40+ Incredible Things That Can Only Be Seen In Dubai
Everyone is familiar with Dubai as the playground for the wealthy and the base of millionaires on the go from all over the world. Buildings that soar above the heavens are what give Dubai its distinctive skyline. Although it is still the center of an ancient desert culture, modernization and Western influence have caused it to change. Beautiful vehicles like a Porsche, Ferrari, and Jeep would draw attention, but in Dubai, seeing such an impressive lineup is commonplace. View these images to see what can only occur in this awe-inspiringly special city!
The owner of this expensive sports car in Dubai was enjoying a peaceful afternoon snooze until his animal friend decided to disturb and play.

Dubai is the place for you if your idea of fun is going to the doctor to get the scratches your exotic pet gave you! As you’ve probably realized by now, Dubai residents adore huge cats. They trusted them so much that they allowed them to board their sports cars.
Traffic Jammin’
In Dubai, automobiles serve many more purposes than just getting from A to B. Cars are a way of life. They are used to demonstrate riches and social standing in Dubai, where it seems like everyone owns a luxurious sports car.

Traffic Jammin’
This image initially looks to depict a large group of auto enthusiasts traveling to a car show. However, this picture simply depicts a regular Wednesday morning commute in Dubai.
Look Mom No Hands!
Dubai residents adore leading dangerous lives. The inhabitants of Dubai can really do anything, whether it’s getting up and personal with a dangerous lion or surfing the top of your SUV like a surfboard as it flips upside-down on the motorway.

Look Mom No Hands!
We’re virtually certain that everyone you see in Dubai is a skilled stuntman at this point. Either that or Dubai’s life expectancy is unusually low.
A Faster Ambulance
We’ve already seen the Ferraris that the Dubai municipality uses as its regular police vehicle, but we guarantee you’ve never seen fire engines and ambulances like these!

A Faster Ambulance
Paramedics and other emergency services respond to citizen pleas for assistance with vehicles like this Corvette and this Hummer. In a way, it’s really practical because these cars are sure to reach you far faster than your typical boxy ambulance in a medical emergency where every second counts!
Sky High
Of course, there is a tennis court in the sky since Dubai is all about architectural innovation and pushing the boundaries of human capacity! The tallest tennis court in the world is now located on this property.

Sky High
It’s perched 1,000 feet above the ground atop the enormous luxury hotel Burj Al Arab. On the court, Andre Agassi and Roger Federer engaged in a friendly match. How is it possible to play up there without being dizzy? We are unsure.
Not Quite A Soup Kitchen
Dubai has more to offer than being a playground for the wealthy few to indulge in self-indulgence and display their money. This demonstrates Dubai’s dedication to aiding the most fortunate.

Not Quite A Soup Kitchen
However, this isn’t your standard public food bank where the needy are simply given a few cans of tuna as a reward; instead, this upscale, refrigerator-style food bank gives out delicious items like yogurt and cappuccino mix, proving that not just the wealthy should indulge themselves.
Gold Bar Vending Machine
Everyone has had the sense of going to a small restaurant or shop, reaching for their reliable credit card, and being told that the establishment only accepts cash.

Gold Bar Vending Machine
Then we make a hasty trip to the ATM, where we typically pay exorbitant fees. Yes, this is a vending machine for gold bars, but there are ATMs in Dubai that give you more than just cash! Perfect for circumstances where you have left your gold at home unattended.
Marble Floored Stable
Horse stables are where horses eat, relax, get hosed off, and have their hooves cleaned; they are not typically thought of as attractive places. Parents frequently use the image of a horse stable when describing a child’s filthy room.

Marble Floored Stable
A horse stable with a marble floor and a painted ceiling that resembles the lobby of a five-star hotel in Las Vegas can only be found in Dubai. Although we are certain that this horse would like to be outside, he is undoubtedly leading a happy life.
Boating With A Lion
You would be mistaken if you believed that posting a casual photo of yourself on your luxury yacht in a harbor on Instagram was the pinnacle of showing off your wealth.

