30+ Tattoo Makeovers That Will Leave You Speechless

Published on 08/22/2023
People Who Impulsively Got Tattoos And Had Them Reworked Into Something Way Better

30+ Tattoo Makeovers That Will Leave You Speechless

So many want tattoos. When we realize it will be on our skin forever, some of us opt against it. What if you lost interest in your tattoo? Many regrets follow because you can’t do anything about it. But what if you could avoid regret? Like everything else in life, mistakes happen. If things don’t go as planned, you don’t have to live with the disappointment forever. A fresh design might hide or enhance the previous one. Most of the legendary cover-ups are from r/FixedTattoos. Take a peek!

More Meaningful Now

Now more significant

This task of covering things up has been done very well, and the fact that it has been done so well is something that absolutely must be stressed. One of the elements that contributes to the cover-up’s remarkable nature is the fact that it has a lot more significance than originally thought. It delves quite deeply! Everything from the eyeballs to the galaxy and beyond! We are at a complete lost for what to say. That makes a tattoo stand out. No insult to the artists, but the tattoo before seems like a drawing. Perhaps—we’ve all seen parents get their kids’ artwork tattooed on them.

Superman to Owl real quick

At the time, we had access to a legitimate inquiry. Is it correct that tattoo artists or magicians are to blame for these cover-ups? It’s beyond our comprehension how a Superman tattoo turned into an owl tattoo on the same person. Despite this, it has never been more breathtakingly beautiful as it is right now. Let us pause for a moment to reflect on its amazing nature.

Superman To Owl Real Quick

Superman To Owl Real Quick

We think this happened. The person may have switched to Marvel or stopped appreciating Superman. Maybe he’s a birdwatcher now. Regardless of the background, Rodney Eckenberger covered up. Rodney, we applaud!

Covered the regret smoothly

To begin, we are at a loss to grasp why you would chose to draw a random bottle on your leg rather than any other area of your body. There are plenty of other places on your body where you could have drawn it. On top of that, what is it that has the number “2” on it? We may finally breathe a sigh of relief now that we know the significance of this adorably tiny tattoo.

Covered The Regret Smoothly

Covered The Regret Smoothly

We can see why that tattoo is regretful. It seems the person didn’t even consider it. However, the tattoo artist thought it through and added a beloved cartoon character, which is great.

The intensity is being raised

The tattoo in its earlier form isn’t half as bad as people make it out to be; it’s straightforward, but it’s not terrible by any length of the imagination. The cover-up, on the other hand, is so breathtaking that it defies comparison, and more significantly, it is more threatening than the one that came before it. This is a reimagining of a tattoo that anyone can use to inspire them to achieve their goals.

Increasing The Intensity

The intensity is being raised

A lady hunter wearing a wolf’s head as a cap is a recurring topic, but this one is special. Seems more intense. The first rendition lacked the second artist’s energy.

Useful compass

Even if we have seen a big number of compass tattoos, it is reasonable to assume that at least one individual would choose one that is more unique and features a little bit more detail. When one considers what it has become, nobody could ever accuse it of being straightforward because of what it has become. The inclusion of Korean wildflowers is a very beautiful finishing touch to the dish.

Useful Compass

Useful Compass

Now, how about it? This tattoo is unusual. It looked like a pointless compass before. Now, it appears to be guiding the person to bliss gracefully! This cover-up is basic but wonderful.

Life-saving cover-up

Anyone may easily conclude from looking at the version on the left that it appears as though someone tried to build a tattoo on top of an existing tattoo. Looking at the version on the left, it is possible to draw this conclusion. However, what you are currently looking at is only a preliminary version of the artwork on the right, which represents the finished product. In the end, everything worked out well.

Life Saving Cover Up

Life Saving Cover Up

It totally hidden the original’s heavy black ink, and the artist made it something spectacular that generously covers it. How the original peeks through appear like intentional shadowing is nice.

giving it a fresh start

The tattoo artist Muha is responsible for this cover-up, and we feel obligated to point out that she did an outstanding job with it. This time, none of the original ink could be seen through the intricate design, and none of it was included into the design itself. This was because the design had been updated. The little scene that’s contained within the box is adorable and very pleasing to the eye.

Giving It A New Life

giving it a fresh start

Simply looking at it brings a sense of beauty and peace. Even if we don’t think the first version was very good, we think this one is a significant step up. The complexity of the trees is very stunning.

