40+ Entitled Individuals Who Tried And Completely Failed To Negotiate A Deal

Published on 05/30/2023
40+ Entitled Individuals Who Tried And Completely Failed To Negotiate A Deal

40+ Entitled Individuals Who Tried And Completely Failed To Negotiate A Deal

It takes a deft hand to haggle. You must not only consider your goal when negotiating a great deal, but you must also consider the needs of the seller. Unfortunately, if you’re entitled, you might find this concept difficult to grasp, which is why so many negotiations fail. Here are some examples of entitled people who tried and failed miserably to get themselves a good deal. We’re confident that at least a few of them will make you laugh!

Piece Of Cake

Piece Of Cake

You’ve probably spent more than one team member’s birthday with them if you work in a close-knit office. Colleagues frequently get together and throw a small get-together, or at the very least, there is cake to be had. As a result, it’s not uncommon for this to occur. Still, it screams entitlement when a different team member asks you to bake a cake and tries to negotiate based on the fact that it’s his birthday.

Sharing Is Caring

Most of us were probably told by our parents when we were kids that sharing is caring. However, if it’s something you pay for — such as a streaming service — and someone who isn’t a close family member requests to use it, we can see why you’d be upset.

Sharing Is Caring

Sharing Is Caring

This person tried to persuade a mutual acquaintance to allow him to use their Hulu subscription. Unfortunately, their negotiating strategies simply did not have enough heft to them.

Better Deal

Numerous websites allow users to advertise items they want to sell. Frequently, the items they’re trying to sell have already been discounted from their original purchase price.

Better Deal

Better Deal

We’re baffled as to why this gentleman wanted the seller to lower the price because they saw another ad in which the same person was offering something for free.

Knock a Little Off

Craigslist is one of the best places to find discounted furniture and household items. For very low prices, you can find a lot of great things that are still in working order. This includes high-definition smart TVs.

Knock A Little Off

Knock A Little Off

To be fair, this person was only looking for better deals, but it appears he failed to recognize the importance of striking a fair deal in order to complete the transaction.

Parental Advice

It can be difficult to find the perfect present for a child’s birthday. As a result, many people turn to platforms like Craigslist to find what they need. However, asking for something for free requires a great deal of arrogance.

Parental Advice

Parental Advice

Initially, it appeared that this person understood why the woman was asking for it for free, but when the woman provided logical reasons for why she couldn’t, the conversation took a turn for the worse.

Free Meals

Many people begin negotiating with the intention of gaining something from the conversation. Take this person for example she appears to be quite hungry and has a strong desire for Korean barbecue, but she refuses to pay for it.

Free Meals

Free Meals

Because they had already eaten and were not willing to pay for another meal at that point, the strategy must have worked in the past, but it clearly didn’t work on the OP at the time.

Will Work for Rent

eSports is one of the most popular things to do online these days when it comes to gaming. There are numerous organizations and teams that have formed, and if you join one, you must create a memorable logo.

Will Work For Rent

Will Work For Rent

That was the deal this person was attempting to strike with the graphic artist. However, the graphic artist did not believe that membership in the organization was sufficient compensation for the work required to create a logo.

New Laptop

When working in graphic arts or software development, having the right hardware is crucial. In this situation, many people opt for a Mac as their primary laptop. However, they can be quite costly!

New Laptop

New Laptop

This person was trying to haggle for the use of a laptop computer. Then, when he tried to sell the other guy’s goods, the negotiation suddenly took a completely different turn. He appears to be perplexed by the concept of haggling.

Pick-Up Fee

When people sell things online, the person who wants to buy them usually has to pick them up from the seller’s location. After all, these people are attempting to get rid of something with the least amount of effort.

Pick-Up Fee

Pick-Up Fee

When you try to negotiate to have it dropped off despite the fact that the post clearly states otherwise, it is a little bizarre, to say the least, but it happens.

BYO Everything

Pictures from your wedding day will be something you will cherish for the rest of your life, so finding a good photographer who fits your budget is one of the most important aspects of doing all of the planning.

BYO Everything

BYO Everything

However, if you have no budget, you must find a way to negotiate by offering something else in exchange. This person was unaware of this and chose to go in the opposite direction, offering nothing at all, which is most likely how their crazy uncle ended up being the photographer.

Help Me Out

There are people who understand and are willing to work with you when you’re in a financial bind. Even those looking to sell something may be willing to bargain for a lower price in the right situation.

