30+ Pictures That Show The United Arab Emirates’ Unexpected Side

Published on 06/14/2023
30+ Pictures That Show The United Arab Emirates' Unexpected Side

30+ Pictures That Show The United Arab Emirates’ Unexpected Side

The city of Dubai is well-liked by many tourists. Most of them are correct. There are a few details, however, that are kept hidden. Many people are unaware of some of the city’s details. The United Arab Emirates, which includes Dubai and the rest of the country, is a place with it all – the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. The following is a list of the UAE’s hidden gems.

Hot Outside

Hot Outside

The weather deal is one of the many hidden things in the United Arab Emirates. This part of the world has truly spectacular weather. It can change quickly, and you don’t want to be outside unprotected or exposed when it does. It’s one way to sabotage your day. All parties involved, including animals, are aware of this fact. This sweet cat is attempting to re-enter the house. Because, as is customary, the temperature has risen from 104°F in the morning. Anyone caught outside (including animals) would have a miserable day.

Sandstorm in Dubai

There are a few things that are impossible in terms of weather for a city surrounded by a dense and deep layer of smooth sand. While it can get extremely hot very quickly, the weather can also provide other types of surprises. This is another one of Dubai’s hidden gems.

Sandstorm In Dubai

Sandstorm In Dubai

A devastating sandstorm occurs when strong winds from the seas combine with dense sand. While this may be a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence in other cities, it is a common occurrence in Dubai. They’re also massive and last for hours. In this city, being caught outside unprepared is definitely not an option.

Abandoned Car Dealership

The UAE is known around the world as a place where exotic cars come to life. It’s as common as the air that people in the city take in. This raises the question of what happens to the city’s non-exotic vehicles.

Abandoned Car Dealership

Abandoned Car Dealership

To find answers to the question, a man went into a car dealership. It has been eight years since the car dealership has been open. It’s not difficult to see why when you look at the cars at the dealership. It featured some nice automobiles, but none of them were racecars or supercars. They’re the kinds you’d see in Dubai’s streets.

Dirty Beaches

Each state or city has its own story of flaws and impurities. Sides of the city are frequently filled with dirt and debris. The Emirates, on the other hand, appear to be the cleanest of them all from the outside. Another aspect of this country that has been kept hidden.

Dirty Beaches

Dirty Beaches

A trip to the beach every now and then reveals a part of the city that leaves a lot to be desired. The beach can be clogged with sand and dirt from tourists. I guess the city is more than just clean beaches and white sand.

Sights From the Sea

Many aspects of the Emirates are deserving of attention and praise. Tall buildings and massive structures make up the majority of these areas. The best part is that great scenery can be enjoyed right from sea level.

Sights From The Sea

Sights From The Sea

This person decided to take a picture of the city from a distance while on one of the local waters on the outskirts of the city. It catches the tall buildings in action, demonstrating how they compete with one another. It depicts a straightforward view of the city. One person says it’s the best photograph of Dubai they’ve ever seen.

Sunscreen Dispenser

Beaches, on the other hand, appear to be inviting the majority of the time. As a result, any tourist must pay a visit to the beach. The hot sun, on the other hand, makes things a little more difficult.

Sunscreen Dispenser

Sunscreen Dispenser

The importance of sunscreen can be explained in a simple way. The event planners and coordinators at the beach are well aware of this fact. Even if the tourist forgets to bring sunscreen, there is always a backup plan. Sunscreen dispensers can be found on Dubai beaches.

No Place for Pedestrian

Some of Dubai’s hidden gems are quite unique and frightening to some. This area of the city, for example, has only roads and no pedestrian walkway. Both sides of the road are covered in deep sand and soil.

No Place For Pedestrian

No Place For Pedestrian

The fact that there are no pavements on the side of the road to serve as a boundary is particularly frightening. To feel secure, one must keep a certain distance from the road. Walking in this area is dangerous due to the open road and the fact that the majority of users are in fast cars.

Bird at Metro

In the Emirates, order and arrangement are very important. It’s one of the reasons the city has remained fit and competitive over time. The importance of this order is recognized by everyone.

