Her Two Foster Children Had A Lot Of Things In Common But What Did It Mean?

Published on 08/18/2019

After Katie Page and her husband got a divorce when she was in her early thirties, she could not help but feel lost in life. She had always wanted a family of her own, but how was she going to go about this now? It was a good thing she was always a go-getter. She took a leap of faith and everything changed…

Single Mom Could Not Help Notice Similarities Between Her Foster Children… Her Discovery Changed Their Lives Forever

Her Two Foster Children Had A Lot Of Things In Common But What Did It Mean?

Lost In The World

Katie Page is a woman who split up with her ex-husband when she was in her thirties. As you can imagine, it is challenging to go through that when you want a family of your own. The Alabama woman felt unfulfilled in life and wanted to make things right. It was unfortunate that she had no choice but to postpone her plans of starting a family. She clearly needed a new start, which is the reason she wanted to make a drastic change. She could not stand the way things were.

Lost In The World

Lost In The World

A New Chapter

Katie knew that the only way she could make her dreams come true was to start over from the very beginning. This is why she made up her mind to leave all her friends and opportunities in Alabama behind. In 2015, she embarked on a soul-searching mission and returned with the determination to change up her life. She had to relocate to do this, but the good thing was that she got a job offer which gave her the opportunity she needed. She left for Denver, Colorado to start working in the field of construction. She took on the integrated service manager position for GE Johnson.

A New Chapter

A New Chapter

Her New Home

As you can see, she felt hopeful about this decision. This was the opportunity she had to reach for the stars, right? She then bought a ‘fixer-upper’ house that came with 4 bedrooms. It was in need of some renovations, which she wanted to do by herself. “The house I bought would require extensive work to transform into my vision and most of which I would have to do myself in order to afford it,” Katie said.

Her New Home

Her New Home

Keeping Herself Busy

Katie was well-aware of the fact that she would have to spend a significant amount of money if she wanted to do this. However, she actually liked it because it would prevent unnecessary spending! It would also keep her busy while she worked on the other aspects of her life. Of course, it is going to be lonely when you live in a huge place by yourself. Katie felt like there was still something missing from her life. Luckily, there were other possibilities when it comes to starting a family although she is single.

Keeping Herself Busy

Keeping Herself Busy

Searching For Satisfaction

Katie actually had many options to consider when it comes to this issue. While she was still hesitant, it is great that starting her own family was still an option for her. There was no denying how much the renovation kept her occupied and motivated, although she wanted a different kind of satisfaction.

Searching For Satisfaction

Searching For Satisfaction

Infertility Issues Of Her Own

Katie thought that she was going to get a fresh perspective after she changed her job and place of residence. She was not wrong about that, but she did not feel satisfied yet. After struggling with fertility problems, she began to wonder if adoption was for her.

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Infertitlity Issues Of Her Own

She Loves Kids

Katie wanted to pave a new life direction for herself, which is the reason she started to look into the idea of fostering children. She was good with kids, and this might give her a life purpose. It was truly unfortunate that she seemed to be unable to bear children of her own.

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She Loves Kids

Another Prospect

Katie got a letter from the local church she started to go to. She found out that there was an upcoming seminar about a fostering program. She liked the sound of this idea… Could this be her calling at last?

Another Surprise

Another Surprise

The Right Path

She went to the meeting and the things she learned there tugged at her heartstrings. This sounded like a great program for someone like her. Although she felt somewhat nervous, she was willing to take a risk.

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The Right Path

Her Maternal Desire

Don’t you think that it is perfect that Katie decided to file her application during Mother’s Day in 2015? We cannot think of any other day that would be more fitting! It was going to be a life-changing journey for her, although she did not have any clue just how big this decision was.

Her Maternal Desire

Her Maternal Desire

A Single Mom

We do not want to sound like she dived right into this without thinking it through, at any rate. It was likely a difficult choice. After all, she was a single woman who just moved into town. Can she do it alone?

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A Single Mom

Making It Official

Katie began to get cases soon after she lodged her application. The foster kids she was assigned to had been kids who survived traumatic pasts. She made sure to give them everything she possibly could!

Making It Official

Making It Official

Wanting One Of Her Own

A year after this, she had already taken four children into her home. Katie began to wonder if it was time to adopt a child of her own. She liked being a foster parent, but she wanted to be a permanent one too.

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Wanting One Of Her Own

Excellent Timing

Katie did not have to wait such a long time before she could turn this into a reality. Only two weeks after talking to a caseworker about this, she got a call about an abandoned child at the nearby hospital.

