The Faces Behind Our Beloved Viral Memes: Where Are They Now?

Published on 01/27/2022

Ah yes, memes. It is no doubt a big part of our modern life, after all, if you’re at a loss for words, you can simply send a meme just to convey what you really mean! It’s been dubbed “philosophy in a photograph” by some, and it’s become an addiction for many! Certain faces simply take over the internet for a short period of time, but who knows what their backstories are? Surely, memeology contains some truth!

Bella Donna

A piece of web art named First World Problems dazzled the crowd in the early 2000s. Maybe there was an itch that required scratching! How many times have you heard friends and relatives lose their sense of humor over the simplest of things? Silvia Bottini is on her way. Though she isn’t well known, the tearful, sad face belongs to a working Italian actress. Ungrateful woes were made a whole lot more fun thanks to her! She’s never mentioned her sudden international popularity, preferring to focus on her day job. Her Instagram, on the other hand, is always full of joyful photos! Now, what happened to Scumbag Steve and Bad Luck Brian, and where are they now?

Bella Donna

Bella Donna

Michael McGee

Free farting is a hot topic these days! There are a few oddballs who flaunt their out-of-control farts, but they’re in the minority — so uncommon that the Trying To Hold In A Fart meme was instantly relevant to millions! Michael McGee is the courteous boy who gave birth to the meme, though he recounts it in a slightly different way. He claims he was simply attempting to demonstrate his friend’s forehead veins, but some are doubtful! In any event, he’s now in his early twenties and trying to lead a normal life. Leave him alone, people!

Michael McGee

Michael McGee

The Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat is possibly the most well-known feline in the globe, aside from Garfield. Most people agree that she was the modern update to the cat world. What is Grumps up to these days, besides being angry about everything? Not much after a book deal and a well-known Instagram profile. That’s because Grumpy is no longer alive! Yes, there are people. In May of this year, Grumpy died away. In the end, seven years were allotted instead of nine, but memes will go on indefinitely!

The Grumpy Cat

The Grumpy Cat

Laina Morris

Who could forget this happy-go-lucky young lady? Many people may not realize that this meme is based on Justin Bieber’s song “Boyfriend,” which was mocked in a video. Laina Morris, a YouTuber, undoubtedly deserves to be known for her funny work, but a screenshot appears to have taken on a life of its own! Laina amassed a sizable YouTube and Twitter following immediately. She did, however, take a sabbatical and focus on her mental health, as do many other young people who chronicle their life on social media. This is a great idea in general!

Laina Morris

Laina Morris

Blake Boston

Who wants to wake up one day to find out that the rest of the world has called them “Scumbag Steve”? To be sure, there aren’t many people. One man, however, had no choice! In the real world, he goes by the name Blake. He had no clue that a humorous photo he had taken at his grandmother’s house would be so popular with trolls. “I’m Blake Boston from Boston, aka the OG meme Scumbag Steve, father of 2 boys.” his Twitter bio reads today. People, don’t bother his life over some old meme!

Blake Boston

Blake Boston

Gavin Thomas

For hours, Gavin, a teeny-tiny human, enthralled the internet community. Today, he is still alive and well! His bewildered, skeptical countenance provided the perfect setting for a spate of curious memes. But, more importantly, where has he disappeared to? Gavin Thomas is his real name, which he has revealed. Mr. Thomas has a few missing teeth these days. He’s on Instagram and Twitter as well, but does he ever post anything? Is his mother a Facebook user? This appears to be the type of situation for which the Gavin meme was originally designed!

Gavin Thomas

Gavin Thomas

Meme Update: McKayla Is Not Impressed

Gymnast McKayla Maroney took silver in the 2012 London Olympics. Was she happy even though she didn’t have any gold? Her face made a statement, and it became the most famous meme in the world! The shot, which was dubbed “McKayla is not impressed” on the internet, was hailed by even President Barack Obama. Since her comic moments, though, the Olympian has been focused on a more serious topic. She was the first to criticize Larry Nassar, the doctor who was sentenced to 175 years in jail by USA Gymnastics! McKayla has done a nice deed and is now trying with something more lighthearted: in 2020, the athlete’s musical side was uncovered. Her debut single, “Wake Up Call,” was released.

