30+ Entitled Celebrities Who Believe They Are Better Than Everyone Else

Published on 05/25/2023
These 30+ Celebs Actually Think They Deserve More Than Everyone Else

30+ Entitled Celebrities Who Believe They Are Better Than Everyone Else

Within the realm of glitz and glamour, a select group of celebrities display a remarkable sense of entitlement that sets them apart. These individuals firmly believe they deserve treatment, recognition, and rewards far superior to those of ordinary people. With their audacious demands, outrageous claims, and unapologetic attitudes, these 30+ celebrities have captured attention and raised eyebrows. Get ready for a glimpse into the world of larger-than-life personalities who genuinely think they deserve more than everyone else—a journey into the excesses and ego-driven antics of the entertainment industry’s elite.

Justin Timberlake

Fans of Britney Spears have no reason to believe Justin Timberlake can be trusted, despite the fact that they are well aware of his untrustworthiness. He basically left the pop diva to fend for herself when they stopped their romance. In fact, he gave the public the impression that she had cheated on him by creating a music video for the song “Cry Me a River.” He was in charge of making this music video.

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

Not to mention JT exposed Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl and refused to apologize for years! There have been so many Timberlake incidents that we have no question he deserves to be on our list.

Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire, an actor, is known for having a reputation for being exceedingly rude, despite the fact that at first glance he appears to be innocent. The fact that the famous person once offered a participant at a high-stakes poker game the chance to win a chip worth one thousand dollars if they could successfully duplicate the sound of a seal barking is a fascinating information about him.

Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire

Unfortunately for him, she wrote a book about her life and made a movie. Hollywood’s worst autograph signer is Tobey Maguire. He’s allegedly “wrapped up in his own egotistical web.”

James Corden

At the moment, there is nothing noteworthy to add to this debate! In recent years, the English presenter’s true personality has acquired more attention than the persona he portrays on television. In contrast to when he originally started his career. This is a significant shift from his television job. It appears that your nastiness and sense of entitlement will be exposed at some point in the future, even if they have been hidden behind the scenes.

James Corden

James Corden

Online, you’ll find comments from a number of people who have shared your experience of working with James Corden. While in flight, the late-night host paid no attention to his bawling wife or their little child.

Jennifer Lopez

While the idea of diva performances can be entertaining, the idea of acting inappropriately toward other people is not. Despite the author’s protests, “Jenny From the Block” looks to be somewhat snobbish and exclusionary in tone. This is the overall impression one receives from reading it. According to reports, when she was in the air, she did not look at or communicate with the flight attendants in any manner.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

J.Lo has commented on other actresses in other places. She referred to Cameron Diaz as “a lucky model who’s been given a lot of opportunities I just wish she would have done more with.”

Miles Teller

In an interview in 2015, famous actor Miles Teller said about his looks, “I was thinking about how I probably think I look better than the public does.” That gives us a tantalizing taste of this celebrity’s ego, which is an interesting part of who they are. During another event, he said, “I don’t think many actors my age are good actors.” [For instance:] “I don’t think many actors from my generation are good actors.”

Miles Teller

Miles Teller

Even though Teller is the only decent actor in Hollywood, he has nonetheless made public criticisms of the movies he has appeared in. He sent the director snide texts when he wasn’t given a big hit.

Tyra Banks

A surprising number of models have recently come out to discuss their experiences of working with Tyra Banks. She has been the hostess of America’s Next Top Model ever since she produced the first season of the show in 2003, and she also serves as an executive producer for the show. Although it was previously stated that her acts were an example of “tough love,” it is now abundantly evident that they were more consistent with harassment and bullying.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks

It seems that Tyra Banks advised competitors to disregard any instances of bigotry or harassment on multiple occasions. She also regularly made people pose as elephants or circus freaks because of their weight. I mean, really!

Michael Jordan

In a similar way, there are many reasons why Michael Jordan, a famous player, is arrogant, unpleasant, and even rude. Jordan is known for being the best basketball player ever. If you are good enough, becoming one of the best athletes in history could seriously mess with your mind. On the other hand, just because you’re good at a sport doesn’t mean you’re better than everyone else at that sport. You must continue to build on your entire game.

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan was approached by rapper Chamillionaire in 2009 at a party and requested for a photo. When he politely declined, MJ tried to upsell him on pricey merchandise.

Faye Dunaway

Ever since the Golden Age of Hollywood, which is when she began her career in the industry, she has been known for being a toxic influence on those around her. Faye Dunaway is an actress who is well-known for acting in a self-centered and unreasonable manner throughout her career. Because of the manner in which she interacts with the other members of the cast and crew, she has even been terminated from a number of positions.

Faye Dunaway

Faye Dunaway

Dunaway threw a cup of urine at Roman Polanski because he wouldn’t let her use the bathroom. Rutanya Alda advised entering Faye Dunaway’s dressing room with a raw steak.

