Fertility Treatment: First Surviving Septuplets 20 Years Later

Published on 06/07/2018

Fertility Treatment

Many couples dream of having their own children. Expecting a child is an exciting period in anyone’s life. However, what if you can have more than one at a given time? Think further than twins and triplets — how about having 7 babies together? While it happens (very rarely), the survival chances of all the babies are rather slim. There is a fertility treatment that aids women in the process, but exactly how pregnant will it get them?

Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey fell in love and got married. They wanted to start a family, just like any other ordinary couple. But their dream to have a baby turned out to be more complicated than they had anticipated. It took many trips to the doctor’s office before there was any hope on the horizon. The doctor guided the new couple through a series of tests and procedures to help them achieve a successful and healthy pregnancy. Not long after, Bobbi fell pregnant and there was real hope in a situation that seemed to be without any hope at all. But becoming pregnant once was not going to be the end of the road for Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey. They believed that having a child was a blessing, so why would they only want one blessing? But the pair would never have expected just how many blessing they were about to receive.

This is more than just a story about fertility treatment and the miracles it can perform. This is also not merely a story about having children, but rather this story runs far deeper than that. The almost unbelievable story of the McCaughey septuplets is one that brings joy and hope to all that have ever had a difficult pregnancy, or to anyone who has experienced the hardships of yearning for a baby. These septuplets were a miracle, and now that 20 years have passed since they were born, they are the oldest living septuplets in history.

This story will melt your heart and bring tears to your eyes. It’s a journey through our emotions that we all need to take, because while we’re busy worrying about things that might never happen, we should be counting our blessings. The McCaugheys are still counting theirs.

Meet The Parents

Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey had their first child in 1996. They considered Mikayla Marie to be a blessing, especially considering the fact that Bobbi had pituitary gland problems which is known to cause fertility issues. The couple immediately began discussing trying for a second child.

Bobbi And Kenny McCaughey

Meet The Parents

Fertility Treatment

The two faced problems during the conception of Mikayla Marie, so they considered receiving fertility treatment. Someone recommended Metrodin, an ovulation stimulant that helps fertilization take place. The couple was hopeful that a second child would be coming soon.

Getting Help

Getting Help

One Isn’t Enough

When the results from a check-up came back, the couple was in for a surprise. She did not have a single embryo inside her, nor did she have two or three. She had seven! This was shocking news, but it was also potentially dangerous for Bobbi’s health.

One Isnt Enough

One Isn’t Enough

Selective Reduction

While the fertility treatment is effective, it might also bring complications like in this case. The doctors elaborated on the risk of the pregnancy and explained a process called selective reduction. This would help protect the embryos with higher chances of survival and neglect the rest.

Selective Reduction

Selective Reduction

Taking The Risk

The McCaugheys decided to continue with the pregnancy, despite the health risks. Bobbi and Kenny decided that they do not want to lose any of their potential babies when there’s still hope for their survival.

Taking The Risk

Taking The Risk

Lots Of Attention

The story began to garner interest. The media and general public wanted to hear about the McCaugheys, the fertility treatment, and the decision to carry out the pregnancy. Some people might not have agreed with their choice, but Bobbi and Kenny were optimistic that everything would be okay.

Lots Of Attention

Lots Of Attention

Helping Hands

As the story received more attention, the small family experienced an outpouring of assistance from various supporters and organizations. Kraft, for one, donated a one year supply of mac n’ cheese. Others donated childcare products and services, while someone even offered a house! The pair was overwhelmed by the generosity of strangers.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Another Gift

Even though the couple thought that the wave of donations was finished, someone gave them a van! A couple of days after the generous gift, they also received a year’s worth of groceries. The septuplets had not even been born but the couple was already being showered with blessings.

Another Gift

Another Gift

Running On Nerves

You can imagine how stressful the period leading up to the birth must have been. While it is true that the couple was excited, they were still worried about the risks. The countdown period was filled with both excitement and nervousness.

Running On Nerves

Running On Nerves

Early Birds

The couple had to go to the hospital 9 weeks earlier than the expected due date! Bobbi had given birth to 7 babies on the 19th of November, 1997. All babies were born in rapid succession, a mere six minutes between each other. The small family just gained 7 new additions!

Early Birds

Early Birds

Meet The Babies

The septuplets consisted of three girls and four boys. The next task would be to give a name to all of them. Of course, the couple already had the names planned out prior to the caesarian birth. They named the cuties Kenny Robert, Alexis May, Natalie Sue, Kelsey Ann, Nathan Roy, Brandon James, and Joel Steven. That’s quite a mouthful!

