‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’: You’ll Be Amazed At The Gosselin Family Now

Published on 04/08/2018

The world first met the Gosselin family when they starred on both Home Delivery and then Surviving Sextuplets. However, everyone knows them best from TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus 8. TLC first premiered the show back in 2007, and everyone is still talking about the family with eight children! Kate Gosselin even returned to television with her eight kids in July of 2017 and gave an exclusive interview in January of 2018. Everyone was shocked to see where the family is now after all these years!

Becoming Stars

Once Jon and Kate Gosselin heard the news that they were pregnant with sextuplets, everything changed. Then with their own reality show, Jon & Kate Plus 8, they became instant celebrities. Of course, they quickly became one of the highest rated TV shows, paving the way for reality shows later on. Their show was on for four seasons until 2009, when the couple separated, but we’ll get to that.

Becoming Stars

Becoming Stars

Life Now

Nowadays, as fans of Jon & Kate Plus 8 may know, Jon shares all eight kids, older twins Mady and Cara, as well as the sextuplets, Collin, Alexis, Aaden, Joel, Hannah and Leah, with ex Kate Gosselin. However, Jon has stated he isn’t sure being in the spotlight is best for them. Gosselin has said, “I love my kids and I am happy they are financially taken care of, but who knows what the aftermath of filming or being famous will affect them as young adults.”

Life Now

Life Now

When The Couple Met

Alright, let’s take things back a little. Back in October of 1997, that’s when the couple first met during a company picnic. Kate said, “Jon was walking across the grass and I saw him and was instantly intrigued! Our eyes met and continued to meet from across the way all afternoon. Finally, I arranged for someone to introduce us,” said Kate. She was immediately attracted to him because “he seemed very put together. And of course he was very good looking.” Jon Gosselin also said about meeting her, “Everything clicked. It sort of felt together like it never felt before. This time was different.”

When The Couple Met

When The Couple Met

Moving Fast

Even though they were young at the time, Jon just 22 and Kate 24 when they married, things moved fast. In a backyard wedding ceremony, Jon and Kate tied the knot on June 12 in 1999. Kate Gosselin wrote about the early days of her marriage in her book Multiple Blessings, saying, “Married life was all I had imagined and more. We were young, healthy and ambitious, and it wasn’t long before baby fever set in.”

Moving Fast

Moving Fast

Having Twins

After a year of marriage, the two welcomed their twins, Madelyn and Cara. However, it was once they looked into having kids that Kate was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Due to this, the couple used fertility treatments, which helped Kate conceive the twin girls. Mady and Cara were born five weeks premature in early October of 2000.

Having Twins

Having Twins

Welcoming the Sextuplets

During a 2008 interview with The Today Show, Jon Gosselin explained he never wanted a third kid, but Kate did. Thus, the couple used fertility treatments again, but this time they found out Kate was carrying not two but seven embryos! Due to her Catholic beliefs, Kate did not agree to selective reduction, as doctors suggested. Apparently, upon hearing the news, Jon Gosselin go down on the floor, almost passing out and said of the moment, “I [was] thinking of my twin daughters and, ‘How am I going to afford this?’ As a father, I think you want to take care of your family and do the best you can.” Only one embryo didn’t grow, but the sextuplets were born 10 weeks premature in May of 2004.

Welcoming The Sextuplets

Welcoming The Sextuplets

Trying To Make Ends Meet

Things were tough for the family, raising eight kids. Back in 2005, Kate Gosselin got denied Medicaid financial support for a baby nurse. She even challenged this ruling and caused local outcry from other Pennsylvanians calling her a ‘diva.’ In addition, Jon Gosselin just lost his job. Kate explained the situation on The Oprah Winfrey Show, saying, “People were saying, ‘Oh, goodness, they’re unemployed, and they have eight kids.’ There was a lot of yuck. We were given six more children, but that didn’t mean we didn’t love them and want them…We had to stretch our hearts, essentially, and people didn’t understand that.”