Sean Penn

We are in a position to present a plethora of proof to indicate that Sean Penn is a cruel and self-centered guy, and we are equipped to do so. First and foremost, he was given a prison sentence for assaulting an extra who was working in a film. Or, how about the time he kicked a photographer and was given a sentence of three hundred hours of community service for his offense?

Sean Penn

Sean Penn

charges of physical violence made by his ex-wife Madonna. In 2013, a person attempted to photograph the celebrity when they were in the lobby of a hotel. Penn yelled at the other person and hurled his phone at him.

Christina Aguilera

Since “Genie in a Bottle,” we’ve been Christina Aguilera fans, but we can’t deny that her attitude can be annoying at times. It would appear that the TV judge has been a pain to work with while filming the talent show The Voice. According to several of our sources, not only did she arrive late but also she acted as if she owned the shoot and insisted on wearing her own outfit.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera

The other celebrity judges, according to one source, chose to “just let Christina have her way because it is much easier than arguing with her.” She also requests a police escort in order to avoid traffic.

Jared Leto

To tell you the truth, we believe that thinking that you are better than everyone else and engaging in method acting probably go hand in hand. After all, you are making the conscious decision to act in accordance with a character that is not your own. It is highly doubtful that you will be polite while in that state, unless of course you are method acting as Maria von Trapp.

Jared Leto

Jared Leto

There are numerous instances of Jared Leto being terrible. He has mistreated crew members horribly, insulted journalists, and offended fans. He also refers to his followers as “The Echelon.”

Lea Michele

Where does one begin when discussing the actress Lea Michele? On the other hand, a large number of her former co-stars have stated that she is tough to work with in the past and continues to be so today. The environment in the workplace was toxic for those employees because of the actress’ antagonistic attitude toward her coworkers of race. Heather Morris states that the cast members were “scared” to express their concerns.

Lea Michele

Lea Michele

However, Lea’s nasty behavior isn’t restricted to the set. Actress Hailie Steinfeld claimed she requested the actress for an autograph once, but she snubbed her and walked away. That appears to be correct!

Kanye West

When Kanye West was featured on the cover of a magazine at one point, he was seen wearing a crown of thorns. The rapper and designer has done so much more than that to compare himself to Jesus than it was even close to being the sole occasion. In point of fact, he has asserted on more than one occasion that he is “the greatest artist” that God has ever produced. That’s some serious ego right there.

Kanye West

Kanye West

Kanye West famously ran onstage while a teenage Taylor Swift collected an MTV award. Beyoncé won. He said his antisemitism wouldn’t hurt Adidas. Kanye said, “I can say antisemitic things and Adidas won’t drop me. What now? Adidas fired Kanye.

Will Smith

A great number of musicians who have worked on projects together with Will Smith are of the opinion that they will never do it again in the course of their lives. Will may be overheard telling his son Jaden on multiple occasions, “Your father’s the biggest movie star in the world, and you’re struggling for your little piece of dignity in this extreme shadow.” Will is referring to the fact that Jaden’s father is Will Smith.

Will Smith

Will Smith

What Will Smith thinks of himself is very obvious. He must be superior to everyone who watches movies because he was a sitcom star before acting in them.

James Cameron

On this list, James Cameron isn’t the only director of a movie that makes an appearance. It would appear that if you are able to create some successful films, you are granted the authority to look down on everyone else. Or to regard them with the contempt due to dirt. As an illustration, James Cameron was recorded on tape yelling at a fan who had approached him for an autograph.

James Cameron

James Cameron

It would appear that Cameron has a very volatile temper, given his previous outbursts. After Josh Brolin turned down a role in a movie, the director reportedly made insulting comments to him.

Shannen Doherty

Everyone knows Shannen Doherty was a difficult person to work with. She was also notorious for being difficult to work with. Her former co-star, Jason Priestly, stated in his book about their time working together that the actress grumbled about the method she was getting to the airport. “Really?” she exclaimed, surprised. Is that a black sedan? You sent a town car instead of a limo to drive me to the airport? Are you serious?

Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty allegedly resumed her diva behavior aboard the plane, according to Priestly. She apparently complained about “the short notice, the food on board, the cabin temperature, and everything else.”

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase is yet another famous person that was fired from a show as a consequence of their inappropriate behavior. It has been said that the comic is impolite, difficult to collaborate with, chauvinistic, and racist. Throughout the years, he has been involved in a number of disagreements and feuds with a variety of costars, authors, and creators. The short version is that Chevy Chase is a nightmare.

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase has a history of violence towards women. His first wife accused him of violence, and he has been rude and unpleasant to numerous of his female co-stars. He’s the devil!

