50+ “Wholesome” Posts That Didn’t Seem That Way At First

Published on 03/24/2022
50+ "Wholesome" Posts That Didn't Seem That Way At First

50+ “Wholesome” Posts That Didn’t Seem That Way At First

Memes have taken over our lives in the last few years. While a good chuckle is always welcome, there are plenty of heartwarming posts to be found online as well. We’ve put together a list of posts and memes that started out a little off, but are sure to put a smile on your face when all is said and done, so you can get that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Grab The Storage Key!

Grab The Storage Key!

What a clever way to get your husband’s attention, this lady. In the event that your husband is a Reddit user, this is a great way to get his attention and communicate with him. It’s funny how she asks him to get the key for her on a subreddit that she knows her husband frequents, because it’s hilarious. To make it more family-friendly, she knows her husband will be perusing the subreddit and come across this post.

Mom Joke

Blue whale jokes are transformed into facts, which are then transformed into jokes for moms. Normally, mom jokes would be considered offensive and inappropriate, but this one is too good to ignore.

Mom Joke

Mom Joke

Moms are, without a doubt, the sweetest and most generous people on the face of the planet. The size of their hearts can be compared to that of a blue whale, which is truly incredible.

Prankster Lion

As a wild-life photographer, you get to see some strange, bizarre, and interesting things. This one, on the other hand, astounds us with its hysteria and amusement! Who knew lions could be so mischievous?

Prankster Lion

Prankster Lion

This huge lion has no qualms about scaring the photographer and then laughing about it. After roaring at the photographer, it was seen smiling at him, knowing that the roar had scared him.

Retired Mafia

Crime can be curbed entirely with the help of pizza. Pizza eaters will tell you that they have no desire to commit any criminal acts in their lives. This blog post serves as evidence that pizza can deter crime.

Retired Mafia

Retired Mafia

When a local mafia gang saw an opportunity to earn a living by making pizza, they put their criminal activities on hold. Pizza delivery was so appealing to them that they fell in love with the lifestyle. We’re getting a hankering for pizza after hearing about it all this time.

No Dogs on the Bus?!

Normally, dogs aren’t allowed on public transportation, but this appears to be an exception. A man with a Chihuahua on his lap surprised this person who was expecting to be lectured or punished for having Lulabelle on their lap on the bus.

No Dogs On The Bus?!

No Dogs On The Bus?!

That this type of thing occurs on a regular basis, isn’t it wonderful? Considering their history, we’re willing to bet that Lulabelle and the Chihuahua got along well so far and without incident!

Sing Along

When two complete strangers join in on a well-known tune, isn’t it just the sweetest thing? The song was playing in the car next to this guy at a stop light.

Sing Along

Sing Along

A few seconds later, he joins in and they both sing for about 15 seconds. Even for just 15 seconds, the bond they formed while singing along was incredibly sweet.

Romeo and Juliet

Some of the most loving animals on the planet are dogs. Because of this, it’s no surprise that they’ll make the perfect couple. When this guy’s dog and his crush go for a walk, the dog always stops by this house to say hello.

Romeo And Juliet

Romeo And Juliet

The romance that develops between them is far superior to the majority of human relationships. The fact that this is one of the cutest things we have seen all day makes it even better.

A Man of Culture

Being wealthy serves a higher purpose than merely enriching one’s own personal well-being. What’s the point of making millions of dollars if you don’t do anything to improve a lot of humanity?

A Man Of Culture

A Man Of Culture

This Chinese tycoon made a fortune to ensure that his village’s residents could enjoy a better standard of living. He bulldozed all of the houses and huts in order to construct buildings with luxury flats, which he then gave away for free to the people! What a nice individual!

The Roaming Dog

“Don’t mind me, I’m just roaming around” is the kind of attitude we aspire to have. Dew is a good boy who enjoys going on adventures and discovering new places in the city.

The Roaming Dog

The Roaming Dog

“My name is Dew,” it says on the dog collar. “I am not lost. I like to roam. Tell me to go home.” The coolest thing we’ve seen is a dog collar, and Dew is a pretty cool doggo, so we’re glad you noticed it, too. He is, without a doubt, a good boy.

I Lived

Distressing is having a friend who has been unconscious for some time. We all care about our friends’ well-being and hope that they’ll be able to enjoy their lives to the fullest. When they’re in a coma, you pray and pray for their recovery.

I Lived

I Lived

Then one day, you receive a text message that reads, “I lived.” It’s impossible to put into words the joy and relief you’ll feel. When a friend texted this to them out of the blue, this person must have been overjoyed.

