They Once Dated A Royal & This Is Where They Are Now

Published on 03/26/2020

Prince William & Isabella Calthorpe

While Prince William was going through his very publicized break up with Kate Middleton, he decided to look elsewhere. One woman who was high on his list of potential replacements for Kate was Isabella Calthorpe. He knew her since 2001, and a lot of friends and family reportedly thought she was better suited for him than Kate was. However, Isabella made it clear to him that it wouldn’t work out between them.

Prince William Isabella Calthorpe

Prince William Isabella Calthorpe


Isabella Calthorpe – Now

It looks like Isabella Calthorpe really moved on from William. Over the past ten years, she’s developed a serious relationship with Richard Branson’s son, Sam. Sam just so happens to be an established businessman in his own right. The couple got married in 2013 and now have two kids.

Isabella Calthorpe – Now

Isabella Calthorpe – Now