25+ Unbelievable Items for Sale On Facebook Marketplace

Published on 05/17/2023
The Deeps Of Facebook Marketplace Absurd Items Unironically Put On Sale...

25+ Unbelievable Items for Sale On Facebook Marketplace

Do you remember garage sales? They have been mostly overtaken by Facebook’s marketplace. This website has came in handy in a number of instances. What brings us here today? It’s because every now and then we stumble across oddities that are worth writing about. Items that no normal person in their right mind would buy. There is riches in every home, but there are some chests that should never be opened. But we’re glad they did, since it made us giggle today.

An Unusual Sphinx

If you have a backyard big enough to fit this monster, go for it. One of the most difficult sales is the one we have here as our initial item. Why would you want to even if you had the room to store it? What use serves having a life-sized Egyptian sphinx? Only if you are the proprietor of a casino in Las Vegas and require the extra promotional appeal that a plain billboard lacks.

An Odd Sphinx

An Unusual Sphinx

Do not even get us started on the appearance of the sphinx; any pharaoh would refuse to have it built and would order the workers to be put to death on the spot.

Storage Barrels With Unknown Content

This sounds like something you’d find in Fallout as a side task. Perhaps even more mysterious than the contents of the barrels is how this person got to possess them. We don’t have to do any mental acrobatics to figure out that they belong to the United States Army and are therefore dangerous weapons that have no place in a private home. Get rid of that before it explodes and produces a disaster, dude.

Storage Barrels With Unknown Content

Storage Barrels With Unknown Content

We are impressed by this man’s audacity because the barrels are plainly marked with a phone number to return them, yet he prefers to make money off of them. They also don’t appear to be particularly affordable.

PS1 Original Box

a brave and patient man. Since the last PS1 was sold in 2006, the owner of this box must have held onto it for at least 15 years while hoping to sell it for a profit. Could he possibly do that? So why would anyone purchase such things? Give us at least a few outdated games and a malfunctioning controller. or an intact box, not one that has been torn. $50 for it? Really?

PS1 Original Box

PS1 Original Box

It’s a good time to remind everyone that, despite their oddity and/or utility, data show that nearly half of them have been acquired by at least one individual. This is a fantastic opportunity to do so.

40 Million Years Amber Owl Figurine

As a result, youngsters should not be allowed to access social media under any circumstances. We don’t mean that a kid tried to sell a gummy bear; rather, a kid most likely fell for a clear scam like this and paid one hundred dollars for a gummy bear. On the other hand, the deal is so ridiculous that it cannot be classified as a fraud. Who in their right mind would believe such nonsense?

40 Million Years Amber Owl Figurine

40 Million Years Amber Owl Figurine

They make no effort to make it plausible. 40,000,000,000 years? Those days, did owls even exist? The nearest thing to a human at the time was an extinct opossum cowering in a cave.

Hasbulla Cardboard In Life Size

Hasbulla was the small man who controlled the internet. One of the most ‘bullyable’ characters out there, you can now have one at home and be the laughingstock of all your friends as they laugh at how much money you squander. Let’s be honest: anyone who ventured to purchase even one thing from this list effectively gave their money away, no matter how adorable that little Hasbulla is.

Life Size Hasbulla Cardboard

Hasbulla Cardboard In Life Size

Isn’t that amusing? This guy became famous solely because he resembled a child despite being in his twenties. No skill, no accomplishments, no hard effort… Kardashian in Russia.

Unidentified Baby Figure

The focus of this article is questions. Even the owner is unaware of its exact nature or intended use. All he is aware of is that it emits a sinister atmosphere and has a cursed quality. Babies can be cute, but with the right adjustments, they can become the stuff of nightmares. Why the child’s head? How come it is crying? Why was there a fist there? What makes it appear tarnished? No answers, I’m sorry.

Unidentified Baby Figure

Unidentified Baby Figure

Let’s focus on the intricate carvings that have been done. This peculiarity’s originator spent a lot of work into making it what it is now. This one appears to be an adversary from Silent Hill.

Candle Holder A Bit Suspicious

A block button has been included because everyone knows at least one person who enjoys bringing the conversation down with inappropriate comments. Even if he is correct, his actions here are killing a lucrative company. However, we all believe that presenting it in its current shape will give them a better chance of selling it: A glass of wine, please. Or, in our opinion, anything that serves more than one purpose. The audacity of certain people…

Candle Holder A Bit Suspicious

Candle Holder A Bit Suspicious

Similar to life itself, there are con men everywhere in social media. We think that $25 is simply too much to pay for either a wine glass or a candle holder.