Michael Bay

Director Michael Bay had Megan Fox wash his Ferrari in his driveway while only wearing a bikini to assess her potential for the role of Megan Fox in the Transformers film franchise. This is only one example of the filmmaker’s racist behavior; there are others. She was still in her adolescent years at the time. Fox eventually opted to exit the franchise due to the director’s disrespectful and violent behavior with female cast members.

Michael Bay

Michael Bay

Michael Bay has also angered and irritated other A-List women. He has disparaged Kate Beckinsale and Kate Winslet’s looks. In addition, he abandoned Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in the desert and forced her to walk back in heels as a “audition.”

Rachael Ray

There have been rumors circulating that famous chef Rachael Ray’s talk program may see the same ratings decline as Ellen DeGeneres’s experienced. It’s likely that neither of these women is truly letting the other one in on who they are, despite the fact that they both exude positivity and goodwill toward one another. Some of Ray’s admirers are of the belief that he is difficult to get in touch with in the real world.

Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Furthermore, Rachael Ray’s peers aren’t exactly admirers. Martha Stewart, Anthony Bourdain, and Giada DeLaurentis have all criticized her. Her own relatives also chastised her for failing to attend her aunt’s burial.

Quentin Tarantino

It’s time for yet another egotistical director to grab the reins of a movie production! Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino believes that he “can do film criticism as good as anybody” and that he “can do film criticism as well as anybody.” In addition to this, Quentin believes that his movies are on par with the very best examples that can be found anywhere. That is so ridiculously funny that it defies any attempt to describe it.

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino, like many filmmakers, thinks he’s better than non-filmmakers. He calls himself “a legit filmmaker of my generation who’s leading the pack” and doesn’t “really feel in competition with anybody anymore.” He believes he influences everyone.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherina Zeta-Jones, an actress from Wales, is fed up with being treated as though she is on the same level as everyone else. She has had enough of pretending to be on par. The following declaration was made by her in the year 2018: “One thing I’m not anymore is modest. I’ve had enough of the position that requires me to be humble. I mean this with the utmost seriousness.”

Catherine Zeta Jones

Catherine Zeta Jones

The actress who worked hard said, “I’m sorry I’m rich, sorry I’m married to a movie star, and sorry I’m not so ugly.” Catherine Zeta-Jones says, “A million dollars isn’t a lot of money for people like us.” Then what?

Tom Cruise

The actor Tom Cruise is the subject of an abundance of tales and anecdotes that originate from those who make their career in the service and hospitality industries. A member of staff at a restaurant in New York City reports that two individuals started pounding on the door shortly after the restaurant closed at two in the morning after business had ended. According to the reports, the event took place in the city.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

“I’m Tom Cruise,” one said when they told them they closed. The restaurant hesitantly opened for a famous actor. Tom Cruise ranting at cast and crew has been leaked before.

Justin Bieber

You can be certain that previous admirers of Justin Bieber as well as famous individuals will concur with you if you remark that he is an unpleasant person to be around when you hear that statement. If you had been a child star who had achieved a great deal of success when you were younger, we might have been able to understand how you could have arrived at the conclusion that you possessed a fantastic creative mind.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

You’re a human who obtained a record deal as a child. The Biebs arrives at events with a large entourage and expects anything he wants. He also screamed at concertgoers for talking.

Charlie Sheen

It’s hard to imagine anyone disagreeing with actor Charlie Sheen’s assertion that he thinks he deserves more than other people do. His background demonstrates that he has always been focused on himself. For example, Charlie Sheen was the one who was ultimately responsible for the firing of Selma Blair from her part on his show. He is also the one who attacked Rihanna and ranked all of his female co-stars.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

The actor has endured legal and medical implications in his personal life. He trashed a hotel room in 2010 and left a woman screaming in the closet. In addition, he does not pay adequate child support to his ex-wives.

Russell Crowe

In a manner similar to Charlie Sheen, there is a plethora of data to prove that Russell Crowe is not a pleasant person. This data shows that Russell Crowe is not a pleasant individual. He once tossed a phone at hotel employees. On another occasion, musician Azealia Banks reported a celebrity to authorities, saying that the celebrity had physically assaulted her. She filed a report about the incident.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe sang with the band on an Irish talk show. “If you’re going to clap, clap in time,” he shouted as the audience clapped along to “Folsom Prison Blues”. If you can’t clap on time, shut up.”

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres is on this list without a doubt, despite the fact that we have already acknowledged her. After it was discovered that the TV presenter is nothing like her on-screen character, the TV presenter experienced a dramatic fall from grace. Ellen had been spreading the message to “be kind” for years, but it turned out that she was the one who was being cruel and violent to others.

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres

It was also revealed that Ellen and her show have staged phony giveaways. Outside of work, Ellen appears to have complained about a waitress’s chipped nail paint, nearly getting her fired. So thoughtful!