Floral renovation

This floral cover-up has won our admiration and affection, and we cannot wait to wear it. The decision to have the tattoo on the left side of the body repainted was without a doubt the finest choice that could have been made, even though it does not have an appearance that is particularly unattractive. It is simply beyond our capacity to comprehend the amount of creativity and effort that went into the production of this one.

Floral Renovation

Floral Renovation

It appears like a flower, and the insects are vivid and lifelike. The tattoo is good, and the artisan made it great. Alice did a great cover-up!

Changing the animal

Nobody could have ever imagined that the previous version of the tattoo would one day end up looking so lovely. No one could have predicted that. The difference in quality between these two is startling, despite the fact that we are aware that every cover-up contains approximately the same amount of positive aspects. That, my friend, is what I like to call a shift of perspective!

Changing The Animal

Changing The Animal

The initial version was fading and likely several years old. This cat lover chose the right artist. Those kitties appear like the tattooist traced them from a photo. We wonder if the tattoo resembles the customer’s dogs.

A meaningful and romantic tattoo

This tattoo was designed with a great deal of imagination and originality. On this page, we can see four distinct instances of how a simple heart tattoo can be converted into something unique and beautiful. Each of these designs is a lovely take on the traditional design. Even though it seems to have gone reasonably well, we can guarantee you that quite a bit of tedious effort was required in order to make it happen.

A Romantic And Meaningful Tattoo

A Romantic And Meaningful Tattoo

Please take a moment to show your appreciation to these tattoo artists, who breathed new life into this person’s tattoo. In this case, stars and daisies look just stunning together!

A needed cover-up

Is this some kind of elaborate hoax, or are they really showing how an insect can metamorphose from a caterpillar into a butterfly? Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that this individual’s tattoo appears to be more of a modification, we are thrilled that they have chosen to get it updated! It is straightforward, while yet preserving an extraordinarily high degree of efficiency and output all the way through the process.

A Needed Cover Up

A Needed Cover Up

Seriously, we don’t know what the first tattoo means. It appears ancient and smudged, like it was poorly done. The artist who expertly covered a charcoal smudge deserves praise!

Nothing to something

It seems like the tattoo on the left side is the kind of tattoo that, as soon as you get it, you’ll start to feel guilty about getting it. This conclusion was reached based on how it appears. And only a tattoo artist with a great deal of ability can cover up the tattoo on the left side so that the individual ends up with the exquisite tattoo on the right.

Nothing To Something

Nothing To Something

The script on the left tattoo’s top is cool, but we can’t read it. We merely wish to admire the right tattoo’s attractiveness. Colors and precision—magical!

Pinocchio tattoo

The placement of the first tattoo is a bit questionable, in my opinion. The lovely purple sky with its wavy patterns stands in contrast to the lettering, which seems to be placed in an odd location. To say nothing of how strongly we feel about it, it is what we believe. The second tattoo, on the other hand, came out looking fantastic. It would appear, based on all available information, that Pinocchio was at a Halloween party.

Pinocchio Tattoo

Pinocchio Tattoo

It’s a haunting tat, but the art is so good we don’t care. We adore seeing known characters in fresh tattoos. This resembles a goth Alice in Wonderland.

Dark Knight returns

In addition to giving the appearance that it is situated in the incorrect location, the tattoo on the left side appears to have lost some of the color that formerly covered it. This is because the color once covering it looks to have faded. Because of this, a touch-up was certainly necessary, even in the event that a cover-up was going to proceed in an entirely other direction.

Dark Knight Returns

Dark Knight Returns

However, we are delighted he changed his tattoo to make Batman. It appears the Dark Knight has risen. We must admit that the original tattoo was fine. Hello fresh beginnings!

Not as significant

Once more, we have a tattoo that, when it was first finished, didn’t turn out to be all that terrible. Even though the prior choice met all of the individual’s requirements, it’s likely that they just wanted something different to satisfy their requirements. It would appear to have a great deal of importance. Tattoos are incredibly intimate body modifications that convey a wealth of information about the course one’s life has taken.

Not So Meaningful

Not as significant

The second tattoo is more stunning and meaningful. But we have one question. If this tattoo is a cover-up, where did the first tattoo’s text go? It appears only the artist can answer our query.

Foot tattoo?

Despite the fact that having a foot tattoo is one of the most torturous experiences imaginable, it is remarkable that this woman chose to have a foot tattoo not once, but twice. Despite the fact that we’ve been told that having a foot tattoo is one of the most agonizing experiences imaginable, we’ve decided to go ahead with it. And the quality of each one is so dissimilar to the others that comparing them isn’t even humorous.

