Behind-The-Scenes Secrets They Didn’t Tell You About Dirty Dancing

Published on 09/25/2018

It’s All In The Outfits

The producers of the film made sure the leading characters were color-coordinated throughout. Baby was always dressed in light pastel colors, which reflected her innocence and Johnny stuck to black and darker colors, which was a perfect fit for his bad-boy image.

It’s All In The Outfits

It’s All In The Outfits


No Time Like The Present

When the movie was in the making, they cast had a tight filming schedule. So the rehearsals only lasted two weeks, which including perfecting that lift. The entire movie was shot in just forty-four days, which is no time at all compared to most movies in Hollywood. This movie already had a lot of ingredients for a blockbuster, so perhaps that’s all the time they needed to create such an iconic hit.

No Time Like The Present

No Time Like The Present