Goat Milking Bench… Or Something Else

Will we continue to discuss serving two masters? One of the benefits of doing business online is that you may sell the most bizarre items imaginable. At the very least, the vendor attempts to be honest. Although it was developed for milking goats, its applications are only limited by your imagination… or your sense of right and wrong. The merchant did not appear to have a goat available for a demonstration, so he conducted the task on himself instead.

Goat Milking Bench... Or Something Else

Goat Milking Bench… Or Something Else

We have a suspicion that the second reason is why this item was purchased. We regret to inform you that no goat is presently use that bench. The planet is the wrong place…

Just A Table… And A Mad Dog.

Nothing more than a nightstand table, really. It is a typical item, the price is reasonable, and it is in perfect condition. We are also confident that the seller used a superior advertisement image. Just take a look at it; the dog and the table aren’t even entirely enclosed by the frame. So, what exactly is the subject of this picture? Who knows, maybe that’s a marketing tactic that works.

Just A Table... And A Mad Dog.

Just A Table… And A Mad Dog.

If the dog is greeting me, I won’t be going to that place, so I hope the delivery is included. I’m hoping the dog appears better in the other three images.

Nail Art

Do you want to discover anything amusing about the Facebook Marketplace? There is no one to regulate it, unlike a Facebook group where admins check on everything and police the material. They rely on an algorithm to remove the worst information, yet this is insufficient to prevent products like these from being sold. Regardless of how revolting a nail sculpture appears or sounds, the chance that someone paid for it cannot be ruled out.

Nail Art

Nail Art

Completely incomprehensible, however we must acknowledge that whoever built this sacrificed several months of nail growth to finish it. Would it be worse to know that nails belong to multiple people?

Victorian Baby “Yeeter”

In the past few decades, the word “yet” has a whole different meaning, so we’re pleased the internet and strange individuals have given it a humorous new definition. You realize there is no such thing as a “Yeet machine”? And no, a “Baby catapult” is not acceptable. This is how newborns used to be rocked in their cradles; it was a hand-free mechanism that, if pulled firmly, could be used as a weapon.

Victorian Baby Yeeter

Victorian Baby Yeeter

Yes, the appearance is deceiving. It encourages you to think about something else. We know that’s not its intended use, but we still want to test it to see if it can ‘yeet’ a baby.

The World’s Ugliest Shoes

A trustworthy seller is the best option. He states it plainly right away. The man is so eager to get rid of them that he will even trade them for a spoiled Big Mac. We never imagined it was possible to harbor such a strong dislike for something as inanimate as a pair of shoes. Although they are unsightly, you can also light them on fire if you so choose.

The Ugliest Shoes On The Planet

The World’s Ugliest Shoes

He has a point, even though we’re not sure if they are the most ugly shoes. Would you be brave enough to sport them in public? Even $2 for it seems excessive.

A F*cktopus

We admire their creativity in coming up with such a classy moniker. On the other hand, the thought of an octopus having six middle digits instead of eight is enticing in certain ways; I guess they decided eight fingers would be too much. You might use something like that as a decoration in some bedrooms, or you could offer it to a friend whose company you don’t particularly appreciate but are at a loss for words about.

A Fcktopus

A Fcktopus

Do you realize what it requires? Color. It would be the ideal decoration if it were given a decent coat of paint. It doesn’t have a very jazzy texture—it’s wood.

Toy Story Costumes

If you’re shameless enough, anything may be a selling opportunity. You don’t promote a costume while wearing it. Do you not possess a manikin? Then, place it on a bed. Of course, we haven’t even included Shrek, who is without a doubt the most ridiculous aspect of this image. Disney isn’t really our thing, but the last time we looked, Andy didn’t have the green ogre in his collection.

Toy Story Costumes

Toy Story Costumes

Okay, no need to be so harsh. The sellers are clearly the pair up front, and it’s fine if they don’t know the difference between DreamWorks and Disney (they’ll probably wind up being the same thing).

BBQ Cooler Combo

Oh my God, what bravery and what inventiveness in the service of blasphemy. Let’s state the obvious then. We regret to inform you that the item was really utilized for a darker purpose; it is not a Cooler-BBC combination. But at least we appreciate his sense of humor. However, we think that paying $800 for it is simply too expensive. No, such costs are typically larger than anticipated.