Help Me Out

Help Me Out

But even so, once you have agreed on a price, it’s not good negotiation practice to turn around and try to haggle for a lower price later down the road.

Pay Me for My Time

Business is one of the most common places where people bargain. Take this person, for example, who is looking to have a logo designed for their business and has contacted a graphic designer to see what they can do to help them.

Pay Me For My Time

Pay Me For My Time

This person appears to me to be a little entitled if they believe it is acceptable to ask an artist to complete work for which they will not compensate them simply because they are unsure whether or not they will enjoy it.

You’re So Selfish

Throughout the day, music can be a lifesaver, especially if you’re at work. That’s why many people keep their headphones or AirPods in their pockets at all times. As a result, asking someone to lend you those can be a difficult task.

You're So Selfish

You’re So Selfish

However, it shows a high level of selfishness that this person, after being told no, decided to turn the tables on the other person and claim that they were the ones who were selfish.

We Are Friends, Right?

Often, it takes a lot of building up for someone to reach out and ask for a small amount of help. Providing financial support is not something that everyone is convenient doing, especially when the help is not physically provided.

We Are Friends, Right?

We Are Friends, Right?

When you ask someone for money, however, even if you are friends, the expectation is that you will pay them back. However, this person clearly did not grasp that aspect of the concept and was offended when his friend requested that he repay the money at some point.

Supply Your Materials

Having friends who can take on large projects for you when you need them is always a benefit. To request something from a friend of a friend without offering to pay or at the very least provide resources is the definition of entitlement.

Supply Your Materials

Supply Your Materials

This man does not have to extend the same courtesy to you just because he did something for free for a friend. Especially since his other friend had provided the material as requested — and this guy was trying to persuade him to take it from his place of business!

Helping My Mom Out

When someone in the family is in need, some families become extremely close and come together emotionally and financially. This is a lovely gesture, and it’s obvious that this child was trying to do something nice for their mother.

Helping My Mom Out

Helping My Mom Out

Nonetheless, the person on the other end of the line believes they have the authority to offer advice on a situation they have no knowledge of. You, sir, have no involvement in whatever this guy is helping his mother with!

Not My Problem

You need to know the value of what you’re negotiating for when you’re trying to reach an agreement. This person clearly did not do their homework when they said $250 was too much for a Gucci leather bag.

Not My Problem

Not My Problem

When it comes down to it, the fact that the buyer has limited funds or is experiencing financial hardship is not the seller’s fault. So, the fact that they believe they can charge $50 for this high-end bag shows a strong sense of entitlement.

Just on the Off Chance

There is sometimes room for negotiation when someone puts a product up for sale, but there isn’t always. This could be due to their current circumstances or simply because they understand the value of the product they’re trying to sell.

Just On The Off Chance

Just On The Off Chance

This woman, on the other hand, thought she might be able to get a discount. When that didn’t work, she decided to try going even lower in the hopes that the seller wouldn’t notice.

Low-Balling Me

When you’re negotiating, there are some tactics that you shouldn’t discuss with the person you’re negotiating with. Using a sob story to get something for less than the asking price, for example.

Low-Balling Me

Low-Balling Me

However, this person appears to be unconcerned because he let the cat out of the bag, escalating the situation and ensuring that he would not be able to progress very far in his negotiations.

Single Mom Discount?

The perfect birthday present for a child can be difficult to come by, but as they grow older, you can bet that any type of electronic device is a good choice, especially a new iPhone. For those who are considering purchasing it secondhand, bargaining skills are needed.

Single Mom Discount?

Single Mom Discount?

By negotiating poorly, this guy was trying to get a bargain basement price on a brand new iPhone. It’s no surprise, then, that when he got the pin for where he could pick up the phone, it was a circus.

Times Ticking

It should be an ebb and flow of negotiating when you’re haggling. When it comes to haggling for a lower price, setting an ultimatum and a time limit isn’t a good idea, especially if you’re the one selling the item.

Times Ticking

Times Ticking

Regardless of what he’s trying to sell, this guy appears to be motivated to get rid of it as soon as possible. Due to his lack of training in negotiation skills, it appears that this exchange is not going well.

No Haggling

If you are looking to get rid of something quickly, it is common for people to specify in their advertisement that they will not accept any haggling when they are looking to sell. Most people believe what they say when they say it explicitly.

No Haggling

No Haggling

In the case of this particular gentleman, he believed he could tempt fate by trying to haggle his way into a significantly better bargain. Everything did not go according to plan, there is no doubt about it.