Meet The Babies

Meet The Babies

Feeding Tubes

Two babies had to be fed through a tube. Natalie had bad acid reflux and experienced a lot of pain when she was fed. Lexi, meanwhile, was diagnosed with a muscular disorder that made eating difficult.

Feeding Tubes

Feeding Tubes

The Birthing Staff

It should go without saying that the delivery was an arduous process. It was also a special case as it was the first time the staff had to deal with the birth of septuplets. Everyone knew they were helping make history. Two days after the birth, the staff members involved in the operation all posed for a photo.

The Birthing Staff

The Birthing Staff

Camping Out

The members of the media were caught off-guard due to the early labor. News crews raced to the Iowa Methodist Hospital Center to get the first exclusive on the septuplets. Unfortunately, they would have to wait longer than they thought to get a scoop.

Camping Out

Camping Out

Leaving The Hospital

It was only after three months and 10 days that all babies were declared healthy enough to come home. The day was full of smiles and tears as the couple packed everyone into the van and drove home. Reporters and journalists were waiting for them outside of the hospital. It was clear that everyone was eager to get a look at the babies.

Leaving The Hospital

Leaving The Hospital

Extra Safe

Security measures had been installed to ensure the safety of the newborns. Policemen were positioned outside of the house so that they can enter without any problems. However, the family would soon move into the new house.

Extra Safe

Extra Safe

Getting The House

After the necessary preparations, the family moved to the new 5500 square feet home. A ceremony was even held! Lloyd Clarke, chairman of Clarke Companies, handed Kenny the keys to the house in the garage. The whole world watched the relocation with anticipation.

Getting The House

Getting The House

Magazine Publicity

The couple first thought that it was only reporters who were interested in meeting them. They clearly did not expect how big the story would become. Time Magazine even wrote a feature article about the story in December 1997.

Celebrity Meets

Magazine Publicity

ABC News

ABC News Prime Time was the first show to be able to get an interview with the family. While it is true that there was plenty of media coverage about the birth, most of the information was merely word of mouth.

ABC News

ABC News

Roses Come With Thorns

While the media kept hounding the family, it also led to negative responses to the couple’s decisions. There were accusations that it was just “too many kids”, some even throwing out that it could “hurt the environment”. The family decided to shrug off these comments and the negativity didn’t hinder their happiness.

Roses Come With Horns

Roses Come With Thorns

Taking A Break

Once the hype calmed down, the McCaughey family preferred to keep their affairs private. This decision was influenced by the Dionne quintuplets who sent the couple a letter about overexposure to the public eye. They, however, made a public appearance once every year for the birthday of the septuplets.

Taking A Break

Taking A Break

The Quintuplets

The Dionne sisters were a set of quintuplets born in Ontario, Canada in 1934. Sadly, the siblings were raised in a difficult environment and they were treated like a tourist attraction. Due to their experience, the remaining sisters decided to inform the McCaughey family about the hazards of too much publicity.

Screenshot 7

The Quintuplets

Load After Load

However, privacy did not necessarily mean that the couple had a lot of free time. After gaining 7 new members, there were a lot of things to do… especially when it came to laundry. The couple revealed that they were doing 17 loads every week! Not to mention the fact that it became necessary to get two of everything to keep up with the demand.

Load After Load

Load After Load

Babies In Bulk

The babies were going through 52 diapers every single day! Why? Well, the babies were consuming 42 bottles every day as well. The McCaugheys began to realize how much money it would cost to keep up with the needs of everyone in the family. The couple decided to come up with a plan.

Babies In Bulk

Babies In Bulk

Pumping Milk

Bobbi pumped breast milk for all of the babies until they reached 3 months. If we were to do the math, it would mean that the babies consumed anywhere from 4 to 5 gallons of milk every single week!

Pumping Milk

Pumping Milk

Potty Training

Let’s not forget about the first daughter. Mikayla was potty-trained in a mere four days! However, the process took a longer time for the septuplets. The couple was aware that it could take several months.

Potty Training

Potty Training


It became impossible to handle all the babies by themselves. Amazingly, the family had around seventy volunteers who would help with tasks and chores. This meant that eight or nine people were changing diapers, feeding, and caring for the babies on a day-to-day basis.