Bird At Metro

Bird At Metro

For example, even the tiniest birds are aware that entering the metro must be done in a timely manner. Right there, a small bird is politely waiting to board the metro.

Starbucks With No Stars

A burned-out structure with a ripped roof isn’t exactly where one would expect to find the popular Starbucks. However, if one walks through downtown Dubai and into the less exotic areas, one may be surprised.

Starbucks With No Stars

Starbucks With No Stars

It’s unclear what led to this, but there’s a Starbucks logo in an unexpected location in the city. According to a tourist, this is not an uncommon occurrence. Another part of the city that is only visible to those who live in the city’s core.

Hen in the Streets

From the outside, everything in this city may appear to be perfect. It is important to note, however, that there are many things in Dubai that are hidden from the world’s eyes. To see them firsthand, one must travel to the place.

Hen In The Streets

Hen In The Streets

Some discoveries are thrilling and exciting, while others are not. On the streets of Dubai, one can find a wide variety of items. Hens appear to be regular pedestrians here for some reason.

The Elevated Relaxation

There are many places to visit if one wishes to get a closer look at the city. It is also possible to focus solely on super skyscrapers while ignoring the “smaller” tall buildings.

The Elevated Relaxation

The Elevated Relaxation

It is, however, a view that one does not get to see very often. It necessitates the rental of a room in a high-end hotel. Renting a room in a high-rise building puts you closer to the sky. You can also look down to see the city’s streets.

View From the Tallest

The Burj Khalifa is currently one of the world’s tallest structures, standing at 1,776 meters. There are only a handful of people on the planet who can claim to have been at the top of this structure.

View From The Tallest

View From The Tallest

It’s as if you’re looking down on the earth from above. Seeing the city from such a high vantage point is both thrilling and rare. It’s one of those hidden gems that’s unique to this city. From the Burj Khalifa, here’s a view of the city at night.

Snow and Hails

In this city, one can experience every type of weather and climatic condition imaginable. While the majority of the year is marked by heat and sandstorms, others are marked by snow and hailstorms.

Snow And Hails

Snow And Hails

Even so, Dubai isn’t the first place where one might expect to see snow and hail. It is, however, one of the few places where both are happening at the same time. It appears that the weather in this area is truly exceptional.

The Bird’s View

The airline is located on the outskirts of the city due to the abundance of tall buildings in the area. As a result, a view from an airplane shows the tall buildings from afar, as well as the lower areas beneath them.

The Bird's View

The Bird’s View

Away from the skyscrapers, it gives the city a different look. Another bird can be seen in the air in this particular bird view. The view encapsulates the city’s excellent design on both sides.

Walk With Camera

Taking a walk is one of the most mundane yet exciting activities available in the Emirates. Taking a walk with no specific destination in mind can be quite enjoyable. However, it is critical to use a camera or, at the very least, a mobile device that can capture images in high definition.

Walk With Camera

Walk With Camera

There would undoubtedly be something worthy of taking photos. From amusing exotic structures to exotic cars and tall buildings, there’s something for everyone. In the Emirates, there are many hidden gems with a plethora of film-worthy structures.

Bad at Parking

Cars are frequently parked at the risk of their owners. It’s impossible to know how good the other drivers are. When mistakes and accidents occur, however, a simple apology may be sufficient.

Bad At Parking

Bad At Parking

The people of this city are friendly and humble, to say the least. They understand how to solve problems. This driver posts a sign that reads, “I’m so sorry, I’m terrible at parking.” Problems are solved in a flash.

Cat at the Elevator

Another aspect of the city that is not widely known is the way of life of the city’s various animals. Animals must also adjust to the city’s way of life. Patience is a virtue that this cat must master.

Cat At The Elevator

Cat At The Elevator

Patience in this case would entail waiting for the elevator to open. It may sound absurd, but it is true. Imagine having to descend or ascend a building via hundreds of steps. That reveals a lot about the challenges that people in this city face.