McKayla Maroney

McKayla Maroney

The Lovely Kabosu

Who’s the good boy? One ‘doge’ in particular was such a good boy that he became the most popular meme on the internet. He was a puppy when he became famous around the world, as it turns out. Who’d have thought it? He goes by the name Kabosu in real life. And now that he’s grown up, he just wants to be a puppy. Smells like treats, and there are streets to explore — and he has no idea how much the rest of the world likes him. He’s grown into a big lad now that he’s been a good guy!

The Lovely Kabosu

The Lovely Kabosu

Jimmy McMillian

Yes, the rent is too damn high! It is, and one man didn’t think twice about stating it! Jimmy McMillian became an online phenomenon after a photo of him giving one of his famous, emotional speeches went viral. Jim was a New York governor’s contender! So, how did that work out for him in the end? However, he did not technically win. Is he the victory of the meme? Without a doubt! Jimmy is still active today as an activist and a well-known one at that. Maybe he’ll try again? Clearly, the rent is too damn high!

Jimmy McMillian

Jimmy McMillian

Mia Talerico

Even on the internet, there are several circumstances in which a little humility is essential. The Good Luck Charlie meme was a fantastic way to convey “I’m not sure.” Thanks to the meme, millions of individuals were able to clarify their uncertainties! Fans are curious about the identity of the small child in the photo and where she is now. When you’re all grown up, that’s where you’ll find me! Mia Talerico was a well-known child actress who played in the Disney Channel sitcom “Good Luck Charlie.” Despite the fact that she was no longer employed there, she was well-known on social media. Her Instagram account has 1.4 million followers and continues to grow!

Mia Talerico

Mia Talerico

Andras Arato

Hide the pain Harold raised the stakes for’smizing’ — pay attention, Tyra Banks — by concealing some extremely raw emotion beneath such online eyes. What exactly was he thinking? Whether he wanted it or not, the web had plans to project all kinds of things onto his face. Who and where is this sensitive soul nowadays? Harold is shown to be Andras Arato, a Hungarian who enjoys using social media. After the meme became popular, he presented a TED Talk about his experience. He also travels across the world meeting fans and filming advertisements. That’s not bad for a retirement, Andras!

Andras Arato

Andras Arato


Sometimes all that is required is a conceited reply. The meme known as the Conceited Reaction has arrived! When zoomed in on a hat-wearing gentleman making a salty expression, it accomplished its goal for a time. It was the most renowned pout in the world, but where has he gone now? It turns out that this screenshot was taken from a 2013 rap fight video. The first verbal altercation featured Jesse James and a rapper named Conceited. He is now concentrating on building a long-term career with celebrities like Nick Cannon. But, in all honesty, his claim to fame will always remain that meme!



Antonio Guillem

One man shifts his look to another woman, and his girlfriend expresses her displeasure. It’s a classic tale! A multitude of captions turned the sight into a metaphor, making it one of the most famous memes of 2017. After all the hilarity, who are the three young people in the photo? Who are the models in these stock photos? The artist, however, has been identified: Antonio Guillem, a photographer, is the unintended creator of the meme. “I never thought that one of my images would be this popular…we always have a really great work atmosphere and almost all the time one of the models was laughing while we were trying to take the picture.”  For at least a year, so was social media!

Antonio Guillem

Antonio Guillem

Vladimir Brest

For a number of reasons, those who were familiar with and loved the “Dramatic Dmitry” meme did so. Sometimes a little melodrama — or a lot — is just what the circumstance requires. As he gazed down and expelled grains of sand from his hand, his anguish was evident. Who is this empathetic individual? The artwork comes from the album of Vladimir Brest, a Russian musician. He was dissatisfied with the outcome of his likeness: “I myself am generally positive…most of the pictures are obscene. All this is seen by children. I don’t want to be a person guilty of the degradation and corruption of the young generation.” It appears that you are not a fan of meme culture!