Boating With A Lion
Taking a photo of your pet lion on your fancy yacht is the ultimate power move. How you could possibly flaunt more than this is beyond us. Although we’d be terrified to be stranded on a boat with one, the lion appears to be enjoying the sea air!
Skiing In The Desert
Despite the fact that you might not expect to find a ski resort in the heart of the desert, Dubai is home to the largest indoor ski resort in the world and the only one that is open all year.

Skiing In The Desert
This ski resort in Dubai is the perfect destination if you’re a European expat who urgently misses the chilly thrill of the Alps in the winter. There are slopes for all skill levels!
White Gold Whip
And here we have yet another late model Mercedes painted in pure white gold, customized in a way to make it obvious that the owner is immensely wealthy and wants everyone and their mother to know it.

White Gold Whip
Speaking of flashy Don’t bet on us looking out this car on the street because of its harsh reflection of the desert sun; this custom paint job has to be worth more money than we will ever see in our lifetimes!
These elusive desert tortoises are hard to discover, a threatened species, and not very hospitable to people.

However, as we’ve seen in earlier images, Dubai’s citizens absolutely adore exotic pets, whether they’re wild beasts like cheetahs and tigers or more docile creatures like these unusual reptiles. Look at this guy showing off his money; he has an astonishing total of eight of these hard-shelled critters, not just one or two!
Luxury Loo
The typical rule is that you don’t want to spend a lot of time in public restrooms. We strive to enter and exit as quickly as possible even in the nicest public restrooms since they still make us feel uneasy.

Luxury Loo
In contrast, this public restroom in Dubai exceeds our greatest expectations. If the modern rainfall shower and jacuzzi were available to us, we’d happily spend the remainder of the day relaxing here!
I Call Shotgun
Everyone adores their cat and enjoys showing others images of how adorable it is. You need a lot of money to purchase a large cat like a cheetah.

I Call Shotgun
This man felt the urge to display his unusual pet, a cheetah! The life that this cheetah was used to back home, running wild and chasing prey on the plains of Africa, is very different from riding a shotgun in a luxurious car.
Uber Bugatti?
Uber has become a worldwide obsession among residents of large cities.

Uber Bugatti
Whether you’re traveling to work or returning home after a crazy night out, it’s the quickest and easiest method to go from A to B. However, Dubai is the only place on earth where you can expect your Uber driver to pick you up in a high-end sports car like a Bugatti! What a 5-star experience.
Camel Racing Robots
Animal racing is a cultural obsession that spans the globe. Whether it’s greyhound or horse racing, people from almost every nation enjoy watching our animal friends push themselves to the edge.

Camel Racing Robots
But in this instance, as with everything in Dubai, the age-old custom of camel racing has undergone a contemporary makeover. Look closely at the figures on the camels; they are not humans at all, but rather incredibly light, aerodynamic robots!
City Of Cranes
Dubai’s economy has been thriving ever since the initial oil discoveries. However, Dubai has broadened its horizons and has an economy based on more than just the “black gold” beneath the desert decades after its first emergence as a significant player in the global financial scene.

City Of Cranes
The city is presently the ideal location for foreign investors because of liberal restrictions regarding the business establishment and the absence of an income tax. Permanent construction is underway, and growth is ongoing.
James Bond Or Reality?
Although it may sound like something from the distant future, Dubai not only has the largest selection of sportscars that are barely street legal, but it also offers the most cutting-edge amphibious vehicle!

James Bond Or Reality?
Sheik Hamdan Bin Mohammad Al-Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai, really owns six water cars in total, which are all valued at more than $800,000. These vehicles, known as the “Panther,” are capable of traveling at speeds of up to 80 mph.
Decadent Dessert
This isn’t your typical cupcake; after all, it’s Dubai, where everything is made of gold. The record holder for the most expensive cupcake in the world, this one costs more than $1000.

