Funny Customer Reviews of Online Shopping Disappointments

Published on 06/01/2023
Funny Customer Reviews Of Online Shopping Disappointments

Funny Customer Reviews Of Online Shopping Disappointments

Online purchases are risky because you never know what you’re going to get until the package arrives at your door. A stylish shirt at a price you won’t find in a store, or one whose high quality more than makes up for its low price. One thing that will always happen in the world of online shopping is that customers will talk about their purchases after receiving them. You’re in luck, because along with the reviews come pictures that will make you laugh out loud. You can expect to have a good time reading them.

Right Timing

Right Timing

This is one of those times when you’ll understand it “when you see it.” At first glance, there does not appear to be anything wrong with this picture; it appears to be merely an average girl flaunting the most recent crop top that she recently purchased online for the low price of 6.95 Australian dollars. Then you take a closer look, followed by yet another look, and at that point, you finally notice it. A guy is relieving himself while sitting on the toilet seat in the bathroom. Before taking this picture, surely this woman could have waited for him to finish what he was doing before doing so. But she didn’t, so the embarrassing moment when this guy had to use the bathroom is now captured in a picture that will live on in perpetuity on the internet. The upbeat news is that he was also participating in the photo shoot by striking a pose.

Spot the Difference

To begin, we are really surprised by how low the cost of this wig is, especially considering that, based on the reviewer’s photo, it appears to be of a satisfactory level of quality. On the other hand, his photograph is quite fuzzy. In any case, this picture made its way onto this list due to the fact that it is a customer favorite on People could not get over how iconic this man looked in the wig that he had purchased, and they were impressed by his confidence in posting it online for the world to see.

Spot The Difference

Spot The Difference

We adore this guy because he made this wig so gender-neutral. We think he’s awesome, especially considering how much of a ruckus he’s making with that picture he posted on the customer review board. 

It Shrank

This is one of those things that doesn’t make any kind of sense to either one of us. When the people who made this dress put effort into designing it, getting a model to wear it, and so on, why on earth would they go out of their way to completely mess up the production of it? That doesn’t make sense to us. At this point, you might as well make the thing according to the correct standards. However, on the other hand, if they had done that, we wouldn’t have this hilarious photo of the review.

It Shrank

It Shrank

When you shop online, you expose yourself to this potential danger. It is impossible to predict whether the delivered package will contain the item you ordered, a different version of the item, or the same item but with incorrect proportions.

Doing Your Own Makeup With This

If you want to create a fun house or a wacky mirror room within the confines of your own home, you should look into purchasing the kind of mirrors that are described in this article. On the other hand, if you wanted to regularly observe your appearance in a mirror, you would not choose to buy one of the types described here. Because of the way these mirrors distort whatever they reflect, they are not suitable for that purpose; if you use them, your makeup will turn out all wrong.

Doing Your Own Makeup With This

Doing Your Own Makeup With This

It would appear that this lady had to learn this lesson the hard way after purchasing these “affordable” items online. And despite the fact that she did not end up with the mirror that she desired, all of us ended up with something that is much more beneficial: this review.

Just A Pillow

The story that goes along with this photo is actually pretty hilarious. It would appear that the original poster of this photo went above and beyond the call of duty in order to present his girlfriend with a pillow featuring his likeness so that she could use it while she was away at school. Unfortunately, nothing went according to plan. Just try to picture yourself sharing a warm embrace with this thing. As long as this cursed pillow, which is shaped more like a potato, was within close proximity, his girlfriend wouldn’t dream while they were sleeping.

Just A Pillow

Just A Pillow

Despite that, this boyfriend went out of his way to do something sweet for his girlfriend. They did say that romance is dead, didn’t they? If this is what romance looks like, then perhaps it has run its course.

Halloween Costume?

This is a hair-drying cap, and we all know that drying caps for one’s hair should be worn on one’s head. The woman pictured below wears her drying cap on her head, which is exactly how drying caps should be worn, and as a result, she is employing this product in the manner that the manufacturers intended it to be used. Despite the fact that we are aware of this fact, we still can’t shake the nagging feeling that there must be some other application for this product.

