Meet The Real George Clooney

Published on 06/24/2018

Everyone’s favorite silver fox is back making headlines! He and Amal looked perfect at the Royal Wedding, and he recently sold his tequila company for over $1 billion dollars! The sale made him even richer than he already was! He actually made more than any other actor in the world last year. He seems to have it all – the looks, the wife, the money, but there is more than what you think to George Clooney:

Starting Out

When he first started out acting, George Clooney was not an immediate success. He went through his own struggles and humble beginnings like anyone else. In fact, he rode a bike to get to his auditions. Oh and this multi-millionaire used to live in a friend’s closet!

Starting Out

Starting Out

Unique Pet

While George Clooney was dating Kelly Preston, she bought him a pig, Max the Star. George Clooney loved his pet pig and had him for 18 years! Also, Clooney credits Max for saving his life because the pig woke him up before the Northridge earthquake in 1994! Clooney used to sleep with his pig, appear in interviews with him and that special pig also rode in John Travolta’s private jet!

Unique Pet

Unique Pet

His Broken Vow

Maybe you forgot, but George Clooney was married to Talia Balsam from 1989 until 1993. Afterwards, he vowed to never marry again or even have kids. However, we all know that vow has been broken. In 2014, when Clooney was 53 years old, he married Lebanese-British human rights lawyer, Amal Alamuddin.

His Broken Vow

His Broken Vow

Making A Wager

When George Clooney famously swore off marriage, his two friends Nicole Kidman and Michelle Pfeiffer bet him a whopping $10,000 each that Clooney would have kids before he was 40 years old. However, they both lost. Although, George Clooney returned their money and doubled their bet, saying he wouldn’t have kids by 50 years old. Not sure if they followed up, but Clooney didn’t have kids by 50 either!

Making A Wager

Making A Wager


During his early years, George Clooney worked in tobacco fields. It was around that time, during his late 20’s, that he began smoking. Sadly, an uncle of his died from lung cancer. Since that tragic death, he expressed regret about smoking in numerous interviews.



Baseball Tryouts

Surprisingly, George Clooney wasn’t always set on acting as a professional career. Apparently, he considered the MLB and even tried out for the Cincinnati Reds back in 1977! However, he never made it past the first round of tryouts.

Baseball Try Outs

Baseball Tryouts

Committing To The Coen Brothers

In 2000, George Clooney got a chance he could not pass up on. Before the star even read the script for O Brother, Where Art Thou?, he committed to the film. Clooney was so eager to work with the Coen brothers that he even took a significantly lower salary than he was used to for films.

Committing To The Coen Brothers

Committing To The Coen Brothers

Odd Jobs

Even though George Clooney attended the University of Cincinnati, he never graduated. Instead, the future star worked a series of odd jobs from shoe salesman and insurance door-to-door salesman to construction work and cutting tobacco.

Odd Jobs1

Odd Jobs

His Parents

Who are the parents of this celebrated star? Well, his mother, Nina Bruce, is a former beauty pageant queen and city councilwoman. His father, Nick Clooney, is a former anchorman and also hosted AMC for five years.

His Parents

His Parents

Worst Time In His Life

While George Clooney was in middle school he suffered from Bell’s palsy for a time. Bell’s palsy partially paralyzes one’s face. Luckily, George Clooney only suffered from it for a year, but he has called that time the worst of his life. He explained, “I was mocked and taunted, but the experience made me stronger.”

Worst Time Of His Life

Worst Time Of His Life

Advice On Aging

When it comes to aging, George Clooney knows best. He’s famously referred to as a silver fox. While speaking with Playboy he said, “‘You don’t want to try to look younger because you’ll look wrong,’ he said. ‘You dye your hair, you look wrong. You wear a bad toupee, you look wrong. You wear makeup to hide things, you get your eyes done, you look wrong.”

Advice On Aging

Advice On Aging

On-Set Brawl

While filming Three Kings, George Clooney got into a heated fight with the director, David O. Russell. Apparently, Clooney thought he saw Russell deriding some of the extras, so Clooney got into a fist fight with him. Afterwards, Russell stated, “I wouldn’t make another George Clooney movie if they paid me $20 million.”

