Moments When Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Made Fun Of Each Other

Published on 11/25/2022
Moments When Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Made Fun Of Each Other

Moments When Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Made Fun Of Each Other

In a short amount of time, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have established themselves as one of the most beloved couples in the entertainment world. Everybody will agree with this. Their public persona as husband and wife who gush over each other in public and who also have a good sense of humor greatly contributes to people’s positive feelings for them. Due to the moment when they show their love language for each other, people have come to love them much more. The following is a list of all of the times that Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have made us crack up by trying to make fun of one another and the following is a rundown of all of those occasions.

Happy Birthday, Blake!

Happy Birthday, Blake!

Naturally, Reynolds couldn’t just let the picture of Gosling celebrating his birthday go by without making a comment on it. However, in order to exact his revenge on his wife, he was prepared to be patient and wait for a while. He was patiently waiting for her special day and then greeted her with a warm “Happy birthday to my incredible wife” on the occasion. The post contained a photograph of the couple standing together on the red carpet, but he had made sure to crop her out of the photograph almost entirely before posting it.

The Outfit

When celebrities get ready to walk the red carpet, they have a lot of things to think about. Everything they do, from picking out their outfits to applying their makeup, is meticulously coordinated. It’s the time they go all out to look good.

The Outfit

The Outfit

Because of this, Lively did not feel compelled to refrain from poking fun at her husband when she posted a picture of the two of them together on the red carpet at the premiere of All I See Is You. “He didn’t even do one outfit change from the sidewalk,” she remarked. She included the word “lazy” in parentheses as an illustrative example to illustrate her point.

Something To Be Worried About?

There have been occasions when Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have been seen walking the red carpet with other people. Take, for instance, the co-stars they’ve worked with on major motion pictures such as Woman in Gold, in which Reynolds and Helen Mirren appeared together.

Something To Be Worried About?

Something To Be Worried About?

During the time that the two were being photographed together, a warm and friendly expression was captured on Reynolds’ face as he looked at Mirren. It didn’t take long for Lively to jump into the conversation and share the picture along with the caption, “Should I be concerned that my husband’s never looked at me this way?”

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

As we’ve seen, the best time for Reynolds and Lively to make fun of each other is on the day that they celebrate their respective birthdays. This time, Lively shared a photo on her Instagram account that featured Reynolds alongside his fellow actor friend Ryan Gosling.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

On the other hand, she thought it would be humorous to cut her husband almost completely out of the picture. You couldn’t have asked for better birthday wishes, could you? These two never fail to provide some much-needed comic relief.

Not Sure Yet

Since Lively and Reynolds are the proud parents of three children, it is only natural that on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, they will take the time to make fun of each other in front of their family.

Not Sure Yet

Not Sure Yet

On the occasion of Father’s Day, Lively took a few minutes out of her day to send a message to her husband via Twitter. She congratulated him on Father’s Day and told him that ever since the birth of their first child, she had a strong conviction in her heart that he was most likely the father of their child. She capped off the jab with a heartfelt declaration of her affection for him: “I love you.”

Sorry, He’s Blocking You

At the Time 100 Gala in 2017, Burt Reynolds received recognition for his work. Lively commemorated the event by writing an Instagram post all about it, into which she incorporated a hearty helping of humor.

Sorry, He's Blocking You

Sorry, He’s Blocking You

Reynolds can be seen in the picture, but he is slightly blurry and out of focus. Instead, he is overshadowed by John Legend’s performance, who was also honored at the event. John Legend was also a performer. She begins by congratulating the person who has had the greatest impact on her life, and then she goes on to apologize that her husband is getting in the way of the photograph.

Love Him More

Hugh Jackman is the only other actor besides Blake Lively that Reynolds regularly mocks and ridicules in online posts and videos. This is due to the fact that their on-screen characters, Deadpool and Wolverine, compete against one another.

Love Him More

Love Him More

In this post, Reynolds joked that he had met him at a coffee shop by posting a picture of the two of them together along with the accompanying caption. Lively was quick to jump in and ask if the distance between the two of them was there to convince her that Reynolds did not love Jackman more than he loves her, and she did so without any hesitation.

Swipe Right

It’s safe to say that if Lively and Reynolds have a running joke, it’s about the increasing prevalence of online dating and mobile dating apps. On one of Reynolds’s posts, the two did not hesitate to rehash their joking feud with one another.