Vladimir Brest

Vladimir Brest

Jeremy Meeks

His real name is Jeremy Meeks. Is this a legitimate position? It’s a role model for the entire planet! Bae chose to abandon his wife and children once things started to take off. He began dating Chloe Green, the millionaire heiress of Topshop, after that! After becoming a father for the second time, Jeremy is currently obsessed with scowling at various types of cameras and riding yachts around the Mediterranean. In the event that things get bad, he has a pretty good child support guarantee. It’s important to remember that crime does not pay!

Jeremy Meeks

Jeremy Meeks

Smudge The Kitty

Nobody will be able to forget this tense encounter, but why would they want to? The human half, an irate woman wielding an accusatory finger, was ideal for the internet. A vengeful cat is the animal half. Irreconcilable conflicts weren’t nearly as entertaining as endless captions! But who are the two opposing parties in this debate? One of the characters is Taylor Armstrong, a cast member from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The show, according to viewers, is always a wonderful source of drama. The kitty, Smudge, is a real-life pet with an Instagram account. According to his owner, he constantly wants a chair at supper. And, as the account repeatedly demonstrates, he despises salad!

Smudge The Kitty

Smudge The Kitty

Jonathan Goldsmith

Unfortunately, the Dos Equis beer company had no satirical intentions. The world’s most interesting man was undoubtedly developed by chance by the highly serious marketing division. But who is he outside of the meme? Of course, Jonathan Goldsmith! Even now, a gentleman of exquisite taste can enjoy himself. After a great career in theater and television, he is looking forward to retirement. “Stay Thirsty, My Friends,” fans believe he said to the cat-women spotted on his arms. Jon was last seen in the West Village Halloween parade in 2015, and he still appears like he’s having a good time!

Jonathan Goldsmith

Jonathan Goldsmith

Roxanne Chalifoux

March Madness is a stressful period for any school hoping to play in the National Championship game. It can get fairly intense even for the band! One piccolo player looked to crack under the strain in a photo that went viral and into the meme hall of fame. She’s crying, poor piccolo girl! Roxanne Chalifoux, a Villanova University student, may have cried her first time on live television, but she smiled on The Tonight Show. Although you can’t win them all, a real fan will always back their team!

Roxanne Chalifoux

Roxanne Chalifoux

Sammy Griner

Success Kid was a viral sensation when it first came out, but a lot has transpired since then! How has this teeny-tiny meme icon fared in life? As it turns out, he does have a name. His name is Sammy Griner! When he was one year old, many people first noticed his face. However, a large photo update — as well as a life update — is long overdue! After earning money through their internet popularity, the Griner family was offered a very crucial operation. Dad got a kidney transplant right when he needed it! The internet, at least in this situation, comes to the rescue.

Sammy Griner

Sammy Griner

Jordan Peele

A clip from Key and Peele, his old Comedy Central sketch show, sparked the internet meme. Long after the actor and director had gone on to new projects, the image, on the other hand, remained to make people chuckle. Tense situations never go away in real life! What could be a more appropriate topic for a long-lasting meme than this? A lot is going on in Mister Peele’s career right now. Get Out, his 2017 horror picture, was a critical and box financial success, causing a stir in the industry. He’s been nominated for an Academy Award multiple times, including for his work as the producer of BlacKkKlansman. Jordan has come a long way since those hot days!

Jordan Peele

Jordan Peele

Quen Blackwell

Isn’t this one simple to relate to? Having a genuine point of view can draw a few blank looks. Internet culture deemed this meme to be adaptable. Fans, on the other hand, were left perplexed as to what the two ladies were discussing in the first place. It appears to be a lot of fun! As it turns out, they’ve never met. On the right, is a scene from Little Women: Atlanta, a reality show about friends with dwarfism. Ms. Quen Blackwell, a former Vine celebrity, is describing everything on the left. She’s still on social media, although she favors Twitter and Instagram these days.