Non Tourist Areas

Every major city in the world, after all, has a “ordinary side.” A side of the city that few tourists visit. The tourist attractions in most cities are exotic and few, making it very unique. Things are quite different in the Emirates, which makes the situation hilarious.

Non Tourist Areas

Non Tourist Areas

Few places in the Emirates are particularly glamorous or tourist-friendly. In fact, those locations are so rare and exotic that they make up the rarest and most exotic part of the Emirates. In a way, one could say that the ordinary places in the Emirates are rare and exotic.

Annular Eclipse

The United Arab Emirates is undoubtedly a place where many beautiful man-made innovations can be found. The sky-high buildings, the beaches, the exotic lifestyle, and many other things. However, one of the few things that most people are unaware of or appreciate about this location is its natural beauty. Nature at its best can also be found in the Emirates.

Annular Eclipse

Annular Eclipse

An annular solar eclipse as seen from the beautiful city of Dubai is depicted in this image. The most intriguing aspect of this picture is that it was taken shortly after sunrise, before everything began to light up. One must admit that the weather in this area, as well as its effects, is truly a mystery.

Someone Called Uber?

McLaren is known for producing some of the most prestigious supercars in the world. It’s also a racing car with a high-end photo. As a result, it is not the first thing that comes to mind when ordering a private taxi service.

Someone Called Uber?

Someone Called Uber?

In Dubai, on the other hand, one might be prepared for a pleasant drive to work. The use of luxurious cars for almost anything is one of Dubai’s many hidden gems. It’s such a luxury to have a sports car at one’s disposal just to get to work on time in the morning.

Veggies on the House

Despite the city’s exotic lifestyle and high cost of living, one aspect of life that many residents value is healthy eating. It’s one of those hidden aspects of Dubai that few people are aware of.

Veggies On The House

Veggies On The House

A man related his story. An employee of a street café invited him to come in and enjoy a cheap meal. Fresh vegetables were served to him while he awaited his orders. He described the meal as “perfect for the body after hot afternoons.”

Trash From Riches

Another unspoken aspect of Dubai is the concept of waste and what constitutes garbage. The people who live in this part of the world are considered to be among the wealthiest on the planet. They live in the most opulent surroundings.

Trash From Riches

Trash From Riches

As a result, what is considered trash in this city can be classified as costly when compared to other cities. The expensive items are always thrown into the trash can, according to someone who works as a cleaner for the wealthy. Dubai wood, incense, and a variety of other items are available.

Street Sign in Desert

There’s something about a street sign that you’d expect. That is, to locate it on a public street. In Dubai, however, things are a little more complicated and intriguing. A street sign can be found almost anywhere. There’s no reason it shouldn’t be there as long as it’s pointing to something or somewhere.

Street Sign In Desert

Street Sign In Desert

The intersection of two sand lanes is depicted on this particular street sign. Over there, I guess sand lanes are considered streets, and the street sign serves to distinguish the two. It’s difficult to say.

New Type of Ride

Exotic cars have become so common in this city that many people consider them to be the “average” ride. So, how do the super-rich set themselves apart from the wealthy? By taking a different mode of transportation.

New Type Of Ride

New Type Of Ride

What, in terms of prestige, would be able to compete with supercars? Exotic pets, it turns out, are the answer. Animals such as lions, tigers, and other big cats. With his lovely ride, this man is out and about in the city. Many people would not want to offend this ride.

Wake Up in the Sky

Maintaining one’s head above the clouds may sound like motivational quotes from around the world. It’s just another morning in a penthouse in this skyscraper-heavy city.

Wake Up In The Sky

Wake Up In The Sky

Those who live on the top floor of most 7-star skyscraper hotels literally wake up above the clouds. Every morning, they get to see the cloud up close and personal, giving them the sensation of flying. It’s like waking up in the sky, as one tourist put it.

Iced Out Mercedes

Mercedes Benz does not fall into the category of exotic cars that are common in these cities. However, when one goes the extra mile, as this Mercedes’ owner did, it becomes more than exotic.

