Most importantly, it restored her belief that there are people who want to make the world a better place.

A Memory For A Lifetime

A Memory For A Lifetime