Swim With a Goat

Goats are one of the most underappreciated animals, but if you take the time to get to know them, they can be incredibly cute and adorable. It’s not unusual for them to enjoy cuddling and spending time with people, like most other animals.

Swim With A Goat

Swim With A Goat

Seeing their cousin bathing a white goat was enough to make this person smile. They both appear to be having a great time and to be very happy. Let’s show our love for animals of all shapes and sizes!

Fangirling Over Your Husband

Nothing is more pure than a wife’s adoration for her husband! A new phone was purchased by the mother of this girl. She then installed Snapchat on the device and hasn’t been able to stop snapping pictures of her husband.

Fangirling Over Your Husband

Fangirling Over Your Husband

The fact that she thinks he’s handsome and wants to take pictures of him all the time is an unusually sweet display of love these days. Surely she feels like a teenager once more.

Mail Dog

This is a good-boy post for you again.. Pippa, the owner’s dog, enjoys collecting mail and delivering packages every day. This person was forced to improvise one day and keep an old receipt for Pippa to collect as mail because there was no mail.

Mail Dog

Mail Dog

Things you can do to make your good boy happy are as follows. Pippa’s face beams with delight, and we can see it too. He is deserving of some treats for being such a good dog!

You Think You’re Depressed?

Depression is not something to hide. People go through bad phases in their lives, and it’s difficult to bear tough times. Admitting that you are depressed or have any mental health issues is completely acceptable.

You Think You’re Depressed?

You Think You’re Depressed?

Admitting that you’re depressed is no longer considered socially unacceptable. Especially for men, expressing one’s emotions is no longer a taboo and is becoming more and more common these days.

The Cat of Happiness

When you’re depressed, what do you do to cheer yourself up? There are a lot of things you could do, but looking at cat photos and videos is a good option. Whenever he’s depressed, he texts this girl to see her cat.

The Cat Of Happiness

The Cat Of Happiness

Furthermore, rather than becoming annoyed or irritated, she actually sends a photo to this guy every time, which makes him beam with delight. After all, why wouldn’t it? The cat is absolutely adorable!

The Neverending Game of Love

As a result of taking a game too seriously, you end up spending the rest of your life with someone! That’s some serious dedication to the game you’ve shown there.

The Neverending Game Of Love

The Neverending Game Of Love

So serious were these young men about the game of “gay chicken” that they’ve played it for 14 years, adopted a daughter, and run a breakfast shop in Vermont under the guise of being homosexuals themselves! This is surprisingly good-hearted, despite the post’s hilarious final line.

The Generous Horse

When it comes to animals, it’s not unusual to see compassion. Quite a few animals have been caught in acts of generosity and kindness. It was impossible to see the bucket because of all of the pigeons swarming around it.

The Generous Horse

The Generous Horse

After realizing this, he set the bucket down to provide food for the pigeons. What if that wasn’t an example of kindness? Digging into the bucket, the pigeons appear to be content as well.

I Love You, Batman

Wearing hijabs and jilbabs means that the wearer is mostly covered from head to toe, often in a dark color. Despite the fact that adults may be able to identify this, a 4-year-old child is unable to do so.

I Love You, Batman

I Love You, Batman

This woman looked like Batman to this adorable child. To show his admiration for the Dark Knight, the kid made a Batman-themed drawing. That’s the kind of confusion that makes us smile!

Dogs Would be Terrible at Poker

There is a widespread belief that dogs would be terrible at poker because they lack the ability to bluff. Because they can’t stop wagging their tails, they couldn’t possibly bluff.

Dogs Would Be Terrible At Poker

Dogs Would Be Terrible At Poker

Their enthusiasm for the game would continue even if they were lousy at it. They’d probably be so excited to be there that they wouldn’t be able to keep their tails from wagging.

Don’t Mess With Our Friend

You don’t have to be a bad guy just because you’re a bad guy. If you live a violent lifestyle, it doesn’t mean that you’ll always do bad things. These gangs may engage in a variety of violent activities, but it is clear that they are good people at their core.

Don’t Mess With Our Friend

Don’t Mess With Our Friend

Who are we to pass judgment on other people’s choices in terms of who they want to love? What an admirable thing these gang members did in support of their tutor.

Eat With Us

Be as generous as this restaurant, which provides free food to those in need. What a wonderful example of human decency! There were a few slices of hot pizza available to dumpster divers during operating hours.

Eat With Us

Eat With Us

This kind of behavior makes us feel good and restores our faith in human nature. It appears that good people are still around, and they work for Little Caesars of course. Is there a slice of pizza for us?