Trying To Make Ends Meet

Trying To Make Ends Meet

Entering Stardom

Needing some help, the Gosselin family agreed to be featured on the NBC reality show, Home Delivery. At the time, the sextuplets were just 17 months old. This appearance led to a one hour special called Surviving Sextuplets and Twins that premiered in 2006 on Discovery Health. With these reality show appearances, the family hoped to clear things up in the community and explain their situation. Well, that special did so well that TLC offered them their own show, Jon & Kate Plus 8.

Entering Stardom

Entering Stardom

Not Interested In The Show

Since their very public separations, many how discussed whether Jon Gosselin truly wanted to become a media symbol. Many reports claimed that Jon Gosselin was more reserved while Kate Gosselin welcomed the attention and spotlight. However, during the time the couple agreed to do the show, they both seemed to be on board. Actually, Jon stated, “Every time a season renewal comes up, we have a family discussion. Our kids are 80 percent of the family. If they don’t want to film, we’re not filming. We’re outnumbered.” Once their marriage dissolved, Jon pulled out of the show.

Not Interested In The Show

Not Interested In The Show

Renewing Their Vows

Even with talk of friction in the relationship, Jon and Kate chose to renew their vows during the summer of 2008. Everyone, yes all eight children, went to Hawaii for the ceremony. Part of Jon’s vows read, “Our marriage has been a wonderful and adventurous nine years.” Later when Kate interviewed with Good Housekeeping she added, “Listening to Jon’s touching vows, I was absorbed in the moment – but at the same time, trying to keep an eye on all the kids.” They even aired the ceremony for Jon & Kate Plus 8. However, not even a full year later, they would announce their separation.

Renewing Their Vows

Renewing Their Vows

Talk Around Separation

While Kate Gosselin was traveling on book tours, Jon quit his job in 2008. He had been working as an I.T. analyst. Before they announced their separation, many rumors spread about infidelity. Jon Gosselin even went on Good Morning America in 2009 and said, “I speculate, but I don’t know. When they are traveling together, I felt jealous. Here I’m Mr. Mom. And then there’s some other guy traveling with my wife.”

Talk Around Separation

Talk Around Separation


Only one week before what would be their 10th wedding anniversary, paparazzi spotted Kate Gosselin on vacation with the kids in North Carolina. However, Jon was no wherre to be found. Kate commented, “I don’t know that we’re in the same place anymore. [Or] that we want the same thing.” Then in a special one-hour episode in June of 2009, they announced their separation. Then when they filed for divorce, Kate was given primary custody and it was revealed that Jon may have had an affair with a 23 year old teacher. Officially, the couple divorced in 2009.



Change Of Lifestyle

Kate Gosselin, as you may know, continued to stay in the spotlight. However, Jon Gosselin was struggling. For a time, he worked as a waiter at a Pennsylvania cafe called the Black Dog Café. Also, it was reported that the former reality star now lived in a cabin isolated in the woods without any television or even internet. Things had changed dramatically for the star.

Change Of Lifestyle

Change Of Lifestyle

Looking Back

During Kate’s interview with PEOPLE magazine, she spoke about the past ten years and how things used to be. Kate said, “I wouldn’t spend so much time worrying about the messes and the obsessive-compulsiveness and needing to be so in control. I would spend more time nibbling little feet and cuddling up. I should have just rolled around on the floor some. I wouldn’t have melted down as much. When you’re younger, you may have more energy, but when you’re older, you’re wiser.”

Looking Back

Looking Back

Continued Presence On TV

Meanwhile, Kate Gosselin continued to appear on numerous shows and interviews. Some criticized her choice to keep the children in the spotlight as well. Kate also filmed a pilot with Paula Deen in 2009. Well, you probably didn’t hear about it since the show never got picked up. In fact, the television executives claimed it was ‘too controversial.’

Continued Presence On TV

Continued Presence On TV

Concern For Children

Clearly, Jon and Kate have very different ideas of how to best parent their eight children. During their Where Are They Now? interview with Oprah, Jon expressed his very real concerns, saying, “I saw my kids not growing up normally like I grew up.” He added that the kids “have problems with their peers, and they have problems with talking to other people, and they have problems with wants and needs and manners and morals and what’s right and what’s wrong.” However, Kate disagreed on her blog says, the children are “Normal…well adjusted.”