Halloween Costume.

Halloween Costume.

There is simply no way in the world that this could possibly be a genuine hair-drying cap. Have you ever seen a cap for drying your hair that looked quite as ridiculous as this one? It appears to have been taken from a low-budget science fiction movie.

Ma’am, Those Were Meant to Hang From Your Ears

When this woman purchased these earrings for herself, we are unsure what kind of Halloween-themed vibe she was going for because she did not elaborate. But in all honesty, she is not the primary offender in this scenario; the one at fault is the individual who designed these earrings. Why in the world would they cut off the heads of dolls and then put them on earrings? It gives us a spooky feeling to think about it. It’s possible that the customer agreed with you and was trying to make a point when she put the earrings in her nose piercings rather than her earlobe piercings.

Ma'am, Those Were Meant To Hang From Your Ears

Ma’am, Those Were Meant To Hang From Your Ears

Alternatively, it’s possible that she stuffed them up her nose because she was unsatisfied with the product. Despite the fact that it advertised two doll heads with luscious locks, she received dolls whose hair was pulled back into ponytails.

Not Sold Separately

This may sound contentious, but there is no way that we can be upset about this particular matter. Although we were conned, we cannot help but tip our hats to the vendor because he or she was so deft in their manipulation of us. We were under the impression that this product would be a pillowcase in the shape of a dinosaur, but it turns out that it is just a regular pillowcase with a picture of a child dozing off on a dinosaur-shaped pillowcase printed on it. They just managed to trick us into thinking that this product would be the latter.

Not Sold Separately

Not Sold Separately

It goes without saying that this is completely and utterly absurd, but at the same time, it’s quite funny. We have been duped to such an extent, and we almost feel embarrassed about it. We really ought to have had more common sense.

Flower Earrings

Even if we do say so ourselves, these flower drop earrings are pretty darn adorable. It’s possible that they’re a little too long for your liking, but if you adore springtime, flowers, and bright colors, then they could be ideal for you. Online shoppers adored this photo because it was left by someone who had previously purchased these earrings. Her aesthetic can be described as being quite gloomy and dreary, which is the complete antithesis of what people anticipated from someone who was interested in this jewelry style.

Flower Earrings

Flower Earrings

If we had to put our money on something, we would wager that she will purchase flower drop earrings in the shape of dark red roses. It’s possible that those just haven’t been released yet, and she compromised because of that.

Exceeded Expectations

You know, if we hadn’t known that the dog in the picture on the right is in fact wearing the hoodie that the dog in the picture on the left is wearing, we never would have been able to make the connection between the two. It looks like two entirely distinct pieces joined together. Moreover, if the picture on the left didn’t include the price and item details, it’s only natural for us to think that the dog on the right is the model.

Exceeded Expectations

Exceeded Expectations

Because the dog on the right is wearing the sweater in the most effortless and stylish way possible, we naturally assumed that it was a working supermodel. This is one of those unusual occurrences in which the reality ends up being superior to the expectations.

Newborn Baby’s Size

Are we right or are we right about the beauty products available today? You know, if cats wore face masks, this would have fit perfectly on a cat’s face, but there is no way that this was intended to be worn by a human being in any way, shape, or form. Simply put, we are not going to believe that. Another possibility is that it is intended to be worn by a newborn infant, as no other human being would be able to wear this facial care mask. But don’t the makers of this product realize that it’s not suitable for young children?

Newborn Baby's Size

Newborn Baby’s Size

This product might be a complete embarrassment, but the photo that was taken of it is absolutely priceless. If you find yourself in a predicament similar to this one, the only thing you can do is laugh at your misfortune.