Iced Out Mercedes

Iced Out Mercedes

Take a look at a Saudi prince’s ride. He is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. He decided to cover his Mercedes in more than 300,000 diamonds to show off his wealth. This was estimated to cost $4.8 million dollars.

Tennis in Heaven

Many people are unaware of the many luxurious areas of this country. It sounds incredible when one hears about these parts of the city. Other parts appear to be confusing.

Tennis In Heaven

Tennis In Heaven

A tennis court 1000 feet above the ground is a good example. I’m guessing the building’s wealthy owner enjoys tennis. However, it’s difficult to imagine two athletes running through a tennis court. To say the least, it’s an unsettling scene.

The Less Fortunate

In any city, when gifts and food are left for the poor, they are frequently filled with low-quality items. The fact that these items have been left for the poor would be immediately apparent.

The Less Fortunate

The Less Fortunate

Nevertheless, the items left for the poor in Dubai can make one envious of the city’s poor. Fridges and boxes containing food for the less fortunate are frequently stocked with high-end items. However, the majority of people in this city live in poverty.

Observation Wheel Background

The beach lifestyle is a common occurrence in the city. This is in addition to the breathtaking scenery. Many of these scenes can be found in various parts of the city. From any part of the city, the view, scenery, and beautiful structures can be seen and appreciated.

Observation Wheel Background

Observation Wheel Background

A trip to one of the city’s beaches provides a different perspective on the city. This individual is taking in the view of the river with the observation wheel in the background.

Gold Vending Machine

The desire or need to escape an opulent lifestyle has become a common occurrence in this city. Many people aren’t aware of the impact their actions have on others. The unusual demand for gold in Dubai is a feature that many people are unaware of.

Gold Vending Machine

Gold Vending Machine

Some restaurants and shops only accept gold as a form of payment, rather than cash. Given that gold is heavy and difficult to transport, vending machines can be found throughout the city dispensing gold in exchange for money.

Stable With Marbles

The walls are high, the floors are marble, and the ceilings are painted. It certainly sounds opulent and refined. That description would be appropriate for a museum or a wealthy person’s home. More than that is the case in Dubai.

Stable With Marbles

Stable With Marbles

Many people enviously admire it, while others appear to despise it. The above description is for horses, not for wealthy people’s homes. Yes, marble stables would be built in Dubai. Horses in the same city, living a life that many men can only dream of.

Desert Skiing

Skiing is frequently associated with snowy landscapes and cold climates. Skiing equipment is not among the items that must be purchased when visiting a desert. Unless the desert in question is Dubai.

Desert Skiing

Desert Skiing

Dubai has one of the largest skiing facilities in the world. Plus, there’s more. It is open every day of the year. It’s also one of the few indoor skis on the market. It’s one of those places you wouldn’t expect to find in a city like this.

Penthouse of Restrooms

There are restrooms in many countries and megacities around the world. The restrooms, on the other hand, are of modest design. One is expected to stop for a few moments before continuing on their journey. There is a stark contrast in Dubai.

Penthouse Of Restrooms

Penthouse Of Restrooms

Every little thing in this city is masked in extravagance and excessive luxury. This isn’t a picture of a penthouse; it’s a picture of a restroom. One might expect to stay a little longer after seeing the baths and jacuzzi.

Fat Check

The astronomical price of goods and services is one of Dubai’s many hidden gems. While it is to be expected that things are expensive in this city, it is significantly higher than expected.

Fat Check

Fat Check

In one night, a group of people spent 387,988 dirhams. To put things in perspective, that’s about $100,000 in one night. If one believes they are wealthy enough to spend lavishly, this city is costly enough to drain one’s bank account.

Keep the Distance

In a world of exotic cars, supercars, and fast racers, those driving low-tech vehicles must exercise extreme caution. These are the people who ride motorcycles, scooters, or bikes. Finding ways to constantly warn others is sometimes a part of being extra cautious in Dubai. Even if some of the methods appear to be comical.

Keep The Distance

Keep The Distance

This man was going about his business and needed to find a way to warn other road users. He tells others to keep a certain distance to ensure safety, as seen from a dashboard. Another aspect of this country that is often overlooked.