On Set Brawl

On-Set Brawl

Youth In The Church

Before he was every a big star, a young George Clooney found himself at his local church during a good portion of his childhood. While speaking with Larry King, George Clooney said he remembers spending a lot of his time as a child being an altar boy.

Youth In The Church

Youth In The Church

South Park

Like many other celebrities, George Clooney has been mocked on South Park numerous times. Yet, George Clooney adores the show and said that he would have been bothered if the show did not make fun of him. Once he got in touch with Matt Stone and Trey Parker, he asked them if he could voice a character. Thus, he got the role of Sparky, the gay dog, and then in the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, he was the ER surgeon.

South Park

South Park

Record Breaker

Does this really surprise you, considering how enormously talented George Clooney is? The star set a record as the first ever actor to get nominated for an Academy Award in SIX categories. Those categories are Best Director, Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Record Breaker

Record Breaker


Although George Clooney is one of the wealthiest celebrities, he’s also one of the most charitable. He’s spoken up about helping those in Darfur during the conflict, in Haiti after the earthquake, recognizing the Armenian genocide, helping the tsunami victims from 2004, 9/11 victims and various other crises. Recently, he helped fund March for Our Lives, in response to the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting.



Thelma & Louise

Believe it or not, George Clooney actually auditioned to play J.D. in Thelma & Louise. Not just once though…he auditioned five times! However, the part went to Brad Pitt and helped him rise to fame. In 2011, Clooney joked he was still upset about losing the part to Pitt and still couldn’t bring himself to watch the film.

Thelma Louise

Thelma & Louise

Former Pets

Besides his famous pet pig, Max, George Clooney also had two bulldogs. He named them Bud and Lou, in honor of the comedy duo Abbott and Costello. Sadly, both of his dogs have passed away. One died from a rattlesnake bite. So sad!

Former Pets

Former Pets

Not Really Him

Wow, George Clooney’s role in O Brother, Where Art Thou? is one fans cannot forget. The whole film was hysterical and insanely captivating. We hate to spoil one of the main elements, but George Clooney was not the one singing! His voice was dubbed for those scenes.

Not Really Him

Not Really Him

Trading Roles

Initially, George Clooney was going to play the lead in the holiday classic, Jack Frost. George Clooney backed out last minute to play Batman instead. Thus, they replaced him with the actor Michael Keaton. Funny enough, Michael Keaton previously played Batman!

Trading Roles

Trading Roles

First Big Role

George Clooney got his first big role on a sitcom called E/R in 1984. No, this is not the same show as ER, but we will get to that next. Also, he starred on that drama about a decade later!

First Big Role

First Big Role

Breakthrough Part

Alright, we know you’ve been waiting, but yes his role as Dr. Doug Ross on ER was the big breakthrough role Clooney had been hoping for! He starred with Noah Wyle, Anthony Edwards and Julianna Margulies, among other stars. Clooney acted on ER from 1994 until 1999.

Breakthrough Part

Breakthrough Part


George and Amal Clooney were married for a few years when exciting news broke. In early 2017, CBS’s The Talk reported that Amal Clooney was expecting twins. Soon, their close friend Matt Damon confirmed the rumors to Entertainment Tonight. Finally, on June 6, 2017, Amal gave birth to Ella and Alexander Clooney!



Vacation House

Of course, a huge star like George Clooney has to have a lavish vacation home. His famous vacation mansion sits on Lake Como in Italy. Inside the house, there’s a wine cellar, 15 rooms and of course, master suite atop the three floors. Within his garage, George Clooney stores his Piaggio motorbikes. Oh and let’s not forget his Colombo classic powerboat that he docks at his pier.

Vacation House

Vacation House

Bad Accident

While Clooney was dating Sarah Larson, the two got into a horrible motorcycle accident in New Jersey back in 2007. Luckily, they made full recoveries. However, a month after the accident, the hospital suspended over two dozen staff members without pay since they looked at Clooney’s medical records in violation of federal law.

