In Just A Few Years, These Common Objects Will Be Completely Useless

Published on 06/09/2023
In Just A Few Years, These Common Objects Will Be Completely Useless

In Just A Few Years, These Common Objects Will Be Completely Useless

The times are changing, and so are the everyday objects we use. Consider the items that previous generations utilized on a daily basis but that we now despise, such as typewriters and rotary phones. So, which of the items we use on a daily basis will be rendered obsolete in the near future? Take a look at this list before they all start showing up in vintage shops.



Close the door and toss the key out the window. Or, you might simply throw the key away. Massive key chains that we all have to make room for in our pockets will soon be a thing of the past. There would be no more jingling, and we would no longer be hurriedly checking to see if we had left the home or remembered our keys. Households will soon rely on comparable features, whether key fobs, fingerprints, or Bluetooth technologies, just as enterprises have chips or employ other technology to sign in each day. In fact, instead of the old-fashioned manual keys, several contemporary homes already offer a Bluetooth option.

Parking Meters

All of those parking meters had better fill up now, because there won’t be anyone to feed them any time soon. Nothing mars a perfectly wonderful day like returning to your car and discovering a parking ticket strewn across the front windshield. While tickets will regretfully not be phased out anytime soon, parking meters may.

Parking Meters

Parking Meters

Numerous cities have already begun to deploy online parking meter solutions, allowing drivers to log onto an app and pay their parking rates directly from their phones, and this trend is only expected to continue. There’ll be no more digging through purses and pockets for loose coins!

Side View Mirrors

Although the objects in a side view mirror may appear to be closer than they appear, side view mirrors are closer to extinction than most people think. With automotive technology rapidly progressing, it is not out of the realm of possibility that side view mirrors may soon be useless.

Side View Mirrors

Side View Mirrors

In place of typical rearview mirrors, more and more cars now come with cameras that show the driver what is behind them. Some speculate that auto dealers would handle side view mirrors the same way, allowing drivers to avoid dangerous blind areas by using video cameras instead.


The complexity of password requirements is increasing to the point that we can’t remember our own. They must be 17 characters long, have both upper and lower case letters, and most likely include a symbol. Oh, and they must not be similar to any previous password.



We find it difficult to get in to our own accounts because of all of the rules. However, the new era of passwords can now be observed in almost every iPhone. Experts believe that in the next years, fingerprint scans or perhaps our own faces will be used instead of passwords. And, unlike written passwords, neither of those things are easy to forget.

Headphones With Cords

The transition away from wired headphones began quietly. Before anyone noticed, store shelves began to fill up with an increasing number of wireless headphones that could connect via Bluetooth. Then, with remarkable rapidity, Apple released a new iPhone that lacked even a port for regular headphones.

Headphones With Cords

Headphones With Cords

Apple’s release of Airpods effectively ended the era of wired headphones. Future generations, it appears, will never fully appreciate the character-building experience associated with the agony of untangling headphone wires that have been tangled beyond comprehension in a pocket or purse.


The stomach-churning moment when someone discovers they’ve misplaced their wallet is one of the worst feelings. However, given the present rate of technology advancement, everyone may wish to consider permanently losing their wallets in the future, without experiencing any panic or nausea.



With emerging programs like Apple Pay and Apple Wallet, carrying a wallet will soon become obsolete. Our solution enables the secure storage of critical credit card information, gift cards, and rewards cards on the devices that everyone already carries. Soon enough, people may desire to lighten their load and abandon their wallets entirely.

Public Pay Phones

While public payphone booths make excellent photo backdrops, they are not worth preserving, especially now that they appear to be in disuse. Of course, prior to the widespread use of cell phones, phone booths were a fixture in the majority of cities and towns. However, those were bygone eras.

Public Pay Phones

Public Pay Phones

Almost everyone now owns a cell phone, and no one pays to use a public phone. Rather than that, they utilize their cell phones to picture the now obsolete public phones. Certain cities, such as New York City, are experimenting with new applications for public phone booths, and only time will tell what will become of these relics of the past.


Anyone who is pinching their money would be wise to make a wish and tighten their grip a little. In the near future, the tiny copper coins may exist only in our memory. Over the years, people may have noticed that pennies have become increasingly useless as people choose for credit cards or plain old-fashioned dollar bills to pay for things.



If someone wanted our two cents, we’d say that pennies are the most inconvenient of all the coins, and that making them costs a big penny. They really take more resources to make than the pennies are worth in the end. So say good-bye to all of that jingling change.

