Aussie actor Hugh Jackman puts most of Hollywood to shame. He’s acted on stages worldwide and made a name for himself as Wolverine across the globe. However, there’s more to “Hollywood’s baddest good guy” than you may know. So, let’s hear what this award-winning actor is really about, and what he gets into in his spare time.
Thanks To His Best Friend
Did you know Russell Crowe is a close and personal friend of Jackman’s? Actually, it’s all thanks to Crowe that Jackman got Wolverine. Apparently, Crowe referred him for the role, but we will get to that soon enough…

Thanks To His Best Friend
Quit Clowning Around
Before Hugh Jackman became the actor we love and adore, he took on random jobs to support himself. He spent years working at a gas station while he was a teenager. Also he was a clown for kids’ parties during his time at university. He claimed those jobs were the most difficult $50 he ever made. Funny story, a six year-old even exclaimed that he was an awful clown for not knowing any tricks. Even Hugh Jackman admitted the kid’s complaint was valid.

Quit Clowning Around