Swipe Right

Swipe Right

First, Lively remarked that she didn’t understand why she couldn’t use the right swipe button on the photo. In response, Reynolds stated that it was due to the fact that she was using the eHarmony app. Because Lively did not want to be outdone, she asked her husband how to download eHarmony after discovering that her preferred dating app had been taken offline.

Quarantine Is Not A Hindrance

Given the way things are going in the world, we could all use a good laugh right about now. Fortunately, Lively and Reynolds have not slowed down on their antics on social media in order to keep us entertained despite the fact that they are currently quarantined at home.

Quarantine Is Not A Hindrance

Quarantine Is Not A Hindrance

Recently, Lively issued a challenge to the people who admire Reynolds by posting a photo of him with a small ponytail at the base of his hair and sharing it on social media. They are forced to reflect on the teeny tiny ponytail that he sported for the “remainder of eternity” each and every time they see him.

I’ll Come Back For You

During the course of one summer, Reynolds showed us a glimpse of the sentimental side of his personality by posting a picture of a painting that Lively had given to him as a gift. He acknowledged that it was the most generous present he had ever been given.

I'll Come Back For You

I’ll Come Back For You

Additionally, he spent some time pointing out all of the easter eggs hidden within the painting, in addition to other details such as John Candy appearing on the front page of the newspaper. He concluded by saying that if there was ever a fire, he would first grab the painting and then return for Lively. This was the last thing he said.

Christmas Cookies Gone Wrong

There is a lot to do in the days leading up to Christmas. There is a never-ending list of things that need to be done, from going shopping to making delicious treats.

Christmas Cookies Gone Wrong

Christmas Cookies Gone Wrong

When Reynolds was making these Christmas cookies, he made the executive decision to take on the task of baking himself. Unfortunately, he did not achieve the level of success he had hoped for with them. Lively was quick to post them on her Twitter account, along with a caption making light of the fact that her husband was aspiring to be the next Martha Stewart.

Not Camera Ready

When we see celebrities, they almost always have a lot of makeup on and are dressed extremely carefully. They don’t let themselves get caught off guard or appear unprepared for the camera very often. On the other hand, Reynolds isn’t shy about revealing to the world what his wife looks like when she’s not on the red carpet.

Not Camera Ready

Not Camera Ready

Along with a straightforward “happy birthday” message, he sent her this photo of her from a time when she was not quite camera-ready. Even though the wind was blowing their hair in different directions while they were posing for an impromptu selfie, they still appear content to be in each other’s company.

Supportive Wife

When it came time for the premiere of Deadpool 2, Lively was prepared to show her support for the film. For example, her “Party Mix” clutch was sitting front and center for all to see.

Supportive Wife

Supportive Wife

She also wore Deadpool nails, an X-Force nail, and a ring that was shaped like Colossus’s fist in order to pay homage to the film. She went on to say that she was proud of her Deadpool, but then she corrected herself and said that she was proud of her husband instead. In the end, she came clean and admitted that she simply was no longer able to differentiate between the two.

Keep Swiping Right

Recently, Ryan Reynolds took the time to promote a well-known Hollywood fitness instructor on his Instagram story. Reynolds and his wife are both clients of the trainer in question. Even getting Reynolds ready for his role as a superhero was the trainer’s responsibility.

Keep Swiping Right

Keep Swiping Right

After seeing the story, Lively seized the opportunity to demonstrate that no post was secure. She included a quick jab at her husband by tagging him in this picture of the trainer that she had posted. She joked about the trainer by referring to the dating application Tinder and saying, “I keep swiping right.”

It Explains It All

Through the years, Reynolds has had a great deal of enjoyment in sharing pictures of Lively on his website. A significant number of these pictures have not been particularly flattering, such as pictures of Lively with her eyes closed or appearing to be surprised.

It Explains It All

It Explains It All

One day, she made up her mind to get even with him by taking a silly picture of him doing something silly. She posted pictures of herself and Reynolds side-by-side on her Instagram story, which can be viewed here. While she smiles a fairly neutral expression, he appears to be enjoying himself by donning a chicken hat. She made a joke about how these two pictures are a perfect representation of their whole relationship.

Talking About The Movie

If you have been following Ryan Reynolds recently, you are aware that one of the many successful projects he has worked on is Deadpool. The comic book that was adapted into a movie celebrated the release of its follow-up film not too long ago.