Decadent Dessert
The appropriately called “The Golden Phoenix” cupcake is incredibly indulgent and made with the best Italian cocoa, Ugandan vanilla beans, and, of course, 23 karat gold. If you’re going to consume this many calories, why not do it in style?
Families Only
You might be wondering what a “family zone” actually is. So that women can enjoy themselves freely, there is a limited area where single men are not permitted. Oh wait, women must be modest and cover themselves regardless.

Families Only
There are family-friendly areas at malls, eateries, and on the beach in Dubai. In “family zones,” only men who are accompanied by their wives and children are allowed entry. This is done, we assume, to keep out any young men with wandering eyes.
Teaching An Old Cat New Tricks
Everyone is aware that training your large cat on the bonnet of your pricey sports car is the most effective method. In this manner, you can flaunt both your social standing and your deadly exotic pet.

Teaching An Old Cat New Tricks
The finest method to demonstrate to the world that you are the true alpha guy is to do this. Unless, of course, your strategy fails and your companion exotic animal betrays you. You won’t appear to be an alpha male then.
No Dogs, No Fish
In our lives, we’ve seen a lot of photos of amusing signage. Instructional signs like these can range from embarrassing warnings on what to do or not do on an escalator to what is prohibited in airplanes and are a great source of amusement.

No Dogs, No Fish
They also reveal a lot about the local culture in which they are housed. We’re chuckling to ourselves thinking that this must have happened frequently enough for the municipality to post a sign like this.
The Check, Please
Every party animal’s worst nightmare comes true when they visit a club where they already know they’ll be overcharged, but they absolutely take advantage of them and charge them more than $380,000!

The Check, Please
However, since this invoice is in Emirates dirhams, the total is slightly over $100,000. Still, quite the investment for a single night on the town! But you have to follow Roman customs when you’re in Rome.
Not Your Average Squad Car
It makes natural that the police force would need to keep up with the growing number of Bugattis, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis in Dubai, and of course, the official police car is a Ferrari.

Not Your Average Squad Car
Otherwise, how would the police be able to find and apprehend the evil individuals driving the super-fast cars? I mean, every police officer in Dubai drives a Ferrari for practical reasons. That, in our opinion, is the job’s best benefit.
Golden Trio
A stunning trio like a Porsche, Ferrari, and Mercedes Jeep would draw attention in any other city around the globe, but in Dubai, such an incredible line-up is commonplace. This image depicts a relaxed urban landscape.

Golden Trio
This car screams complete luxury and is appropriately gold plated, just to make sure their riches are flaunted enough. Whether or if these cars can outperform the vintage Ferrari Dubai police cars is unknown.
Riding Dirty
In the past, camels represented prosperity because they were useful for carrying goods, storing items, producing milk, providing hair for clothes and brushes, and in the worst cases, providing meat during times of scarcity.

Riding Dirty
Nowadays, the majority of Dubai residents opt for a flashy car rather than a camel pack when traveling. However, this guy chose to ride around in his pricey Mercedes Jeep while still flaunting his animal investment, combining the best of both worlds!
Nice Ride
A fact of life in every city in the world, including Dubai, is that people who live in cities are accustomed to bad traffic. Waze won’t even be of assistance if the road is completely congested. The greatest method to avoid those unpleasant traffic jams?

Nice Ride
Obviously by air! The only place where you can witness a helicopter flying as high as the skyscrapers just to move a luxury car from one side of the city to the other is in Dubai.
Limo To The ER
Talk about making a grand entrance! God forbid, it’s a dreadful circumstance if you sustain a significant injury and need to be sent to the hospital right away.

Limo To The ER
But let’s be honest, if you arrive at the hospital in the back of a plush stretch limo, it’s a little less awful. To ensure that you avoid crowds and receive medical attention as soon as possible, this luxurious emergency car is complete with a flashing blue light on top.
Serious Horse Power
This Dubai resident enjoys riding in elegance on his white motorcycle with a horse-themed design. He could have chosen a more conventionally masculine style, but Dubai is a culture that values grace and attention to the smallest of details.