Dare You

People are willing to sell items on a barter system. However, in most cases, this means they receive something in exchange for giving something away — and the majority of the time, this is in the form of tangible goods.

Dare You

Dare You

This person was aware that they could potentially barter with some dares, which would embarrass them in the end. No one seemed too thrilled about it, so we’re not sure why they thought it was a good idea.

All Your Fault

For every parent, it’s a priority to give a thoughtful gift that has a special meaning attached to it. As a result, the father’s gift to his daughter was truly thoughtful. However, he failed miserably in carrying out this negotiation.

All Your Fault

All Your Fault

It’s bizarre that after discussing the design, he tried to low-ball someone who was willing to do something nice for the gentlemen. It’s even stranger when you read his response, in which he blamed the person for ruining his daughter’s birthday.

Pay for My Uber

You can find people selling their goods on a variety of websites and social media networks. When this person told the seller that they couldn’t pick it up because they were too far away, the seller just assumed the negotiation was over.

Pay For My Uber

Pay For My Uber

That large clock must have been a must-have for this person, because they tried to haggle the seller into paying for an Uber so they could pick it up. Using this approach in negotiations doesn’t make sense.

No Shout Out

A great way to expand your social media following and reach new people is to team up with another channel and either do collaborations or have them give you a shout-out.

No Shout Out

No Shout Out

If you approach one of your favorite influencers, they may be willing to do something like that, but they’ll charge you for it. You should avoid insulting and shaming an influencer or brand when seeking their help, especially if you’re hoping they can help you.


Many people rent out parts of their homes or even their entire residence in order to make ends meet. There’s a reason why they do it this way, and that’s why they charge what they do as well. Consider the case of this gentleman.



However, when this person tried to negotiate the price of the room, the renter was very polite in stating that no negotiations would be accepted. Even so, this person appeared to believe that they could persuade the person to change their mind.


When it comes to branding, having the right logo and graphic design is crucial. You may not have a lot of money when you first start out, and most artists understand this to some extent.



However, regardless of how small your budget is, you must pay for the work. Unfortunately, the person attempting to bargain tried to use their birthday as an excuse to get a few dollars off. The graphic designer, on the other hand, was not having it!

They Can Help You

For those of us who are working with a tight budget, the first thing we have to accept is that we may not always get what we want. Unfortunately for this person, the parameters of what they will accept are quite narrow.

They Can Help You

They Can Help You

The fact that this person was required to respond with the phone number of a Lowe’s store shows just how cheap the haggler was to begin with in this situation. It’s an absurd request, to say the least…

So Close

It is critical to have good transportation to ensure your success in life, as it allows you to get from home to work or wherever else you need to go. As a result, finding a cheap car on the internet is a good find.

So Close

So Close

However, we think it’s crazy for this guy to try to negotiate this car down from $1300 to $300. As a result, it’s understandable that the seller decided to raise the price after such an unrealistic request.


Many things are available to people who are willing to fight for them, and we believe this to be true. However, there are times when sellers have a clear idea of what they want to sell and what they want to charge.



Because this haggler was so persistent after the OP had clearly stated no, we are left with a feeling of despondent hopelessness. What kind of person can be so entitled?!

Not Into Bargaining

Most people begin their search for something to buy by looking online to see if there are any good sales available. When you find the perfect item, you want to do everything you can to make it yours.

Not Into Bargaining

Not Into Bargaining

However, this does not imply that you should be so entitled that the negotiation process becomes difficult. You do not have to purchase the product, as the seller claims.

Thank You for Your Interest

When it comes to negotiation, there must be an ebb and flow to it. It’s common practice to start lower than the asking price but still at a reasonable level. This person had no idea what I was talking about.

Thank You For Your Interest

Thank You For Your Interest

The person who was selling the product clearly had the right idea — especially given the haggler’s intransigence when it came to accepting their proposal.

Take it Down

A good, quick way to start the day is with a nice toasted piece of toast. To do so, however, you’ll need a toaster. This haggler appeared to have found a good deal on the internet. Rather than accepting the offer as is, they decided to push their luck and see if they could get a better deal.

Take It Down

Take It Down

Unfortunately, they made the mistake of offering a price that was a little too low, and the seller was not having any of it. They weren’t even willing to part with a single penny.

Less Is More

When you’re starting a negotiation, it’s always a good idea to start with a strong offer. And it’s true that you should probably make another bid even if the seller’s immediate response is no.