Talking About The Movie

Talking About The Movie

When the movie was finally released, Blake Lively was, of course, ready to show her support for it. She posted a picture of herself and her husband on social media along with a caption that explained how she was prepared for the next round and that she had already seen it three times that week. That’s the movie we’re talking about, not her husband.

Get It Together

There is no denying that Ryan Reynolds’ career has reached an entirely new level as a direct result of Deadpool. It would appear that Blake Lively is more than content to accompany her co-stars on their meta-comedic adventure.

Get It Together

Get It Together

Blake wrote a pretty suggestive caption while posting a photo from the premiere of the sequel on his Instagram account. And in typical Deadpool fashion, Ryan didn’t waste any time in coming back with the following: “If someone accidentally teaches our daughters to read someday, they might see this. Get it together.”

Lost Password

Because they are in such a public relationship and have such a high profile, neither Reynolds nor Lively are able to avoid being asked about their partner in many of the interviews that they attend to.

Lost Password

Lost Password

An interviewer once asked Blake Lively what she thought about the jokes that Ryan Reynolds made on social networking sites about her and their kids. Lively and Reynolds have two children together. She was ready with a quick comeback, and she simply told the interviewer that she had luckily lost her Twitter password a year and a half ago, so she didn’t worry too much about it. She was prepared with a quick comeback.

What Happened To Emily?

When it tends to come to tightly plotted movies, many of us have wishes that we could get advanced information on the hidden details and unexpected turns of the story. You might think that the partner of a leading actress in a movie would have access to all the juicy details about the production of the movie.

What Happened To Emily?

What Happened To Emily?

With this Tweet, however, Reynolds demonstrated that he was not always aware of the storylines that were being followed in the films that his wife was directing. He tried to use the fact that they were so close as a bargaining chip by asking her to fill him in on what happened to the main character in A Simple Favor; however, it does not appear that his tactic was successful.

Her Response

However, Reynold’s request for information regarding Emily in A Simple Favor was not completely disregarded by anyone. After Reynolds tweeted out his question, Lively was prepared to jump in with a witty response almost immediately after the tweet was sent.

Her Response

Her Response

However, she did not provide a direct response to his question. She merely mentioned that out of all the things she was concealing from him, he should be concerned about this one the least of anything else she was keeping from him. She even added a menacing “trust me” at the end of the Tweet for added dramatic flair. However, it is common knowledge that she was merely making light of the situation.

Birthday Parties

Reynolds likes to pull their children into the fun as well, and that is exactly what he did with this birthday post. As if roasting each other wasn’t enough, he likes to pull their children into the fun as well.

Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties

The photograph depicts Lively and Reynolds donning party hats and bunny masks, with a plethora of streamers visible in the background. Then, in the caption, he expressed his gratitude not only to his wife but also to the restaurant, and he added: “a special shout out to our children for not ruining everything like they planned.”

Is This Cheating?

A recent film titled A Simple Favor featured Lively in a co-starring role alongside the actress Anna Kendrick. She had no problem telling a few jokes when it came to promoting the movie and wasn’t afraid to do so.

Is This Cheating?

Is This Cheating?

On her Instagram account, Lively posted a poster for the film alongside a caption that described Kendrick as the “hotter, female(r) version” of Reynolds. After completing it, she poses a straightforward query, “Would it reaaaally count as cheating?” given that the two are so comparable to one another.


It’s incredible the lengths to which Ryan Reynolds will go in order to engage in some playful back-and-forth with his wife online. However, there are times when he doesn’t really need to look that far for some inspiration in order to troll Blake.



One day, he was just scrolling through Twitter when he came across the following story by complete accident. He immediately had the thought that this woman bore a passing resemblance to his wife, and he made the decision to make some lighthearted remarks about it in the comments section. We can say with absolute certainty that the whole ordeal “spooked” Blake.

First Date

Although it is not a secret that Ryan Reynolds enjoys making fun of some of the worst movie roles he has played, it is also not a secret that he has no problem bringing up some of Blake Lively’s career choices that are more easily forgotten.

First Date

First Date

Take, for instance, this Tweet that Ryan Reynolds posted in which he used a GIF from one of what he considers to be one of his wife’s most embarrassing movie appearances, The Shallows. He chose to draw parallels between their first date and the event that was about to take place. We sincerely hope that this was not how it actually happened.


Everyone who is a devoted fan of Ryan Reynolds is aware of the fact that the actor is the proud owner of a certain company, which we will not name for obvious reasons.