Serious Horse Power
This man even made the choice to complement his magnificent new bike by donning a white hoodie and matching jeans. When he arrives at his cousin’s graduation party in this well-tuned vehicle, he will undoubtedly be the talk of the town.
Shop ‘Til You Drop
The Dubai Mall, the biggest shopping center in the world, is located in Dubai. The Dubai Mall, the world’s most visited building in 2011, features well over 1,200 stores and services spread across 5.4 million square feet.

Shop ‘Til You Drop
Visitors can also locate this enormous aquarium inside the mall. More than 300 marine species, including sharks and rays, may be seen in the Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo. The mall is also home to a movie theater, a children’s theme park, a Rainforest Cafe, and an amusement park with SEGA-related attractions.
Custom Paint Job
While a Jeep Grand Cherokee is a perfectly respectable car in most of the globe, driving one in Dubai might make you feel like a peasant.

Custom Paint Job
To blend in with the ultra-rich crowd in a country where Bugattis, Lamborghinis, and Ferraris are as ubiquitous as a regular Toyota Corolla, you must improve your game. This person had the brilliant idea to spice up his Jeep by painting it a distinctive 24K gold, and it most certainly succeeded!
Surf’s Up
One of Dubai’s most bizarre characteristics is the constant contrast between old and new, modern and ancient, which is notably evident in the behavior of the native Emiratis.

Surf’s Up
They value their religious heritage highly even as they embrace modern conveniences and technical advancements. The fact that these women are trying to paddle board while still wearing their traditional clothes in this picture is the ideal depiction of that issue.
Dubai is a daredevil’s paradise because it has the highest concentration of skyscrapers of any city on earth. No other city in the entire world attracts visitors particularly to jump out of buildings!

The city of Dubai is undoubtedly the daredevil’s paradise because it has the highest concentration of buildings on the planet. Nobody travels to any other city in the world just to jump off of skyscrapers!
Lap Of Luxury
On this list, gold has already been used a lot; examples include telephones made of pure 24-carat gold that is set with diamonds and other priceless gems. We’ve seen the cupcake with the priciest frosting in the world, which is lavishly decorated with edible gold leaf.

Lap Of Luxury
But this item really takes the cake; it’s a pair of high heels created by a French designer, and its standout feature is the heel, which is a chunk of gold fashioned into the shape of a cassette!
Not A Frat House Foosball Table
That ugly object you see in frat houses and dive bars is a foosball table. It’s one of those things you touch and quickly regret, then you race to the bathroom to wash your hands. It’s typically sticky with unknown ingredients.

Not A Frat House Foosball Table
But in Dubai, we’d happily eat off of this Swarovski crystal and diamond-studded foosball table! We must respect the city’s dedication to elevating even the most commonplace, ordinary items to the pinnacle of elegance.
Morning Commute
A tiger poking its head out a car window to get some fresh air would be a big reason for concern anywhere else on the earth, but in Dubai, it is just par for the course during a typical, everyday commute.

Morning Commute
The tiger is a pet and seems to be enjoying the change of scenery, but we have to confess that if we had seen this animal while stuck in traffic, we might have freaked out a little.
Hang 10
It’s so Dubai to paddleboard while sporting a traditional thobe and headdress! While the traditional customs that have shaped their culture for hundreds of years are respected and honored, Emiratis also embrace modern technologies and fashion trends.

Hang 10
A father and son dressed in the attire of their ancestors are conducting an activity that no one could have ever believed would be possible in the desert; this photo illustrates how effortlessly old and new merge together in Dubai.
All Gold Everything
You shouldn’t be surprised if Dubai makes your eyes hurt from all the shiny things there. That’s because one of the most widely used accessories in Dubai is gold. Dubai residents will essentially use gold for everything.