Everyone Wants To Help

It was a good thing that there were a lot of people who wanted to lend a hand. Even the construction workers who built the house wanted the opportunity to hold the babies. This moment has been immortalized in a heartening photograph. Bobbi and Kenny have even revealed that it was one of their favorite photos.

Everyone Wants To Help

Everyone Wants To Help


Aside from the outpour of help offered by the public, the couple was also extremely grateful for the support of their loved ones. Here is one photograph of Michelle, Bobbi’s sister, with one of the babies.



The Big Sister

It wasn’t just the adults who wanted to offer help. Even Mikayla wanted to play a role in raising her younger siblings! She would feed them, play with them, and help her parents whenever she could.

The Big Sister

The Big Sister

Plan ‘B’

It became necessary to buy supplies in bulk. The couple went out of their way to look for the best promos and deals offered by supermarkets. Once, Bobbi bought 60 lbs. of hamburgers because of how affordable it was. The family was shelling out about $300 for groceries every single month. The effort they put into budgeting made a significant reduction in their initial spending.

Plan B

Plan ‘B’

Futuristic Strollers

The community was familiar with the septuplets. However, this did not stop heads from following Bobbi and Kenny whenever they walked through the neighborhood. Perhaps it was because of the special strollers. While strollers have become rather common sights, a pair of 4-seated strollers will definitely catch interest.

Futuristic Strollers

Futuristic Strollers

Green Fingered

Aside from buying in bulk, the family also began to grow fresh produce as a way to cut down on costs. Once they were able to get fruits and vegetables from the backyard, grocery expenses were subsidized. It’s unfortunate that the family couldn’t raise farm animals on the property!

Green Fingered

Green Fingered


Aside from taking care of the eating and pooping, the babies had to be regularly taken to the doctor to monitor their progress. You can imagine how difficult it must be to raise a total of eight babies at the same time.

Check Ups


Most Important Meal

It has been reported that the septuplets were a big fan of the most important meal of the day — breakfast. What and how much did they eat, we’ll have to wonder.

Most Importanrt Meal

Most Important Meal


Amazingly, the McCaughey septuplets created a language of their own and no one else could comprehend what they were saying! This is called cryptophasia, a language shared by siblings from multiple birth. Only they could understand it, so it was certainly a good thing that they were able to communicate in English once they grew up.



Celebrating Birthdays

A celebration was held on the children’s birthday. The family took the time to thank God for the children’s health and happiness. Each passing year was a sign that Bobbi and Kenny made the right decision when they refused selective reduction.

Celebrating Birthdays

Celebrating Birthdays

Dressing Up

As the years passed by, some of the siblings grew faster than the rest. You might have assumed that the boys and the girls would be dressed exactly the same, but the reality is that their sizes varied!

Dressing Up

Dressing Up

Clothing For Septuplets

Providing clothing for the eight children proved to be a costly process. Luckily, clothing company Carter’s agreed to supply the family clothing for the septuplets until they reach the age of 5.

Clothing For Septuplets

Clothing For Septuplets


Even the POTUS extended their well-wishes to the family. Former President Bill Clinton called the family to offer his congratulations. The septuplets would also get to meet George W. Bush years later.

George Bush


Clinton’s Compliment

When Clinton called, he paid Bobbi a compliment that she will forever remember. He said, “When those kids all go off to school you will be able to get a job running any major corporation in America. You will be the best-organized manager in the United States.” There’s no way that anyone could ever forget that!

Clintons Compliment

Clinton’s Compliment

The Governor

Other officials also wanted to meet the septuplets. Iowa Governor Terry Branstad paid the family a visit to meet the children. He even managed to peck young Kenny on the cheek!

The Governor

The Governor

4 Candles For 7 Kids

On the kids’ fourth birthday, you would be wrong to assume that they received 7 cakes with a total of 28 candles. Nope! The parents decided to buy one cake with only four candles. Bobbi and Kenny wanted the kids to learn the importance of sharing at a young age. Now that’s great parenting.

4 Candles For 7 Kids

4 Candles For 7 Kids

Different Personalities

They might have been born together, but every child in the family had his or her own personality. Kenny Junior turned out the be funniest in the group, while Brandon is the bravest and most stubborn of the lot. Joel and Natalie are considered the bookworms in the family.

Different Personalities

Different Personalities

The Naughty One

While each child had a different personality, there was a particularly mischievous child in the group. It was Kenny Jr. His mother has even taken to calling him the “pint-sized explorer” for this very reason.

The Naughty One

The Naughty One

Date Night

Having plenty of children did not deter Bobbi and Kenny from spending time alone together! They designated Friday night as their “date night” and made sure to honor it.