Concern For Children

Concern For Children

Coping With Changes

Actually, people claimed two of the kids were taken out of school after they displayed some ‘post-divorce anger.’ Overall, everyone knows that dealing with divorce isn’t easy. Thus, in 2016 that rumor spread that Alexis and Collin kept acting out in school and got expelled. Although, Kate quickly came forward to dispell the rumors. Instead, she clarified with People that their school “did not feel like they could meet their needs anymore” and the kids were indeed suffering from some ‘post-divorce anger.’

Coping With Changes

Coping With Changes

Record Breaking Finale

During this whole thing, the family was very much in the spotlight. Remember, their show was a huge hit. Actually, the fourth season’s finale in late March of 2009 became their most watched episode. A total of 4.6 million viewers tuned in, which beat out Fox, NBC, CBS and even The CW for female viewers between the ages of 18 and 34. These high ratings even let to the following show, Table for 12, in the time slot immediately after getting high ratings. Table for 12 was another docu-series about a New Jersey family with two sets of twins and also sextuplets!

Record Breaking Finale

Record Breaking Finale

Defining The Network

Not only did the success of Jon & Kate Plus 8 lead to the fame of the Gosselins, but it also helped TLC tremendously. Both their show and Little People, Big World became staples of the network. Those shows also led to the tagline, “Life surprises.” Then TLC also aired 17 Kids and Counting and other popular shows like The Little Couple, My 600-Lb Life, Sister Wives and of course, Toddlers & Tiaras, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

Defining The Network

Defining The Network

Dealing With The Fame

Shortly after that record-breaking season four finale aired, an interview with Jon Gosselin was published in Ladies Home Journal. He told the interviewer that his life took a turn with having eight children and the show. Jon said, “I always thought I’d be, like, 54-years-old and marry a 19-year-old or something.” While Kate said even though fame brought challenges, she “wouldn’t return to those days” before all her kids were born. She elaborated in an episode of the show, saying, “It’s a lot of work. It’s the best thing and it’s the hardest thing I think that’s ever happened, just our show in general. I personally have the ideal job. I love what I’m doing at this time. But it has gone through phases for all of us. Jon feels frustrated.”

Dealing With The Fame

Dealing With The Fame

Continuing The Show

Even with news of the divorce out in the open, interest in the show did not wane. In fact, their June episode revealing the separation, attracted 10 million viewers. They spoke about how they were still living together but leading very separate lives and had been for the past two years. During her confessional, Kate said, “I don’t really want to be alone. I don’t want to do this alone.” Then when speaking with People, Kate said when Jon asked for a divorce, “I curled up in a ball and I sobbed. I couldn’t breathe; I was hyperventilating. I was scaring people who were calling to check on me because I couldn’t even talk.”

Continuing The Show

Continuing The Show

Short-Lived Show

As they say, the show must go on and that it did with a four episode first season and subsequent 16 episode second season for Kate Plus 8. During the second season in 2011, the family went to both Australia and New Zealand. However, due to lower ratings, TLC decided that this family may need to take a break from the show. Even though they canceled the show that August, they promised to check back in with the family later, which they stuck to!

Short Lived Show

Short-Lived Show

Kate’s Time In The Spotlight

As we briefly mentioned before, Kate Gosselin has kept up with her TV presence. In 2010, she competed on the show, Dancing with the Stars as Tony Dovolani’s partner. In addition, she co-hosted the hit show, The View for a few episodes. Then, she was featured in Celebrity Wife Swap in 2013 with her kids and as a contestant for the show The Celebrity Apprentice two years after. Of course, TLC also aired a special two-part special of Kate Plus 8 in 2014 when the family celebrated the sextuplet’s 10th birthdays.