Quen Blackwell

Quen Blackwell

Clarity Clarence

Everyone desires to achieve enlightenment in some form. Even though it wasn’t widespread, Sudden Clarity Clarence was a great technique to convey when the lightbulbs went off! The guy’s visage was meant to become a meme, according to everyone. But who is he when he isn’t on the web or on the prowl? No one knows for sure, as it turns out! So yet, Mr. Clarity has kept a quiet profile, ostensibly unwilling to accept his online celebrity. Like this sharing moment, the mystery continues!

Clarity Clarence

Clarity Clarence

Renata Sorrah

Yes, this bewildered, inquisitive expression was the driving force behind everything. Whenever there was a need to deal with confusion on social media, she was there. But who was she in actuality, and what was she thinking about all the time? As it turned out, there were no math equations. The meme features a picture from a Brazilian soap show! Renata Sorrah nailed her nasty character in the Senhora do Destino film from the early 2000s. She is currently in her 70s and has had a long career in theater production and television productions. But it wasn’t until meme-makers used her image from the performance that she became famous around the world. Renata, thank you very much!

Renata Sorrah

Renata Sorrah

Little Chloe

Someone in need of some shade undoubtedly uploaded Little Chloe at some point. She’s been branded “indispensable” in the meme world, but what happened to her? Impressing the girl seemed to have been difficult in the past, but she now appears to be warming up to the world. Her sister and she created a joint Instagram account in the hopes of launching an online profession. Will anyone recognize Chloe now that she’s a bit older? “More side-eye!” says the world.

Little Chloe

Little Chloe

Shutterstock Model

This well-dressed gentleman was the right way to make a good point for a while. He was always ready to take over the world of stereotypes with an amusing bait and switch phrase. Who was he in reality? Reddit initiated an investigation when a user claimed to have seen him in a college textbook. Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach, 9th edition, was used as evidence. The original photo was later identified as being from a Shutterstock model photoshoot! The thread was then spotted by a buddy, who determined that the false businessman was an electrical engineer and a Texas bodybuilding competition. Who could have predicted what happened down that rabbit hole?

Shutterstock Model

Shutterstock Model

Kyle Craven

Oh, and bad luck as well. Brian never gets old! Except in real life, of course. The passage of time is unstoppable! Kyle Craven is the name of the real-life viral superstar. He now works in the construction industry. Even though it has been a long time since graduation, the meme master is now growing out of his uncomfortable phase. The majority of people can move on from the look that is always so wonderfully achieved in the American high school yearbook. What about Kyle, though? For all eternity, I’ll be mocked!

Kyle Craven

Kyle Craven

Zoe Roth

Disaster Girl was widely regarded as one of the strangest memes to arise. No one objected at the time, of course: everything has a purpose and a place! A toddler smiling among fire hinted at secrets that were spot on. But who was she, exactly? The perpetrator was a four-year-old child named Zoe Roth. She’s come a long way in the last few years. Zoe has begun her collegiate career! Time flies when you’re giggling in front of a fire. She looks to be active on social media as well!

Zoe Roth

Zoe Roth

Giorgio Tsoukalos

Ancient Aliens’ host, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, was the ideal match for the weird and unexplainable. Martians were interfering in terrestrial matters significantly more frequently than was previously thought. It was also hilariously meme-worthy! Giorgio is a Swiss screenwriter and television producer. But, ultimately, what’s more important? He’s a ufologist, which means he researches extraterrestrial life. He’s a UFO researcher, folks! His bizarre theories have appeared on several cable shows. For a few years, he also worked as a bodybuilder promoter and directed the IFBB San Francisco Pro Grand Prix. Certainly a busy man with a wide range of abilities. There’s always time to marvel at the wonders of the universe!