Foot Tattoo

Foot Tattoo

Second tattoo looks fantastic and is a great cover-up. Again, we wonder if she resembled her beloved pet. The identical tattoo on her shoulder might have looked better, but she required the cover-up.

Pikachu drawing Pikachu

This is easily one of the most effective cover-ups that we have witnessed over all of this time. Or at the very least, it is one of our favorites due to the fact that it is both adorable and witty. The first one appears to have been made with a pen, and the inclusion of a Pikachu that has been sketched to perfection makes our inner child happy.

Pikachu Drawing Pikachu

Pikachu Drawing Pikachu

The original Pikachu isn’t awful, but it’s lacking. But the tattooist didn’t hide it. They created something entirely new! Pikachu and self-portrait are great ideas, too.


Are you of the opinion that the first tattoo depicts two sharks suffocating in another element? Unless the tattoo artist wanted it to look that way, it’s not a terribly nice tattoo. Unless the artist intended for it to seem that way. Even if we don’t know what’s missing or why, something appears to be lacking. You can also get a concept of the overall shape that the finished thing will take.



Tattooing appears to have halted abruptly. However, the right tattoo is real. Everything about this tattoo is beautiful. The Great White, corals, and sharks above it are realistic.

Salvaged a portrait

It isn’t entirely clear to us what the meaning of this tattoo is, but judging by its design, it appears to have some kind of deep and meaningful importance. There is a possibility that somebody had a tattoo of their daughter’s face, which would be an incredible move on their part. Even though the condition of the portrait isn’t too bad, it would be in your best interest to get it fixed up a little bit anyhow.

Salvaged A Portrait

Salvaged A Portrait

We are impressed that this tattoo artist perfected the portrait instead of concealing it. No big changes. Instead, the portrait was greatly improved. We now believe these tattooists can accomplish anything.

Post-spring tattoo

The cuteness factor of the tattoo of a flower on the left side cannot be overstated. After taking a look at the tattoo that is located on the right side of the body, we are able to comprehend the person’s request to have the tattoo concealed. It’s possible that she thought the original was too straightforward and that what she really wanted was something with a great deal more vibrancy.

Post Spring Tattoo

Post Spring Tattoo

That was her reward after the cover-up. This tattoo change has the perfect caption: The left tattoo was before the flowers bloomed, and the right was mid-spring!

Increased beauty

This particular cover-up is particularly noteworthy in comparison to the others that we have witnessed. This is due to the fact that the ones that we saw previously required a cover-up in order to hide the fact that they weren’t very excellent. If not, they needed to be modified because the person had lost their link with the initial version of the document.

Increased Beauty

Increased Beauty

This tattoo’s cover-up (more like a modification or touch-up) is great, but it was beautiful before. So the person could have kept everything as is and still impressed everyone. But now? Next-level fantastic!

A good-looking rabbit

This tattoo is not intended to conceal anything else beneath its surface. The artist Ali Burke reworked it while she was exhibiting it at the Highwater Gallery in Swansea, which is found in the United Kingdom. It would appear that the previous version has not been updated for a lengthy amount of time. As a result, the restoration was essential, and it went without saying that there needed to be some creative improvements.

A Good Looking Rabbit

A Good Looking Rabbit

The rabbit on the left appears disoriented or depressed, whereas the bunny on the right is graceful and alert. The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland is the subject of our favorite tattoo.

Fixing the cross

This person did, in fact, get their crucifix fixed, or cruci-fixed, depending on the context. On the other hand, we do not wish to go into excessive detail regarding this issue. (Did you manage to make a pun with that? We believe that it is an astute use of a play on words.) To tell you the truth, it seems like an overly basic symbol to use for the cross.

Fixing The Cross

Fixing The Cross

The second one looks excellent, resembling a tree sprouting from the cross or vice versa. The result is amazing. This tree tattoo is stunning and fits well. That’s one gorgeous tree.

Mary to Marge real quick

I’m wondering whether there are any people in this room who enjoy watching The Simpsons. Take a good look at the people who have recently switched their support from Mary Simpson to Marge Simpson. It would appear that this individual had a tattoo of his girlfriend or wife’s name, but in the end, things did not work out between the two of them, and the relationship ended.