Kates Time In The Spotlight

Kate’s Time In The Spotlight

Opening Up To Oprah

Again, back to that interview with Oprah for OWN’s Where Are They Now? back in 2013, Jon commented on the affect of the show. Gosselin said, “Yes, [the kids] got to travel the world, and yes, they got these fabulous things, and yes, they have trust funds, and they’re taken care of educationally. Great. But developmentally, they have problems with their peers, and they have problems with talking to other people, and they have problems with wants and needs and manners and morals and what’s right and what’s wrong. I think more so than someone who grows up off TV.”

Opening Up To Oprah

Opening Up To Oprah

Getting Help

Jon Gosselin also came out and told the public he hadn’t seen his son, Collin, for over a year. It was then, that Kate came forward to tell ABC News that Collin had special needs, thus, she enrolled him at a special place to aid with his issues at the doctors’ advice. Apparently, Jon’s lawyer insisted the full story stay under wraps. However, 12 year old Collin did appear in a January episode of season five with his brothers Aaden and Joel.

Getting Help

Getting Help


After their divorce, Jon started dating a woman named Hailey Glassman. Glassman is the daughter of the surgeon who performed Kate’s tummy-tuck. Both Jon and Hailey were quick to dismiss rumors of infidelity and their relationship having anything to do with Jon and Kate’s divorce. Glassman insisted they only began dating months after the separation. Also, Jon appeared on the Steve Harvey Show to clear up things. He said, “We knew we were going to get divorced and then the network tried to keep us together for the benefit of the show. So I quit…I said, ‘I’m not having my divorce filmed. I’m not having it aired out for the public’s consumption. And I’m not having reruns so my children can keep on watching the demise of their parents.”

Post Divorce


New Jon

However, Jon is no longer dating Hailey. Actually, he’s been dating Colleen Conrad, a nurse, since 2014. Many have been fascinated by his circuitous path of employment. Besides being a waiter at that cafe, he worked at the chain TGI Fridays and as a DJ. Also, he made headlines when he appeared at the Dusk Nightclub in Atlantic City with something called the “Untamed Male Revue,” a male strip show for his 40th birthday.

New Jon

New Jon

Relationship With Their Father

When Mady and Cara, the oldest twins, interviewed with People, they were 15. They did speak about their father, Jon. Actually, they said they were not being kept away from him. In fact, Mady said, “He makes it seem like we’re being kept from him, which is insane…He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen…He doesn’t even know us—how can he dare to talk about us?”

Relationship With Their Father

Relationship With Their Father


Meanwhile, Kate told People, “I really would have thought he’d have been here for the long haul. The weirdest thing is that overnight he became a different person.” Even though she spoke about the hole left behind when they separated, Kate also confirmed that the show was still the best thing for them. She elaborated, saying that the money from Jon & Kate Plus 8 helped give the children the best life possible. TLC also saw value continuing the show and thus, Kate Plus 8 began in August of 2010.



Child Support

Although Jon does not pay any child support, he spoke out to clarify. Jon stated, “we both support [the children] financially because [Kate] takes care of school and all that stuff, but I take care of the exact same things she takes care of. I buy their own groceries. They have their own groceries at my house, their own bedrooms, their own stuff. It’s doubled.”

Child Support

Child Support

Rumors Of Relationship

While rumors spread about Jon and his lifestyle post-divorce, people were also interested in Kate’s personal life. Many thought she was in a relationship with her married bodyguard. However, both of them denied that they were involved romantically. She’s gone on to say that it would take a titanium man to handle her life and all her kids. However, people took notice when it appeared she was dating millionaire Jeff Prescott back in 2015, but the two never confirmed anything.

Rumors Of Relationship

Rumors Of Relationship

Jon’s Party

Back to that infamous night when Jon celebrated his birthday at Atlantic City’s Dusk Nightclub with that ‘Untamed Male Revue.’ On his Facebook post that night he said, “Everyone wants to know why I did this. I’ve been under media scrutiny for a good part of my life, 10 years. I wanted to give myself the best 40th birthday present ever. I wanted my family and my friends to be there, and why not have a huge party with an amazing venue?” He even donated a portion of the money from his appearance to research done at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital.