Bad Accident

Bad Accident


Sure, you’ve heard of young actors rooming with other aspiring actors before they make it big. However, did you know who Clooney roomed with? Back in the early 80’s, George Clooney lived in an apartment with Thom Mathews. You know Thom Mathews from The Return of the Living Dead.



First Guest

Back when Rosie O’Donnell started her talk show, she had a very special first guest. That very first guest in 1996 was none other than the famous George Clooney! That must have been pretty exciting!

First Guest

First Guest

Related To A President

Now, this is a bit wild. So, George Clooney is apparently distantly related to the 16th American president, Abraham Lincoln. Pretty remarkable, huh? This discovery came light when researchers were looking into Lincoln’s lineage to celebrate the film, Lincoln. They discovered Clooney is Abraham Lincoln’s half-first cousin five times removed.

Related To A President

Related To A President

Famous Family

George Clooney is actually the nephew of Oscar-winning actor José Ferrer and actress/singer Rosemary Clooney. That’s not all though! Clooney’s cousins, Rosemary and José’s sons, are actors Rafael Ferrer and Miguel Gerrer (Iron Man 3). Oh and Clooney is the cousin-law to Grammy winner Debby Boone.

Famous Family

Famous Family

Addressing Rumors

Even though his dating life with women has been well documented, many have long debated George Clooney’s sexual orientation. When questioned about the rumors, Clooney told The Advocate in 2012 he would not deny them, adding, “That would be unfair and unkind to my good friends in the gay community. I’m not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing.”

Addressing Rumors

Addressing Rumors

First Time Back On Celebrity 100 Since 2010

George Clooney returned to the Celebrity 100 for the first time since 2010! He reportedly banked $239 million pretax making him one of the world’s highest earners! The earnings aren’t all from acting, it is also due to some business ventures.

First Time Back On Celebrity 100 Since 2010

First Time Back On Celebrity 100 Since 2010

Another Motor Cycle Crash

George Clooney had another scooter crash very recently in Italy! He was just released from a hospital in Olbia on the Italian side of Sardinia. Reportedly a Mercedes cut across his path causing the crash. Surveillance footage was just released showing the scooter crashing into the car. Despite the crash, Clooney’s injuries were not serious and he was photographed walking away from the hospital without assistance.

Another Motor Cycle Crash

Another Motor Cycle Crash

Best Dressed At The Royal Wedding

George and Amal Clooney were lucky enough to attend the Royal Wedding this summer. They both looked amazing! Many even say they were the best dressed of everyone at the event. Did you know Amal’s dress cost over half of a million dollars? Her mustard yellow Stella McCartney dress was custom made, and her hat and veil are from famous designer Stephen Jones. The New York Times reported the total cost of the outfit is over $500,000!

Best Dressed At The Royal Wedding1

Best Dressed At The Royal Wedding1

Tequila Company

Diageo just completed a deal to purchase Clooney’s tequila company. Clooney started his company named Casamigos about 4 years ago as a side project. It sold over 120,000 cases in 2016 alone! It turned out to be very profitable! He just sold the company for around $1 billion!

Tequila Company

Tequila Company

Oceans Eight

Ocean’s Eleven was such a hit when it first came out! It debuted back in 2001 and led to two sequels, and is now getting an all-female reboot. The new version is called Oceans Eight and Clooney will not be in it.

Oceans Eight

Oceans Eight

Armenian Genocide

George Clooney is known for being one of Hollywood’s biggest humanitarian. One cause he really cares about is the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. He takes part as one of the chief associates of the 100 Lives Initiative. He launched the Aurora Prize which is given to those who risked their lives to prevent genocide. Clooney has continually lobbied the US government for action and often visits Armenia to try to gain some attention for the cause.

Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide

BFFs With Brad Pitt

Despite some media speculation, George Clooney and Brad Pitt are a long time best friends! After the birth of the Clooney’s twins, Brad flew by helicopter to George’s home in Oxfordshire to meet them for the first time.