The only thing you really need to know is that the van that is following you around is advertising his company and carrying a lot of copies of the product. After Reynolds uploaded this photo to Instagram, Blake was one of the first people to leave a comment on it. “Who needs a mini van?! I’m driving this from now on,” she wrote. “Subtle, gorgeous, and OHMYGAWDYOUREHUGE.”

Supporting The Wife

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are not an exception to the rule that celebrity couples will go to extraordinary lengths to promote one another’s films, as this is something that is not uncommon among celebrity couples. It is abundantly clear that he was very proud of his wife for starring in a film that received such high praise from the film critics as A Simple Favor.

Supporting The Wife

Supporting The Wife

However, the manner in which he expressed his happiness was puzzling. It is not entirely clear to us what point Ryan is attempting to make with this statement. It is strange that he would say such a thing, especially considering the fact that the couple has already produced a large number of children together.

Perfect Match

Over the past few years, there has been an overwhelming amount of Deadpool-related material directed at Blake Lively. This picture was taken in the year 2016, which was the same year that the first film in the franchise was released.

Perfect Match

Perfect Match

The couple made the spontaneous decision to go see the movie at the theater in their hometown, and while they were there, they came across this hilarious throne. They then proceeded to post what would turn out to be one of the year’s most hilarious photos. Of course, the caption was also extremely important to the achievement of this goal.

Mother’s Day

Even though the following caption might not appear to be the most egregious form of trolling that Ryan Reynolds has ever perpetrated against Blake, the fact that it contains sarcastic undertones allows it to be included on this list.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

On Mother’s Day, he was able to express his gratitude to the three mothers who had played a role in his life by praising them with words such as “wise” and “strong.” On the other hand, we do not believe that every mother would find the “ability to forever appear as though they’re standing at the doorway to their own surprise birthday party” to be the best praise.

Weekly Planner

In spite of the constant barrage of speculation that they were getting a divorce, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have been able to disprove the rumors by using social media and trolling each other in a variety of amusing ways.

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

The actor ultimately disclosed his email to the audience during his appearance on The Tonight Show and discussed his “work schedule” for the upcoming week. Although Monday begins fairly chill with some time spent at the gym, tanning, and doing laundry, it quickly devolves into chaos and becomes an obvious joke. To be fair, he most likely is as busy as stated.

Triple Date

It would appear that Ryan Reynolds is not the greatest fan of triple dates, particularly those that take place on Independence Day. This picture was taken on July 4th, and it’s easy to see that Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are in the middle of three other couples: Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift, another married couple, and yet another.

Triple Date

Triple Date

While Blake appears to be having a wonderful time, Ryan’s expression appears to convey everything that is going through his mind. Ryan, in contrast to Tom and Taylor, who are obviously having a good time, is eager to get to bed as soon as possible.

Seems Nice

During the time that Blake Lively was doing promotion for her film A Simple Favor, she ended up posting the photo that you see below, which depicts her standing next to a man who is exposing his legs.

Seems Nice

Seems Nice

Naturally, Ryan Reynolds was quick to comment on the photo, and his response consisted of just three words: “He seems nice.” One of the things that makes this photo even funnier is the fact that Blake has removed all of the other examples of trolling that she has posted to her Instagram account, leaving only this one as the only one that she has left up.

Talking About Sizes

When Blake Lively was promoting her movie “A Simple Favor,” it seems like there was a lot of trolling going on. At one of the events for the promotion, Ryan could not resist taking a picture of himself in front of the following image, which prominently features Blake in silhouette form.

Talking About Sizes

Talking About Sizes

However, in comparison to her, it makes him appear to be quite diminutive. “The most surprising thing about the @asimplefavor party wasn’t finding out I’m only four feet tall,” he wrote. “It’s learning I’ll probably die alone.”

Photos That Should Be Kept In Private

The photo of Blake with her hair blown by the wind was not the only one included in that unsatisfying birthday Instagram post that Ryan Reynolds made. The actor went to great lengths, searching through his phone for the most embarrassing photos of his wife, and creating a whole gallery of embarrassing moments that should have been unforgettable ones.

Photos That Should Be Kept In Private

Photos That Should Be Kept In Private

Some of them show Blake sitting in a cage while holding a Barbie doll, while others show her being unable to keep her eyes open while attempting to take selfies. Blake is featured in some of these images.

Doing The Same Thing

It was only a matter of time before Ryan and Blake’s constant trolling of others on social media started to have an effect on the people in their immediate environment. It would appear that his co-stars, including Samuel L. Jackson and Salma Hayek, began to adopt similar habits on social media around the time that they were working together on the film The Hitman’s Bodyguard. Reynolds was a part of the production.