BBQ Cooler Combo

BBQ Cooler Combo

At least the vendor offered some kind of tangible proof that their product actually works. Yes, it does appear to be a quality BBC grill, and that cooler certainly looks like it could do the job.

Cursed Rocktopus

Oh, you didn’t think the “f*cktopus” was the edge you couldn’t reach? I’d like to introduce you to the “Rocktopus,” a repulsive innovation that might catch on. Do you imagine the upright Dwayne would react in this way if he saw this? He shouldn’t be bothered that someone else is profiting from his reputation, but when he sees how far they have gone, well, that’s just a line that nobody should ever cross.

Cursed Rocktopus

Cursed Rocktopus

You know how those tentacles can bend? When you shake the Rocktopus head, it appears to be real. That is not a benefit; ugly objects should also appear false.

Bench With Unique Legs

Nobody wants to run into this kind of furniture in the middle of the night at three o’clock. Knowing that every silhouette appears to be a deadly threat coming from the pits of hell when terror takes hold. Let’s thus revisit a previous idea we previously presented with you: Is it really required to make it look so authentic? Check out what occurs when you place your palm on top of the image.

Bench With Unique Legs

Bench With Unique Legs

You can’t fool us; those are genuine shoes and pants. What is hidden beneath the fibers intrigues us. The degree of balance of that thing is another issue that worries us.

Exotic Chair,

Thank God they made it clear that it is not satanic, as if that would increase sales. Okay, sure. Although it appears ugly, there is a secret style that David Lynch might employ in one of his films. Sadly, sacrifices and strange noises in the middle of the night have been associated with sheep. No, guy. There are times when all we want is a cozy chair constructed out of adorable sheep heads.

Exotic Chair,

Exotic Chair,

What exactly do we anticipate will occur? A precise definition of exotic is “unusual.” If we just filled this article with mundane items like stackable chairs, it would be way too boring for me to read.

Special Toothed Bat

Do you believe it is over the top to depict a bat with barbed wire? It’s obvious that you’ve never heard of the toothed bat. Yes, a terrible with teeth embedded in it for the unnecessary additional harm. The merchant claims that because he worked for a dental practice, he had “Enough teeth to spare” and chose to put them to good use. It costs $25 and is non-negotiable.

Special Toothed Bat

Special Toothed Bat

If if the zombie apocalypse was happening right now… There isn’t much of a use for such a device, other than as an odd home ornament. Even playing baseball with it is impossible.

Very, VERY Distressed Jeans

When a trend has gone too far, this is exactly where we draw the line. Pants that are torn still exist? It obviously depends on personal preferences, but what could possibly lead someone to think this is attractive? This isn’t even torn; it’s been completely destroyed and shattered at the atomic level. Why would somebody pay to appear as though they were just removed from a grinding machine?

Very, VERY Distressed Jeans

Very, VERY Distressed Jeans

How are the textiles still able to remain joined? They’re willing to pay to look like wanderers, Gregory House once observed. But we’re scared that this has advanced to a new level.

Toy Story Cake

Have you ever thought about purchasing a used cake? We had no idea such a thing existed, but here we are. Even the cake itself cannot be criticized because it undoubtedly tastes nice. But why in the world is there a typo on it? Was the baby shower also one of those gatherings when the gender was revealed and it was a boy? Were they genuinely that frantic to create that ridiculous word play? Come on, now.

Toy Story Cake

Toy Story Cake

Very important query. Why is the T-Rex sharing the icing while Woody, the film’s main character, is down there practically invisible? Did these men even see the film?

What’s In The Box?

Simply said, it is a mystery box that has no explanation. Would you honestly put your money on that for only $12? You should avoid buying anything from this sale since there is something fishy about it, including the text, the strange face in the background, the misspelling on the item description, and even the photo quality. But, just for the record… You can’t honestly tell me you wouldn’t think about it because it’s only twelve dollars, can you?

What's In The Box

What’s In The Box

This is why cliffhangers are so popular in movies and television shows… We simply cannot deal with uncertainty. But because we’ve already seen Seven, it’s fine if we pass the time.

3/4 Of A Cement Bag

Absence of shame accompanied by audacity? Perhaps, but what other options do you have in this situation? This jerk has been preyed upon. Have you purchased cement bag refills before? It’s not surprising if one of them gets damaged. What is your plan of action? Companies usually refuse refunds since there is no way to show that the item was ripped after or before delivery. And if not utilized immediately away, it has the potential to spoil.

