Famous people have been around for millennia, from warriors and kings, to heads of state and Hollywood actors. But how many of them have come around for a second go at fame? These famous celebrities seem to be reincarnations from a different time, how bizarre are these?! When they say that history repeats itself, we didn’t realize that it happened like this.
Ellen Degeneres
Who doesn’t love Ellen Degeneres? With a show that has us all laughing and then crying from pure heartwarming, Ellen is one of those people you simply have to love! But is that the same deal for her 19th century doppelganger? We don’t know really know now, do we?

Ellen Degeneres
John Travolta
The Grease star has had quite an interesting life. Some of you might be wondering what Travolta was doing a long time ago… like a really long time ago. Let’s say, um, like one hundred and fifty years ago? Well he was sporting a classy bow tie.

John Travolta