Moose are meant for the wild. They’re massive animals that are territorial and aggressive when they feel threatened. But when they’re just young calves they’re helpless and entirely dependent on their mothers for protection and sustenance. But what happens when they are abandoned? Left to fend for themselves in the wild? Sometimes even they have guardian angels, and sometimes they become someone else’s guardian angel too.
Quiet Life
On the beautiful and serene Lithuanian countryside, Erikas Plucas lived on a farm. He enjoyed being away from the noisy city and relished in the comfort of the quiet countryside. Everything was picture perfect, albeit not too exciting , but that all changed when something he never expected to happen, happened.

Quiet Life
A Visitor
It seemed to be just another day when Plucas came back to his house. At the entrance to his home, at the front gate, was something that wasn’t usually there. A young, baby moose was lying on the ground, and although there were many moose in the area, something just didn’t seem right to Plucas. Unsure what to do, he approached the animal cautiously.

A Visitor