Paper Bills

When it comes to the future of payment notifications, sending invoices via mail might not be the best option. Electric companies, gas companies, banks, credit cards, and just about any other organization have been sending bills through the mail for decades. However, things are beginning to change.

Paper Bills

Paper Bills

Companies are increasingly beginning to deliver invoices in different ways, in part due to efforts to conserve the environment and in part due to convenience. Some businesses allow customers to forego paper billing in favor of paying invoices online, through an app, or through another channel.

Cash Registers

Will the next absolutely worthless object kindly take a seat at the counter? In a few years, the cash register will join the list of out-of-date everyday items. Anyone who has recently visited a farmer’s market or a boutique will have noticed this.

Cash Registers

Cash Registers

Instead of using cash registers, small business owners are increasingly making sales online. Even in physical stores and marketplaces around the country, cash registers are being phased out in favor of newer technologies. With apps like Square, an iPad may add “cash register” to its broad list of skills with just one simple plug-in.

Phone Chargers

Almost everyone has been in a situation where their phone has reached 1% battery life and they are anxiously looking for a phone charger. Or, even worse, they’ve been stuck to a wall simply because their phone requires some charging time. And virtually everyone has found themselves in the unpleasant situation of having to ask, “Does anyone have a phone charger?”

Phone Chargers

Phone Chargers

Thankfully, some tech experts believe that phones will soon be able to charge themselves. Although no one knows exactly what that would look like, phones may soon be able to charge simply by being linked to the internet via WiFi or other wireless ways.

Drivers License

For teenagers, it has become a rite of passage. They’ve been planning this moment for years. And they spend months studying rule books and undergoing driving lessons with their loved ones, all in preparation for that magical day when they pass their exams and obtain their coveted driver’s license.

Drivers License

Drivers License

And we’re not saying that this coming-of-age narrative will be forgotten anytime soon. Instead, we argue that in the future, minors may not be issued a physical driver’s license. Instead, these materials might be found online. And who knows, with self-driving cars in the horizon, we might not even need a license at all.

Shopping Malls

We’ve noticed the sale signs, and we’re not referring to department store clearance sales. Instead, Where previously stood massive, sprawling malls, For Sale signs are springing up all across the country. These same shopping malls are now collapsing, with buildings that used to be the epicenter of the retail world now containing a plethora of empty stores.

Shopping Malls

Shopping Malls

As online shopping becomes the new standard, malls are becoming increasingly useless. Why go to the mall when we can all do the same thing from the comfort of our own couches?

Video Cameras

In the 1990s, were there any family gatherings without a video camera? Camcorders were once all the rage, as fathers all over the world were tasked with recording family events for the always embarrassing family home videos.

Video Cameras

Video Cameras

Camcorders are no longer as common as they once were. Camcorders are now stowed away in the back of closets instead of being a need for a family gathering. With video recording capabilities on almost every phone, everyone now has a built-in camcorder in their pocket that isn’t as cumbersome as an old-school video camera.


One of the most aggravating situations is waiting in a never-ending line. And don’t get us started on the lines that never seem to move. Instead of being one of those people who cut the line, perhaps in the future, we will be able to completely cut lines.



Long lines, according to some, may be phased out during the next few decades. More companies are beginning to offer the option of having a phone operator call back once a person is available, signaling the end of the virtual line. Perhaps, in the future, our credit cards will be automatically debited after we leave stores with items.

Printed Books

Does anyone else recall the days when we all fantasized about owning a library the size of Beauty and the Beast’s, with volumes stacked from floor to ceiling? Perhaps it’s just us. Today, however, anyone can virtually buy as many books as they want, and store them all on a tablet reader like an Amazon Kindle. If you ask us, it’s not nearly as romantic or awe-inspiring.

Printed Books

Printed Books

Physical paper books are becoming less popular, which is unsurprising given the rapid shutdown of bookstores. However, in the not-too-distant future, we may find ourselves in a world where a book must be “turned on” rather than “opened.” And that is a terrifying story.


It wasn’t long ago that the idea of paper being useless was laughed upon. Consider how many times you’ve been handed a piece of paper recently, and then consider how far technology has progressed to the point where printing the paper is no longer necessary.



A digital option could be used to replace any paper bill, packet of documents, pamphlet, invitation, or other paper product. This would not only save a lot of money on ink and paper, but it would also assist the environment. True, receiving a wedding invitation by email rather than mail may not be as exciting, but it still conveys the same message.