When a couple is in a long-distance relationship, it’s not uncommon for them to facetime each other almost continuously throughout the day. Her boyfriend took advantage of the fact that she fell asleep during a FaceTime call to take advantage of the situation. Artists often look for inspiration when they’re drawing.



As a result, he sketched her while she was asleep, and the result is stunning. Find an artist who can create this amazing portrait of you while you are asleep!


This person is this month’s employee of the month! It doesn’t take much to make a child happy. This 6-year-old boy’s face lit up when he heard this silly and endearing joke.



We should all tell pizza jokes to make kids smile if that’s all it takes! As Samuel L. Jackson noted, the employee who was responsible for inserting the joke must be immediately rewarded.

That One Gaming Partner

The yelling in online gaming can make it appear violent, but it can also be wholesome and heartwarming. Gamers have a unique relationship that can’t be understood by non-gamers.

That One Gaming Partner

That One Gaming Partner

The saddest thing that can happen to a gamer is when a teammate has to leave and you won’t be able to play with them anymore. His gaming pal’s message is the sweetest gesture a friend could make.

Ryan Gosling

Is there a noticeable difference in the way you look? We most certainly do not. Aren’t these two images of Ryan Gosling the same person? Although the man on the right does not resemble Ryan Gosling, this person’s comment must have had a positive impact on this man’s day.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling

Being able to look like Ryan Gosling would be incredible, and this comment is, without a doubt, one of the most flattering things anyone has ever said to him about his appearance.

Best Friends Reunite

Without the company of others, life is bleak. Reuniting with long-lost friends after decades apart must be one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. After 40 years of not speaking to each other, the grandma of this person was reunited with her childhood best friend.

Best Friends Reunite

Best Friends Reunite

Seeing each other again has made their hearts sing, and they are overjoyed. Moments like these, when old friends get together, are priceless. A toast to four decades of friendship!

Good Boy’s Wish

Dogs are great at making three wishes for you when you’ve got a Genie and they grant you three wishes. Is it any different if your dog can’t speak? In order to grant him his wish, you must first make one of your own.

Good Boy’s Wish

Good Boy’s Wish

Because all good boys have earned the right to have their dreams come true. Quite frankly, if this isn’t the most wholesome thing we’ve seen all day, we’re not sure what is!

Oh Hell No!

Everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their circumstances. There are still some people who don’t like gay people, but that number is decreasing by the day. It’s kind of a prank on those homophobes who keep saying that gay people will go to hell with this joke.

Oh Hell No!

Oh Hell No!

A special place for them exists in every location, and it’s a pleasant one at that! The devil himself says this. Thanks to all the gay readers out there, you’re fantastic!

Support Dog

Despite what the popular saying goes, dogs can be a man’s best friend and even heal people from the inside out. To keep her father company while she was quarantined, this woman had to give him her dog as a support animal.

Support Dog

Support Dog

The dog is infatuated with the father and wants nothing more than to run around the garden and cuddle with him. Isn’t your heart soaring at the sight of this?

Father of Forty Thousand Kids

It’s impossible to find a better source of life advice than your grandpa. According to this guy’s father, he shouldn’t date anyone who starts off as a smooth talker because a real person would be a little nervous about it at first.

Father Of Forty Thousand Kids

Father Of Forty Thousand Kids

When he told his father about this, he felt like he had just adopted forty thousand children because he had shared it on social media. He was ecstatic to be able to impart his wisdom to so many people.

Posing Cat

Cats are among the most adorable and majestic creatures on the planet. They do things that either awe you or make you want to film them; there’s no middle ground here.

Posing Cat

Posing Cat

There is no doubt that this adorable white cat was caught on camera dancing like a ballerina. We’re always impressed by these furry little creatures! When the cat is posing so gracefully, how can you not take pictures?

Wizard Hair

So it seems that the more gray hair a wizard has, the more powerful he is.? Apparently, this adorable 3-year-old believes that growing gray hairs does not indicate aging but rather a sign of increasing power.

Wizard Hair

Wizard Hair

Wizard hair? That’s what the kid told his dad about himself. What a sweet thing to hear from your 3-year-old. You want to be awed by their wholesomeness because of their knowledge of life.

Wave at the Boat

Waving at a boat is just as common as waving at a train. Passing boats can’t just go by without you waving. No matter if you know the person or not, you still give a friendly wave.

Wave At The Boat

Wave At The Boat

You don’t even need a reason to wave; you can just do it to show your good nature. Human connection doesn’t get much better than this, in our opinion. The world needs more people with this kind of humanity.

