Movie Lines
Alright, this isn’t another article about celeb dating or style tips, rather, we have a list of iconic movie moments stars improvised! Most of your favorite movie moments were actually never written in the original scripts! Many lines on our list may take you by surprise…
We all have favorite movies that we can reiterate line for line. However, you probably didn’t know that some of your favorite lines were actually improvised on set. Honestly, some of Hollywood’s most talented actors and actresses even messed up their lines, but the directors kept those parts in the final cut. Sometimes, it’s just remarkable how incredible these stars truly are! Some stars can just improv on the spot as they continue to feel the essence of their character more and more and readmar into the emotions of the scene. Really, you have to give them so much more credit when you find out they went completely off script. Listen, it’s not just that they went off script, it’s that what they came up with worked so well with the feature film! After reading our list, you will not see these movies or actors and actresses the same again, we promise you.
From Forest Gump, Indiana Jones, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction to Taxi Driver, all of these classic films have unscripted moments in them. You just never knew they weren’t in the original script! Funny how that works. Now, most of these lines have become iconic and totally inseparable from the films themselves. Seriously, try to imagine these films without all of these powerful moments.
At times, the stars were comedic geniuses who had backgrounds in improv….Bill Murray **cough cough** With a background like his, how could you not expect some invented lines? However, other times, the stars made a simple mistake and things just felt right for the film. An outburst, a deviation or slip of the mind, somehow it all came together. You have to also applaud the directors for having the insight to keep certain moments that did not exactly come from the script.
Anyway, there are movies in here who were almost entirely unscripted, while others may have changed courses entirely just from one invention from an actor in the production. We’re talking about you The Wizard of Oz! Well, we’ll get to that later.
The Fugitive
Some of the best scenes have come from times when actors completely forgot their script. First, we’re starting with The Fugitive starring both Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. Think back to when Ford’s character was running from the authorities like Jones’ character, since he was being pursued for a murder he didn’t commit. At a tense moment, Ford screams out that he never murdered his wife. To that Tommy Lee Jones butchered his line and responded, “That isn’t my problem,” instead of, “I don’t care.”

The Fugitive