Less Is More

Less Is More

Those bids, on the other hand, should gradually rise, perhaps in small increments, rather than fall. This seller was simply not interested in bargaining. Would you, on the other hand, really want to sell something for less than what was originally offered?

Tattoo for Trade

Tattoos are popular among many people. It’s a unique artistic way to express your personality while also honoring your lifestyle, religion, and people. It’s no surprise, then, that people frequently turn to online forums to find good tattoo artists.

Tattoo For Trade

Tattoo For Trade

Most, on the other hand, aren’t asking for tattoos in exchange for trade, and if they are, they aren’t forcing tattoo artists to come to them. This is just poor negotiation technique and an arrogant attitude.

Thanks for the Tip

If you’re looking for something specific and happen to come across it, the best course of action is to make an offer right away. Once an offer has been made, it is up to the seller to decide whether or not to accept it.

Thanks For The Tip

Thanks For The Tip

However, if they decline, telling them that their product can be purchased online for $40 is not considered a good negotiation strategy. This may result in a price increase.

Already Declined

Not taking no for an answer is a good thing sometimes in life. Even so, there are situations in which behaving in this manner could get you into some trouble.

Already Declined

Already Declined

With each successive offer of less money, he dug himself a deeper and deeper hole, and the person was trying to be as kind as possible by letting them know that they had already declined their offer and that they should move on.


When you are referred to a tattoo parlor or have previously had tattoos done by a specific artist, you may have no desire to have any other tattoo work done by that artist. That’s probably what happened in this case.



Nevertheless, just because you like and appreciate their work does not imply that they will provide you with any kind of discount or concession. You must still pay for the work that has been completed!

Not Available

Numerous online marketplaces enable sellers to notify customers when an item is no longer available. This person inquired about the availability of whatever they were selling, and even after being told no, they tried to continue the conversation.

Not Available

Not Available

This shows a strong sense of entitlement, as if you couldn’t possibly reject their claims. If something isn’t available, it isn’t available. Finally, the person became frustrated and simply increased the price to a point where they believed the problem would be solved.

You Go There

It’s not a good strategy to start a negotiation by telling someone that you can get what they’re selling for less somewhere else. You’ll probably end up like this person if you do this.

You Go There

You Go There

Clearly, the seller was not pleased with this negotiating strategy, because there was a simple solution: simply go to a store that sells the product for a lower price and call it a day!

Not Reaching My Numbers

One disadvantage of purchasing items online is that sellers frequently have multiple bidders — and you must be able to negotiate to get what you want. That’s a concept that this guy clearly doesn’t grasp.

Not Reaching My Numbers

Not Reaching My Numbers

When negotiating, you don’t counter with an offer for less money if you see someone else offering more money than you are. That offer will be rejected by everyone.

Best Off

When it comes to investing your money, it’s only common sense to try to get the best deal possible. As a result, you may have to settle for something that does not meet the initial criteria you set for yourself.

Best Off

Best Off

In this case, he found something that was less expensive but of comparable quality and decided to go with it. All the seller was saying was that they would be better off doing exactly that.

Not at Home

One disadvantage of buying things online is that you have to make sure the person selling you the item is actually home so you can pick it up. Even if the negotiations go smoothly, what good are they if the seller doesn’t show up to deliver the product?

Not At Home

Not At Home

This guy didn’t seem to get it when the seller told him they weren’t home, which makes us laugh. Even after adding even more money, they persisted in pressuring the seller.

Karma Does The Job

Dealing with entitled people who never think they’re wrong is aggravating. They think it’s all someone else’s fault and they’re perfect. These people expect to be spoiled. They crumble when the right person comes along and puts them in their place. Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone who is entitled get what they deserve. It’s as if the universe is trying to balance everything out. In this story, the woman believed she could drive wherever she wanted.

Karma Does The Job

Karma Does The Job

We’ve all had bad days where we’ve parked illegally. This woman, on the other hand, tore across a university lawn, thinking she’d get away with it. She also tries to escape in her expensive car when she was apprehended. As she tried to go over a curb, the universe said “no” and ripped her car’s bumper off.

Entitled Person Wanted More

There’s no reason to ask for anything more from someone who advertises something for free. It’s the equivalent of spitting in their face. Simply accept the free item without hesitation and continue on your way. This person, on the other hand, had the audacity to ask for more free stuff in order to make the trip “worth their time.”

Entitled Person Wanted More

Entitled Person Wanted More

However, the person selling the dishwasher was uninterested and responded with a sarcastic remark, lowering the “asking price” instead. We don’t know if the entitled person ever picked up the dishwasher again, but at the very least, they were put in their place.