Sunglasses And Hannah Montana Lunchbox

Sunglasses can be both fashionable and oversized; these, however, are neither fashionable nor oversized. They have such an unusual form that we suspect they were designed specifically for a minion. This ambitious person, however, was not going to let her disappointment stop her from making the most of her new pair of sunglasses. What she did resulted in a fantastic costume. She appears to be heading toward a career as a 1920s aviator (with a Hannah Montana lunchbox for good luck).

Sunglasses And Hannah Montana Lunchbox

Sunglasses And Hannah Montana Lunchbox

We are very appreciative of how well everything fits together. If she showed up to a social gathering of some kind wearing that outfit, she would unquestionably be the center of attention and the talk of the event.

Disposable Finger Covers

You’re not alone; the first time we saw one of these, we were taken aback, too. We assure you, however, that it is not what it seems. The local vendors refer to these as “finger cots” or “disposable finger covers.” People who have ever worked in a kitchen may recognize them. You see, it’s not uncommon for chefs to hurt their fingers while working. When that occurs, they use these to prevent infection in their cut finger.

Disposable Finger Covers

Disposable Finger Covers

Despite this, many people in different parts of the world who are aware of these things continue to refer to them by a different name. To tell you the truth, we have no way of determining whether or not that is accurate. They do raise some valid points.


Batman Frame

You never know when you’re going to run into trouble in today’s cities, and that’s when you’ll wish for a hero to come to the rescue. That’s why they bought those Batman shades: so they can look cool while calling in Gotham’s savior to save the day when things start to look grim.


Batman Frame

Batman Frame

Yes, it’s absolutely true; in this harsh world that we live in, which is fraught with agony and distress, there are times when the only thing we require is a hero. This individual is thinking in the right way.


Trying to Make an Extra Dollar

Hey, look! The look of your grandmother’s teeth is back in style. Who would have ever guessed that a set of false teeth would rise to the top of the alternative fashion scene? We certainly did not, but perhaps that just indicates that we are not sufficiently fashion-forward, which is something that we are definitely willing to accept about ourselves as a character flaw. If this is the current trend in alternative fashion circles, then we just don’t get it, and that’s fine with us.

Trying To Make An Extra Dollar

Trying To Make An Extra Dollar

Aren’t you glad you got in on the action before it was too late? When Grandma started selling her dentures on the internet in an effort to make a few extra bucks, she had no idea that she would unintentionally start a trend.

Foot Pic For Everyone

These days, pictures of people’s feet are all the rage, but many people won’t post them online for free. But not this particular individual. They did not do this; rather, they made a picture of their foot available for free viewing on the internet. And the image has rendered us pretty much mute as a result. Because all we can concentrate on are those extremely long toenails, we honestly are unable to determine whether or not the sandals she received match the sandals she purchased.

Foot Pic For Everyone

Foot Pic For Everyone

Let’s just say that the toenails appear to have outgrown the nail polish, which suggests that it may be time for a pedicure.

Who Loves Fried Chicken?

Have you ever loved something so much that you just wanted to have it with you (or, more specifically, around your neck) whenever and wherever you could possibly get your hands on it? That should give you an idea of how much this young lady adores chicken, more specifically fried chicken. Due to the fact that she enjoys it so much, she went out and purchased a necklace that features a chicken wing pendant that looks very lifelike. Perhaps it is true, and this is a brand-new way to eat something on the run.

Who Loves Fried Chicken

Who Loves Fried Chicken

This product is pretty hilarious, regardless of whether it’s genuine or not. We would be overjoyed if one of our friends were to visit us at our home while wearing this necklace.

Smallest Chair In The World

We are pleased to introduce to you, ladies and gentlemen, the chair that holds the record for being the smallest in the world! Behold! Take a look at this miniature chair in all of its teeny-tiny glory. There is, in all honesty, nothing in this world that quite matches the level of excitement that a chair with an absurdly large or hilariously small size can provide. However, our sympathies go out to the unfortunate person who purchased this chair under the impression that they would be receiving a real chair that they can use. I’m afraid not, not at this time. You get to sit in the more intimate chair!