BFFs With Brad Pitt

BFFs With Brad Pitt

He Was A Good Student

Growing up, Clooney said he preferred sports to academics but still was a good student. He stated in an interview, “I pulled out my report cards. . .I had all A’s and a B.” After failing to make it as a baseball player, he opted for college. He attended Northern Kentucky University where he studied broadcast journalism.

He Was A Good Student

He Was A Good Student

Big Break

After struggling to figure out what he wanted to do in life, 1994 changed everything for Clooney. He was cast in a new NBC medical drama called ER. He portrayed Dr. Doug Ross and was quick to become one of the show’s breakout stars. He managed to appear in many films while ER was on the air including Batman & Robin.

Dr. Doug Ross

Dr. Doug Ross


For the 2004 film, Syriana George Clooney had to gain about 30 pounds! He did this to play a government agent in the film who wanted to expose corruption in the Middle East. He was rewarded for this! In 2005, he won the Academy Award for best-supporting actor for his role.



He’s Very Much A Liberal

George Clooney is known around Hollywood as being a very outspoken liberal. He is often the target of right-wing politicians including Bill O’Reilly. He was very vocal about his feelings about the election of George W. Bush in 2000. He called the president “dim” and stated “I think a war against Iraq is as unavoidable as it is senseless. I think it’s coming. But I also think the real danger is going to be what happens after it.”

Hes Very Liberal

He’s Very Liberal

He’s Almost 60

But he sure doesn’t look it! George Clooney turned 57 years old on May 6th. He celebrated by taking a shot of his own tequila!

Hes Almost 60

Hes Almost 60

The Descendants

George Clooney gave one of his most impressive performance ever in the family drama The Descendants directed by Alexander Payne. He actually won a Golden Globe for his role. He played a husband and father who has to live after his wife is injured in a boating accident.

The Descendants

The Descendants

Poker Maybe Strained His Relationship

George Clooney is well known for his poker hobby. George Clooney was dating Italian actress Elisabetta Canalis in 2009 and the media speculated George put his love of poker before their relationship, causing it to end.

Elisabetta Canalis George Clooney

Elisabetta Canalis George Clooney


Suburbicon is directed by George Clooney and was inspired by the election of Donald Trump. It is a dark comedy that features race relations in the 50s in America. When asked about Trump’s influence on the film, he stated, “I was watching a lot of [Trump] speeches on the campaign trail about building fences and scapegoating minorities and I started looking around at other times in our history when we’ve unfortunately fallen back into these things.” He continued to state the movie was not “a movie about Trump” but was instead “a movie about our coming to terms constantly with the idea that we have never fully addressed our issues with race.”



It Was Rumored He Would Run For President

George Clooney is definitely not the biggest fan of Donald Trump. He has been vocal about his opposition to him since he took office. He endorsed Hilary Clinton in the primaries and many speculated in the future George might even run himself for president. He said in an interview with Variety, “Would I like to be the next president? Oh, that sounds like fun.”

It Was Rumored He Would Run For President

It Was Rumored He Would Run For President

Up In The Air

George Clooney starred in the 2009 dramatic comedy, Up In The Air opposite Anna Kendrick. The film earned rave reviews and was even nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Up In The Air

Up In The Air

4 Films With Brad

Did you know George Clooney and Brad Pitt have worked together on 4 movies? They include Ocean’s Eleven, Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind, Ocean’s Twelve and Burn After Reading!

4 Films With Brad

4 Films With Brad

George & Stacy Keibler

Did you know George dated ex-professional wrestler Stacy Keibler? They were together for a little over 2 years! It was speculated by the media she was quite jealous when she heard Clooney had proposed to Amal, but she made public statements congratulating them.

George Stacy Keibler

George Stacy Keibler

Poker All Day

George Clooney and Brad Pit inspired something unintended through their performances in Oceans Eleven! The “poker scene” is one of the most memorable and set the expectations for the rest of the films in the series. It also inspired a number of other Hollywood movies related to poker including “Molly’s Game.”

Poker All Day

Poker All Day