Giorgio Tsoukalos

Giorgio Tsoukalos

Nusret Gokce

After the world discovered his method of flavoring meat, this mystery man’s Instagram became viral. This mystery man’s Instagram made news when the world spotted his method of seasoning meat. Sexy and oh-so-salty, this mystery man’s Instagram made headlines when the world saw his method of seasoning meat. What was the significance of the final step? Only the genuine Nusret Gokce can answer questions concerning Nusret Gokce’s classic move! Salt Bae owns 14 restaurants throughout the world. The chef, it turns out, has a unique meaning for that sprinkle. He explained to his fans: “Actually that move at the end [salting] came automatically. I did not do that to show off. It is just my signature. You can think of it as a kind of final touch for a painting. It was a final touch to the meat; I was blessing the meat.” Nusret’s net worth has risen to $60 million, indicating that his strategy is working.

Nusret Gokce

Nusret Gokce

Antoine Dodson

Antoine Dodson hit the internet by storm in what may still be the weirdest crime interview ever. The public takes note of a mad robber and sexual predator on the run! People from all walks of life were soon spreading memes and singing along to the summer’s feel-good hit, “Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!” I’m not sure what happened to Antoine. T-shirt and product sales increased after the viral success of “Bed Intruder Song.” The earnings went to the Dodson family, who had recently lost a child, and Antoine made a couple of television appearances! The internet has performed admirably.

Antoine Dodson

Antoine Dodson

Zeddie Little

Everyone does not consider running a marathon to be a simple or a light sport. It can be terrifying to see pals workout and sweat with a horrible run-face. Who wants to be photographed while going through such a traumatic experience? This person’s name is Zeddie Little, as it turns out. The meme world jumped on it because no one knows how this guy is so photogenic — and, to be honest, it’s still a mystery. Mr. Smiles is currently living a carefree and attractive life. There are no surprises in this article!

Zeddie Little

Zeddie Little

Drew Scanlon

Blinking Guy provided the internet with just the right amount of skepticism and comedic relief for a while. But who is the man to blame for the uproar? Drew Scanlon is a real person! In a social media happy ending, he has leveraged the peculiarity of his popularity to create an online profession. And he gets to choose his own persona this time! With a thriving YouTube channel and Patreon followers to match, this meme was positively life-changing. You won’t blink because there’s nothing there to make you do so!

Drew Scanlon

Drew Scanlon

Nick Young

Basketball fanatics will recognize this wacky meme as a well-known player, but the rest of the world just recognizes him as a strange-looking online user. Who is he, exactly? Of course, it’s Nick Young! When this meme first appeared, he was already a professional. He’s been seeing musician Iggy Azalea since then, and they’re even engaged! As most people are aware, their marriage did not work out in the end. Nick, like his memes, shows no signs of stopping down. They’re still floating around, and they’re still looking fantastic!

Nick Young

Nick Young

Mia Agraviador

Back in the day, those Old El Paso commercials were hilarious. Who’d have expected they’d pop up in the age of online nonsense? Never say never, as Mia Agraviador discovered. She probably assumed that as the genuine small girl who pressed both hard and soft tacos, she had already altered the world. This, however, is not the case! “Why not both?” people wondered again. This meme was ideal with so much to say in this new era. Mia has graduated from high school and is now enrolled in college. She’s still eating tacos and making statements, but in a more intellectual atmosphere now!

Mia Agraviador

Mia Agraviador

Kayode Ewumi

This regular web philosopher, a long-time fan favorite, has expressed a wide range of opinions, most of which he probably dislikes at this point. The memes have outgrown their usefulness! Who is he in real life? The meme king, Kayode Ewumi, now has a TV show in the United Kingdom. The iconic screenshot was captured from his personal social media channel, and it led to a BBC show and the main role! He received a BAFTA for Breakthrough British Film in 2016 and shared his tale in a TED Talk! You’re doing a great job, Safe Guy. That’s not too shabby!

Kayode Ewumi

Kayode Ewumi

Maddie Goldenberger

Many folks were perplexed by this Goosebumps enthusiast and her weird meme. Ermahgerd, what’s the reason for your grin? It’s not going to happen! Maddie Goldenberger was pictured with some of her favorite books in the 1990s, and the photo was later posted on the internet. Of course, the video went viral. She now works as a nurse and is a former collegiate basketball player with a stunning grin! Nobody knows what happened in that famous middle school moment, but Maddie has been formally acknowledged by the meme community for all the laughs she’s gotten!