Nerd-Bully Relationship

You’d think bullies would target kids who appear to be nerdy or unable to defend themselves all the time. That isn’t always the case, of course. Even bullies can be friendly at times.

Nerd Bully Relationship

Nerd Bully Relationship

He appears to be picking on this good boy because he’s wearing a sweater, but the comic shows that he’s actually just being a nice guy and doesn’t mean to be mean! Just like this, we should all be kind to one another.

I Want to Be Rich

An admirable reason for wanting to earn a million dollars, similar to that of the Chinese businessman mentioned earlier in this article, should be shared by everyone reading this article.

I Want To Be Rich

I Want To Be Rich

The guy in this post has the goal of awarding scholarships to those in need. That money is what he wants to use wisely. That’s one of the most heartwarming reasons to become a millionaire we’ve heard of.

Comeback of the Year

Bullying on the internet is never acceptable. The savage retorts delivered by the bullied individuals, on the other hand, are hilarious. An extremely healthy and meaningful comeback has occurred in this instance.

Comeback Of The Year

Comeback Of The Year

In addition to the hilarious grammatical corrections for “your” and “you’re,” our favorite fact about the Dave Thomas Foundation is how many lives it has enriched. Clearly, this is the best comeback ever. Wendy’s gets a ten-point bonus.

Smile and Wave, Boys!

Waving at people on a train or any other moving vehicle has a certain charm. Waving at people on a moving train, whether as a child or an adult, is a pleasant experience.

Smile And Wave, Boys!

Smile And Wave, Boys!

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to wave at people from a much closer distance if we had the option? “Smile and wave, boys!” was the message from the Madagascar penguins.

Wholesome Notes

After all these years, seeing your grandparents still in love with each other is one of the most heartwarming feelings. The grandpa of this young girl leaves a variety of notes in numerous places.

Wholesome Notes

Wholesome Notes

While the granny is out and about, she can pick up notes that say things like, “I love you,” “you are the love of my life,” and other such sentiments. The cutest thing I’ve ever seen! We’re going to have to take a moment to scream at how delicious this is.

Wholesome Crunchy Review

We all appreciate the thoughtful gestures made on our behalf by our grandparents. Because they want nothing more than to make us happy, they’ll go to any lengths necessary. Small gifts and gifts they give us can also be helpful.

Wholesome Crunchy Review

Wholesome Crunchy Review

This kind-hearted grandparent purchased crunchies in a variety of colors for their granddaughter. This made the girl extremely happy, and she embraced them with a kiss and a bear hug. It’s so cute!

“That” Dad

The love a father has for his daughter is unlike anything else in the world. Buying his daughter the most fragrant shampoo and washing and combing her hair were just two of the many efforts this father made to ensure his daughter valued their relationship.

“That” Dad

“That” Dad

Because of his divorce, he had to give up custody of his daughter. He does, however, purchase the shampoo “suave” to serve as a reminder of the memories. So sweet, yet so sad all at the same time.

A Christmas Angel

A Christmas miracle can lift anyone’s spirits, and this post is sure to do just that for you. In the spirit of the season, this nurse decided to decorate her head with a dramatic and shiny headpiece.

A Christmas Angel

A Christmas Angel

Her actions cheered up her ICU patients, who were otherwise doomed to spend the holiday alone in a hospital bed. You should be proud of yourself for making light of a bad situation. That was a joke, of course!

Forgetful But Still Adorable

What could be more heartwarming than our grandparents’ love for us? They are still full of affection, despite their age and forgetfulness. This adorable conversation between a grand-daughter and her Alzheimer’s-affected grandma proves it.

Forgetful But Still Adorable

Forgetful But Still Adorable

Despite the fact that the elderly woman cannot recall her grandchild’s name, she is certain of her love for her. This post makes our hearts melt because it exemplifies the unique bond that exists between a grandparent and a grandchild.

A Dog’s Crush

Watching our pets playfully interact with other pets or even simple objects can be a lot of fun for us all. In this case, a dog was enamored with a Christmas light decoration that resembled its real-life counterpart.

A Dog’s Crush

A Dog’s Crush

Because it’s impossible not to smile when you see this, we’re overjoyed that this dog lover snapped the funny situation. We could look at this picture of a small fox dog among the twinkling lights and snow-covered trees all day.

World’s Greatest Bus Driver

It’s common for kids to have a respectful relationship with their bus driver, but this post takes things a step further. This bus driver casually asked the children on board what they wanted for Christmas while driving them to school one morning.