Excellent Timing

Excellent Timing

Destiny At Work

The boy was just four days old! Despite this, Katie told her caseworker, “I want him!” On top of this, she also told them to refrain from letting others know. Hopefully, this little angel was going to be her son…

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Destiny At Work

A Short 24 Hours Later

The following day, she got a call from the caseworker again. She was nervous when she picked up. Was the baby going to be hers? You will be glad to know she took the baby home that exact same day.

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A Short 24 Hours Later

A Difficult Start

In the past, she had already fostered a 14-month-old baby. However, this was the first time she took care of a newborn. It was already tough that the boy was abandoned like this, but there was more to it…

A Difficult Start

A Difficult Start

Illegal Substance Abuse

Apparently, this little boy received exposure to drugs when he was still in utero! It was a relief to learn that he did not suffer withdraw symptoms. On top of that, there was going to be no long-term effects.

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Illegal Substance Abuse

Moving Forward

It does not take a genius to figure out that he drew the short end of the stick. However, everything was going to change now that he was with Katie. She wanted to make it up to him.

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Moving Forward

Picking A Name

He had been abandoned at the very tender age of four days. He had no name yet. Katie tried to find the name that she would give him. There was no way she was going to simply call him baby boy, after all.

Picking A Name

Picking A Name

Baby Boy Grayson

A lot of parents call their newborns simply ‘baby girl’ or ‘baby boy’. This also happened to her, although this changed when she decided to call him by her preferred boy name. He was now Grayson!

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Baby Boy Grayson

At First Sight

From the moment she saw him, Katie felt in love with the baby. She felt this connection between them that she could not explain. Apart from this, she was also such a natural when it comes to parenthood.

At First Sight

At First Sight

Her True Calling

Katie soon came to the realization that her calling was actually motherhood! She hoped to raise this little boy as her child. In the past, she fostered a number of kids. However, they always left eventually.

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Her True Calling

The Next Step

In the end, she knew that she wanted to be a proper parent to Grayson. Katie knew that it was going to be more difficult than fostering. Despite this, she wanted to become the legal parent of Grayson!

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The Next Step

Looking For Answers

Katie had been caring for the little boy since he was four days old. She did not mind doing this because she grew fond of him. Despite this, the caseworker still looked for the birth parents.

Looking For Answers

Looking For Answers

Searching For His Parents

They did everything they could to look for his birth mother and father. Sadly, their efforts failed. They did not hear from anyone even after posting on social media and putting ads on the newspaper.

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Searching For His Parents

Officially A Mom

However, all was not lost. In May 2017, Katie Page finally became the legal son of this little boy. How great is that? Back then, they had no idea that life had more surprises in store for them.

Officially A Mom

Officially A Mom


Grayson needed her utmost attention because he suffered from some physical and developmental issues. These problems stemmed from the drug exposure before he was even born. Although Katie wanted more kids, she decided to wait until he reached 18 months old.

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Holding Her Horses

Over the next couple of weeks, Katie got calls and emails regarding placements. She got offers for short-term arrangements, but she wanted a long-term placement. Sadly, it did not seem like a good time yet.

Holding Her Horses

Holding Her Horses

He Deserved Her Undivided Attention

Although Katie had been looking to expand her family again, she made sure to give her son the attention that he needed. She focused on him and helped him. This photo is definitely proof of that!

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He Deserved Her Undivided Attention

Something Unexpected

It was true that Katie wanted a bigger family, but she needed to set this aside in the meantime. The house was spacious enough for many kids, so at least this was not an issue.

Something Unexpected

Something Unexpected

A Life-Altering Phone Call

It had only been a month after the adoption when Katie got a phone call that ended up changing her life. Little did she know that this call will have a huge impact on their future!

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A Life-Altering Phone Call

Hannah Is In Need

The person on the phone told Katie that they were looking for a home for a baby girl who was left at the hospital. Apparently, the little angel was called Hannah. Something told Katie that she had to help out.

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Hannah Is In Need

Despite Her Reservations

Hannah was just like her son in the sense that she received drug exposure in the womb. Aside from that, she was also born in the same hospital. This was not part of her plan, so what was Katie going to do?

Despite Her Reservations

Despite Her Reservations

Yes Or No?

Katie felt déjà vu during the call. She said, “during all of the phone calls I made that afternoon, the phrase ‘I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say YES’ kept coming out of my mouth.”

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Yes Or No?

First Meetings

Katie felt scared and overwhelmed, but her maternal instincts advised her to do this and open her home to the baby. After a couple of hours, she did this. Katie and Grayson met Hannah for the first time!

Not A Coincidence

First Meetings

Not A Coincidence

After that, Katie looked at the baby bracelet and realized that the name of her birth mother was the same as that of Grayson. She compared the discharge papers and saw they had similar birth dates too…

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Not A Coincidence

What Her Gut Said

On top of this, do not forget that Grayson and Hannah both had similar drug exposures and medical issues. “[The caseworkers] told me her story, which was really similar to Grayson’s,” Katie said later on.