Jons Party

Jon’s Party

Trying To Get On Track

Almost a decade after Jon left Jon & Kate Plus 8, Gosselin still finds himself struggling in the public eye and even financially. Even in 2018, Jon and his ex-wife Kate Gosselin are still undergoing an intense custody battle. In order to fund his very costly legal fees, his girlfriend named Colleen Conrad decided to take action for her 41 year old boyfriend and father of eight.

Trying To Get On Track

Trying To Get On Track

Colleen Helps Start GoFundMe

Colleen Conrad started a GoFundMe to help Jon pay his legal fees, writing, “The family and friends of Jon Gosselin know the loving, caring, devoted father that he is, and they understand his desire to do what is best for his children. Like many divorced parents, Jon works hard each day and most weekends, wanting nothing more than to spend quality time with his kids. For Jon, it’s been an eight-year battle in family court, one that pits him against media and financial forces that far exceed his own.”

Colleen Helps Start GoFundMe

Colleen Helps Start GoFundMe

Things Aren’t Always How They Appear

The GoFundMe that Colleen set up, went on to say that just because Jon Gosselin is in the spotlight, doesn’t mean he’s a wealthy celebrity. His GoFundMe stated, “Fame and fortune do not always go together, and Jon is the perfect example of that reality. Things are not always as they are portrayed. Jon does not have a network-funded public relations machine behind to spin the facts. He works a steady job and earns extra money on the side as a disc jockey. Now he is forced into an expensive unjust battle for custody, one that drains his time, energy, and finances. It is a fight he did not seek; it is a fight he does not want. He remains focused on the welfare of his children…”

Things Arent Always As They Appear

Things Aren’t Always As They Appear

Leaving Friday’s

Over the course of his fame, Jon has worked numerous odd jobs. Many of his fans from the show were surprised to see him working at T.G.I. Friday’s. Sadly, Jon had to leave the job once a coworker sold a picture of him at work to the press. Jon said on Dallas’ 103.7 KVIL FM, “Thanks, a lot, man! Now I gotta go through all of this stuff and now I gotta leave a job that I was passionate about.”

Leaving Fridays

Leaving Friday’s

Enjoying The Nightlife

Nowadays, it seems Jon Gosselin has really found his passion as a DJ and promoter. He explained to Entertainment Tonight, “I work at Dusk Nightclub in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I’m a member of the Senate DJ group and I also help with Promotion. I DJ at the club sometimes, but I find promotion is more rewarding both financially and emotionally. I like taking care of people and making others feel welcome.”

Enjoying The Nightlife

Enjoying The Nightlife


During a 2016 interview with Yahoo, Jon said, “Now all the secrets are coming out because I’m not afraid to say anything. ‘How come you only get four kids?’ Because who I get is who I get. Whoever comes through that gate or gets off that bus is who I get. And Collin is homeschooled, so he doesn’t get off a bus.” As most fans know, since the divorce, Jon has not been shy about speaking out.



No Longer The Glory Days

In 2017, TLC aired just three episodes of Kate’s new solo show with the kids. In Touch Weekly reported a source close to the family saying, “Kate no longer has the income she once had from the show. The money is running out fast.” Many saw truth in this statement since the private school the children attend cost about $150,000 annually. In addition, the family is paying for their son Collin’s treatment program. Things have definitely changed for the family since their heydays on TLC.

No Longer The Glory Days

No Longer The Glory Days

No Co-Parenting

In 2016, Jon Gosselin spoke out to not only talk about the ongoing custody battles, but to express the lack of communication between the parents. He did not sound hopeful for any changes in the future. Gosselin said he and his ex do not speak. Actually he said, “Now the kids are stuck in the middle between us. We don’t talk, zero. Court, we talk in court.”