Doing The Same Thing

Doing The Same Thing

Hayek paid homage to the couple’s birthday messages by posting a similar photo of her and Reynolds together on her Instagram account. “Happy Birthday to one of my dear friends Ryan Reynolds,” she wrote. “Love sharing the screen with you.”

True Love Never Looked So Good

It would appear that a large number of celebrity couples are more than happy to promote each other’s films, particularly when both of them have new films coming out around the same time. Posing on red carpets with co-stars who you aren’t necessarily married to is a part of this push that’s being done.

True Love Never Looked So Good

True Love Never Looked So Good

Michiel Huisman, for example, who co-starred with Blake in the film The Age of Adaline. However, Reynolds had every right to post the following tweet after Lionsgate Movies made the extremely careless assumption that Lively and Huisman were in fact dating.

Just Being Honest

It is plain to see that Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have worked hard to create a lovely family together. However, this does not imply that they are any less funny now than they were before.

Just Being Honest

Just Being Honest

Ryan made sure that there was some trolling involved while he was posting this cute photo of the family of Twitter, so that it wouldn’t be too cheesy. He was very careful to undermine his wife at the most advantageous time possible. “3 of the most beautiful, considerate, and loving people I’ve ever known, and then there’s Blake,” he wrote.


It’s only natural to feel a desire to brag a little bit when you’ve mastered a skill that others will find admirable. When it came time for Reynolds to master the skill of riding a motorcycle without using his hands, he did exactly that.



He was quick to give some suggestions to the followers. In particular, you shouldn’t try this at home, and especially not in the living room of your house. On the other hand, Lively wasn’t about to let her husband get away without at least a little bit of backstage drama on her watch. She mentioned the fact that the reason he was aware that doing this in the living room was a bad idea was because he had already attempted it!

Don’t Forget The Wife

Birthday greetings are the ideal opportunity for members of the Reynolds and Lively families to tease and mock one another. Reynolds took advantage of the occasion of another one of his wife’s birthdays to give her a roast as a birthday present.

Don't Forget The Wife

Don’t Forget The Wife

It just so happens that country music singer Billy Ray Cyrus and actress Blake Lively were born on the same day. Therefore, on the day that was Blake’s birthday, he made it a point to first wish Billy a happy birthday. He concluded the message by appending the remark, “Also, happy birthday to my wife,” which was placed at the end.

Sounds Like Her

Reynolds has an abundance of one particular thing, and that is messages of adoration from his devoted followers. In point of fact, his email inbox is frequently clogged with inappropriate material. One of Reynolds’s fans posed a question to the actor that seemed entirely reasonable: What does Lively think of all the random people messaging her husband?

Sounds Like Her

Sounds Like Her

Reynolds wasn’t afraid to lightheartedly respond to the question either. He merely responded by suggesting that it was possible that she was the one sending the messages to the fans. After all, he goes on to say, they appear to be something that she could have written.

Nice Hair

Lively is an expert when it comes to teasing her husband in both a covert and overt manner. She grabbed the opportunity presented by this Instagram post to be a little bit more forthright.

Nice Hair

Nice Hair

A grin can be seen on Reynolds’ face as he looks at Lively, who is shown in this picture to have her back turned to the camera. She merely added a caption stating what it was in this picture that made her the happiest and most proud. However, rather than talking about her husband, she drew people’s attention to her hair, which she had styled herself specifically for the occasion.

Shutting Down Split Rumors

Both Lively and Reynolds have been the subject of intense scrutiny from the rumor mill in Hollywood on multiple occasions. There have been multiple unfounded rumors that they are having problems in their marriage or that they are even on the verge of getting a divorce.

Shutting Down Split Rumors

Shutting Down Split Rumors

Despite rumors that they were splitting up, Yahoo Entertainment featured an image of them together on the red carpet with Reynolds’ mother. He was prepared with a response to the story when it was published. He claimed that he would never leave his mother, regardless of how crazy she got with her “rollerblading friends,” because he loved her so much.

Me Time

During the month of March 2018, while Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively were working on the production of Deadpool 2, rumors began to circulate that they were dating. During filming, the two reportedly had a difficult time finding time to spend together due to scheduling conflicts caused by the production.