Date Night

Date Night


Parents’ Perception

The parents were observant of the children as they grew up. They called Alexis “sweet and perceptive”. Joel, meanwhile, is “quiet and reflective”, while Kelsey is a “sporty fashionista”. Kenny Jr. is the “go-getter” of the group, whereas Nathan is “determined” and Brandon is “outgoing and athletic”. Lastly, Natalie is a “high-achieving perfectionist”.

Parents Perception

Parents’ Perception

A Special Trip

It was always busy in the McCaughey household, but the couple was able to take the children on a trip to Disney World in Florida, and it was a trip they would never forget.

A Special Trip

A Special Trip

On The Cover

The parents agreed to a Ladies’ Home Journal feature when the septuplets turned 8 years old. Bobbi and Kenny were actually glad to answer questions because they knew it would help other parents.

On The Cover

On The Cover

George W. Bush

When they took the children to meet the head of state in 2001, none of them actually understood what was going on. The best Bobbi and Kenny could do was the dress them appropriately and hope that the kids would behave. When former President Bush met them, he took an interest in the children. During the meeting, the children reacted differently: some were excited, some wanted to go home.

George W. Bush

George W. Bush

Too Much Attention

Other big families agreed to be featured in reality TV shows. Bobbi and Kenny did not want this path for themselves because they wanted to give them the opportunity to grow up normally. Of course, there were certain exceptions to the ‘no publicity’ rule.

Too Much Attention

Too Much Attention

It’s Your Birthday!

We mentioned earlier that the birthday of the septuplets was the only time they would be in the spotlight. When the kids turned 13, the parents agreed to a special feature on the Today Show. The seven teenagers blew out 91 candles on national TV!

Its Your Birthday

It’s Your Birthday!

High School Days

It was inevitable that the septuplets would go to high school. They all went to Carlisle High School and they were the center of attention from the get-go! Who can blame the other students? It’s not like there is a set of septuplets in every grade. The siblings began their successful high school careers in 2012.

High School Days

High School Days

Band Of Brothers And Sisters

It was already a sight to see the seven siblings walking through the corridors together, but can you imagine what it was like when they all decided to join the school band? You heard that right — all the siblings trained and played during football games together!

Band Of Brothers And Sisters

Band Of Brothers And Sisters

Each To Their Own

Music was just one of their interests. Each kid had their own hobbies and interests. Some of them joined the wrestling team, the choir, and the cross-country team. Others even decided to participate in speech competitions. It’s safe to say that Bobbi and Kenny raised talented kids!

Each To Their Own

Each To Their Own

Buffet Style

As the kids grew up, it should be obvious that their dietary needs changed. Bobbi and Kenny decided to start making buffet-style meals! Impressive. Luckily, the children started to help out with meal preparation when they were old enough.

Buffet Style

Buffet Style

Not Always Easy

With premature births, the risk of contracting health conditions is increased. This rang true for the McCaughey septuplets. Two of them were born with cerebral palsy. The condition usually impaired coordination and locomotor functions. For Alexis and Nathan, this manifested in difficulty when it came to walking.

Not Always Easy

Not Always Easy

Taking Steps

Alexis and Nathan were initially confined to walkers so that they could move around. Nathan was determined to teach himself how to walk and he would practice every day. “I taught myself how to walk because I really wanted to learn,” he said. “It’s just been getting better and better.”

Taking Steps

Taking Steps

Making Waves

Alexis’s condition was worse, but she was still able to make progress in certain aspects. She won the “Teen Miss Dreams Made True” title in 2013. She was also able to finish in the top 15% of her class!

Making Waves

Making Waves

Sweet Sixteen

Yet another milestone in the family history was the septuplets’ sixteenth birthday. The whole world was eager to see how the kids were faring thus far. Their age also meant that would be able to begin driving! However, driving lessons for all seven kids would undoubtedly cost a lot. Luckily, their father knew how to cut down on the expenses the undertaking requires.

Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

Job Hunting

Kenny was raised in a family where they had to work for anything they wanted. He wanted to pass this onto his children. What better time to teach them this lesson than during their teenage years? The younger Kenny revealed, “We were taught if we want something, we have to work for it.”

Job Hunting

Job Hunting

Just Normal Teenagers

Before they turned into legal adults, the media wanted to check in on their lives. Like other teenagers, they were going through a lot of things. Some were in relationships, the others were trying to learn how to drive, and some were working part-time. Each sibling had something special about them, that much was obvious.