No Co Parenting

No Co-Parenting

Contract Breach

In addition, Jon spoke about his contract breach while TLC tried to keep the couple together despite the divorce. Gosselin commented, “I quit, I said I’m not having my divorce filmed. I’m not having it aired out for the public’s consumption and I’m not having reruns so my children can keep watching the demise of their parents. I lost everything, I lost all my money. The network sided with my ex-wife, they paid for her divorce attorneys, everything.”

Contract Breach

Contract Breach

Still In Public Eye

Sadly, there seems to be no end to the scandal and tabloid stories about the family. In August 2017, an issues over who would take Hannah home from the dentist broke out. Actually the cops in Wyomissing, PA were even called. Thus, TMX reported on the intense fight and apparently, the cops only advised that all the custody complaints be taken to a judge.

Still In Public Eye

Still In Public Eye

Opening Up To Dr. Oz

Kate hasn’t exactly stayed quiet on the family drama either. While she was on The Dr. Oz Show in late 2016, she accused the tabloids of draining all of her energy. In addition, she claimed DJ Jon has not made efforts to see “the value in uplifting his children.” Clearly, things have not been amicable between the couple.

Opening Up To Dr. Oz

Opening Up To Dr. Oz

Wedding Vow Renewal

Now, back to that wedding vow renewal just a year before the separation…Well, in their show they revealed why they went to Hawaii. Apparently, the couple originally wanted their wedding in Hawaii but it would be too far for Kate’s family to travel. However, Jon’s extended family lives in Hawaii. Thus, they decided to have the vow renewal their as a tribute to their original plans.

Wedding Vow Renewal

Wedding Vow Renewal

Moving To Music

In 2015, Jon spoke to People magazine about his ventures in the music industry, playing around 15 gigs a month at cafes and hotels. he said, “I love it. The hours are great. I get to go out, have a good time with all my friends, play the music I like to hear and have the day to myself. I have to be more patient and let my dreams turn into ideas. I’m tired of job hopping.”

Moving To Music

Moving To Music

Seeking Help

Despite contradicting opinions, Jon and Kate Gosselin did officially try to save their marriage. While we cannot say whether this was for the show and business or their family and love, they did seek counseling. Actually, they made media headlines when they tried to get out of paying the $10,000 marriage counseling bill. The couple used a service that flew out a personal agent from California all the way to Pennsylvania, but Kate refused to pay for the agent’s travel fees. However, in court, the judge did order Kate to pay the full amount.

Seeking Help

Seeking Help

Working For Kate

Of course, Jon has had plenty of not so nice things to say about Kate, but he’s not the only one. During a 2014 interview, a former nanny of the family explained that Kate keeps an actual book with strict rules and guidelines for staff. Some of the things she forbids are vacuuming during non-designated times, slamming doors and putting things on the floor. This nanny said the mother of eight demanded her staff be on call 24 hours. In addition, Kate Gosselin’s partner from Dancing with the Stars revealed he needs therapy after spending so much time working with her.

Working For Kate

Working For Kate

Controversial Photo

Many also attacked Kate in 2013 when this controversial photo came out of her making her eyes slanted. Of course, people saw it as a derogatory slander against Asians. In response to people calling her racist or culturally insensitive, Kate claimed that her and Jon were simply joking around since he comes from Asian descent. Kate claimed that being married to an Asian man, along with being a mother to biracial kids, shows she is not racist and, said, “It’s normal to talk about and even ‘exaggerate’ the feature differences of a biracial family.”

Controversial Photo

Controversial Photo

Ed Hardy Blamed Jon For Brand’s Downfall

During the later 2000’s, most pictures of Jon Gosselin featured him wearing an Ed Hardy shirt, and Jon even got close with Christian Audigier. Audigier is credited with popularizing the brand, which peaked at about $700 million annually. However, Ed Hardy plummeted after 2009 and Ed Hardy actually blamed Audigier and even Jon Gosselin. Hardy claimed that Gosselin’s association with his brand brought a negative association, as Gosselin was portrayed negatively in the press.