Digital Cameras

Once upon a time, everyone owned a digital camera. Everyone was striving to get their hands on the latest make and model of these small gadgets, which became the unofficial guest star of any trip or special event. Then something happened.

Digital Cameras

Digital Cameras

What changed? We’re going to think that it has a lot to do with cellphones, and the fact that they now all come with a surprisingly competent camera preinstalled. Some smartphone cameras have even surpassed the quality of a typical digital camera. So, if you’re using a digital camera, take a picture. It will last for a longer time.

Hard Drives

In the early 2000s, was anyone technologically up to date if they didn’t have their own portable hard drive to carry around? We don’t believe so. However, times are changing, and the regularity with which we see people carrying their own hard drive is decreasing.

Hard Drives

Hard Drives

Instead of carrying around a large chunk of metal, anyone who wants to back up their data no longer has to. As people go forward into a new era of computer memory storage, concepts like the Apple Cloud or Google Drive will take care of all of that without any of that heavy hardware.

Print Newspapers

People used to read the daily version of their local newspaper with their heads down on trains, lobbies, and buses. Hundreds of individuals peering down into the depths of their cellphones have mostly replaced that sight in recent years. It’s not that people aren’t reading the news; it’s just that they aren’t reading the print version anymore.

Print Newspapers

Print Newspapers

Newspapers all around the world have been trying to figure out how to restructure their business models to reflect the trend away from print newspapers in recent years. While some publishers are putting paywalls in place for their online magazines, others are drastically reducing their paper sales. However, we may soon reach a point where newspaper production is no longer necessary – and the trees will thank us for it.

Neighborhood Post Boxes

Slow and steady does not necessarily win the race – at least not the race to the 21st century, as snail mail has tragically shown in recent years. While the act of handwriting and then mailing a traditional letter is no longer fashionable, it does imply that the blue mailboxes that aid carry these out-of-date messages are also on their way out.

Neighborhood Post Boxes

Neighborhood Post Boxes

The U.S. Postal Service’s blue mailboxes, which can be spotted on street corners all around the country, may soon be removed from their posts. People aren’t sending letters as often as they used to since more people rely on electronic communication such as email and text messaging.

College Textbooks

It’s been dubbed “the worst coming-of-age story ever.” When teenagers finally get to go away to college, there’s nothing like walking to the bookstore and seeing how much that massive stack of textbooks will cost.

College Textbooks

College Textbooks

As if paying exorbitant tuition, lodging and board, a meal plan, and everything else that comes with a college diploma wasn’t enough, the school will also demand students to pay hundreds for a few textbooks. After all, some of these classes don’t even use the entire textbook. Instead, some colleges are finally seeing the light and providing alternatives to textbooks, such as a free package including all relevant material.


Almost everyone’s the least favorite part of visiting the doctor as a child (or an adult?) may soon vanish. Having said that, we hope the lollipops and themed Band-Aids survive. Scientists and other medical professionals have been striving for years to discover an alternative to injection-based vaccinations.



Rather than that, experts are taking the time to adapt those who are needle-phobic to the process of vaccination. Furthermore, some doctors are reportedly on the verge of offering alternatives, such as the option to receive vaccinations orally through pills. This new process may eventually become a new reality.

Lighters In Cars

Built-in lighters in cars can be an excellent predictor of a car’s age for drivers and riders alike, just as seeing an ashtray in an airplane can be a pretty strong hint to fliers that a plane has been operating for a long time. Remember when seeing these gadgets in cars was a common occurrence?

Lighters In Cars

Lighters In Cars

Most, if not all, car manufacturers have since replaced these built-in lighters with more generically useful equipment. Car companies, for the most part, now offer drivers with ports for charging cell phones instead of the old lighter plug-in, encouraging a new habit.


On a Friday night, going to the store to get a few DVDs to keep a family entertained for the weekend used to be the thing to do — but not longer. Does anyone else recall when Netflix had its own service that delivered DVDs to our homes for titles that weren’t available online? Oh, how fast things have changed.



We wouldn’t be surprised if DVDs were to appear at vintage stores in the near future. DVDs have become outmoded, and in many cases, unnecessary, thanks to streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and HBO Go.

Answering Machines

“You have one new message.” Just kidding; nobody has any new messages on their answering machines. Answering machines have been steadily declining in popularity over the last few years, as fewer and fewer people leave voice messages.

