These Tips Will Make Your Household Items Look New Again

Published on 11/02/2020

Refresh Your Aluminum Outdoor Furniture

Patio furniture is often placed outside, which explains why it often takes a beating. This is even worse when the furniture is made of aluminum. It will look rough after a couple of seasons in the rain, snow, and sun. Use this household tip if you want to polish the chairs and tables using something that you will find in the garage. Solid car wax such as Turtle Wax is going to do wonders for your furniture pieces. You only need to use it in the same way that you would use it to condition your car.

Refresh Your Aluminum Outdoor Furniture

Refresh Your Aluminum Outdoor Furniture


Make Your Bath Towels As Fluffy As It Used To Be

It goes without saying that bath towels are often used. We are not at all surprised when they get worn down. There is a good chance that they are no longer as soft and fluffy as they used to be. You can restore them to that original condition with the help of a cup of white vinegar! Simply add this to the regular wash cycle and then follow it up with a half-cup of baking soda for the rinse cycle. These two ingredients are going to come together and get rid of the dirt and stains. They will also fluff it up!

Make Your Bath Towels As Fluffy As It Used To Be

Make Your Bath Towels As Fluffy As It Used To Be