Me Time

Me Time

Reynolds was quick to respond on Twitter to reassure everyone that they were in good health after the incident. In his response, he had to incorporate a joke, as it was only natural for him to do so. He joked with everyone that he wished the rumor were true so that he could have some “me time” because he was in desperate need of it.

He Saw Fireworks

When famous people find love, everyone is interested in finding out the exact moment it happened. When asked about their relationship, Reynolds and Lively gave contrasting accounts of how they first became romantically involved with one another.

He Saw Fireworks

He Saw Fireworks

Reynolds revealed that the moment he laid eyes on Lively, he saw “fireworks” immediately afterward. On the other hand, she did not express herself in the same way. Instead, she joked that “it went well for him” despite the fact that it took her a little longer to fall in love with him and that she didn’t see any fireworks during their first date.

Glue Icing

Ryan Reynolds is not afraid to acknowledge the fact that he is not the best baker in the world, despite the fact that he is a talented actor. Despite this, he strives to be as helpful as possible in the kitchen.

Glue Icing

Glue Icing

This time, he baked a cake for his wife to celebrate the occasion. Overall, it is a very thoughtful and endearing gesture, as the cake is presented in the form of a heart and is topped with strawberry slices. On the other hand, he made sure to include a joke in his caption by saying that “The icing is glue, ‘cause I’m not a scientist.”


It’s not always the case that actors look so glamorous. They are just like everyone else in that sometimes they go out in public while wearing their pajamas. To make matters even more confusing, that is not the case in any way here. Instead, Lively wore this outfit because it was required for a role that she played in a movie.



Reynolds, however, was not deterred from seizing the opportunity to add some vicious roasts to his already extensive collection of material. He merely appended the hashtag “#nofilter” to the picture without providing any additional context regarding his wife’s outfit.

Detective Pikachu

Lively and Reynolds put their formidable trolling skills to good use in order to promote Detective Pikachu. They produced a video in which they discuss the method acting that Reynolds did for the role. Reynolds explains that when he got the role, he didn’t pick up his daughters from school because “Detective Pikachu doesn’t know those little girls.”

Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu

The focus then shifts to Lively, who insists that the children seen previously are in fact their offspring. In the end, the video is a masterpiece that does an excellent job of showcasing what the couple does best, which is making fun of one another.

Interviewed By The Twin

In May of 2018, Reynolds released a video for a comedic ad campaign in which he was interviewed by his fictional twin brother, Gordon Reynolds. The interview was conducted by Reynolds. Her response was given very promptly by Lively.

Interviewed By The Twin

Interviewed By The Twin

She admitted that she had made a poor decision in her choice of husband and that “Gordon” was very attractive. Assuring her that she hadn’t made a mistake, but that Gordon had replaced his role in their marriage a year ago, Reynolds didn’t hesitate to throw in a joke of his own before assuring her that she hadn’t made mistake.

Online Marriage

After the premiere of the film All I See Is You, Ryan Reynolds immediately went online to express his excitement and support for the film. In his post, he shared his enthusiasm about the possibility of seeing the movie ahead of its general release.

Online Marriage

Online Marriage

In addition to that, he made sure to express his gratitude and offer his congratulations to Marc Foster, who co-starred with Lively. In addition to that, he mentioned that he had married his wife over the internet, so he commented that it was “nice to finally meet her in person” at the event.

His Relationship With Blake

During his promotional tour for the film Detective Pikachu, Ryan Reynolds made an appearance on Live with Kelly and Ryan, where he was interviewed by the hosts. Unavoidably, he was questioned regarding the persistent trolling that took place online with Lively.

His Relationship With Blake

His Relationship With Blake

In response, he related a proverb that had been passed down in the family. He referred to a statement made by his father, which went as follows: “If you can’t say anything nice, say something embarrassing.” He stated that this was the “way they rolled” for both him and Lively. When questioned about whether or not this was an indication of a healthy relationship, he responded that, in his opinion, it was.

He Picked A Good One

There are times when the accompanying caption does not need to be read because the picture itself says everything that needs to be said. In this particular birthday post, Lively included an image from her Instagram account, and it is exactly the case that this is the case.

He Picked A Good One

He Picked A Good One

The photograph shows her what appears to be picking Reynolds’ nose while she is contentedly leaning against his shoulder. However, she needed to accompany the odd picture with a clever caption in order for it to be considered complete. In addition to wishing Reynolds a happy birthday, she used a pun that was perfectly placed to assert that she had “picked a good one” when referring to Reynolds.