Adam Levine

Adam Levine, an American singer who also serves as a judge on a variety of television shows, has been cited as stating, “I love attention, and I can’t stand not having it.” The fan who approached the celebrity for an autograph said that the celebrity responded with an extremely unpleasant attitude when the autograph was requested. It was said that he remarked something along the lines of “I don’t give autographs to ugly chicks.”

Adam Levine

Adam Levine

Adam Lavine asserted in a different interview that cheating is “instinctive.” I cheated, he declared. And what about that? Nothing makes you feel worse than actually doing it. What a great person.

Leonardo DiCaprio

It is a well-known fact that Leonardo DiCaprio, along with a select few of the other celebrities mentioned on this list, avoids making direct eye contact with members of the general public. There was a guideline that was given to the crew members who worked on his films ordering them to divert their concentration away from the A-lister while they were around. The instruction stated that they were to do this anytime the A-lister was present.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leo’s encounters with intolerance have been many. He is only involved with younger models. Shops have been vandalized by members of Leo’s squad. They set off stink bombs in one location in New York City. Mature!

Mike Myers

The actor Mike Myers looks like the kind of man who would be able to keep his sense of humor while remaining firmly rooted in the here and now. However, in point of fact, he is autocratic, nasty, and working with him is a living hell. Actress Amy Hill, who has previously collaborated with him, has described her time spent working with him as “a horrible, nightmarish experience.”

Mike Myers

Mike Myers

“He had his handlers dress his trailer, and his area was all covered with tenting because he didn’t want anyone seeing him,” she explained. I just thought it was incredibly impolite of him not to consider all of us.”

Kiefer Sutherland

Freddie Prinze Jr., another actor, shared a similar sentiment when he revealed that he “hated every moment” of working with Kiefer Sutherland. He went on to explain, “Kiefer was the most unprofessional dude in the entire world.” That is not me talking smack; I would tell him that to his face, and I believe that everyone who has worked with him in the past has said the same thing.

Kiefer Sutherland

Kiefer Sutherland

One of the rudest, most entitled superstars in the industry is known to be the actor Donald Sutherland’s son. He’s been in trouble with the law numerous times and was incarcerated for seven weeks.

Christian Bale

Another method actor that is notorious for their rude behavior is presented here. One of Christian Bale’s former publicists wrote a tell-all book in which she claimed that the actor was harsh to fans who approached him in restaurants. She stated in her writing that the celebrity would “lecture little girls about being rude and intrusive until tears streamed down their faces, and their parents tugged them away from our table.”

Christian Bale

Christian Bale

According to yet another juicy anecdote, the celebrity allegedly suggested that a devoted follower should have “a screwdriver thrust through the eyeball into the brain.” What a dashing young dude!

Jake Gyllenhaal

Fans of Taylor Swift have known for some time now that actor Jake Gyllenhaal is involved in some questionable activities. These rumors have been circulating for quite some time. Jake, much like Leo, has a preference for dating substantially younger women. This preference extends to Jake as well. It is quite unfortunate for him because one of them is a singer-songwriter who is on par with the very finest in the world in their field.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake was far worse to Taylor Swift than previously imagined, according to newly released music from their relationship. On her 21st birthday, he stood her up, stared down on her, and erupted into unexpected rages.

Bruce Willis

There have been numerous allegations that movie actor Bruce Willis has engaged in questionable behavior over the course of his career. It is said that he has held entire productions waiting, fully aware that they won’t start without him and that they can’t start without him. Fans who got too close to Bruce Willis and his family prompted the actor and his family to shout at the fans and flick them off.

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis

The seasoned actor was recently expelled from a store after refusing to wear a mask. Although he later apologized, it was obvious that he believed the rules did not apply to him.

Ariana Grande

Alexander DeLeon, a singer, has stated that Ariana Grande is the “most arrogant and disrespectful person” he has ever met in the music industry. DeLeon made these statements in reference to Grande. This assertion concerning Grande was made by DeLeon. This isn’t all that hard to believe when one takes into account the fact that the celebrity in question was reportedly seen licking donuts in a bakery at some point in the past.

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Contest winners have waited all day to meet Ari for 15 seconds. She also demanded they erase their photo with her. The singer reportedly demands to be carried whenever she wants.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwynnie is known for being entirely disconnected from the world around her, so it should come as no surprise that she thinks she is more deserving of special treatment than the rest of us. At one occasion, the actress made a remark to the effect of “sometimes, Harvey Weinstein will let me use the Miramax jet if I’m opening a supermarket for him.” This was one of the actress’s many controversial comments. So relatable.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow

On another occasion, the Goop founder said, “I am who I am; I can’t pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year.” She also stated that being an actor is more difficult than having a “regular job.”