Maddie Goldenberger

Maddie Goldenberger

Danielle Bregoli

Dr. Phil began an unnaturally pleasant afternoon by inquiring about a young visitor’s educational concerns, as he frequently does. Her answer to the cacophony of voices? Cash me ousside, how ’bout dat?”It was the world’s most famous street fight challenge, and Danielle Bregoli was the uninvited delinquent. But where has she gone since then? Surprisingly, the teen went on to have a successful rap career based only on that appearance! She promoted herself as Bhad Bhabie and created a series of actual music videos shortly after her meme fame reached fever pitch. Best of luck, Dani!

Danielle Bregoli

Danielle Bregoli

Dustin Cole

Dustin Cole used to be your normal hipster barista. An interviewer, on the other hand, decided to photograph him one day. With his arms crossed in a black v-neck, a black scarf, black frames, and loads of tats, the photo captured him in all his glory. Is it any surprise that this has become the barista meme to rule them all? Isn’t that correct? After his coffee-related infamy, Dustin changed his appearance. He now appears to be sporting plaid and a baseball cap in an anti-queer Eye For The Straight Guy appearance on social media. Dustin, you’ve got a lot of guts!

Dustin Cole

Dustin Cole

Darwin The Capuchin

This stylish monkey was discovered at IKEA and quickly became a viral sensation. He was transformed into a cute little video game, unbeknownst to him. What’s the real story behind the photo, and where has this tiny guy gone? Darwin the Capuchin was observed in a little baby coat roaming around the furniture business in 2012. Twitter, unsurprisingly, went berserk. It was the start of a viral phenomenon! In truth, officials didn’t chuckle quite as much. They took him away and charged the owner because he was not a legal pet at the time. He’s currently frolicking at the Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary in Toronto. That’s probably how he should be!

Darwin The Capuchin

Darwin The Capuchin

Our Johnny Boy

Johnny boy, he’s making all of the standard errors. The dreaded buddy zone appears to be the focus of this concept, which is a really useful meme! He gave her roses and a snack to wish her a happy birthday, and she shared this photo on social media. She also complimented him for being a fantastic friend! Johnny, no way. A recent update showed Johnny with his arm around the female in question, with the comment “jokes on you.” Perhaps his notoriety for creating vile memes helped him in the end! A good meme is adored by the ladies. And he’s a well-known personality!

Our Johnny Boy

Our Johnny Boy

Alex Christopher LaBeouf

Alex Christopher LaBeouf is the teen dream this time. While he was disturbed and analyzing the importance of hard labor at Target, he was probably oblivious that girls were discreetly filming him. He was, however, entirely wrong! Alex has become even more suave in recent months. He’s transformed into a powerful young man with treble the biceps that fans had come to expect. He no longer works at Target, of course. With 8,000 Instagram followers, a YouTube channel, and a tiny film role in Coming Home, Mr. meme appears to be conquering it all. Leg day is, in fact, a requirement!

Alex Christopher LaBeouf

Alex Christopher LaBeouf

Professor Tom Winter

This weird college professor may have been encountered by some, but academics are usually drier than this guy. What is his deal, exactly? Professor Tom Winter, the inspiration for the joke, used to skateboard all over campus and still does! He also doesn’t appear to mind the internet jokes about him. It turns out that his purpose was always to start a conversation about ecology and new routes of personal transportation. Tom, you performed a fantastic job. People are definitely paying attention now!

Professor Tom Winter

Professor Tom Winter

Kalin Elisabeth

The lady who slouched over and stared out into the distance was tremendously helpful in filling an online meme hole. Is it challenging to see? Is it a difficult concept to grasp? Squinting Woman saved the day time and time again! Kalin Elisabeth was already an ambitious young content developer in the middle of a photoshoot when this beautiful occurrence occurred. Finally, the widespread exploitation of her photo got her the support she needed, but not in the way she had intended. Life can be quite surprising at times! There are several memes as well.