All Gold Everything
They have gold garbage cans, gold rubbish, gold automobiles, gold jackets, gold shoes, gold necklaces, gold bracelets, gold earrings, gold watches, and gold crowns. While this can appear a little unrealistic to Westerners, you’ll enjoy the elegance once you get to Dubai.
Shine Bright Like A Diamond
It’s obvious you have money to burn if you’re driving a new Mercedes convertible. The best way to make sure that everyone knows you are wealthy, though, is to drive about in a Mercedes that is covered in diamonds.

Shine Bright Like A Diamond
Additionally, a Mercedes is not exactly a head-turner in Dubai, so you’ll need to step it up a bit if you really want to stand out from the crowd.
Loading Zone
In essence, a parking lot in Dubai is a display of exotic cars, including Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Porsches. A camel, an outdated form of transportation, is parked directly next to a lavish Mercedes!

Loading Zone
For what it’s worth, the camel appears completely satisfied to rest in the parking lot. This image is the ideal representation of Dubai’s distinctive fusion of traditional and modern, old and new.
Culture Clash
A significant cultural clash is inevitable when outdated traditional attire meets cutting-edge fashion. There is a little more to the story than just how Dubai isn’t quite like some of its neighbors, who wouldn’t permit this kind of mixed dress.

Culture Clash
While the locals seem a little surprised by the girl’s appearance, they are probably accustomed to foreigners dressing so differently than they ever would by this point. It is obvious that the girl is on vacation because she is wearing summer clothes in the Western way.
Bikini Vs. Burqa
Westerners are welcome in Dubai, where there is little bureaucracy involved in starting a business, the government actively promotes foreign investment, and there is no income tax.

Bikini Vs. Burqa
But as this insane photo shows, having more Western people makes for a perfect environment for some huge cultural confrontations. A lady in a bikini on the beach next to a woman wearing a burqa is unthinkable in most other parts of the world, but it happens all the time in Dubai.
Here Kitty Kitty
We’d freak out if we saw a cheetah in a public place, even if it was a cub, in practically any city around the globe.

Here Kitty Kitty
In contrast, this woman exudes confidence as she converses on her cell phone with one hand while cradling a wildcat in her lap and only half paying attention to it. Clearly a pet, the cheetah seemed to be relishing the change of surroundings. He’s a fairly well-behaved safari predator, in fact.
Sky High Living
Imagine looking out your window in the morning to check the weather and finding clouds below you! In Dubai, jet-setting expats who have the means to purchase penthouses that are figuratively sky-high live like this every day.

Sky High Living
The highest feasible high rises are concentrated in Dubai, where there is also the highest density of high rises in the entire globe. The majority of penthouses and condos offered above the 50th level are in Dubai.
Hotline Bling
These phones’ six-digit serial numbers are actually their exorbitant costs, not their serial numbers! A Nokia that is gold-plated or covered in diamonds may cost you several hundred thousand dollars.

Hotline Bling
However, if you’re a ridiculously wealthy expat living in Dubai, adorning your phone with priceless diamonds is standard procedure. A high-end phone is an ideal accessory for your ultra-rare sports car in Dubai, where image is everything.
Ridin’ Dirty
In Dubai, people frequently use unusual modes of transportation to flaunt their riches and sophistication. For instance, one man prefers to flaunt his social standing by riding Gertrude, his pet lion, to work every day.

Ridin’ Dirty
Residents of the working class in Dubai enviously watch as they commute to work on foot or by bicycle. It might put you at risk of being attacked and devoured by a roaring lion, but it’s worth it to prove to the world that you’ve succeeded.
Just Building A Boat
The people of Dubai’s working class aren’t scared to work hard or get their hands filthy. The individuals in this image are hand-constructing a boat in its first phases.

Just Building A Boat
As you can see, they have a design that is similar to Noah’s Ark. However, it’s safe to assume that the only creatures that will be aboard this boat once it is finished will be huge cats if we know anything about the inhabitants of Dubai.