Just Normal Teenagers

Just Normal Teenagers

18 At Last

Turning 18 years old proved to be an important moment in the family’s life. It is already difficult to give advice to a teenager. How much more stressful could it have been for Bobbi and Kenny? Similarly, it must be tough to be on the cusp of adulthood at the same time as six other siblings.

18 At Last

18 At Last

Graduating At Last

The siblings graduated from high school in May 2016. It was then that the Bobbi and Kenny realized just how far the family had come and the realization was frightening.

Graduating At Last

Graduating At Last

Coming Full Circle

Bobbi talked about the wave of emotions that overcame her when she saw the septuplets in their graduation hats and robes. “It’s sad to see things end, but there will be lots of firsts coming,” she said. What was life like for the children after high school?

Empty Nest Syndrome

Coming Full Circle

Keeping It Local

Alexis and Kenny decided to stay close to home by studying at the local college. In high school, Alexis graduated with excellent grades. She wanted to become a teacher like the educators who inspired her.

Keeping It Local

Keeping It Local

The Soldier

Meanwhile, Brandon decided to enlist in the army. This was something he was determined to do since he was three! He is especially good when it comes to carbine and pistol shooting. He might have been offered a full ride to his hometown university, but he decided to follow his dreams.

The Soldier

The Soldier

Serving His Country

Brandon would later serve in the 75th Rangers Regiment, an elite force of the U.S. Army. He was also able to find love while pursuing his dreams. At the moment, Brandon is still serving the country.

Serving His Country

Serving His Country

The Carpenter

Meanwhile, Kenny Jr. pursued a career in a carpentry. The journey has been successful so far. However, he doesn’t limit his passion to paid work.

The Carpenter

The Carpenter

Work For Family

When his eldest sister Mikayla had her first child, Kenny Jr. decided to make new pieces of furniture for her home. It was more than just a stool — he even created benches and a kitchen table for the new mother!

The Carpenter

Work For Family

The Students

The Hannibal-LaGrange University actually offered them scholarships when the septuplets were born. The Iowa government also offered the kids a full ride to any state university they wished to attend! Joel, Kelsey, Natalie, and Nathan decided to take up the offer made by Hannibal-LaGrange.

The Students

The Students

The Educator

Lexi has always dreamt of a career in early childhood education. She is now pursuing this path and she frequently talks about it on social media. Her passion is evident and it’s clear that she will achieve great things in life.

The Educator

The Educator

The Scientist

Nathan’s passion lies in science. While he was a little vague about the route he planned to take, he was set on the fact that it will be something in the scientific field. We’re sure that this bright man will nonetheless excel.

The Scientist

The Scientist

The Musician

While the septuplets were all musically talented, it was Kelsey who was determined to pursue it. She majors in music at Hannibal-LaGrange University. Who knows, she may even release her own record soon!

The Musician

The Musician

The Computer Guy

Joel, like Nathan, is interested in the sciences. He is especially interested in computer science. There’s no doubt in our minds that he’ll end up becoming successful.

The Computer Guy

The Computer Guy

The Teacher

Natalie is rather similar to Alexis in the sense that she is keen on entering the field of education. She wants to teach in an elementary school someday.

The Teacher

The Teacher

Too Close To Separate

During graduation, the septuplets were asked about their plans and they disclosed the paths they wanted to take. The interviewer asked them if the siblings were worried about being away from each other. They merely laughed and responded that it might be difficult in the beginning, but they’re sure that they will always remain close.

Too Close To Separate

Too Close To Separate

Empty Nest Syndrome

It must have been quite an adjustment when all 8 children decided to leave the house. After being used to a busy household, it must have been disorienting for Bobbi and Kenny to suddenly find an empty nest. While they were worried about the children, they knew that they had to let them go so that they can achieve their goals and dreams.

Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty Nest Syndrome

The Older Sister

She might not have received a lot of limelight in the article, but let us not forget about the eldest child in the family! Mikayla is doing well. In fact, she is married with a child. Like Alexis and Kenny, she initially enrolled at Des Moines. However, she completed her studies at Arizona State University.

The Older Sister

The Older Sister


When Mikayla got married, it was a special event for everyone in the family. You are probably wondering what her relationship with her siblings is like. If we go by the wedding ceremony, it’s clear that she is close to the septuplets! They were all members of her wedding party and every single one of her sisters was a bridesmaid.



What About Dad?