Kalin Elisabeth

Kalin Elisabeth

Nick Fraser

Nick Fraser merely wanted to improve his social media profile. A lot of individuals do these days! He created a plan to upload a cover of Next’s “Too Close” to achieve this, but he didn’t expect his true boost to come in the form of a new meme identity! The “lying” face became popular thanks to his viral video, and he’s been making the rounds ever since! These days, he wants to stay on top of influencer activity, and he’s becoming better at it. Making millions laugh as a work-from-home career makes it sound like the meme is valuable!

Nick Fraser

Nick Fraser

Cardi B

Cardi B is well-known already, but she has been promoted in ways she is unaware of. That’s exactly what my mother told me! It could also be because the internet stated so. Many years ago, the small child featured in the viral concept turned out to be the artist herself. If you look closely, you can see it. Some may be wondering what big Cardi is up to these days with so much knowledge imparted via meme. If you want to learn more, the next step is simple. Turn on the radio, people!

Cardi B

Cardi B

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is back, and he’s asking for your financial help once more. In just one month of 2020, he raised $25 million! The genuine campaign video drew in a large number of supporters. The fill-in-the-blank meme, on the other hand, took on a life of its own! Joe Biden was able to earn the nomination despite all of the second-guessing. As Bernie says, he is presently lobbying hard for his colleague: “The future of our economy is at stake. The future of our planet is at stake. We must come together to defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president.” Only one thing is guaranteed right now: that meme will linger on way beyond 2020!

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

Dwight Schrute

Rainn Wilson portrayed Dwight Schrute on The Office for many years. But Dwight Schrute will always remain Dwight Schrute in the meme hall of fame! That is how he prefers it. The actor made an appearance in a College Humor video as his own meme, much to the pleasure of fans. Aside from that, he’s appeared in Adventure Time, Backstrom, and Smurfs: The Lost Village, as well as providing a voice-over. He’s also married and operates a digital media company called SoulPancake. Don’t forget about his autobiography as well. Readers with a sense of adventure, check out The Bassoon King!

Dwight Schrute

Dwight Schrute

Viral School Boy

A Russian youngster, dubbed “A Schoolboy In A Swamp,” piqued the interest of people all over the world on the internet. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen in a classroom before or after! It was dressed up and doing research at a desk covered with plants and water! What happened to Igor Nazarov, the true tenant of that desk? In 2016, Igor received a very rare invitation. When the Kyrgyzstan Culture Ministry realized that the swamp meme was shot in their country, he was invited to come secretly. Igor’s excursion to the country’s famous marshes was crowd-funded, and the images showed that the 15,000 ruble investment was well worth it. The government was anxious to show him the rest of the country, and they were successful!

Viral School Boy

Viral School Boy

If there’s anything more interesting than viral memes, it’s certainly viral memes that were proven to be fake! We still can’t believe this next image wasn’t real!

Frozen In Air Fried Rice Wave Guy

One of the recent viral sensations was the ‘fried rice meme’ that featured a man making an incredible wave of rice in his pan. This interesting photo quickly received a lot of attention online and people from all over the world started submitting their own retouched images of the rice wave. Unfortunately, the original itself is already a fake photo, as the wave of rice is a sculpture sold in a fake food store in Tokyo.

Arroz Frito Tres Delicias Como Una Ola

Frozen In Air Fried Rice Wave Guy

The Fierce Lion Of MGM

A photograph of a lion chained to a machine used to create MGM’s iconic roaring lion entrance is actually a photograph of a lion being diagnosed at the veterinarian’s office. The lion, fortunately, made a full recovery and is now perfectly healthy. In addition, seven lions have been employed to produce the MGM intro, with the current one, named Leo, appearing in most of the films since 1957.

El Feroso Leon De MGM

The Fierce Lion Of MGM