Leigh Anne Didn’t Invite Michael To Stay At Their Home So Quickly
In the film, the Tuohys saw Michael walking in the pouring rain at night wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. Leigh Anne felt very bad for him and immediately invited him to their home for the night. In real life the Tuohys saw Michael on the road during Thanksgiving break from school, but it was actually in the morning. Leigh Anne also did not invite him into their home, but rather drove to his high school the same day and took him shopping for some new clothing.
Michael Stayed With Several Families Before Choosing The Tuohys
Michael lived with many different families before the Tuohys. He stayed with a mechanic named Tony Henderson, and 5 other families before his coaches found out he was homeless. In an interview with 20/20 Sean Tuohy stated, “He’d stay here once in awhile and then he’d leave, and then he seemed more comfortable to stay.” The real Michael said, “When I moved in with Leigh Anne and Sean, I felt loved, like part of a family. In the other houses, I didn’t feel like part of the family. I didn’t feel like they wanted me there.”