World’s Greatest Bus Driver

World’s Greatest Bus Driver

He went out and bought a present for each of the children, as requested. Is it possible to picture their expressions? A real-life, bus-driving Santa Claus brought a smile to our faces with his generosity.

Super Dad

This man is the real deal, despite the fact that many children see their parents as heroes. His two daughters are lucky to have a father like him because he can fly like Superman and is the most loving and considerate person they know.

Super Dad

Super Dad

With his daughters by his side, he recounts his decision to leave a 40-year career at a major airline and begin anew at a smaller one. As soon as we saw this picture, our hearts swelled to the size of Christmas trees.

The Happiest Driver

One of the best things in life is meeting a kind and cheerful bus driver, and this post from yet another one has brought a smile to our faces. For the better part of two decades, this man was homeless and couldn’t get a job.

The Happiest Driver

The Happiest Driver

He is now an award-winning bus driver in London, as evidenced by the post. His beginnings were bleak, but he eventually turned his life around and achieved success. It was a happy ending, wasn’t it?

The Graduate

You can’t help but smile after reading this touching post. A photo of a young woman in her graduation gown and her parents in the fields where they worked was shared on social media by the young woman.

The Graduate

The Graduate

It’s no surprise that her post went viral because the storyline here is so powerful and evocative of the American Dream. As her story truly warms our hearts, it was covered by a number of media outlets.

A Miraculous Recovery

One of the most heartbreaking things is to hear about a child who is ill or unable to move. It’s always exciting to hear about someone’s miraculous recovery. The father of a young girl who was unable to walk took to social media to share his joy at seeing her progress.

A Miraculous Recovery

A Miraculous Recovery

As a result of hearing this, our hearts are now singing and dancing in unison. This post serves as a gentle reminder to all of us to be a little more appreciative of our good health!

In Loving Memory

The death of a loved one is never easy to deal with, but there are ways to cherish their memory and honor their memory. This particular post serves as a poignant yet beautiful illustration of this kind of generosity in action.

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Due to her physical limitations, an elderly woman left instructions for someone else to place a rose in the water in memory of her deceased husband. After taking a picture of the moving deed, a passerby fulfilled her request.

A Frame-Worthy Text

We are frequently taken by surprise by our grandparents’ responses when we text them. It doesn’t matter if it’s their use of emojis or their understanding of texting slang. In the case of this grandma, texting with her grandchild was elevated to a new level by framing the message she received.

A Frame Worthy Text

A Frame Worthy Text

She was so taken aback by the level of cuteness in the message that she decided it was worthy of being seen on a daily. Isn’t that the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen?

When Boomer Bonds With Zoomer

Parents and other older people frequently make fun of the younger generation for their lack of knowledge of popular culture prior to their birth as well as their preference for technologically based devices such as cell phones.

When Boomer Bonds With Zoomer

When Boomer Bonds With Zoomer

A different perspective is shown in this comic if people didn’t mock or look down on each other because of the generation gap. There is nothing sweeter than seeing a father and son get to know each other.

Traditional Ramen Mug

When it comes to certain behaviors, it’s as if they’re passed down through the generations. A lot of the time, parents do things that their children end up copying. To illustrate that point, consider the following scenario.

Traditional Ramen Mug

Traditional Ramen Mug

The father took the mug from his parents to eat ramen in, and now his son has done the same. How strange that history repeats itself! The father must have had a “that’s my boy!” feeling.

250 Dollar Gram

You come across a shady individual. You enquire as to the cost of a single gram of their product. This is how much it will cost. You get a grandmother! Surely no one could have predicted that this comic would take such an uplifting turn.

250 Dollar Gram

250 Dollar Gram

Having a grandma is truly a blessing. You’re fed to the gills, have your sweaters knit for you, are showered with sweets, and so much more. The young man in your life thinks the world of you, Granny.

She Makes Money

In some cases, people can be rude to others for no apparent reason. It’s as if they exist solely for the purpose of ruining other people. Her blizzard drink didn’t have enough chocolate chips for this “Karen” to complain about.

She Makes Money

She Makes Money

She screamed at her all the time, making an effort to make her feel bad about herself. As a result, the boomer keeps threatening to keep tipping the teenage cashier until she stops yelling. At its most generous, aggressive generosity!

I’ll Be There With You, Hooman

Dogs are said to be man’s best friend. This good boy was unquestionably our man’s best friend, and now that he’s off to college, he won’t be seeing his dog for a while.

I’ll Be There With You, Hooman

I’ll Be There With You, Hooman

So his mother created a custom cardboard cutout of his dog, which he can take to college and look at whenever he misses his best friend. What a thoughtful present his mother gave him!