Mary To Marge Real Quick

Mary To Marge Real Quick

Since he liked The Simpsons, he renamed Mary to Marge and included a charming drawing. Both tattoos look like Mary was written to be altered to Marge. He might have felt!

Covered a disaster

Even while we recognize that some individuals prefer morbid and eerie things, the tattoo on the left side of the body is really unnerving, despite the fact that it was not completed particularly well. This paragraph will present a fact. The person was forced to live with this tattoo for ten years while looking for a tattoo artist who could cover it up. During this time, the individual was forced to wear this tattoo for ten years.

Covered A Disaster

Covered A Disaster

After discovering the appropriate tattoo, the conclusion is a happy one. I trust that my explanation was clear. Never give up hope if you aren’t one of the lucky ones!

It was pretty well concealed

We are unable to determine whether the photo itself is blurry or whether the tattoo was done that way. Because everything else in the picture is fairly legible, the problem must be with the tattoo. Therefore, the answer to your question is that it is difficult to understand what is written on the person’s hand. It would appear that they went through one or more laser removal sessions.

Covered It Up Pretty Well

It was pretty well concealed.

Changing the tattoo and obtaining a cover-up was a good choice. We admire the tattoo artist for turning a plain object into something beautiful. Even her hand looks more alive (maybe it’s the lighting).

High chances of regret

The tattoo on the extreme left could have been done by a child when they were younger, or it could have a very meaningful meaning for the person who wears it. Or perhaps it was merely a fleeting fancy. It has a distinctive appearance, but all we can say is that it elicited a wide range of reactions from people. Despite the fact that it has an extremely distinct appearance.

High Chances Of Regret

High Chances Of Regret

However, the “Party Dog” tattoo has progressed greatly. From outlining to finishing, it looks great. We found that the first was a dare and the cover-up was the person’s dog.

A whole new idea

Let’s just get this out of the way before we continue: the tattoo that was previously there isn’t exactly the worst thing you’ve ever seen. The decision to discontinue honoring certain days was made for reasons that we don’t fully comprehend. However, you shouldn’t worry about it. In some circumstances, adaption is not only required but also preferred. If it’s okay with you, might we take a look at the cover-up?

A Whole New Concept

A whole new idea

Bird tattoo is great. It’s probably a crow, which is cool. We don’t see why the current dates are relevant to the prehistoric arrows, but we’ll focus on the bird.

jaw drop

The way in which the chrysanthemum and the snake compliment each other is our favorite feature of this cover-up, which we think is one of the most beautiful, and we think it is one of the best. The extraordinary and admirable transformation of a relatively easy tattoo into something so wonderful is deserving of praise and admiration. The tattoo artist did a fantastic job with the design of the tattoo.

Jaw Drop

Jaw Drop

This cover-up was done by Macy, a tattoo artist who is famous on Instagram. Before the cover-up, the tattoo was unrecognizable to anyone who saw it. This talent blows our minds.

More like a glow-up

To begin, the color that was selected for the tattoo on the right side looks simply beautiful, and this is a wonderful approach to get things rolling in the correct direction. When a tattoo artist sees a tattoo that depicts a man falling, it takes a lot of imagination for that tattoo artist to be able to say, “You know what? It has the potential to be developed into a lovely flower, if cared for properly.

More Like A Glow Up

More Like A Glow Up

Tattoo artists are pushed to their creative limits when faced with cover-ups like this. Because of the results, we are forced to examine the cover-ups for a while. The person who got the cover-up must have felt quite fortunate!

Hid it successfully

We can understand why someone might have second thoughts about wearing the bear around their neck, despite the fact that the bear isn’t actually all that scary. The person who shared this picture thinks that, given the circumstances, it would have been a horrible error to make the choice that they did make. Unhappily, this sense of regret stayed on the person’s back of the neck for a whole calendar year.

Hid It Successfully

Hid It Successfully

Patience is always crucial. It was worth the lengthy wait. The tattoo on the right is the perfect cover-up to show maturity. Tattoo artists are god-sent angels in such instances.

Covered the regrets of the past

How many of you are familiar with the YouTube star Onision or have watched any of his videos? The incidents that are detailed here actually occurred. While they were still dating, the woman decided to get a tattoo on the back of her neck that included her boyfriend’s full name. After some time had passed, she decided to go ahead and cover it up with the tattoo that is visible in the bottom photo.

Covered The Regrets Of The Past

Covered The Regrets Of The Past

Well, that was close. She covered the tattoo wonderfully, which we appreciate. The jaguar, or black panther, looks lovely with roses! A new phase in life!