What Her Gut Said

What Her Gut Said

Something Seems Fishy

However, they did not look similar. “Grayson is half African American with beautiful darker skin and dark curly hair,” Katie posted on her blog, “Baby Girl has a pale white skin tone with straight red-blonde hair.”

Colorado Mom Adopts 2 Kids Months Later She Learns Who They Really Are

Something Seems Fishy

She Was Determined

It was not going to be easy to verify her suspicions because of the discrepancies. The birth mothers did not have the exact same birthday and had different surnames as well. Katie wanted to learn the truth.

She Was Determined

She Was Determined

What Are The Odds?

Katie tried to voice out her theory to the caseworker. What were the odds that Grayson and Hannah had the same birth mother? Unfortunately, they only told her that this was not a huge possibility.

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What Are The Odds?

Getting Answers

Katie did not give up and went to Grayson’s caseworker instead. This person seemed more receptive and took over Hannah’s case as well. A couple of months after this, they finally found the birth mother!

Getting Answers

Getting Answers

Anxiety And Nerves

Katie was nervous when she went to meet the birth mother of her foster child. From the moment they met, she knew right away that this was also the mother of her son! How did this even happen?!

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Anxiety And Nerves

Figuring It Out

Katie said that she “knew instantly” that this was the same woman who gave birth to and then abandoned her son at the hospital. However, Katie needed to behave calmly no matter what she felt.

Figuring It Out

Figuring It Out

A Striking Resemblance

They continued to talk, and Katie learned a lot of things about this woman. Soon enough, her theory was confirmed. The birth mother did not only look like Grayson but also admitted to abandoning a son.

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A Striking Resemblance

The Confirmation

Katie then asked more questions and found out that the woman has other kids. She also gave birth to a son but refused to report it to the authorities. When Katie reported this to the caseworker, they confirmed that the last name the birth mother used matched a relative of theirs.

The Confirmation

The Confirmation

Putting The Pieces Together

It turns out that their hunch was right. The final thing they needed was the results of the DNA test. When it came back, it revealed that Hannah and Grayson were actually siblings with the same mother.

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Putting The Pieces Together

Grayson And Hannah

Katie had a hard time believing that she somehow ended up with twins by pure luck. One caseworker helped her find the truth. Of course, it was only natural that she was excited to hear such a thing.

Grayson And Hannah

Grayson And Hannah

A Miracle

“What if the baby girl had gone to another family?” Katie said. “We would have never found her or Grayson’s mother. The connection would have never been made! I could not believe the miracle that had just happened.”

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A Miracle

She Acted Quickly

When Katie learned that the two babies were actually siblings, she did not want to leave any chance of separating them. After all, how could she possibly do that when fate brought them together again?

The Adoption Process

She Acted Quickly

The Adoption Process

Katie was in love with Hannah by then already. Aside from this, she knew that the little girl made her son happy. It was now time to make the entire thing official by undergoing the adoption process again.

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The Adoption Process

Officially Her Mother

Katie attended a court hearing on December 29, 2018. After this fateful day, things were official at last. She was now the legal parent of Hannah! This also means that Grayson was now her legal brother too.

Officially Her Mother

Officially Her Mother

A Beautiful Family

Don’t you think that they look like one beautiful family? Katie was simply happy that she reunited these two children after so much. When she became a foster parent, such a thing did not even occur to her.

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A Beautiful Family

Like A Glove

We are not surprised to hear that Hannah fit into their family like a glove. Before she was adopted, she had to spent nearly two years in foster care. Doesn’t this sound like nothing short of a miracle?

Like A Glove

Like A Glove

The Ideal Addition

“I was happy to just give Grayson a life, and I thought that that was big, but I didn’t feel like that was enough,” Katie said, “So to give him a sister, I couldn’t imagine anything better.”

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The Ideal Addition

A Family By Fate

She also told People Magazine, “They were meant to find each other, that’s pretty clear. I think God intended that from the beginning. If they weren’t related, Hannah would not have stayed with our family. She would have been placed with other relatives.”

A Family By Fate

A Family By Fate

A Born Natural

Katie had no idea that she would be the mom of two kids in such a short amount of time. Luckily for them, she was a natural mother. Perhaps this was really her calling in life…

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A Born Natural

Another Surprise

It seems like this motherhood story is not over just yet. Can you believe that there came yet another important phone call for Katie? This next one happened only thirteen months since Hannah was born…

Another Surprise

Another Surprise

Their Birth Mother

This call also came from the same adoption agency. They had some news for Katie and the children. They were calling to say something about the birth mother of her adopted children. What was it?