3.4 Of A Cement Bag

3.4 Of A Cement Bag

Here, honesty is the crucial word. It’s broken, the bag isn’t filled, the seller is obviously in a dire situation, and the description doesn’t even contain a price. Although ludicrous, the sale is entirely understandable.

6ft Skeleton Horse

Right, it’s not a real skeleton. No, it would cost too much to sell on Facebook Marketplace (at least, that’s what we need to think). However, we must once more question the usefulness of such an article. What’s the use of a skeleton horse? Halloween is still a long way off, and unless you own a museum, there is no way to keep this in the living room without scaring the kids.

6ft Skeleton Horse

6ft Skeleton Horse

Forget about the kids; if you entered one of these at three o’clock (sorry, but that is the deadliest conceivable hour), you would instantly transform into a full-time preacher because it looks so menacing and ominous.

1998 Shout Up Car

Are you certain that this car isn’t part of a crime scene investigation report? It must; else, the owner wouldn’t need to get rid of it. However, why would anyone spend $500 on an automobile that makes us think of Bonnie and Clyde? We don’t anticipate anyone calling the seller; instead, we anticipate them dialing 911. This is a stupid method to expose oneself because it essentially amounts to a crime confession.

1998 Shout Up Car

1998 Shout Up Car

We really like how those descriptions have no sense of shame: Driven 250,000 kilometers, automatic transmission… They neglected to mention that the vehicle is sought in a further six states at the present time.

Casket In Good Condition

Please be patient. What exactly do you mean by “slightly used”? This is completely false… Never bury someone in a used casket. This device can contain spirits as well as other objects. However, we have not developed the necessary questions. Why was it so rarely used? So, what exactly occurred? Is the user still alive, or have you discovered a less expensive coffin? Some of the answers to these questions should remain hidden for the foreseeable future.

Slightly Used Casket

Casket In Good Condition

And if you want to sell it, why would you even bother writing that down? Simply add “Silver coffin in perfect conditions” and leave it at that. You’re giving out information that is superfluous.

An Actual Iron Maiden

It’s not just ordinary music album; the iron maiden in question was actually used during the Inquisition. a real-life torture and killing device. A heavy, full-metal piece of history that is both beautiful and unsettling, sitting in your living room. Do you wish to scare off unwelcome guests? If you want people to know what it was used for, get yourself an iron maiden; otherwise, they’ll assume it’s just another catacomb door.

An Actual Iron Maiden

An Actual Iron Maiden

It appears that the iron maiden is incomplete. Where are the other items if they’re only selling the doors? The unknown. But it’s still enjoyable because the doors also have spikes!

Mannequin Hand With A Missing Finger

Simply put, why? There is no reason to diverge from the norm in this case because it is an innocent object utilized for a really noble purpose. else, is it? Giving your products secret applications is a wonderful approach to increase sales. And it functions better when you address the questions that people occasionally feel hesitant to ask. Even the size is beautiful, oh my. None of us are keeping an eye on heaven’s interior…

Mannequin Hand With A Missing Finger

Mannequin Hand With A Missing Finger

Let’s be clear to everyone who purchases this mannequin: DO NOT USE THEM FOR BOTH PURPOSE. We need to maintain certain health standards around here, so it’s either the nails or that other thing.

Clown Coffin

And, yeah, given the circumstances, the price is totally understandable; a clown coffin? It’s probably a South Park joke… But when did we determine that coffins had to be made of wood, glossy, and opulent? Is it really necessary to spend so much money on someone who won’t even realize they’re using it? “It’s all about the mourners,” someone could remark, but if they truly want to make that moment about them, that’s a bit selfish…

Clown Coffin

Clown Coffin

Look, we’re not attempting to con you into purchasing a clown coffin as opposed to a standard one. These are real inquiries and puzzles. Really, isn’t that a little strange?

Dress With Cat Hair

If you were wondering, it’s REAL cat fur. Yes, it is filthy but also true. Don’t you recall all the Hollywood celebrities wearing actual animal fur in their coats and scarves? What makes it so unique? Yes, the loose hair can cause an allergic reaction or a rash. We all adore cats, but those are merely technicalities. Maybe that’s the aspect that none of us any longer like.

Dress With Cat Hair

Dress With Cat Hair

Nah, if this man had the decency to brush that hair away, it would not have been difficult for him to sell a typical Talbots outfit. a total manifestation of laziness and uncleanliness.