Smallest Chair In The World

Smallest Chair In The World

As in, we have a good feeling about the fact that this chair is no bigger than a child’s index finger. That’s how little it is. It’s crazy how online shopping works, but if a deal looks like it’s too good to be true, there’s a good chance that it is.

Lookin’ Like Sid

When you buy things from the internet, you never really know what you’re going to get because sometimes you order one thing and get something else, and other times you get exactly what you asked for. The only way to know for sure is to place your order (which, as we know from the proverb “be careful what you wish for,” can end up being much worse than what you had imagined). It appears that somebody’s wish was granted in this situation, which is exactly what they wanted.

Lookin' Like Sid

Lookin’ Like Sid

Possible to say that he appears dissatisfied or disappointed in any way, shape, or form. Just take a look at this dude slaying it in his small shades. Respect, bud, you’re killing it in those shades.

A Good Girl

Look, we love dogs. The only thing we love more than dogs themselves are dogs dressed up in clothes. There is, without a doubt, nothing cuter in all of this vast and wonderful world. That statement has our full and unqualified support. Having said that, adorable dresses of this kind that are designed for small dogs don’t really work very well for larger canines, do they? It’s not like the larger dogs can’t wear them; it’s just that they always seem to look just a tad bit off. Like, it’s not like they can’t wear them.

A Good Girl

A Good Girl

But I think that contrast between reality and expectations is probably what makes it so endearing. Although it appears that the pit bull is about to emerge from the dress, the photo is still very cute.

Rockin’ It!

This is identical to all of those experimental and cutting-edge outfits that are worn by models at high-end fashion shows. Do you think they’re pretty? Maybe. Are you curious about them? They most certainly are. Are they comfortable enough to wear on a regular basis? We are going to make the assumption that the answer to that question is “yes” because both of the women appear to be in a state of ease. And despite the fact that they both look amazing, it is quite surprising to see how differently the garment fits the model in comparison to the buyer.

Rockin' It!

Rockin’ It!

We sincerely hope that the customer was pleased with her purchase, despite the fact that the model sported a very different vibe while wearing the item. She is killing it right now!

Pixie Dream

Therefore, this wig was designed specifically for those who aspire to be Manic Pixie Dream Girls. And this guy, despite the fact that he does not exactly fit the “girl” part of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl description, went ahead and bought this wig for himself despite the fact that he does not care in the least. We feel obligated to point out that he is doing a fantastic job of pulling off that wig, and we think that his flashy glasses are the ideal choice of eyewear to complement his rainbow getup.

 Pixie Dream

Pixie Dream

We’re confident that this hilarious review image will convince many others to purchase the product, even though he may not have been the exact person the makers of this wig had in mind.

“50 Shades of Grey”

When it comes to examples of online shopping gone wrong, this has got to be one of the funniest ones that we have ever seen. You never know who the seller is or what kind of trick they have up their sleeve to make sure that you don’t receive whatever was advertised on eBay, and this situation is a perfect illustration of the potential dangers that can arise from using the website. And despite that, we have to say that this has got to be one of the most original con jobs that we’ve ever seen. It’s also one of the silliest.

50 Shades Of Grey

50 Shades Of Grey

The seller probably didn’t make all that much money off of this transaction; how much does a copy of 50 Shades of Grey even cost? We don’t imagine it to be very much. However, we are guessing that it is still a significantly lower cost than printing these shenanigans.

Crazy for Turkey

The amazing thing about this picture is the contrast between the way the dog is wearing the chicken hat and the way the cat is wearing the chicken hat. Both animals are wearing the same hat. The cat exudes an air of regal bearing and superiority as if it were the turkey’s rightful king. The strangest thing about the dog is that he appears to have completely lost his mind. It appears that the turkey hat has had a profound effect on him, and we adore his new wild appearance.

Crazy For Turkey

Crazy For Turkey

It is not an exaggeration to say that this dog is completely deranged. Turkey-crazy, to be more specific. We are curious to see what he would do if he were presented with a real piece of turkey. It is highly likely that he would set fire to the house.