When You Don’t Play By The Rules

The rules are in place for a reason. However, there are those who willfully violate them and are unconcerned about the consequences. Those who seek out loopholes to suit their needs are even worse. It’s the pinnacle of selfishness, where everyone else is thrown under the bus.

When You Don’t Play By The Rules

When You Don’t Play By The Rules

Aside from being a typical brat, this kid was something else. He was selfish in order to win a laser tag game. This person took matters into their own hands after warning him didn’t work. When the kid tried to complain to his parents, the revenge was even more delicious. The parents of this child must already have a bad reputation with him.

The Ultimate Revenge

We all have unspoken daily habits that we are unaware of. It’s a habitual behavior. This person’s habit was causing them problems. But they eventually devised a clever ruse to allow them to eat their favorite snack at school.

The Ultimate Revenge

The Ultimate Revenge

That is one way to prevent a bully from punching your bag of chips repeatedly. Let’s hope they didn’t strike it too hard, as that could have resulted in blood. It’s a difficult way to learn a simple lesson, but if it’s the only way to get a kid to stop being a jerk, then so be it.

Outsmarting An Entitled Person

Smarts are the best weapon to use against someone who thinks they’re entitled. In other words, this person took matters into their own hands when they discovered that a fellow employer wasn’t doing what they were supposed to and getting paid for it.

Outsmarting An Entitled Person

Outsmarting An Entitled Person

Since the employee was rewarded for work they didn’t do, their employer didn’t seem to care. The other employee may not have been fired as a result of this prank, but there was still a sense of accomplishment. It makes you wonder if that person is still clicking on that prank icon today.

A Lack of Patience

Everyone tries to get things done as quickly as possible when asked to help out. Nonetheless, there are a few people in the world who have no patience at all. This type of person goes out of his or her way to make things more difficult so that the thing they requested will take longer to arrive at their destination.

A Lack Of Patience

A Lack Of Patience

This person had the perfect revenge planned for them. If they were going to call and request this fax so frequently, it only seemed fair to fulfill all of their requests until they’d had enough. It was unfortunate that this person didn’t get to see the other person’s expression, but they could probably imagine the scream of frustration each time a new fax arrived.

Entitlement Isn’t Just For Customers

A potential “employer” should not treat customers the same way he or she treats potential customers. People will go to any lengths to get something for nothing, as this post exemplifies. Read more They don’t care that people have to go to school to learn these skills and deserve a fair wage for their talents.

Entitlement Isn’t Just For Customers

Entitlement Isn’t Just For Customers

Everyone’s thoughts are perfectly expressed in the comment section below the post. Because there is no way to verify that the poster would even give them publicity at all, that promise of “payment” is a hollow one.

Cutting Things Off Mid-Sentence

When it comes to ending a relationship, it’s never easy. Even after the two of you have broken up, your ex still tries to get the upper hand. Getting away from that person can be a real struggle. This person’s ex, on the other hand, continued to harass them throughout the day. This person, however, had the perfect revenge in mind.

Cutting Things Off Mid Sentence

Cutting Things Off Mid Sentence

Their ex had forgotten to pay for their own phone, giving this person the authority to end things. There will be no more texts or phone calls. Furthermore, their ex will no longer be able to take advantage of them by treating them badly. The cherry on top is that they did it in the middle of a sentence, giving their ex a rude awakening when the phone went dead.

The Tiniest Revenge

If you’re living with roommates, things can get dicey. Initially, things appear to be going well, but things can quickly degenerate to the point where they no longer want to live together. Being unable to sign a lease due to your age makes things even more difficult. Rather than give them adequate notice of their lease’s end, this person’s roommate did this to them instead.

The Tiniest Revenge

The Tiniest Revenge

Their revenge came in an appropriate and frustrating way, but no one knew they were involved with the missing pieces of their jigsaw puzzles. Rather than confronting their roommate about it, they took the passive-aggressive route of telling their roommate that they won’t be able to complete the puzzles for the rest of their lives.

Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

Leaving a store and discovering that your car has been hit is the most frustrating thing that can happen. If the other party didn’t even leave a note with their phone number, it’s even worse. In this case, however, they were fortunate enough to have an eyewitness account of what happened.

Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

It was an act of sweet revenge that was well deserved. However, it is possible that the victim will still be responsible for the cost of repairing their vehicle. However, we believe that four tires are more expensive than a minor collision. To make matters worse, a tow truck may have been needed.