Answering Machines

Answering Machines

Rather than that, because most people nowadays have caller ID on their phones and are aware of which calls they missed, leaving a voice message on an answering machine has become useless. And when all else fails, many have opted for text messages rather than the usual voice message to notify a buddy that they tried to call.

Television Remotes

We can’t begin to count the number of times we’ve had to dig deep into our couch cushions in a desperate search for the television remote. And, let’s face it, the remote is usually in a far more visible area. Those days, however, will soon be over!

Television Remotes

Television Remotes

Numerous gadgets, such as Apple TV and Roku, allow users to download a remote control app to their phone. Others have begun to employ voice commands and other capabilities in growing numbers. So no more hunting for the remote or bickering with roommates about who gets to control the TV.

GPS Devices

Make a slight right at the intersection, then chuck the GPS device out the window. Okay, don’t be quite so dramatic. We simply mean that the GPS devices that were once integrated into cars have now moved on to the next exit.

GPS Devices

GPS Devices

GPS devices, like paper maps before them, have been victimized by technological advancements. On extended road trips, people no longer put in a GPS gadget; instead, they use Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, or other apps on their phones. When in doubt, many cars today come equipped with built-in GPS systems.


Is there anyone else who heard that noise? We’re going to guess that whatever it was wasn’t the ring of a landline or a home phone. This is because no one seems to use their home phones these days.



People are increasingly using cell phones to make calls instead of using home phones or landlines. We’d be hard pressed to find anyone who remembered their home phone number if they even had one. Over 90% of homes in the United States had a landline in 2004. In 2019, however, that percentage had dropped considerably, with only roughly 40% of people claiming to have a house phone.

Check books

The checkbook is going to get a rude awakening. After years of having a checkbook in their purse or hidden in a drawer at home, the checkbook appears to be on its way out.

Check Books

Check Books

This is due to the fact that people are no longer writing checks in the same way they used to. Many firms now use direct deposit to eliminate the need for checks at work. Otherwise, sites like PayPal and apps like Venmo have made it more easier to exchange money and have eliminated the need for anyone to get out their checkbooks.

Long Distance Charges

Long-distance costs have a nasty habit of piling up quickly. Calling a friend or lover who lived abroad used to be prohibitively expensive for only a few minutes of conversation. Talk about putting your money into a relationship. But hold on to your phone because something is going to happen.

Long Distance Charges

Long Distance Charges

It won’t be long before long-distance calling charges become useless. Cell phone companies are increasingly offering at least a few minutes of long-distance calls in their plans. However, with apps like Viber, WhatsApp, and Skype, a long-distance plan is no longer necessary. These apps allow you to make free calls to anyone on the planet.

Alarm Clocks

The loud chirps of a typical alarm clock are one of the few things that aren’t pleasant. And, let’s face it, it’s not exactly the most relaxing way to start the day. And it’s possible that this is one of the reasons why alarm clocks are losing favor.

Alarm Clocks

Alarm Clocks

Aside from being inconvenient, regular alarm clocks don’t seem to be necessary any longer, especially because many people keep their phones next to their beds. People nowadays choose to use their cell phones as alarm clocks, and more phones and applications are allowing new alarms to track sleeping patterns.

Reference Books

Reference books come to mind. They were the massive books that couldn’t normally be checked out of public libraries and forced anyone who wanted to use them to take them to a table and browse through them carefully, page by page.

Reference Books

Reference Books

However, for many of us, that shared experience may be a distant memory. Because other options have become more popular, reference books are no longer as valuable as they once were. In any case, the Internet is essentially a massive, more manageable reference book. In today’s world, even dictionaries and thesauruses have their own websites and apps.

Thumb Drives

We’re not going to dismiss thumb drives out of hand. For years, small devices that fit in the palm of one’s hand have the ability to store a large amount of data. Thumb drives were simple to handle, operate, and transport in a backpack or pocket.

Thumb Drives

Thumb Drives

So, why is it that something so beneficial and simple is becoming obsolete? The only thing that is easier than carrying data in your pocket is not carrying it at all. By that, we mean that modern technology such as cloud storage has rendered thumb drives useless.

Fax Machines

Over 160 years have passed since the invention of the fax machine. And, in the eyes of some, the fax machine has been around for far too long. What was once considered a modern means of communication is now considered outdated and out of style.

Fax Machines

Fax Machines

For years, the fax machine has been in jeopardy as more advanced technology such as email, instant messaging on apps like Facebook and WhatsApp, and simple text messages have grown in popularity. Despite this, the fax machine continues to exist because to the large number of government departments, hospitals, and prisons that still use it.