We’ve already talked about the empty nest syndrome. However, Kenny decided not to dwell on it. He decided to take advantage of the newfound free time. Dad has found a new hobby in the form of motorcycles. He has been scrapping and rebuilding them and has taken long rides across the country. He has no plans to stop doing so in the near future.

What About Dad

What About Dad?

Too Big

The McCaughey family decided to sell the house that they received as a gift. It was simply too huge for two people to live in. But the decision was accompanied by several questions. Where will the couple stay? What will happen once they get more grandkids? Where will they hold holiday dinners?

Too Big

Too Big

Finding A Buyer

It was only in February earlier this year that the family found a buyer. They might have had to say goodbye to the 7-bedroom house, but everyone knew that it was for the best.

Finding A Buyer

Finding A Buyer

Giving Back

The house was sold to Ruth Harbor, a non-profit organization that helps women with unplanned pregnancies. Regarding the sale, Bobbi said, “We have been blessed to receive such a wonderful gift, and nothing would please us more than the idea of our home being used as a place of refuge to others in need.”

Giving Back

Giving Back

Dodging A Bullet

It certainly proved to be a good thing that Bobbi and Kenny declined the selective reduction option offered to them. After all these years, the couple still thinks that it was amazing that they were able to carry and raise 7 babies at the same time.

Dodging A Bullet

Dodging A Bullet


They are firm in the decision to have all of their children. The couple is against selective reduction. To any advocates, this what they have to say: “Well, come to our house, and tell me which four I shouldn’t have had!”



Their Own Book

After the birth of the babies, the couple wrote a book they called “Seven from Heaven”. Bobbi and Kenny talked about many topics, like their belief in God and holding onto hope despite the odds.

Their Own Book

Their Own Book

A Collection

Bobbi and Kenny did not want to subject the kids to public scrutiny, but they came to an agreement. They agreed that certain photographers can come each year to photograph the septuplets. The tradition began with Gamma Press back in 2001, before it was accomplished by Polaris Images in the succeeding years. There were three photographers who had the honor to take their photos.

A Collection

A Collection

Photographs For Memory

The photographers were Holly McQueen, Rodney White, and Andrea Melendez. They shot normal, candid pictures of the siblings. Aside from creating a memory book for the family, the results were also a documentation of a fascinating American family.

Photographs For Memory

Photographs For Memory


These portraits also helped monitor the growth and progress of the children. Will you be able to tell which child is which? Starting at the top left and moving in a clockwise manner, we have Kelsey, Kenny, Natalie, Mikayla, Alexis, Brandon, Nathan, and Joel.



So Much Energy

Anyone who has tried to take photographs of young children knows that it is difficult. Just imagine what it would be like for a photographer in charge of shooting 7 children! The task also involved letting the siblings feel and act natural in front of the camera.

So Much Energy

So Much Energy

Playing Outside

A lot of people express concerns about whether the children were able to enjoy regular childhoods. The answer? They did, for the most part. Like other kids, they were able to express themselves and play games.

Playing Outside

Playing Outside

Video Games Then

The boys especially liked to play video games, like other kids born in the same period. Bobbi and Kenny initially thought that this was a phase that would pass after childhood. They would turn out to be wrong about this matter.

Video Games Then

Video Games Then

Video Games Now

The boys are still huge video game fans! This photograph proves it. A decade might have passed, but we have proof that not much has changed about their enthusiasm for gaming.

Video Games Now

Video Games Now

Through The Years

On the Today Show, Ann Curry did a story on the birth of the septuplets in 1997. Throughout their childhood years, she would check up on the family. In 2016, Ann Curry was able to catch up with the kids and let the world know about their life. There was still so much to learn about this set of siblings.

Through The Years

Through The Years

Will They Have Twins?

Here’s another common question about the septuplets: will they have a higher chance of giving multiple birth? According to experts, they probably won’t. Bobbi and Kenny had to use fertility treatment, after all. The process doesn’t influence the genetics, so it will be unlikely for them to give birth to twins, triplets, and the like.

Will They Have Twins

Will They Have Twins?

A Worthwhile Journey

Bobbi and Kenny believe they made the right choice two decades ago. In fact, whenever asked if they would have changed their situation, the answer is always a firm ‘no’! We can learn a thing or two from this amazing couple and their huge family. While things may not come easy, there is always a way to get what you want. It may be an uphill battle, but sometimes you will get a lot more than you expected!

A Worthwhile Journey

A Worthwhile Journey