Ed Hardy Blamed Jon For Brands Downfall

Ed Hardy Blamed Jon For Brand’s Downfall

Multiple Blessings

While the family was soaring to fame, Kate coauthored the book Multiple Blessings with Beth Carson. The book was an emotional and faith-based memoir about Kate and Jon’s journey learning they were expecting sextuplets and what followed. This 2008 book actually debuted on the New York Times‘ Best Seller’s list at number 5. That wasn’t the end of Kate’s career as an author.

Multiple Blessings

Multiple Blessings

Author Of Three Books

Now, Gosselin has written three books, all nonfiction. After her book with Beth Carson and ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, sold more than 500,000 copies within a year of its release, she tried her hand at writing again. The second book, Eight Little Faces came out in April 2009 and also debuted at number 5 on The NYT Best Sellers. When her third nonfiction book, I Just Want You To Know came out in April 2010, it debuted at 103 on The New York Times Best Sellers. Kate also wrote a cookbook!

Author Of Three Books

Author Of Three Books

Ulterior Motives

However, it wasn’t only Kate’s books making some noise. In 2014, Robert Hoffman’s book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World came out. This tell-all claimed that Kate purposely wanted to have a ton of children to exploit them for fortune and fame. Unsurprisingly, Kate Gosselin fought this slander and got the book removed from shelves.

Ulterior Motives

Ulterior Motives


Now, let’s catch up with the kids! Well, everyone remembers the oldest twins, Mady and Cara. When the magazine People caught up with the family, the twins were 16. The outgoing Mady explained her dreams for her future, saying, “I would love to perform in some way. And I feel like I could write some sort of memoir already.”



Cara, The More Reserved Twin

Of course, we have to talk about twin, Cara next! Also 16 at the time, Cara is the quieter twin. She already spoke of plans for college, saying, “I want to go far away. And I want to be a doctor.” Kate chimed in, “Cara holds more inside, but she processes it in her own way.”

Cara The More Reserved Twin

Cara, The More Reserved Twin

Leah, The Smallest

Now, on to the sextuplets! Let’s star with Leah, who is the smallest of the sextuplets. She spoke with People about how her petite size means she can’t share shoes with her sisters. Leah said, “It’s not fun being the smallest always.” However she did talk about some positives of getting older when she added, “Today I got to wear lip gloss and nail polish!”

Leah The Smallest

Leah, The Smallest

Alexis, Animal lover

Always an animal lover, Alexis remembers the time they went to a wildlife park for an episode of their show. Alexis insisted, “I’m definitely going to work with animals someday.”

Alexis Animal Lover

Alexis, Animal Lover

Hannah, Mini Mom

Kate calls her the ‘mother’ of the sextuplets. Hannah has always looked up to her older twin sisters. Shortly before this interview, she got her long locks cut. However, she celebrated her new style saying she loves it, “especially when it’s in curls.”

Hannah Mini Mom

Hannah, Mini Mom

Joel and Aaden

Now, on to the two boys in the Gosselin household. On the left is Joel and on the right is Aaden, easily recognized with his glasses. Both the boys expressed their hope that the show would continue. Also Aaden added, “I want to go bungee jumping.” Hopefully, his dreams can become reality!

Joel And Aaden

Joel And Aaden


In the past, Kate commented on the “educational and social challenges” that Collin faces. Although, the parents chose not to reveal his specific diagnosis. However, she did explain he’s enrolled in a special program “helping him learn the skills he needs to be the best him he can be.” However, this separation makes things hard, as Kate said, “There is a huge hole in our family without him here. But it comforts us to know he’s where he needs to be right now. I feel like I’ve made an investment in Collin’s future. To know he’s somewhere that’s helping him reach his very best potential has been a relief in many ways.”



Growing Up

In January 2018, Kate expressed her new perspective as the twins approach college, claiming she’s ‘cherishing every moment.’ In addition, she posted on Instagram to say Mady and Cara, 17 years old, have “limited time left at home.” Gosselin also told People magazine, “It’s the day I have feared since they were born.” In a Kate Plus 8 promo she spoke about the sextuplets entering their teenage years saying, “To think that when the little kids are in college and my house is empty? I can’t fathom it.”

Growing Up

Growing Up