Futuristic Glasses

Even to the most naive of onlookers, it is painfully obvious that the woman standing right in front of us is a time traveler who has arrived from the future. Despite the fact that we are by no means specialists in the field of time travel. There is literally no other way that any of us could ever even conceive of explaining that outfit of hers. The only thing left to do is investigate further to find out what year she was born. It’s a safe bet to say that she hails from the year 2150 A.D.

Futuristic Glasses

Futuristic Glasses

This lady may or may not be from the future, but one thing is for certain: she is extremely ahead of the curve when it comes to fashion. Her fashion sense is undeniably cutting-edge, and we admire and respect that about her.

He’s Wearing a Wig

Hey, listen. Please move in a little closer so that we can tell you something that is a secret. This gentleman, on the other hand, is concealing the fact that he is donning a wig by wearing a relatively few people. Now, agree to keep this between the two of us, okay? We have no reason to believe that this individual’s practice of wearing wigs has in any way damaged his reputation. Unfortunately, you are unable to both have your cake and eat it. On the other hand, a Halloween Two-Tone Long Curly Wig can be yours for just 16 Australian Dollars.

He's Wearing A Wig

He’s Wearing A Wig

You did read that correctly — doesn’t that sound like a deal to you? All of this could be yours for the low, low price of 16 Australian dollars, which, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the Australian currency, is roughly equivalent to 10 US dollars.

Suffocated Toes

Oh my goodness, those shoes are suffocating those poor feet. Please remove them. Please try to loosen those straps just a little bit, and if that isn’t possible, it’s probably best if you just completely gave up on these shoes altogether rather than trying to do anything else with them. I mean, seriously. Although we are aware that there are some individuals who support the notion that one must endure pain for the sake of fashion, there must come a point at which one declares “Enough is enough.” This is taking things to an absurdly extreme level by choking your feet.

Suffocated Toes

Suffocated Toes

We have no doubt that shoppers who were considering purchasing these shoes were persuaded not to do so after seeing this image. They are simply not worth the trouble of putting your feet through for them.

The Thug Life Chose Him

So while the rest of us were working, eating, breathing, or whatever else it was that we were doing, this guy went ahead and bought himself a pair of the Thug Life shades, which can be seen in the ubiquitous Thug Life meme. If that isn’t dedication, then we don’t know what is. Now that’s commitment. This guy is really committed to the meme that they are using.

The Thug Life Chose Him

The Thug Life Chose Him

The fact that the Thug Life meme has been extinct for a considerable amount of time is perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this. But this man didn’t give a damn about it. He bet everything he had.

Ain’t Helpful At All

You know, you would expect a dog wearing a pink skirt to be a delightful creature full of joyful whimsy and jovial elegance. You would think that because of the skirt. But if you were searching for the dog’s antonyms, you would not have thought to apply those words to him. In all seriousness, this itty-bitty puppy is sending out some agitated vibes. We are unsure of what has driven him to such rage (the fact that he is wearing a skirt is a possibility), but one thing is certain: we do not want to provoke him.

Ain't Helpful At All

Ain’t Helpful At All

It’s funny how the tamest dogs are always the ones that get into the most mischief. It’s almost as if, the more physically incapable they are, the crazier and more aggressive they become for no apparent reason at all. Dogs are strange.

Fish Got Moldy

It is a real shame that things that appear to be vibrant, colorful, and full of life when you check them out while shopping online can turn out to be lifeless and drab when you actually get your hands on them in person. It’s a shame that you always have to pay for them before actually getting the chance to examine them in person, but that’s just one of the many things that’s unfortunate about the situation. Because of this, many people have been let down over the course of these many years.

Fish Got Moldy

Fish Got Moldy

However, this is just one of the many problems that come with shopping online as it is currently practiced. There is really nothing that can be done about that. In addition, you always have the option to send the item back to the person who sent it to you.