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Their Birth Mother

A Million Thoughts

Katie could not help but worry for the birth mother. Did something happen to her? Was she sick? She did not know what it was, but she only needed to listen to find out the answer.

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A Million Thoughts

Their Baby Brother

Katie found out that the same woman just gave birth to one more baby boy. Even though she did not feel equipped to raise three kids so soon, it did not sit well with her to leave the newborn kid on its own.

Their Baby Brother

Their Baby Brother

Some Deep Thinking

It meant that Grayson and Hannah now had one more sibling in the world. Katie was shocked to hear such a thing. However, she did not know if she could take care of three children at the same time.

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Some Deep Thinking

A New Edition

She thought about it a lot but ultimately decided that the only thing she could do was to unite the siblings. She welcomed the baby into her home and started working on adopting him too!

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A New Edition

Welcome To The Family

Katie was too goodhearted to simply abandon Jackson, the newborn baby. He did not have a problem fitting in with the family either. In fact, he succeeded in making everyone fall in love with him as well.

Welcome To The Family

Welcome To The Family

The Adoption Process Was Under Way

On June 9, 2019, Katie made this post on Instagram to mention the court date for the young boy. She was still serving as his foster mom, so there was no problem when it comes to raising little Jackson.

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The Adoption Process Was Under Way

Protecting His Privacy

She does not want the kids to receive too much attention, especially when the media caught on to their story. She wanted to adoption to go on without a hitch, which is why she hides Jackson’s face like this.

Protecting His Privacy

Protecting His Privacy

A Happy Family

The children have since grown up, of course. Hannah has since turned two. She is now an energetic little girl who adores fashion and dolls. She admires her mother too! She wants to be like Katie in the future.

A Happy Family

A Happy Family

A Social Butterfly

Meanwhile, Grayson has turned three years old. He will be in preschool very soon. He is an extroverted child who likes meeting new people. We also think his glasses (for lazy eye) looks amazing on him.

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A Social Butterfly

No Longer A Single Mom

Katie is no longer all that single, however. She met someone through a pastor! “While I can’t share his face as I vowed never to post him on social media so I could get him to take a photo with me, I can share how grateful I am for him,” she said.

No Longer A Single Mom

No Longer A Single Mom

Responsibility After Responsibility

Katie has the support of many people when it comes to taking care of the kids. It can be hard at times because she still has a full-time job. We bet she is glad that her sister, mother, and roommate help out.

Responsibility After Responsibility

Responsibility After Responsibility

Multiple Jobs

Aside from that, she continues to work on the house as well as the business she launched! She writes for her website, woodandgrace.net, as well. Lastly, Katie works on the side for Rodan and Fields. Whew!

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Multiple Jobs

A Flexible Arrangement

Rodan and Fields is a beauty company selling makeup and skincare products. Katie gets to work remotely as a consultant, which helps pay the bills. We are sure it is hard to raise three children.

A Flexible Arrangement

A Flexible Arrangement

Future Changes

Katie explained, “I am hopeful that one day this opportunity will give me the chance at the freedom to spend more time with my children and one day expand our family even more. My current traditional career path doesn’t make my dreams seem possible…so I began to consider ways to supplement that complimented my lifestyle and was flexible.”

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Future Changes

Sharing Her Life

Katie is very much active on Facebook and Instagram. She promotes her businesses there, of course. She also runs woodandgrace.net, where she often talks about the home renovation project. Check it out if you want to learn more about it.

Sharing Her Life

Sharing Her Life

They’ve Changed My Life

“The last 35 years has been far from easy or the ‘perfect’ life, but it has been mine and has always been driven by my ‘CRAZY’ dreams,” she once wrote on the blog. “If people only knew how my children have changed mine far more than I could ever have imagined.”

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They’ve Changed My Life

Some Extra Help

Thanks to her business decisions, she has money to hire extra help when she needs it. She plans to get a live-in nanny to help out with the kids. After all, it can be hard for foster moms to deal with a lack of communication and other frustrating moments.

Some Extra Help

Some Extra Help

Staying Determined

Katie is a strong advocate for foster care. She has talked about it on her social media accounts as well. “I don’t know if I believed in miracles for sure. I have no doubt now,” she said in the past.

Staying Determined

Staying Determined

Still In Process

At the moment, she is still working to make Jackson an official part of the family. She explained, “It takes patience beyond what I feel I have sometimes. It makes me and those who support me angry some days. But encounters/relationships with the children make it worth the hard times.

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Still In Process

A Life-Changing Experience

We think it is amazing that the family has come together this way. If Grayson went to a different person, things would be very different. Katie even confessed, “It is my greatest adventure and I can’t imagine my life without this experience”.

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A Life-Changing Experience