Is it even a cover-up?

Would you have been tricked if you saw the right tattoo first, then the left, into thinking the left tattoo was a cover-up for the right tattoo? Would you have been tricked if you had seen the right tattoo first, then the left tattoo? We would never have pondered the possibilities if we hadn’t quickly observed the tattoo on her left arm. We were just thinking about it because of the tattoo.

Is It Even A Cover Up

Is It Even A Cover Up

The left tattoo is remorseful and appears to have been written, if that’s possible. The right tattoo is everyone’s dream. Let’s say we’re obsessed with that thing’s colors.

A tribute to Batman and The Simpsons

In the modern world, there are a staggering variety of tattoo designs from which to choose. As long as you have the money to buy it, you are allowed to have anything you want. Because the cost of a tattoo is often determined by its size (in addition to the level of detail), you have more alternatives even if your budget is limited, so you can still acquire stunning tattoos.

A Tribute To Batman And The Simpsons

A Tribute To Batman And The Simpsons

When you can get the Apple logo tattooed on your leg, why not? We admire this gentleman for changing his mind and obtaining a Batman-Simpsons tattoo. In perfect condition!

A retouch, similar to a cover-up

The individual had their very first tattoo on their left arm, making it the very first tattoo they had ever had. We weren’t too surprised by the decline, and if we offended you in any way, we really apologize. We don’t want to come out as judging the circumstance, though. Based on how things were presented, it would seem that the quality wasn’t all that great to begin with.

A Retouch Like A Cover Up

A retouch, similar to a cover-up

The original was meant to be “muted watercolors” but faded after a year, according to their post. Although the space and shape are identical, the right tattoo is more beautiful.

Both tattoos are great

The emergence of the first tattoo is breathtaking, to say the least. It offers an effect that is calm and reassuring to the mind and body. We understand why the guy chose to cover up his tattoo because it had faded quite a bit over the course of time. He ended up with something that is the complete antithesis of everything that could even remotely be considered comforting. Look at it and see what you think.

Both Tattoos Are Great

Both Tattoos Are Great

This tattoo is bold, fearless, vocal, and artistically aggressive. The roaring beast is attractive despite its other qualities. It looks like this person wanted a tattoo change, yet both are great.

An incredible cover-up

In this attempt, we are attempting to make sense of what transpired here throughout the transformation of the tattoo. It seems that this man has inked the name and face of one of his exes on one of his arms in the form of a tattoo. We have come to the conclusion that it is quite difficult to successfully execute portraiture, and this is true regardless of the reasons behind the cover-up.

An Unbelievable Cover Up

An incredible cover-up

It looks like a before-and-after shot of his ex. The first was when he was dating her, and the second was after the breakup. Jokes aside, that tattoo is powerful and beautiful.

Hulk Smash!

Because the left side of the body art looks to be lacking certain elements, we are glad that this Hulk enthusiast got the entire tattoo rather than just an imitation of the face. This makes us feel better about the fact that the left side of the body is covered in tattoos. We think the artist did an amazing job, and we really like how he controlled the Hulk. This contributes significantly to the plot’s advancement.

Hulk Smash!

Hulk Smash!

This new trend in tattooing looks like a window or a giant band-aid on the skin. I appreciate your twist on things. The artist was capable of creating the entire Hulk, but this is far more impressive.

Feelin’ good once again

This tattoo holds some important life lessons for all of us to remember. Never get a tattoo of your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s name on your hand unless you are certain you will spend the rest of your lives together. This is especially true if you are still in a romantic relationship. Because if things do not go as planned, you may find yourself in the same situation as this person.

Feelin’ Good Once Again

Feelin’ Good Once Again

That might not be too horrible! It would be best to start with the second version. Since 17, this woman has her ex’s name on her flesh. We wonder how long she had the tattoo. So pleased for her!

A happy cover-up

As a result of this tattoo, we feel obligated to point out that the empty space within the tattoo on the left side was effectively utilized in order to generate the cover-up on the right side. This was done in light of the fact that we feel obliged to point out that the cover-up was successfully produced. We are able to comprehend the various factors that may lead a person to contemplate removing their tattoo of a smiley face.

A Happy Cover Up

A Happy Cover Up

The right-side “happy raccoon sitting on a branch” tattoo is nearly wholesome and cute, unlike the smiley face. All these stunning cover-up tattoos show we’ve come a long way.