Cool Dog

This is what the people who made this dog dress had in mind when they labored over the design of it for an extremely extended period of time, searching for the appropriate materials for it, searching for a good place to make it, and so on and so forth. When we look at this picture, we can’t help but wonder what our reaction would have been had we spent countless hours laboring over the creation of this doggy dress. If the truth be known, we most likely would enjoy it.

Cool Dog

Cool Dog

However, we are able to comprehend how the designer of this dress could have come across this picture and experienced a great deal of distress. Taking everything into consideration, this was in no way what he had in mind at all.

Fight Between Cats and Dogs

There is one and only one reason why this hat looks quite silly when it is being worn by that dog; obviously, it was designed to be worn by cats. That is something that can’t be avoided under any circumstances. Although there’s no denying the fact that dog is adorable, owners should remind their pets to stay in their own lane every once in a while. It’s impossible for him to keep biting the culture of cats forever. It is inevitable that he will, at some point in time, develop a character all his own.

Fight Between Cats And Dogs

Fight Between Cats And Dogs

This is yet another appalling example of cats and dogs co-opting other cultures without proper acknowledgment. It’s starting to look more and more likely to us that they’ll never get along with one another. It’s possible that achieving pet peace will be an impossible task.

Secret Agent Vibe

This guy seems to have what it takes. It seems that he is more than capable of doing the job; he is ready, willing, and able to do it. This individual is the type who will offer to complete a task on your behalf. If you give him something to do, he will complete it without complaint. It’s staring you in the face; it’s written all over his face. He will do whatever it is he was destined to do, even if it requires him to travel to hell and back, and he won’t grumble about it.

Secret Agent Vibe

Secret Agent Vibe

Although we have no way of knowing for sure, the fact that this man is wearing sunglasses gives the impression that he is the type of person described above. There’s something about really tiny sunglasses that just gives off that vibe. There might be something about them.

A Lost Dinosaur!

This photograph serves as photographic evidence of the identification of a previously unidentified ancient species of dinosaur known as the Puppersorous Rex. Take a look at him with his imposingly long neck and his bright pink scarf that reaches all the way up to the top of his head. In all honesty, this has to be one of the most elegant and delicate species that existed in the ancient and prehistoric world. We are overjoyed that researchers were eventually successful in finding his skeletal remains. This has enormous ramifications for the field of science.

A Lost Dinosaur!

A Lost Dinosaur!

An ancient dinosaur as is abundantly clear; rather, it is merely a dog who is wearing an amusingly small Headrester around his head. Okay, let’s get serious about this. But, isn’t he just the cutest little thing ever?


There are some products that we have absolutely no idea how to use. We don’t understand why anyone would create something like this, why anyone would buy something like this, or why any respectable e-commerce platform would ever allow something like this to be sold on their platform. We are completely confused by this.



However, just because we don’t understand it doesn’t mean that other people haven’t discovered that this product is helpful in some way. We’ll just say that we hope they continue to succeed.

Too Big

This guy seriously believed he was Harry Potter. Man. It has been determined that he is not Harry Potter; after all, the glasses do not appear to be a good fit for him, so Harry Potter can’t be him. How disheartened must he have been when the glasses that he had been waiting so anxiously for finally arrived in the mail, only for him to discover that they were twice as big as his actual face? We can only hazard a guess as to how demoralized this individual felt.

Too Big.

Too Big.

Our hearts go out to this individual in every way. It is not simple to experience such profound dissatisfaction. We should know; the course of our lives has been a long and arduous journey filled with misery and letdowns.

Clear Sandals

The individual who came up with the idea of a pair of plastic slippers was clearly possessed by some sort of evil spirit, but one thing we are certain of is that wearing them must be excruciatingly painful. This poor woman’s feet are going to get scraped up pretty bad if she decides to walk around town in those pieces of plastic, so she had better brace herself for a whole world of pain if she plans on doing that.

Clear Sandals

Clear Sandals

We are offering prayers for this woman, her poor choice of shoes, and her even poorer chafed feet. Please pray for her. She will, at some point in the future, come across a pair of shoes that are worthy of her and her needs.